Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    The role of religion in the meaning and coping experiences of healthcare professionals in the process of COVID-19 pandemic
    (İlahiyat Bilimleri Araştırma Vakfı, 2022) Karagöz, Sema
    Pandemics severely affect the course of life, paving the way for the emergence of new problem areas. Although each individual is affected, healthcare professionals experience much more specific difficulties in connection with their professional duties. In addition, they face existential questions and reconsider their perspectives on life. The aim of the research is to determine the reactions of health workers during the pandemic, their meaning mechanisms, the problems they experience and their coping styles while also taking a look at the role of religion and spirituality in these processes. This is accomplished via a case study using qualitative methods. Interviews were conducted with 25 participants in a hospital or office setting. Results have been classified under 9 main themes: reactions when the pandemic was seen in world news, reactions when COVID-19 came to the country, problems experienced, the cause of the outbreak, the meaning attributed to the pandemic, sources of motivation for continuing the profession, sources of coping, evaluations on death, and changes in perspective on life. It has been determined that religious references play a role in the processes of attributing a meaning to the pandemic, motivating the continuance of the profession, coping strategies and evaluation of death. These findings inform that health workers can be studied in the context of identifying, analyzing and, if necessary, restructuring the sources of meaning during pandemic periods. In addition, a more optimistic view of the future can be achieved with an understanding that supports inner peace. In addition, support can be obtained from religious and spiritual resources in increasing their professional motivation and strengthening their ability to cope with problems.
  • Öğe
    Political thought in the Mamluk period: The unnecessary caliphate
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) İskenderoğlu, Muammer
    Rustom’s insightful introduction is also helpful in contextualizing the book’s major themesand, given his ongoing research on the thought ofʿAyn al-Quḍāt, readers can expect to learneven more aboutʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s ideas and their afterlives.1Among such issues is the possibleinfluence of Ismaili ideas on his thought, which was used to justify his murder, or the possibleinfluence ofʿAyn al-Quḍāt on Persian Muslim thinkers such asʿAzīz al-Dīn Nasafī(d. thir-teenth century), who curiously composed a book bearing a similar title,Zubdat al-ḥaqāʾiq.Nasafīwas also quite familiar withʿAyn al-Quḍāt, whom he called in admiration thesultan of lovers (sulṭān al-ʿushshāq).2Learning more about such connections can furthershed light on the significance ofʿAyn al-Quḍāt in Islamic intellectual history. One thingthat can perhaps be taken care of in future editions is the relatively small English fontused, which slightly challenges the eye. All in all, however, Rustom’s new book is a masterfultranslation, superb critical edition and comprehensive guide to the thought of one of the mostprominent Muslim thinkers whose ideas are still fairly unknown in the literature.
  • Öğe
    A modified free-will defense: A structural and theistic free-will defense as a response to James Sterba
    (MDPI, 2022) Balcı, Elif Nur Erkan
    In his book Is a Good God Logically Possible?, James Sterba argues that the Plantingian free-will defense, which reconciles the existence of a good and omnipotent God with the existence of evil, is a failed argument when it comes to the terrible evils in the world. This study discusses that Sterba's claim is invalid when Plantinga's free-will defense is modified with a structural perspective. In order to reconcile the structural and inevitable possibility of evil with God's moral imperatives, a structural free-will defense was complemented by an Islamic moral theology that Mu'tazila and its great scholar Qadi Abd al-Jabbar advanced. Such a modified free-will defense can show that the existence of all evil, including terrible ones, is still compatible with a good and omnipotent God.
  • Öğe
    Asharism encounters Avicennism: Sayf al-Din al-Amidi on creation
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) İskenderoğlu, Muammer
    bn Sīnā’sinfluence on subsequent philosophical, theological and mystical traditions has longbeen subject to intense academic study, and still much must be done. In her book, LauraHassan takes Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī(d. 631/1233) as a representative of post-AvicennanAshʿarītheology and shows the nature and extent of Ibn Sīnā’sinfluence on al-Āmidī’sthought by focusing on the problem of the creation of the world.
  • Öğe
    James P. Sterba, is a good God logically possible?
