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Öğe Acinetobacter Infection and Resistance Profile of Intensive Care Units in a City of Northwestern Anatolia(2016) Yıldız, İsa; Bayır, Hakan; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Yoldaş, Hamit; Balcı, Mehmet; Erkuran, Mansur Kürşat; Akkaya, Kadir KorkmazIntroduction: Determination of suitable antibiotics in treatment of Acinetobacter infections is through the hospital ascertaining the resistance state to bacteria causing the problem. In this study, the evaluation of antibiotics sensitivity of Acinetobacter strains isolated as infection factor in patients hospitalized in intensive care units is aimed.Methods: Acinetobacter strains isolated from the samples of patients hospitalized in the 2nd and 3rd Stage adult intensive care units of a province in in northwestern Anatolia have been studied.Results: A total of 165 patients were included in the study. The most isolated samples were respiratory tract samples, blood and urine. The antibiotics which the factors were most sensitive were cholistin (66,1%) gentamicin (22,4%) and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (18,2%).Conclusion: We face increasing resistance ratios in Acinetobacter strains. Necessary precautions should be taken for this.Öğe Anjiyografi yapılan hastalarda hepatit B, hepatit C ve HIV seroprevalansı(2013) Taş, Tekin; Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Erdem, Alim; Erdem, Kemalettin; Bucak, ÖzlemAmaç: Sağlık çalışanları kan ve vücut sıvılarıyla bulaşan hep atit B (HBV), hepatit C (HCV) ve insan immun yetmezlik virü slerinin (HIV) neden olduğu infeksiyonlar açısından risk altı ndadırlar. Bu çalışmada kardiyoloji kliniğine başvuran ve anjiyografi uygulanan hastalarda HBsAg, anti -HCV ve anti - HIV seroprevalansının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Kardiyoloji kliniğinde Mayıs 2008 -2011 tarihleri arasında anjiyografi yapılan hastaların HBsAg, anti -HCV ve anti-HIV test sonuçları ile demografik verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. HBsAg, anti -HCV ve anti -HIV testleri makro - ELISA yöntemiyle (Axsym -Abbott; Architect i2000 -Abbott, ABD) çalışıldı. İstatistiksel değerlendirme Ki -kare testi ile yapılmıştır Bulgular : Toplam 415 hastanın 177 (%42.6)’si bayan, 238(%57.3)’i erkek idi. Tüm hastaların yaş ortalaması 61.5±5.4 dir. Hastaların dokuzunda (%2.2) HBsAg pozitif olup sekizi (%2.0) erkek, biri (%0.2) bayandı. Anti -HCV pozitifliği sadece bir (%0.2) bayan hastada rastlandı. Anti -HIV pozitifl iğine rastlanmadı. HBsAg ve anti -HCV pozitiflik oranları ile cinsiyet arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunamadı. Sonuç : Çalışmamızda HBsAg, anti -HCV ve anti -HIV seropr ev a lansının toplumdakinden yüksek olmadığı görülmektedir. Anjiyografi gibi girişimsel işlemler ve cerrahi müdahaleler sırasında tüm sağlık personelinin hastaların serolojik tetki klerine bakılmaksızın virüs bulaşabilme ihtimalini düşünerek güvenlik önlemlerini alması bu etkenlerin bulaşmasını azaltacaktır.Öğe Ascaris lumbricoides presenting as an omental mass(Carbone Editore, 2014) Özyalvaçlı, Gülzade; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Uzuner, Esengül; Ayaz, Erol; Öznur, MeltemIntroduction: Ascaris lumbricoides (AL), is an intestinal Parasite with various clinical presentations. It is common in underdeveloped rural areas both in Turkey and in the rest of the World; Ectopic localizations of AL are rare, and there only a few reported cases of mental localization. Case: We present a rare case in which an omental and a paratubal mass were detected during cesarean section in an asymptomatic pregnant patient. The histopathological examination revealed a granulomatous reaction and AL eggs inside the masses. Discussion: Infection With AL causes various intestinal complications like acute appendicitis, volvulus, invagination, intestinal perforation and gramdotnatous peritonitis. Conclusion: It should be kept in mind that granulomatous lesions presenting as mental masses may be randomly detected in asymptomatic individuals and pregnant woman infected with AL.