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  • Öğe
    Tracking changes in EFL learners' motivation: A study on the components of L2 self-system
    (JOURNAL LANGUAGE TEACHING & LEARNING, 2022) Üstünbaş, Zafer; Üstünbaş, Ümran
    This paper presents a concurrent study adopting a mixed method research design and was conducted to investigate components of broadly defined L2 motivational self-system (L2MSS); particularly learning experience and changes of the future L2 self-image through several background factors such as gender and proficiency. For this purpose, data were gathered from 125 EFL learners studying at the School of Foreign Languages of a state university in Turkey. Also, 13 semi-structured interviews were held in order to get a deeper understanding into the emerging results. To this end, the results indicated that the participants' main source of L2 motivation was ideal L2 self, which means they are intrinsically motivated to learn and have a positive future image in terms of learning English. Also, female students were found to have a higher ideal L2 self than male students. Finally, the findings showed that the participants, particularly the ones with a low level of language proficiency experienced positive changes in their future L2 self-image at the preparatory program of the school compared to their previous language learning experiences, thus, possibly suggesting that there might be discrepancies among levels of educational system in Turkey, which needs to be handled as an implication in the future research as well.
  • Öğe
    Systemic change in a higher education institution: Inquiring into organizational and instructional transformation
    (Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2021) İpek, Ömer Faruk; Karaman, A. Cendel
    Changes often occur in organizational systems due to the technology, new methods, new understandings and emerging needs. This study examined the reasons, components, roles of the people involved and results of the systemic change process at a university preparatory department by using a self-initiated, prescriptive, and planned systemic change process. The aim of the study is to investigate how the planned systemic change initiative was processed and implemented. Data were collected over a two-year period. Data sources included documents, field notes based on observations, focus group interviews with alumni, and semi-structured interviews with stakeholders within the institution. Systems and systemic change conceptual frameworks guided the interpretative analysis of data. Findings showed that the system requires powerful reasons for change and there needs to be change in the components of the system such as organization, curriculum, communication and assessment. The analysis also highlighted the crucial role individuals play in the systemic change process. In this systemic change inquiry, a transformational pattern within the organizational and instructional domains emerged. The five main themes that relate to this process were: motivation, standards, structural change, whole school involvement and leadership.
  • Öğe
    Using effective and adequate IT tools for developing teachers' skills
    (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2017) Smyrnova-Trybulska, Eugenia; Morze, Nataliia; Pavlova, Tatiana; Kommers, Piet A. M.; Sekret, Iryna
    This article describes preliminary results of the implementation of Work Package 4 'Selection and testing new IT tools' within the framework of the international research network IRNet (www.irnet.us.edu.pl) and by researchers from partner institutions from Portugal, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Turkey. These results relate to an analysis and study of a category of IT tools for making presentations and didactic videos, for formative continuous assessment (real-life and online), remote collaborative work and virtual meetings, virtual rooms, learning management systems for educational process support, online tutoring and social media. The package period has been divided into main stages: 1-5.
  • Öğe
    Language learning strategy use of university preparatory school students
    (Kamla-Raj Enterprises, 2017) İpek, Ömer Faruk; Yeşilbursa, Ayşegül Amanda
    This descriptive quantitative study intended to investigate (1) the language learning strategies used by learners of English as a foreign language, (2) to find out the difference in their strategy use and (3) the correlation of these strategies with students' academic achievement at university preparatory school situated in the western part of Turkey between 445 (168 male, 277 female) students participated in the study. An inventory about language learning strategies was used to gather data and all tests were run with SPSS 16.0. The results showed that students mostly use social and metacognitive strategies. Moreover, both successful and unsuccessful students use these two strategies while learning English as a foreign language. Lastly, while the correlation rate is high between metacognitive and social strategies regarding academic achievement, it is low between social and memory strategies.
  • Öğe
    Designing the syllabus of the course “internet technologies in translation” with the reference to the translation competences and challenges of the market
    (Univ Silesia, 2017) Sekret, Iryna
    The paper is aimed to shed the light upon problems of designing the content and syllabus of the course "Internet Technologies in Translation". By the method of the literature review the study discusses several research questions concerning the key competences of the effective translator, market demands to translators to perform professionally applying ICT tools, milestones in developing technologies for the purposes of the professional translation, enhancing digital competences of the pre-service translators in the context of the formal education. Based on the analysis of the recent publications and successful practices of other institutions the tentative syllabus is designed and presented in the paper. The conclusion of the article discusses solutions for the research questions as recommendations for defining the content and designing the course aimed to develop digital competences of pre-service translators.