    (ILEM, 2022) Balcı, Elif Nur Erkan
    Genel olarak ateist felsefenin kötülük probleminde kullandığı iki argüman türü vardır. Bunlar mantıksal ve delilsel kötülük problemleridir. İlki ateist filozof John Mackie tarafından geliştirilmiş ve her şeye kadir bir Tanrı’nın varlığı ile kötülüğün mantıksal olarak birbirleriyle tutarsız olduğu ifade edilmiştir. Bu argümana teist filozof Alvin Plantinga “özgür irade savunusu” ile din felsefesinde oldukça iyi bilinen mantıksal bir argümanla karşı cevap vermiştir. Mantıksal kötülük argümanının Plantinga’nın cevabıyla nispeten gözden düşmesi, ikinci argüman olan delilsel kötülük argümanının gelişmesini sağlamıştır. Delilsel kötülük argümanı ise dünyada kötülüğün miktarı ve mahiyeti ile ilgili örneklere başvurarak her şeye kadir ve mutlak iyi bir Tanrı’nın var olmasının mantıksal olarak tutarsız olmasa da olası olmadığını ileri sürer. Her iki argüman biçimi de epistemik bir akıl yürütmeyi öne çıkararak Tanrı’nın varlığı ile kötülüğün varlığının birlikteliğini sorgulamaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Hafızlık deneyiminin psikolojik yaklaşımla incelenmesi
    (İlahiyat Bilimleri Araştırma Vakfı, 2023) Karagöz, Sema
    Bu çalışmada, Müslüman-Türk kültüründe değer atfedilen hafızlık ritüelinin bireylerin yaşamındaki rolü ele alınmıştır. Hafızlığa yönelme nedenlerini, hafızlığın yaşama kattığı anlamı, eğitim sürecinde yaşananları ve hafızlığın etkilerini açığa çıkarmaya çalışan bu araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması kullanılmıştır. Yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmelerin kullanıldığı araştırmada, hafız olmaya hak kazanmış 20 kişiyle ev, iş yeri veya topluma açık alanlarda yüz yüze ya da online görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere içerik analizi uygulanmıştır. Bulgular 7 ana temada sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu temalar, hafız olmaya yönelmede etkili olan faktörler, hafızlığın anlamlandırılması, hafızlık yapma sürecinde ve sonrasında yaşanan sıkıntılar, hafızlığın başa çıkmayla ilişkisi, hafızlığın yaşam tarzını şekillendirmedeki rolü, Tanrı tasavvuru ve hafızlık eğitiminin bireye etkileridir. Sonuç itibariyle denilebilir ki hafızlık eğitimi ve hafızlık kişilerin yaşamında çok boyutlu bir etki alanına sahiptir. Yaşamda amaçlar belirlemek ve yaşama anlam kazandırmakta bir referans kaynağıdır. Bunun yanında, kişilerin yaşamlarını şekillendirme fonksiyonuna sahiptir ve Tanrı tasavvurlarının oluşumunu etkilemektedir. Ayrıca hafızlık eğitimi çeşitli zorlukları barındıran bir süreçtir ve başa çıkmayla yakından ilişkilidir. İlerleyen süreçlerde ise hafızlık başlı başına bir başa çıkma stratejisine dönüşebilmektedir. Hafızlık eğitiminin bireyin tutum ve davranışlarında birtakım etkilere ve değişimlere yol açtığı da tespit edilen bir diğer önemli bulgudur. Hafızlık bağlamında din psikolojisi bakış açısıyla yapılacak nitel ve nicel araştırmaların önem taşıyacağı düşünülmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Islam and the Arab revolutions: The Ulama between democracy and autocracy
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) İskenderoğlu, Muammer
    The so-called‘Arab revolutions’that Middle Eastern societies experienced in the last decadeneed to be carefully examined from different perspectives. In this book, Usaama al-Azamiconsiders the role played by religious scholars, the so-called‘ulama’, in this period, focusingon the Egyptian case.
  • Öğe
    Leaving the Muslim Brotherhood: Self, Society and the State
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) İskenderoğlu, Muammer
    Every human being is a political being according to the definition given by Aristotle. This further means that every person, as a consequence of his or her living in a society, has the tendency voluntarily to join a group or an organization to which he/she feels emotionally, ideologically or politically connected. The cultural, ideological or psychological growth of a person may have an influence and an impact on the emotional and organizational attachments and preferences shown in stages of his or her life. Disengagement from any group, be it social, political or military, is a complex process and, to understand it, various aspects of this process need to be taken into consideration.
