The focal points of an effective communication in term of the sender and receiver and their reflections on religious communication

Küçük Resim Yok




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Erciyes Univ

Erişim Hakkı



Communication is a multidimensional process shaped by various elements, specifically by the sender and the receiver. Both of these elements have an active role in the communication process and cannot be excluded or underestimated by any communication specialist. Both the success and failure of a communication process is largely related with the sender and the receiver. The point on which each one focuses when they are communicating affects the success of the communication process. Thus, the focal point is one of the most important issues in communication, and it varies according to the sender and the receiver. The focal shift, which can be described as stepping away from the focal point in communication, is one of the main reasons behind the failure of communication. A new understanding of communication places the receiver at the focus of the communication process with regards to the sender, by emphasizing on the recognition of the receiver, and the importance of knowing his interests, needs and expectations for a successful communication process. However, this approach only describes the communication process from the sender's point of view, and does not answer the question of where the focal point of communication should be in terms of the receiver. In other words, this approach appears to ignore the role of the receiver in the communication process. When we observe the matter, it could be said that the focal point of communication should be the receiver in terms of the sender and the message in terms of the receiver. However, this does not undervalue the role and importance of the other elements in the communication process. It only draws attention from the perspective of the sender and the receiver to achieve successful religious communication. The sender's focal shift, namely his focusing on other elements rather than the receiver, can lead to many problems. The message may not be perceived and understood, nor even felt, by the receiver without knowing the basic psycho-social characteristics of the receiver, drawing his attention, moving his curiosity, and responding his needs. Knowing the receiver should be one of the most important roles of members who are in the formal and informal religious education field. The other elements of the communication process such as the message and the channel should be chosen according to the receiver's capacity, needs and interests. Otherwise, the purpose of the communication process will not be achieved. As previously stated, the message should be the focal point of the communication process from the receiver's point of view. The focal shift on the receiver becomes problematic in religious communication, because it can cause obstacles in the communication process and also cause some major social and theological issues. In fact, this focal shift is one of the reasons that can explain some of the continuing problems with the religious practices in Turkey, and more generally in the Islamic world today. For instance, when we place the sender at the focus of religious communication instead of the message, some misbehaviors can take place such as absolute disobedience to the sender, and unwavering loyalty, attributing to him superhuman qualities such as infallibility, reading his books instead of The Quran and Sunnah which are the basic sources of Islam. On the other hand, the receiver can focus on the clothing and the speech style of the sender or on an individual issue he experienced before, which closes him to the message. Both situations do not make it possible to acheive an effective religious communication. This kind of a focal shift could be obviously observed in our relationship with The Quran which could be accepted as both the sender and the channel. In general, when we hold the mushaf which consists of papers and letters and includes the verses in high esteem we don't pay enough attention to the message of it. Thus, the message mostly stays in the shadow of the channel that should deliver the message to us. In summary, the two focal points, the sender and the receiver, are closely related with each other. The role of the sender is not only to focus on the receiver and to know him as much as possible but also to struggle to draw his attention to the message. In fact, knowing the receiver and sending him messages appropriate to his needs and interests should be accepted as a part of this role. In another word, focusing of the sender on the receiver in communication should be seen as a prerequisite of focusing of the receiver on the massage.
Kaynak ve alıcı arasındaki mesaj alış-verişi olarak tanımlanabilecek olan iletişim, din eğitim ve öğretimindeki en temel süreçlerden biridir. Bu süreç kaynak, alıcı, kanal, mesaj, geri bildirim ve ortam gibi farklı bir dizi unsurun etkisiyle şekillenen oldukça karmaşık bir yapıya sahiptir. Fakat bu süreçte en belirleyici olan unsurlar hiç şüphesiz kaynak ve alıcıdır. Zira iletişimin başarısı büyük oranda alıcı ve kaynağın iletişim sürecine bakışları ve ona yükledikleri anlamla ilişkilidir. İletişimin başarı şansını engelleyen ve "gürültü" olarak isimlendirilen etkenlerin en önemlileri de yine kaynak ve alıcı merkezlidir. İletişimin bu iki ana unsurundan kaynaklı engellerin başında ise iletişimde odak kayması problemi yer almaktadır. Etkili bir iletişimde alıcı ve kaynağın nereye odaklanması gerektiği sorusuna verilecek cevapla ilgili olan bu problem sadece iletişim sürecini sekteye uğratmamakta aynı zamanda özellikle dinî iletişim alanında ciddi toplumsal ve teolojik problemlerin ortaya çıkmasına da zemin hazırlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada etkili iletişimin odak noktasının neresi olması gerektiği meselesi ele alınmış, konu alıcı ve kaynak açısından ayrı ayrı incelenmiştir. Özellikle de en az kaynak kadar önemli bir rolü olan alıcının iletişim sürecinde neyi merkeze alması gerektiği meselesi üzerinde şu ana kadar yeterince durulmadığına dikkat çekilmiştir. Neticede iletişimin her bir unsurunun etkili bir iletişimde payı olduğu gerçeği inkar edilmeden kaynak açısından bakıldığında alıcının, alıcı açısından bakıldığında ise mesajın iletişimde odak noktası olarak görülmesi gerektirdiği; özellikle bu iki unsurda karşımıza çıkacak odak kaymasının etkili dinî iletişimin önündeki en önemli engellerden biri olduğu değerlendirilmiştir.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Communication, Religious Communication, Focal Point, Focal Shift



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