  • Öğe
    MOOCs as an alternative tool for providing access to education for refugees: a pilot study in Turkey
    (Univ Defence, Brno, 2017) Sekret, Iryna; Döş, Bülent
    The study is aimed to bring to the discussion the problem of providing access to education for refugees via MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) as a tool which may contribute to developing an individualized path to education and, therefore, a quicker adaptation to the environments of the hosting countries for refugees. With this purpose the educational potential of the MOOCs to meet refugees' learning needs is analyzed based on the responses from the university instructors on their usage of ICT tools in teaching, general attitude towards MOOCs and applicability of MOOCs to the refugees' situation. The methods of the study include literature review, observation, analysis of recent case studies, and semi-structured interview. Based on the research results and analysis of the current practices of MOOCs designed for the learning needs of the refugees in different countries, the paper outlines in brief the learning needs which may be targeted by MOOCs and perspectives of involving the university instructors from Turkey to the MOOCs practices.
  • Öğe
    Designing module "presence and online tutoring" for the massive open online course "ict tools for e-learning"
    (Univ Defence, Brno, 2017) Sekret, Iryna; Morze, Nataliia
    The authors disclose their experience of designing one module of the course, considering main steps in the process, specifics of the teamwork, the module's structure and content, forms of the teaching material representation, ICT tools applied. The study is accompanied with a list of problems which were encountered during the process of the module design, and solutions found in the process of work. Due to the fact that MOOC remains to be a pedagogical novice and there is a scarcity of instructions on designing the MOOC course, the study is believed to contribute to the development of the MOOC methodology and instructional design in online learning by sharing actual experience and discussing applied problems. The methods of the research include literature analysis, reviewing the findings of the recent projects and case studies in the area of MOOC, analysis of the authors' own experience.
  • Öğe
    Enhancing development of the pre-service translators' professional competences via the project work: a case study
    (Center Higher Education Studies, 2017) Sekret, Iryna
    The study is purposed to shed the light upon of the experience of introducing project work in the pre-service translators' training as a means of enhancing development of their professional competences together with their professional awareness by obtaining early practical insights into translation as a profession. The case study is urged by the fact that while studying at the university and taking theoretical courses on Translation the students tend to loose their learning motivation, being Overwhelmed with the theoretical material and unable to adjust theories to their preliminary beliefs about translation as a profession. Having scarcity of the language experience and a conviction that the translator's profession is totally practical, the students come up with constant questioning on the necessity to enter theoretical discourse on translation studies perceiving it as a burden in their training program. Considering the fact that the theoretical courses on Translation Studies are taught to the students during their first years of the university training and their theoretical immaturity in terms of abilities to comprehend complexity of the translation theories, the author of the study views it as an absolute need to budge the theoretical knowledge with the real profession of the translator in order to demonstrate to the students a direct connection and cause-effect relations between the theory and practice in the area of translation. Moved by the specified conditions the project work was designed and implemented into the course "Introduction to Translation" and "Linguistics" in order to bring the students to gain practical insights into the real context of the language functioning and translators' profession via interacting with different social communities, in-service translators, observing translators' work and interviewing them on their actual experiences and professional routines. Another concern of the case study was to evaluate the project work in terms of its potential to develop professional competences of pre-service translators considering the fact that traditional methods of teaching rather theoretical than practical and rather transmitting the knowledge than constructing and developing competences. The research entailed such methods as teaching experiment, free and structured interviewing, analysis of the students' reflections on their infield experience, observation. By this case study it was proved that implementation of the project work allows broadening the context of learning, overstepping the limits of the classroom and complexity of the theoretical input via connecting learning with the actual experiences and communities which deal with languages and translation. Realisation of the project work requires and develops not only knowledge part of the professional competence but involves much broader range of skills and competences which are not attainable under the conditions of the traditional lecturing. The findings and conclusions of the study are believed to contribute to the methodology of training pre-service translators in terms of applying more effective methods of teaching aimed to facilitate the development of the students' professional competences and their professional awareness.