  • Öğe
    Mysticism and ethics in Islam
    (ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2023) İskenderoğlu, Muammer
    Ethics has been a major concern of the various traditions in Islam but, while the ethical con-cerns of Muslim philosophers and theologians have been well covered in academic studies,Sufiethics seems to remain relatively unexplored. This is because of a misunderstandingthat developments in ethics in Islam are to be measured against those of ancient Greece,which excludes Sufitexts from the inquiry. This edited book, which emerged from a set ofpapers read at a conference held at the American University of Beirut in 2019, is one ofthe recently published works in thefield that attempt to explore the relationship betweenethics and Sufism and bring out ethical categories that go beyond those of the Greeks. It con-sists of 25 chapters, arranged in four parts: the early period, the classical period, the late pre-modern period, and the modern and contemporary periods. Since there is not enough spacehere to describe all the contents, selected examples will be examined to show the nature of theinquiries the book sets out
  • Öğe
    Salafi social and political movements: National and transnational contexts
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) İskenderoğlu, Muammer
    Salafi movements, despite their limited following, seem to take a major share in the discussions of Islamic movements. This edited book, which emerged from a set of papers read at the ‘Future of Salafism’ conference held in Oxford in 2018, is one of the recently published works in the field that present discussions and developments within contemporary Salafism. It consists of ten articles, arranged under three parts: changes in Salafi thought, Salafi movements on the ground, and Salafi jihadism and inter-group competition.
  • Öğe
    Remisyon sürecindeki lösemi tanılı çocukların anne-babalarının başa çıkma süreçlerinde dinin rolü
    (Hitit University, 2021) Karagöz, Sema
    The diagnosis of paediatric cancer is a source of intense stress for both the child and all family members. The plans of the whole family are suddenly ruined. Now, new plans and challenges await the family. Familial adaptation problems, financial difficulties, increasing needs for care, change of social relations and long-term hospitalizations are some of the problem areas that families face. Families resort to some coping approaches when trying to adapt to these stressful problems. When examining these coping attitudes, it has been determined that there is no study on the position of religion in our country. In this context, the main purpose of this study is to determine the meaning that the parents of children diagnosed with leukaemia attribute to leukaemia, the problems they experience, the religious coping activities they use while dealing with problems and the points that can be considered in the psychological support services to be provided. Interview technique, which is one of the qualitative methods, was used in order to determine the experiences of the parents of children with leukaemia in remission. Among the interview techniques, semi-structured interviews were used. Before creating semi-structured interview questions, studies conducted with parents of children with leukaemia were examined. Care was taken to ensure that the questions prepared were open-ended, non-leading and plain. Purposive sampling method was preferred to determine the research group. Among purposive sampling methods, the snowball technique was utilized. Criterion sampling was also used because the children diagnosed with leukaemia were required to have been in remission for at least two years. First of all, a family that was experiencing this process was reached in the environment. Then, through guidance, communication with other parents was ensured. Each participant was first interviewed on the phone and informed about the research. Then, interviews lasting an average of 45 minutes were conducted with parents who stated that they would volunteer. It was observed that parents experienced quite complex processes when they learned about the diagnosis of leukaemia. In particular, intense sadness, shock, denial, anger and despair manifest in this period. It was determined that, after learning about the diagnosis, parents attempted to find explanations for why their children had leukaemia. These self-made explanations by the parents were observed to be closely related to their attitude towards their child, the disease history of the child and the family, and the developmental characteristics and living conditions of the child. An important point that draws attention in the statements of the parents is the attitude of blaming themselves or their spouse. It was found that the parents did not explain the leukaemia in the child solely based on their life experiences but that they also attributed a spiritual meaning to it. The meaning attributed by the participants to this disease was mainly an Islamic reference. The concepts of trial, warning, punishment, destiny, duty and trust came to the fore. It was observed that the parents participating in the study suffered many difficulties beginning from the first symptoms of leukaemia. With the initiation of treatment, parents are faced with an unfamiliar terminology and various needs. In addition, they experience difficulties such as financial problems, difficulties in social relations, family incompatibilities, distancing and labelling. It was determined that parents used their individual and environmental resources to cope with all these difficulties. They turn to their personal resources such as daily relaxing activities, religious activities and motivation by the presence of the child, and they are also fed by external resources such as close relatives, healthcare teams and social aid organizations. Turning to religious practices was important for parents in the process of coping with difficulties. It was found that, among religious coping activities, parents mostly used prayer. In addition to prayer, religious services like reading the Qur’an, performing salaat, and visiting mosques and tombs were supportive for them. Consequently, it was determined that religion played an important role for the participants both in making sense of the leukaemia disease and in dealing with the difficulties brought by the treatment process. It is important to consider religious and spiritual elements in support activities to be offered to families from the first day of diagnosis.