Öğe Asymmetric dimethylarginine levels in patients with cutaneous anthrax: a laboratory analysis(Bmc, 2014) Sünnetçioğlu, Mahmut; Mengeloğlu, Zafer; Baran, Ali İrfan; Karahocagil, Mustafa; Tosun, Mehmet; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Akdeniz, HayrettinBackground: Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), the main endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, is considered to be associated with endothelial dysfunction. High ADMA levels have been shown to be related with disorders causing vascular inflammation such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, chronic heart failure, stroke and sepsis. Cutaneous anthrax (CA) is a serious infectious disease which may cause vasculitis. The aim of the study was to investigate the serum ADMA levels in patients with CA. Methods: A total of 35 serum samples of the patients with CA and 18 control sera were tested for ADMA levels using ADMA ELISA kit (Immunodiagnostik AG, Bensheim, Germany). Results: ADMA levels were found to be significantly higher in the patients group than the controls (p < 0.001). In addition, ADMA levels were found to be positively associated with sedimentation rates (R = 0.413; p = 0.026), and inversely associated with international normalized ratio (INR) levels (R = -0.46; p = 0.011). A cut-off value of 0.475 of ADMA had a sensitivity of 74.3%, specificity of 77.8%, and accuracy of 75.5% in the diagnosis of CA. Conclusion: Although the exact mechanism still remains unclear, ADMA levels could be related to immune activation in CA. In addition, these data might suggest the higher ADMA levels in patients could be due to the perivascular inflammation and vasculitis in CA.Öğe Brusellozise bağlı subakut tiroidit olgu sunumu ve literatür değerlendirmesi(2007) Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Yildirim, Mustafa; Özdemir, Davut; Gergin, Rezan; Güçlü, ErtuğrulBrusellozis dünyada yaygın olarak görülen zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Hastalık birçok sistemi tutmakla birlikte tiroid bezi tutulumu nadirdir. Tanı; brusellozise ait klinik bulguları olanlar kişilerde standart tüp aglütinasyon testiyle (endemik olmayan yerlerde >1/1160, endemik yerlerde >1/320 veya >l/640) ve/veya kan, diğer doku veya vücut sıvılarından Brucella spp.'nin izole edilmesiyle konulur. Standart tüp aglütinasyon testinin negatif olması durumunda; uygun klinik bulguların varlığında Brusella Ig M antikorlarının pozitif olmasıyla da tanı konulabilir. Bu yazıda, subakut tiroidit tanısıyla takip edilen 19 yaşında bir bayan hasta sunulmuştur. Brusellozise bağlı subakut tiroidit tanısı; klinik bulgular, tiroid fonksiyon testlerinin, tiroglobülin ve tiroglobülin antikorlarının yüksekliği, Brusella Ig M antikorlarının pozitif bulunması ve tiroid sintigrafisi ile konulmuştur.Öğe A case of colistin-induced fixed drug eruption(2013) Hakyemez, İsmail Necati; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Yıkılgan, Aslıhan Burcu; Bolaç, Elif Sultan; Yıldız, Nebil; Boran, Çetin; Akdeniz, HayrettinFiks ilaç erüpsiyonu (FİE) etyolojisinde başta antimikrobiyaller olmak üzere çeşitli ilaçlar rol almaktadır. Klinik görünümü, ilaca bağlı gelişen bir reaksiyon için oldukça tipiktir. Literatürde, kolistine bağlı gelişen fiks ilaç erüpsiyonu olgusu bildirilmemiştir. Acinetobacter pnömonisi nedeniyle kolistin kullanılan 83 yaşındaki bir erkek hastada ortaya çıkan fiks ilaç erüpsiyonu, çok nadir görülmesi açısından sunulmuştur. FİE ayırıcı tanısında kolistinin yer alabileceği akılda tutulmalıdırÖğe Could thrombocyte parameters be an inflammatory marker in the brucellosis?(Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, 2013) Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Taş,Tekin; Tosun, Mehmet; Aktaş, Gülali; Alçelik, Aytekin; Hakyemez, İsmail Necati; Koçoğlu, EsraAim To investigate links between platelet parameters mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet count (PC), platelet distribution width (PDW), platelet mass (PM) and brucella tube agglutination titers (BSTAT) in patients with brucellosis. Initially, PC, MPV, PM and PDW calculations were compared between periods before and after treatment. The correlation between inlammation markers (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR, white blood cell count, WBC, and C reactive protein, CRP) and platelet parameters was subsequently investigated. Methods This self-controlled study included 40 patients who had positive BSTAT at least at a titer of 1/160. Platelet parameters and inlammation values (CRP, ESR) at the time of positive BSTAT at least at a titer of 1/160 (pre-treatment) were compared with control of the same parameters at the time when BSTAT became negative or when the