  • Öğe
    The adaptation study of justice in the classroom scale into Turkish
    (Iclel Conferences, 2016) Kepekcioğlu, Emine Selin; Argon, Türkan
    The aim of this study is to make the Turkish adaptation, validity and reliability study of Justice in the Classroom Scale which was formed by unifying Distributive and Procedural Justice in the Classroom Scales developed by Chory-Assad and Paulsel in 2004 and Interactional Justice in the Classroom Scale developed by Chory in 2007. The research sample is made up of 720 students studying at several faculties associated to Abant Izzet Baysal University. The construct validity of Distributive, Procedural and Interactional Justice in the Classroom Scales was measured by using explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses. In consequence of the analyses, the following results were obtained: 1. Distributive Justice in the Classroom Scale which has originally one-factor structure was found to have two-factor structure named as "Expected Justice in the Classroom" and "Comparative Justice in the Classroom" after being adapted into Turkish. 2. Procedural Justice in the Classroom Scale which has originally one-factor structure was found to have three-factor structure named as "Rule Justice in the Classroom", "Teaching Justice in the Classroom" and "Exam Justice in the Classroom" after being adapted into Turkish. 3. Interactional Justice in the Classroom Scale was found to have one-factor structure as it has in the original form. 4. The reliability of Distributive Justice in the Classroom Scale after being adapted into Turkish was found to be .85 through test-retest method and .91 through Cronbach alfa internal consistency method. The reliability of Procedural Justice in the Classroom Scale after being adapted into Turkish was found to be .88 through test-retest method and .94 through Cronbach alfa internal consistency method. The reliability of Interactional Justice in the Classroom Scale Scale after being adapted into Turkish was found to be .89 through test-retest method and .82 through Cronbach alfa internal consistency method.
  • Öğe
    Epistemological beliefs of teacher candidates
    (Iclel Conferences, 2016) Kepekcioğlu, Emine Selin
    The purpose of this study is to find out the epistemological beliefs of the teacher candidates attending fourth grade at the Faculty of Education associated to A.I.B.U. The data of the research was gathered by using "Epistemological Belief Scale" developed by Deryakulu and Buyukozturk (2002). The scale consists of three sub-dimensions related with 35 items. 438 students were included in the research sample. In the analysis of the data, average, standard deviation, Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis were applied. The findings of the study are as follows: (1) Teacher candidates' epistemological beliefs didn't show a significant difference according to the education type and sex variables at any sub-dimensions. (2) Teacher candidates' belief of Learning Depends on Effort didn't show a significant difference according to the department variable but their belief of Learning Depends on Ability and belief of There is Only One Unchanging Truth showed a significant difference according to the department variable.
  • Öğe
    The relationship between anxiety, motivation, self-efficacy beliefs towards english class and class success
    (Iclel Conferences, 2016) Karakış, Özlem; Çelenk, Süleyman
    The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between English language learning anxiety, motivation, self-efficacy beliefs and English class success of high school students. The sample of the present study consisted of 1505 high school students, studying at 9, 10, 11 and 12th grades in a city located in Black Sea region of Turkey. The data regarding the students' English language learning anxiety were collected through "Foreign Language Learning Anxiety Scale" developed by Horwitz, Horwitz ve Cope (1986); the data regarding the students' foreign language motivation were collected through subscales called "Motivational Intensity, Desire to Learn English, Attitudes toward Learning English and Instrumental Orientation" of "The Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB)" developed by Gardner (1985); the data regarding the students' foreign language self-efficacy beliefs were collected through subscale called "Self-efficacy" of " Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ)" developed by Pintrinch and De Groot (1990). Students' grades in relation to English classes were obtained by the researcher with the assistance of vice principals of the schools. The results of the present study demonstrated that; (1) students' anxiety towards English class, motivation, self-efficacy belief levels and English language class academic achievement did not differ according to their school type, gender, class level, parents' educational status, whether there is someone in the family (mother, father, sibling) who knows English or not, how many hours they study English on average in a week and the monthly income of the family. (2) students' English class achievement average was 69,04. In other words, English academic achievement of students was slightly above average. (3) students' anxiety towards English class, motivation and self-efficacy belief levels were high. (4) all correlations between students' anxiety towards English class, motivation, self-efficacy belief levels and English language class academic achievement were statistically significant but weak at both .05 and 0.01 level. (5) correlation between students' Social Desirability subscale scores, total scores of Social Desirability Scale and other scales was low and students were not under the influence of social desirability while answering the scale questions. (6) students' anxiety towards English class affected their English class academic achievement directly most and indirectly self-efficacy belief and motivation towards English class affected their English class academic achievement respectively. Suggestions based on the data obtained in this study can be summarized as follows; (1) In the present study, that there was a meaningful relationship between English course success and anxiety towards English course, motivation, self-efficacy belief was determined. Thus, despite students' high level of anxiety towards English course, improving their English course success can be provided by increasing their motivation and self-efficacy beliefs towards the course. (2) In the present study, students' anxiety towards English course, motivation and self-efficacy beliefs were identified as indicative of English course success. Such an approach limits casual implications as this study had a relational pattern. Therefore, longitudinal and / or experimental research that will be done in the future may reveal important results in terms of allowing the causal inferences about it.