  • Öğe
    Islam in modern Turkey
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) İskenderoğlu, Muammer
    In this work, Kim Shively takes Turkey as a case study for examining the role of Islam in majority Muslim countries and considers the venture of Islam through the history of the modern Turkish Republic. The book seems to be a rearrangement of Shively’s original research done in the 1990s on ‘the formulation of secularism in Turkey and how it affected the lives and thinking of pious groups in Turkey’s cities’ (xvi). To present it in a shorter and more accessible form, she has rearranged the content to emphasize national development and the rise and transformation of various institution from the beginning of the Turkish Republic to the present, providing references to the Ottoman era where relevant. With this aim in view, Shively has arranged the book into eight chapters.
  • Öğe
    Gaining entrepreneurship skills in mathematics education: The middle school mathematics course curriculum of Turkey
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS, 2022) Tarhan, Murat; Akkaş, Elif Nur; Ayvaz, Ülkü
    The aim of this study is to determine the objectives in the Middle School Mathematics Course Curriculum that can be associated with entrepreneurship education and to prepare activities/questions related to these objectives to be studied in gaining entrepreneurship skills. The curriculum was examined according to the framework developed by Tarhan (2019b), which consists of the dimensions of business idea, finance, product design and production, promotion and marketing, and investment within entrepreneurship education. The data obtained through the examination of the objectives were analyzed by descriptive analysis, and it was determined that at least one objective could be associated with each of the dimensions at each grade level. In total, 42 objectives in the learning domains of 'numbers and operations, geometry and measurement, algebra, probability, and data processing' were determined related to the dimensions of entrepreneurship skills. Accordingly, sample activities/questions to be studied in gaining 20 different sub-skills of entrepreneurship education were prepared and it was suggested that further research can be conducted to investigate the effectiveness of these activities/questions prepared to develop entrepreneurship skills.
  • Öğe
    Yahudilikte tartışmalı bir ritüel: Kapparot
    (Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2021) Özalp, Mürsel
    The first ten days of the month of Tishri (High Holidays) which begins with Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and ends with Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) are the most sacred time period in Jewish religious tradition. A religious practice, which is usually performed by Ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups (haredim), in this period, is subject to discussion both within and outside Judaism. This is the kapparot ritual, which is the tradition of symbolically attributing one's sins to a chicken or a rooster then slaughtering it and giving it to the poors. In addition to the arguments related to animal rights, hygiene rules etc., the main issue of debate ison the origin and hence religious legitimacy of the kapparot ritual. Since It is claimed that kapparot is mentioned neither in the Torah nor in the Talmud. Some scholars claim that the kapparot practice was substituted for the scapegoat ritual devoted to Azazel during the temple period or a custom or practice taken from pagan (gentile) sources. On the other hand, the kapparot ritual is closely related to another polemical purity ritual tashlick, which is performed near a body of running water on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. This study examines the religious and historical origins of the kapparot ritual and the objections to this ritual in the context of scapegoat and tashlick practices.