titers reduced 4 folds (post-treatment). Results Mean platelet volume values (7.90+1.96) were signiicantly elevated in post treatment period when compared to pre treatment (7.58+1.96), (p= 0.023). Post treatment CRP, ESR and PC were signiicantly reduced when compared to pretreatment values (p=0.000, p=0.000 and p=0.025, respectively). In the pretreatment period, a direct correlation between ESR and PC values (r=0.036, p=0.025), and inverse correlations between ESR with MPV (r=-0.337, p=0.038) was found. A dependent predictive factor in multivariate logistic regression analysis for BSTAT was not found. Conclusion We suggest that PC and MPV may be inlammatory markers in brucellosis.Öğe Delftia acidovorans’ın neden olduğu nozokomiyal pnömoni ve arteriyel kateter ilişkili bakteriyemi(2012) Taş, Tekin; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Özsoy, Şeyda; Bucak, Özlem; Tekelioğlu, Ümit Yaşar; Hakyemez, İsmail NecatiDelftia acidovorans, önceden Comamonas acidovorans olarak isimlendirilen non-ermentatif, gram negatif bakteridir. Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı tanısıyla yoğun bakım ünitesine yatırılan 79 yaşında erkek hastanın her iki akciğerinde solunum sesleri azalmış ve kaba ronküsleri mevcuttu. Sulbaktam/ampisilin başlanan hastadan yatışının yedinci gününde beyaz küre artışı ve sol akciğerde infiltrasyon olması üzerine kan kültürleri ve derin trakeal aspirat kültürü gönderildi. Hastanın sulbaktam-ampisilin tedavisi kesilerek seftriakson başlandı. Hastanın tüm kültürlerinde D. acidovorans üredi. Yatışın 11. günü D. acidovorans’a bağlı septisemi tanısıyla meropenem başlandı. Hasta takibinin 17. gününde kaybedildi.Öğe Doksisiklin-streptomisin tedavisi sonrası nükseden Brucella abortus'a bağlı brusella hepatiti(2007) Özdemir, Dvut; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Arabaci, Hakan; Yavuz, Tevfik; Şahin, Idris; Yildirim, Mustafa; Şencan, Irfan-Öğe Erythrocytes parameters in the course of brucellosis(2013) Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Taş, Tekin; Tosun, Mehmet; Aktaş, Gülali; Hakyemez, İsmail Necati; Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Akdeniz, HayrettinAmaç: Bruselloz hastalarında tüm eritrosit parametrelerini değerlendirmek ve bu parametreler ile inflamatuar belirte çler arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak. Yöntem: Çalışmaya brusella tüp aglütinasyon pozitif toplam 55 hasta alındı. Hastaların yaş ve cinsiyetleri, brusella tüp aglütinasyon testi sonuçları, eritrosit sedimantasyon hızları, C-reaktif protein ve eritrosit parametreleri ile ilgili veriler laboratuvar kayıtlarından incelendi. Bulgular: Hastalarda ortalama yaş 45,4 ± 18,1 ve kadın/erkek oranı 25/30’du. Tedavi sonrası hemoglobin, hematokrit, ortalama eritrosit hacmi, ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin ve ortalama eritrosit hemoglobini konsantrasyon değerleri tedavi öncesi değerlere gore anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu. Sonuç: Eritrosit parametrelerinin değerlendirilmesi aneminin ve brusellozla ilişkili doğasının anlaşılmasında fayda sağlaya- bileceği düşünülmüştür.Öğe Evaluation of patients with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Bolu, Turkey(Makerere Univ, Fac Med, 2013) Duran, Arif; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Ocak, Tarık; Hakyemez, Necati İsmail; Taş, Tekin; Karadağ, Mustafa; Mengeloğlu, Zafer FıratBackground: Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), which is associated with a high mortality rate in the Black Sea region of Turkey, has received increasing attention. Objective: In this study, the epidemiological features, clinical and laboratory findings, treatments, and outcomes of patients diagnosed with CCHF between 2006 and 2012 based on data obtained from the Bolu Provincial Directorate of Health (BPDH) were evaluated. Methods: BPDH data were reviewed for the period between 1 January 2006 and 31 July 2012. The locations where the tick had attached to the patient, the site of the tick bite on the patient's body, the dates of tick bite and removal, and the demographic characteristics of each patient were recorded. BPDH data on the total number of tick bites, patients with confirmed CCHF, and deaths due to CCHF in Bolu Province during the study period were also evaluated. Results: A total of 46 patients with CCHF and 38 patients without CCHF but who had been bitten by ticks were admitted to the