  • Öğe
    Burnout among instructors
    (Iclel Conferences, 2016) Kepekcioğlu, Emine Selin
    The aim of the current study is to find out instructors' level of burnout. Descriptive method was used in the present study. The population of the study is made up of 231 instructors who work at Education Faculty, Science and Letters Faculty, M anagement and Business Administration Faculty, Engineering and Architecture Faculty and Faculty of M edicine associated to Abant Izzet Baysal University in Turkey in the 2007-2008 Academic Year. M aslach Burnout Inventory that was developed by M aslach and Jackson in 1986 and adapted into Turkish by Ergin (1993) was used as the data collection tool in this study. M aslach Burnout Inventory has three dimensions named as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion has 9 items, depersonalization has 5 items and reduced personal accomplishment has 8 items. Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimensions are formed of positive expressions but reduced personal accomplishment is comprised of negative expressions. The Cronbach-Alfa coefficient of consistence was found to be .86 for emotional exhaustion, .68 for depersonalization and .69 for reduced personal accomplishment in the current study. In the analysis of the data, in order to obtain the instructors' emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment, average and standard deviation were applied. The findings of the present study revealed that instructors' emotional exhaustion and reduced personal accomplishment levels were low but their depersonalization level was very low.
  • Öğe
    Instructors' emotional labor and burnout
    (Iclel Conferences, 2016) Kepekcioğlu, Emine Selin
    The aim of the current study is to investigate if there is a significant relationship between instructors' emotional labor and burnout. The population of the study which is structured on relational survey model is made up of 126 instructors working at different faculties associated to a university in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Emotional Labor Scale which was developed by Diefendorff, Croyle and Grosserand in 1999 and adapted into Turkish by Basim and Begenirbas (2012) and M aslach Burnout Inventory that was developed by M aslach and Jackson in 1986 and adapted into Turkish by Ergin (1993) were used as data collection tools in this study. In the analysis of the data, in order to obtain the instructors' surface acting, deep acting, naturally felt emotions, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment, average and standard deviation and to find out the if there is a significant relationship between instructors' emotional labor and burnout Spearman Rho correlation coefficient were applied. The findings of the present study documented that instructors' exhibition of naturally felt emotions was higher than their exhibition of surface acting and deep acting and instructors' emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment was found to be low. It was found that there is a positive significant relation in a low level between instructors' exhibition of surface acting and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, but a negative significant relation in a low level between instructors' exhibition of deep acting and reduced personal accomplishment and instructors' exhibition of naturally felt emotions and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment.
  • Öğe
    On the postposition of sanı in Kutadgu Bilig
    (Ahmet Yesevi Univ, 2014) Türk, Vahit; Özalan, Uluhan
    Although Kutadgu Bilig, which is one of the most important works of the history of Turkish civilization, has been the subject of many studies, it can be claimed that, due to its rich content, all of its properties have not been put forward yet. Accordingly, its qualities that have escaped from researchers' attention are gradually being brought to light. The present study focuses on the postposition of sani, which primarily functions as an analogy and which is formed with the verb san- "to assume, to suppose" and the gerund suffix -1. The study provides information on its usage in the work, the process of its grammaticalization, and its etymology.
  • Öğe
    Why it is necessary to validate SILL?