  • Öğe
    Eğitim fakültesi sınıf öğretmenliği bölümü öğrencilerinin ahlaki olgunluk düzeyleri
    (İlahiyat Bilimleri Araştırma Vakfı, 2020) Sancak, Seyyid; Tabakoğlu, Mehmet; Öz, Ayhan
    Bu çalışmanın amacı Eğitim Fakültesi Sınıf Öğretmenliği bölümünde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin ahlaki olgunluk düzeylerini tespit etmek ve buradan yola çıkarak ilgili bölümde yürütülen eğitim faaliyetlerine yönelik önerilerde bulunmaktır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Şengün tarafından geliştirilen “Ahlaki Olgunluk Ölçeği” kullanılmış ve araştırma verileri Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal, Yıldız Teknik, Marmara, Kastamonu, Gazi ve Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitelerinin Eğitim Fakültelerinde öğrenim gören 482 öğrenciden elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda ilgili bölüm öğrencilerinin ahlaki olgunluk puan ortalaması x?=279,89 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ölçekten alınabilecek maksimum puan x?=330 olduğundan elde edilen sonuç olumlu olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bununla birlikte ortalama değerin bir standart sapma altı ve üstü dikkate alınarak sonuçlar yeniden değerlendirildiğinde katılımcıların %64,7’sinin “orta”, %19,1’inin “yüksek”, %16,2’sinin ise “düşük” ahlaki olgunluk seviyesine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca ölçekten elde edilen puanın farklı değişkenler arasından anlamlı farklılaşma durumunu test etmek için ilişkisel analizler yapılmıştır. Buna göre cinsiyet ve yaş değişkenlerinin ölçek ortalamasında anlamlı farklılaşmaya sebep olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç itibariyle yarının sınıf öğretmenleri olarak görev yapacak olan eğitim fakültesi sınıf öğretmenliği bölümü öğrencilerinin ahlaki olgunluk düzeyleri nispeten yüksek çıkmış; bununla birlikte araştırmaya katılanların %16.1’lik kısmının genel ortalamanın bir standart sapma altında ortalamaya sahip olması – özellikle öğretmenlerinin değer dünyasından doğrudan etkilenecek olan ilkokul çağındaki öğrenciler dikkate alındığında- sınıf öğretmeni yetiştirilmesi noktasında iyileştirmeye açık bir alan olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Yahudilik’te ‘Tikkun olam: Dünyayı tamir etme’ kavramı üzerine bir araştırma
    (Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Theology, 2019) Özalp, Mürsel
    The Hebrew phrase tikkun olam means repairing, mending or healing the world. Today, the phrase tikkun olam, particularly in liberal Jewish American circles, has become a slogan for a diverse range of topics such as activism, political participation, call and pursuit of social justice, charities, environmental issues and healthy nutrition. Moreover, the presidents of the United States who attend Jewish religious days and Jewish ceremonies state the tikkun olam in its Hebrew origin, pointing out its origin embedded in the Judaism and a religious rule and/or an obligation that is important in Jewish tradition and thought. Nevertheless, when we look at the context of religious literature in which the phrase is used, it is seen that, although it is difficult to make a clear definition, it does not reflect modern/widespread uses and their meanings. Furthermore, tikkun olam is an ignored and even rejected concept by the Rabbinic Judaism which claims to represent the tradition and its current representative Orthodox Judaism. This fact is also seen in the usage and prevalence of the term in the U.S. and Israel. Thus, in this article, especially with reference to the norms of Mishnah, the religiousjuristicial contexts and possible meanings of the phrase of tikkun olam, the notion of tikkun olam in Jewish liturgy and its implied meaning and the Kabbalistic understanding of tikkun will be presented, the development, changing and conversion of the phrase in modern age and its contemporary usage areas and reinterpretations will be demonstrated.