BPDH. Of the patients with CCHF, 54.3% were female. The mean age of the patients was 46.88 +/- 2.05 years (range, 1-79 years). The mortality rate was 8.82%. Patients were predominantly observed in June and July. When the patients were distributed according to their occupations, the majority was houswife (48.6%), followed by animal husbandry worker (27.0%), farmer (10.8%), health worker (5.4%), and other (8.1%). The symptoms of the patients with CCHF included fatigue (60.9%), fever (60.9%), and myalgia (60.9%). Of those patients with CCHF, 41.3% were determined to have a high fever. Conclusions: The probability of developing CCHF decreased as the duration of tick attachment increased. Moreover, although the clinical presentation is important, it is not diagnostic. Physical examination and laboratory findings become more specific in later stages.Öğe Evaluation of patients with Tularemia in Bolu province in northwestern Anatolia, Turkey(J Infection Developing Countries, 2014) Mengeloğlu, Zafer; Duran, Arif; Hakyemez, İsmail Necati; Ocak, Tarık; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Akdeniz, Hayrettin; Taş, TekinIntroduction: Tularemia is a zoonotic disease caused by Francisella tularensis. Here we present an epidemic occurring in Bolu province, located in northwestern Anatolia in Turkey, and some features of the cases. Methodology: The data was provided by the Bolu Provincial Health Directorate. All of the antibody response tests were studied in the National Health Institute (formerly named Refik Saydam Hygiene Department), the reference laboratory of the Ministry of Health of the Turkish Republic. A total of 393 individuals were tested by microagglutination test (MAT) for tularemia between 2006 and 2011. A total of 218 patients whose demographical data were available were included in the study; 83 were accepted as the patient group and 135 were the controls. Of the patients, 31 (37.3%) were male and 52 (62.7%) were female. Results: Fever (p < 0.001), URTI symptoms (p = 0.047), conjunctivitis (p = 0.004), and rash (p = 0.026) were significantly higher in the patient group. A positive association was found between MAT and fever (r = 0.324; p < 0.001), and a negative association was found between MAT and both lymphoadenopathy (r = -0.25; p = 0.013) and chills (r = -0.218; p = 0.035). Higher MAT titers were detected in oropharyngeal tularemia (r = 0.306; p = 0.003). Conclusions: In conclusion, tularemia must be considered in differential diagnosis in patients presenting with fever and LAP in non-endemic regions. Furthermore, water sources and contact with rodents must be investigated.Öğe A fascioliasis case : a not rare cause of hypereosinophilia in developing countries, present in developed too(2012) Hakyemez, İsmail Necati; Aktaş, Gülali; Şavlı, Haluk; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Gürel, Safiye; Taş, TekinFascioliasis is a worlwide parasitic zoonosis, endemic in south-east mediterranean area, but uncommon in other areas. Clinical signs are usually non-specific. A 32 year old male patient was admitted to our hospital with complaints of abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, lost of appetite, itching, cough, night sweats and weight loss.Complete blood count revealed hypereosinophilia. The abdominal ultrasound scan was normal. But computed tomography scan revealed irregularnodular lesions in periportal area of the liver. Based on these clinical and radiological signs and continuous hypereosinophilia, the patient was serologically investigated for Fasciola hepatica infection. F.hepatica indirect hemagglutination test in serum was positive at a titer of 1/1280. Single dose Triclabendasole 10mg/kg was administeredand repeated two weeks later. Clinical and laboratory signs were completely resolved after treatment. Serological tests for fascioliasis should be included in all patients with hypereosinophilia and abnormalliver CT.Öğe Hand carriage of Candida occurs at lesser rates in hospital personnel who use antimicrobial hand disinfectant(Informa Healthcare, 2014) Yıldırım, Mustafa; Şahin, İdris; Öksüz, Şükrü; Şencan, İrfan; Küçükbayrak, AbdülkadirBackground: The hands of hospital personnel are considered to be important for colonization and infection of patients with Candida spp. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different hand disinfectants in reducing the carriage of Candida species on the hands of hospital personnel. Methods: A controlled study was conducted at Duzce University School of Medicine Hospital. Eighty hospital personnel were included in the trial. Subjects were divided into 4 groups according to hand hygiene procedures: group 1, hand rubbing with alcohol-based solution; group 2, hand washing with 4% chlorhexidine gluconate; group 3, hand washing with 7.5% povidone-iodine; group 4, hand washing with plain soap and water. The hands of all participants were tested by culture with the broth wash technique. Results: Hand carriage of Candida spp. was lower in the 4% chlorhexidine gluconate group (10.5%, p = 0.006), in the 7.5% povidone-iodine group (18.7%, p = 0.043), and in the alcohol-based hand rub group (21.1%, p = 0.048) compared to the group washing hands with plain soap and water (50%). Conclusions: The use of hand disinfectant containing antimicrobial agents is more effective than hand washing with water and soap in reducing carriage of Candida on the hands of hospital personnel. It is recommended that hospital personnel use an antimicrobial hand disinfectant in units where there is a high risk of Candida infection.Öğe High asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) levels in patients with Brucellosis(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2014) Mengeloğlu, Zafer; Sünnetçioğlu, Mahmut; Tosun, Mehmet; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Ceylan, Mehmet Reşat; Akdeniz, HayrettinAsymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is the main endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase and is considered to be associated with endothelial dysfunction. Brucellosis, a zoonotic disease caused by Brucella spp., can manifest as vasculopathy. The present study was performed to investigate the relationship between ADMA and brucellosis. Serum samples from 39 patients with an accurate diagnosis of brucellosis and from 18 healthy control individuals were included in this study. ADMA levels were significantly higher in the patient group than the controls (P < 0.001). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis indicated that ADMA level a parts per thousand yen0.61 had a sensitivity of 79.5 %, specificity of 88.9 %, positive predictive value of 93.9 %, and negative predictive value of 66.7 %. This is the first report of an association between brucellosis and high levels of ADMA. In conclusion, ADMA levels should be tested in brucellosis cases and that further studies to clarify the mechanism underlying the association between ADMA and brucellosis are required.Öğe İki yeni protein sentez inhibitörü: Linezolit ve streptograminler (kinopristin/dalfoprustin)(2006) Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Özdemir, DavutStreptogramin grubundan olan kinopristin/dalfoprustin kombinasyonu ve oksazolidinon grubundan olan linezolit Gram-pozitif infeksiyonlara neden olan patojenlere karşı etki gösteren ve 1999'dan beri kullanımda olan iki yeni kuşak antibiyotiktir. Her ikisi de protein sentezi inhibisyonu yaparak etki gösterirler. Oksazolidinonlar farklı etki mekanizmaları nedeniyle diğer antibiyotikler ile çapraz direnç göstermezler.Öğe Kalp cerrahisi hastalarında Hepatit B, Hepatit C ve insan immün yetmezlik virüsü seroprevalansı(2013) Erdem, Kemalettin; Taş, Tekin; Tekelioğlu, Ümit Yaşar; Buğra, Onursal; Akkaya, Akcan; Demirhan, Abdullah; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Dağlar, BahadırAmaç: Kalp Damar Cerrahisi kliniğimize başvuran ve açık kalp cerrahisi uygulanan hastalarda Hepatit B yüzey antijeni (HBsAg), Hepatit C antikorları (antiHCV) ve İnsan immun yetmezlik virüs antikorları (antiHIV) seroprevalansının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metot: Kalp Damar Cerrahisi kliniğimizde Ekim 2006 - Ocak 2012 tarihleri arasında elektif ya da acil açık kalp cerrahisi uygulanan 480 hastanın kayıtları hasta dosyaları üzerinden HBsAg, antiHCV ve antiHIV açısından retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Toplanan verilerin istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesi SPSS (15.0) programında student t testi ve Ki-kare testi kullanılarak yapıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan 480 hastanın 320 (%66,7)’si erkek, 160 (%33,3)’ı kadındı. Erkeklerin yaş ortalaması 61±11, kadınların 59±14 idi. Beş (%1) hastada HBsAg pozitif olarak bulundu. antiHCV pozitif 6 (%1.2) hasta tespit edildi. Hiçbir hastada antiHIV pozitifliğine rastlanmadı. Kadın ve erkek hastalar arasında HBsAg, antiHCV, antiHIV seropozitiflikleri açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı (sırasıyla p=0.547, p=0.186, p=0,975, p=1.00 ve p=0.082). Sonuç: Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sağlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi'nde açık kalp ameliyatı yapılan hastalarda HBV seroprevelansı genel populasyondan daha düşük, HCV seroprevalansı genel populasyonla aynıyken, antiHIV seropozitifliğine rastlanmamıştır.