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2013) Yeşilbursa, Amanda; İpek, Ömer Faruk
    The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (hereafter SILL, Oxford, 1990) is the most frequently employed instrument in language learning strategy research. However; many studies which have used SILL do not report the validity of the instrument in the specific research contexts. This study presents the results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of a previously validated Turkish version of SILL. The instrument was administered to 445 university English language preparatory school students. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses suggested a 4-factor model with 16 items. The findings of this study stress the importance of validating the instrument in specific research contexts. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of ALSC 2012
  • Öğe
    Dominant learning styles of preparatory class students
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Karakış, Özlem
    The aim of this study is to determine the dominant learning styles of English preparatory class students. The universe of the study, having used survey method, was 584 preparatory class students studying at a state university located in the northwest of Turkey. In order to determine the dominant learning styles of preparatory class students, "Learning Styles Inventory" developed by Kolb (1985) was used. According to the findings of the study; that 50,5 % (n-295) of the students had Assimilator, 26,9' % (n-157) of the students had Converger, 14,2 % (n-83) of the students had Diverger and 8,4 % (n=49) of the students had Accomadator learning style were found. No meaningful difference was found among the dominant styles of students according to their gender. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of The Association of Science, Education and Technology
  • Öğe
    Relationship between professional engagement, career development aspirations and motivation towards the teaching profession of prospective teachers
    (2021) Karakış, Özlem
    The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between professional engagement, career development aspirations, and motivation towards the teaching profession of prospective teachers. Having been structured both with descriptive and relational survey model, the study consisted of 460 volunteer prospective teachers attending pedagogical formation certificate program at the education faculty of a big university located in Turkey’s Western Black Sea Region. The research data was collected through the Personal Information Questionnaire, Professional Engagement and Career Development Aspirations (PECDA) Scale and Motivation Levels of Prospective Teachers towards the Teaching Profession (MLPTTP) Scale. According to the data gained from the study, it was determined that prospective teachers’ professional engagement and career development aspiration level was moderate and their motivation towards teaching profession level was high; there is a moderate, positive and significant relationship between professional engagement, career development aspirations and motivation towards teaching profession. In the light of the data gained from the present study, long-term studies can be carried out with prospective teachers, and the development of the subjects related to the present research can be monitored after they are appointed as teachers.
  • Öğe
    Native speakers as teachers in Turkey : non-native pre-service English teachers' reactions to a nation-wide project
    (2013) Coşkun, Abdullah
    Although English is now a recognized international language and the concept of native speaker is becoming more doubtful every day, the empowerment of the native speakers of English as language teaching professionals is still continuing (McKay, 2002), especially in Asian countries like China and Japan. One of the latest examples showing the empowerment of the native English speakers comes from Turkey planning to embark on a project to hire 40.000 native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) to collaborate with the local non-native English teachers (NNESTs) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes in Turkey. This study tries to reveal the preliminary reactions of pre-service NNESTs about this project through data obtained from open-ended surveys. The content analysis of the data showed that even before the project was initiated, most of the participants objected to it. Although some of the participants favored the project as they believed that the NESTs might be more helpful for students to improve speaking skills and to increase their cultural awareness, the majority of the participants held negative attitudes towards the project mainly because of employment and pedagogical concerns. Keywords: Native English-Speaking Teachers, Non-Native English Teachers, Turkey, Qualitative. © 2013: Abdullah Coşkun and Nova Southeastern University.
  • Öğe
    A case of CLIL practice in the Turkish context: Lending an ear to students
    (2013) Bozdoǧan, Derya; Karlıdağ, Buket
    Though CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) has not yet been extensively practiced in Turkey at all educational levels, it could be observed mainly at the higher education levels at some selected faculties of either state universities or private ones. This study explores the CLIL practice reflections by reporting the views of students at a state university. After data had been collected through semi-structured interviews, the findings were coded and categorized based on the principles of content analysis. The findings revealed that students considered instruction in English as a great advantage with feelings of success and self-confidence; on the other hand, students expressed that comprehension of the content in L2, specifically the terminology, was a big challenge. Additionally, they claimed that their course curricula are simpler than those in L1 as a result of CLIL practice. What's more, they feel no improvement but some regression in their productive skills after having had the one-year intensive program of preparatory courses. Content instructors could be suggested to cooperate with language teachers and be more aware of the students' language problems and seek linguistic advice. © Asian EFL Journal Press 2013.
  • Öğe
    The relationship between university students’ instructors’ credibility and perceptions of justice in the classroom
    (Kamla-Raj Enterprises, 2016) Argon, Türkan; Kepekcioğlu, Emine Selin
    The present paper examined the relation between university students’ instructors’ credibility and perceptions of justice in the classroom. Relational screening model was applied and 1439 students participated in the research. Justice in the Classroom and Instructor Credibility Scales were used as the data collection tools. In the analysis of the data, Average, Standard Deviation, and Pearson Correlation Analysis were applied. At the end of this research, it was found that the students were undecided about their feelings on their instructors’ competence, goodwill, and trustworthiness. The students’ perceptions of distributive and procedural justice in the classroom were found to be fair, but their perceptions of interactional justice in the classroom were found to be neither fair nor unfair. It was found that there was only a very low positive significant correlation between the students’ perceptions of instructors’ trustworthiness and distributive justice in the classroom. © Kamla-Raj 2016.