  • Öğe
    The focal points of an effective communication in term of the sender and receiver and their reflections on religious communication
    (Erciyes Univ, 2017) Öz, Ayhan
    Communication is a multidimensional process shaped by various elements, specifically by the sender and the receiver. Both of these elements have an active role in the communication process and cannot be excluded or underestimated by any communication specialist. Both the success and failure of a communication process is largely related with the sender and the receiver. The point on which each one focuses when they are communicating affects the success of the communication process. Thus, the focal point is one of the most important issues in communication, and it varies according to the sender and the receiver. The focal shift, which can be described as stepping away from the focal point in communication, is one of the main reasons behind the failure of communication. A new understanding of communication places the receiver at the focus of the communication process with regards to the sender, by emphasizing on the recognition of the receiver, and the importance of knowing his interests, needs and expectations for a successful communication process. However, this approach only describes the communication process from the sender's point of view, and does not answer the question of where the focal point of communication should be in terms of the receiver. In other words, this approach appears to ignore the role of the receiver in the communication process. When we observe the matter, it could be said that the focal point of communication should be the receiver in terms of the sender and the message in terms of the receiver. However, this does not undervalue the role and importance of the other elements in the communication process. It only draws attention from the perspective of the sender and the receiver to achieve successful religious communication. The sender's focal shift, namely his focusing on other elements rather than the receiver, can lead to many problems. The message may not be perceived and understood, nor even felt, by the receiver without knowing the basic psycho-social characteristics of the receiver, drawing his attention, moving his curiosity, and responding his needs. Knowing the receiver should be one of the most important roles of members who are in the formal and informal religious education field. The other elements of the communication process such as the message and the channel should be chosen according to the receiver's capacity, needs and interests. Otherwise, the purpose of the communication process will not be achieved. As previously stated, the message should be the focal point of the communication process from the receiver's point of view. The focal shift on the receiver becomes problematic in religious communication, because it can cause obstacles in the communication process and also cause some major social and theological issues. In fact, this focal shift is one of the reasons that can explain some of the continuing problems with the religious practices in Turkey, and more generally in the Islamic world today. For instance, when we place the sender at the focus of religious communication instead of the message, some misbehaviors can take place such as absolute disobedience to the sender, and unwavering loyalty, attributing to him superhuman qualities such as infallibility, reading his books instead of The Quran and Sunnah which are the basic sources of Islam. On the other hand, the receiver can focus on the clothing and the speech style of the sender or on an individual issue he experienced before, which closes him to the message. Both situations do not make it possible to acheive an effective religious communication. This kind of a focal shift could be obviously observed in our relationship with The Quran which could be accepted as both the sender and the channel. In general, when we hold the mushaf which consists of papers and letters and includes the verses in high esteem we don't pay enough attention to the message of it. Thus, the message mostly stays in the shadow of the channel that should deliver the message to us. In summary, the two focal points, the sender and the receiver, are closely related with each other. The role of the sender is not only to focus on the receiver and to know him as much as possible but also to struggle to draw his attention to the message. In fact, knowing the receiver and sending him messages appropriate to his needs and interests should be accepted as a part of this role. In another word, focusing of the sender on the receiver in communication should be seen as a prerequisite of focusing of the receiver on the massage.
  • Öğe
    Teaching competency of summer Qur'an Courses' instructors: the case of Bolu
    (Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Theology, 2017) Öz, Ayhan
    The aim of this research is to measure the perceptions of Summer Qur'an Courses' instructors performing in different positions about their teaching competency. The survey technique which is included in the quantitative screening model was used as a data collection tool in the research, and the scale prepared to measure the teaching competency of Summer Qur'an Courses' instructors was applied to 225 instructors taking an active role in these courses in Bolu. The factor analysis which is done for construct validity shows that the scale was combined by seven factors, and the value of KMO is .93. The general average of the scale is determined as 3.96, and it refers a high positive perceptional level about teaching competency. Nevertheless, within factors especially method-technique and professional development stands out with their scores (M = 3.39; 3.76) below the scale average, and it means that some measures should be taken in order to overcome this deficiency in these two sub-dimensions. The results of the analyses which are performed to examine differences between groups reveals that gender, age, position, location and tenure cause statistically significant differences at p<.05 significant level whether on the general average of the scale or one of the sub-dimensions at least.