Öğe Kronik hepatit B enfeksiyonlu hastalarda Anti-HDV ve HDAg prevalansı(2013) Doğan, Mustafa; Güneş, Hayati; Mete, Rafet; Taş, Tekin; Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Küçükbayrak, AbdülkadirAmaç: Bu çalışmada, Ağrı ilinde kronik hepatit B enfeksiyonu tanısıyla takip edilen hastaların anti-HDV ve HDAg test sonuçlarının korelasyonunun irdelenmesi ve HDV epidemiyolojisine ait veri toplaması amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Ağrı Devlet Hastanesi Ocak 2009-Mayıs 2012 tarihleri arasında gastroenteroloji ve enfeksiyon hastalıkları tarafından kronik hepatit B tanısıyla takip edilen hastaların anti-HDV, HDAg sonuçları ve demografik verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. HBs Ag, Anti-HBc IgM tetkikleri makroeliza, anti-HDV ve HDAg tetkikleri ise mikroeliza yöntemiyle çalışıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 315’i (%40,0) kadın, 472’si (%60,0) erkek olmak üzere toplam 787 hasta dahil edildi. Hastaların tamamında HBs Ag pozitif ve anti HBc IgM negatif olarak saptandı. Bu hastalardan 55’inde (%7,0) sadece Anti-HDV, 19(%2,4)’unda sadece HDAg pozitif olarak saptandı. İki (%0,3) olguda ise Anti-HDV ve HDAg birlikte saptandı. Toplam 76(%9,7) hastada HDV lehine pozitif bulgu saptandı. HDV pozitif hastaların yaş ortalaması 42,1±15,2 (11-77 yaş) olarak tespit edildi. Bunların 36’sı %47,4) kadın, 40’ı (%52,6) erkekti.Sonuç: Kronik viral hepatit hastalarında HDV enfeksiyonu hala önemini korumaktadır. Çalışmamızda HDV en- feksiyon oranı %9,7 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu oran, aynı bölgeden daha önce bildirilen çalışmalardan daha düşük olmasına rağmen ülke ortalamasının üzerindedir.Öğe Linezolid versus vancomycin for the treatment of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus keratitis in rabbits(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013) Taş, Tekin; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Hakyemez, İsmail Necati; Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Simavlı, Hüseyin; Özyalvaçlı, Gülzade; Erdurmuş, MesutPurpose: To compare the efficacy of topical linezolid (LZD) 1 mg/mL or 2 mg/mL to vancomycin (VA) 50 mg/mL for the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) keratitis in rabbits. Methods: One hundred colony-forming unit (CFU) MRSA bacteria were injected intrastromally into rabbit corneas. Sixteen hours after the injection, 24 rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups. Rabbit eyes were treated with 1 drop of topical LZD 1 mg/mL, LZD 2 mg/mL, VA 50 mg/mL, or isotonic saline every 15 minutes for 5 doses and then every 30 minutes for 14 doses. Eyes were examined before and after the treatment using slit-lamp biomicroscopy by 2 observers blinded to the study for the determination of clinical severity. Then, corneas were harvested for the quantification of bacteria and histopathology. Results: There were no differences in clinical severity among the groups before and after the treatment in each eye. The mean CFU x 10(6) of MRSA recovered from the LZD 1 mg/mL, LZD 2 mg/mL, and VA 50 mg/mL groups were significantly lower than that recovered from corneas treated with isotonic saline. There was no statistically significant difference among the treatment groups in terms of CFU x 10(6). Epithelial erosion in the VA 50 mg/mL group was significantly worse than that in the other groups. LZD 2 mg/mL group had the lowest mean epithelial erosion values. Conclusions: Topical LZD showed activity against MRSA that was comparable to fortified VA in this experimental keratitis model.Öğe Mean platelet volume is not a predictive marker of histopathological changes of the liver in patients with chronic hepatitis B(Elsevier Masson, Corporation Office, 2013) Taş, Tekin; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Kurt, Mevlüt; Mengeloğlu, Zafer; Özyalvaçlı, Gülzade; Gürel, Kamil; Akdeniz, Hayrettin