  • Öğe
    Ziya Gökalp’in çağdaşlık ve laikliği temellendirme çabası ve İslam
    (2019) Kobya, Murat
    İkinci meşrutiyet ve Cumhuriyetin kuruluş döneminin önemli fikir adamı Ziya Gökalp (1876-1924) ve onun din anlayışı hakkında çok sayıda araştırma yapılmıştır. Biz bu çalışmamızda, Gökalp’in laik devlet anlayışı bağlamında, İslam ve çağdaş medeniyet arasındaki ilişkileri tasvir eden çalışmalarının zaman ve zemine bağlı olarak hangi aşamalardan geçmiş olduğunu tespit etmeye çalışacağız. Gökalp’in batılılaşma ve laikliği temellendirme tarzında, iki farklı yaklaşım tespit ediyoruz. Bunlar, İslami referanslara dayalı temellendirme çabası ve Durkheim sosyolojisinden ilham alan pozitivistevrimci-aydınlanmacı referanslara dayalı temellendirme çabasıdır. Gökalp’in yazılarından, onun temel davasının çağdaş batı medeniyetine bağlı bir Türk milli devletinin inşası olduğunu anlıyoruz. O içinde bulunduğu konjonktürü en iyi şekilde kullanarak, daima bu hedefi gerçekleştirmeye çalışmıştır. Dolayısıyla gerek ikinci meşrutiyet gerekse milli mücadele ve erken Cumhuriyet dönemindeki yazıları arasında, bize göre nispeten, bir bütünlük ve tutarlılık mevcuttur. O, Türk milletinin ne dininden ne de çağdaşlaşma ülküsünden vazgeçemeyeceğinin bilincindedir. Dolayısıyla ne İslam kültürünü tamamen reddetmek mümkündür, ne de batılılaşmayı. Buradan, İslam ile çağdaşlığın uzlaştırılması ameliyesinin, onun için her zaman önemli olduğu sonucunu çıkarabiliriz. Cumhuriyete giden süreçte, yazılarındaki İslam vurgusunun azaldığı doğrudur. Ama bu, ne onun, İslami referansların belirleyici olduğu bir toplumda çağdaşlaşmayı meşrulaştırmak için, dini yalnızca bir araç olarak kullandığı anlamına gelir; ne de zamanla dinle arasına mesafe koyduğu! Çünkü onun eserlerindeki dini meşruiyet arayışı zamanla, nispeten azalmış gibi görünse de hiçbir zaman tamamen ortadan kalkmamıştır.
  • Öğe
    Auguste Comte’da aydınlanma ve metafizik tasavvuru
    (2018) Kobya, Murat
    Ünlü Fransız düşünür ve sosyolog Auguste Comte’un (1798-1857) geliştirdiği sosyolojik pozitivizm, genellikle aydınlanma düşüncesi ve onun ilerleme tasavvuru ile ilişkilendirilmesine rağmen, Comte’un pozitivizm tasavvurunda aydınlanma karşıtı bir damar da mevcuttur. Biz bu çalışmamızda genellikle ihmal edildiğine ya da doğru anlaşılamadığına inandığımız bu damar üzerinde duracak, Comte’un ünlü üç hal kanununda yer alan metafizik aşama ile de ilişkilendirerek konuyu irdeleyeceğiz. Comte’a göre metafizik aşama, insan zihninin doğrudan teolojik düşünceden pozitif düşünceye geçmesinin mümkün olmamasından kaynaklanan bir geçiş evresidir. Bu evrede insan zihni adım adım pozitif düşünceye hazırlanmaktadır. Comte’un evrimci ilerleme anlayışı, akıl ve bilime olan sarsılmaz güveni ve sosyal bilimlerde doğa bilimlerinin yönteminin kullanılması gerektiği fikri hiç kuşkusuz aydınlanmanın mirasıdır. Ancak onun düzen tutkusu, aydınlanmacı düşünürleri metafizikçiler olarak yaftalamasına sebep olmuştur. Çünkü ona göre, aydınlanma düşüncesi, bireye önem veriyor, bireysel özgürlük, eşitlik, halkın egemenliği gibi anarşik ilkeleri bayraklaştırıyordu. Bu ilkelerle pozitif-organik bir toplumun inşası mümkün değildi. O, düzen ve konsensüsü savundukları için gelenekselci düşünürleri alkışlıyor, ancak onların düzenin yeniden inşası için, artık geçmişte kalmış feodal-katolik sisteme geri dönülmesi gerektiği düşüncesini, imkânsız ve komik buluyordu. Çünkü tarihin geriye doğru akması mümkün değildi. Bu yüzden o, aydınlanmacı ilerleme nosyonu ile gelenekçi düzen nosyonunu bir potada eritmeye çalıştı. Bunun için pozitif bilimlerin, yeni kurduğu “sosyoloji” bilimi ile tamamlanması gerekiyordu. Pozitif bir bilim olan sosyoloji, batı insanına düzenden taviz vermeden ilerlemenin yolunu gösterecekti.