Türk kültüründe bir miras olarak bocuk gecesi ritüeli içeriği: Fenomenolojik bir araştırma
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Geleneksel Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti.
Erişim Hakkı
Kültür yıllar boyunca harmanlanan ve gelişen bir kavramdır. Sahip olduğu özellikler nedeniyle oldukça
kapsamlı olup, kültüre ait araştırmalar da son derece önemli hâle gelmiştir. Tarih boyunca Trakya ve Anadolu
topraklarında birçok medeniyet yaşamıştır. Bu nedenle oluşan kültürel çeşitlilik neticesinde farklı inanışlar,
ritüeller, kutlamalar ve gelenekler oluşmuştur. Kültürel miras ögelerinin yaşatılması ve gelecek nesillere aktarılması oldukça önemlidir. Bu ögelere örnek olarak mimari yapılar, anıtlar, gelenekler, törenler, mutfak kültürleri, el sanatları, festivaller, ritüeller, inançlar, yaşam biçimleri sayılabilir. Nesilden nesile aktarılan sözlü kültür
değerlerinin, zamanla kültürel miras ritüellerine dönüşmesi mümkündür. Trakya ve Balkan kültürünün sahip
olduğu kültürel miras zenginliklerinden biri de Bocuk Kültürü-Bocuk Gecesi’dir. Bu çalışma kapsamında Bocuk Gecesi ele alınmıştır. Bocuk Gecesi hemen hemen tüm toplumlarda farklı şekillerde gerçekleştirilen bir
ritüel hâline gelmiştir. “Bocuk”, korkulan bir varlık, yılın en soğuk gecesinde ortaya çıkan bir kadın, beyazlar
içerisinde gezen bir yaratık şeklinde yorumlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Trakya bölgesi ile özdeşleştirilen
ve toplumsal yaşamın kültürel dinamiklerinden biri hâline gelen Bocuk Gecesi’nin inanış içeriğinin, anlamının
ve bu geceye ait ritüellerinin kayıt altına alınarak incelenmesi şeklinde belirlenmiştir. Bocuk fenomenine ilişkin
bireysel algıların anlamlandırılması amacını güden çalışmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden fenomenoloji deseni
tercih edilmiştir. Deneyimlerin özüne ulaşabilmek ve katılımcıların yaşantı örüntülerine erişebilmek için Trakya
bölgesinde yaşayan kişiler ile derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmış ve elde edilen veriler betimleyici analize tabi
tutulmuştur. Bulgulara göre Bocuk Gecesi inanışının kültürel içeriği “geleneksel kökeni yorumlama” ve “modern anlamı tanımlama” olarak iki temel tema altında toplanmıştır. Verilen cevaplar doğrultusunda Bocuk Gecesi’nde yapılan ritüellerin içerikleri de “benimsenmiş alışkanlıklar ve kutsallaştırılmış davranışlar” boyutlarına
ayrılmıştır. Bocuk Gecesi ritüelinin kökeninin, Rumlar ve Türklerin birlikte yaşadıkları dönemlere kadar uzandığı görülmektedir. Günümüzde Bocuk Gecesi “kış aylarının sert gecesi, kış festivali, yerel cadılar bayramı,
dışarı çıkılması yasak olan gece, ineklere ve çocuklara zarar verilen gece” olarak isimlendirilirken, bu gece
“bolluk-bereketi çağırma ve yeni yılda kötülüklere karşı korunma sağlandığı gece” olarak da nesilden nesile
aktarılmıştır. Bocuk Gecesi, yerel halka birçok fayda sağlamıştır. Elde edilen görüşme sonuçlarına göre; bu
ritüelle birlikte bölge halkı ve esnafı, gerek yerel ürünler üreterek gerekse evlerini konaklama birimlerine dönüştürerek önemli bir ekonomik gelir elde etmeye başlamıştır. Sosyo-kültürel anlamda ise köyde de söz konusu
gecede yapılan ritüeller sayesinde birliktelik sağlanmıştır. Ayrıca, Bocuk ritüeline ait toplumsal işlevin çözümlemeleri sonucunda Bocuk ritüelinin bölgede ekonomik gelişmeye, sosyo-kültürel yapıya, grup bilincine ve
turizmin gelişimine katkı sağladığı ortaya çıkmıştır.
Culture is a concept that has been blended and developed over the years. Due to its features, it is very comprehensive and cultural research has become extremely important. Throughout history, many civilizations lived in Thrace and Anatolia. Therefore, beliefs, rituals, celebrations and traditions have occurred as a result of cultural diversity. It is very important to keep cultural heritage elements alive and pass them on to future generations. Examples of these elements are architectural structures, monuments, traditions, ceremonies, culinary cultures, crafts, festivals, rituals, beliefs, lifestyles. It is possible that oral cultural values, which are passed down from generation to generation, turn into cultural heritage rituals over time. One of the cultural heritage riches of Thrace and Balkan culture is the Bocuk culture-Bocuk night. Bocuk night has become a ritual performed in different ways in almost all societies. "Bocuk" is interpreted as a feared being, a woman emerging on the coldest night of the year, a creature wandering in whites. The aim of this study is determined as the examination of the content, meaning and rituals of this night, which was identified with the Thrace region and became one of the cultural dynamics of social life. In the study aiming to make sense of individual perceptions about Bocuk phenomenon, phenomenology pattern has been preferred among qualitative research patterns. In order to reach the essence of experiences and access the participants' life patterns, in-depth interviews were made with the people living in the Thrace region and the data obtained were subjected to descriptive analysis. According to the findings, the cultural content of Bocuk night belief was gathered under two basic themes as "interpreting traditional origin" and "defining modern meaning". In line with the answers given, the contents of the rituals performed on the Bocuk night are also divided into the dimensions of "adopted habits and sanctified behaviors". It is seen that the origin of the Bocuk night ritual dates back to the times when Greeks and Turks lived together. Today, Bocuk's night is called "the harsh night of the winter months, the winter festival, the local Halloween, the night that is forbidden to go out, the night where the cows and children are harmed", this night is also called "the abundance-calling the abundance and protection against evil in the new year" passed down from generation to generation. Bocuk's night has brought many benefits to the local people. According to the results of the interview; with this ritual, the people and tradesmen of the region have started to generate significant economic income both by producing local products and turning their homes into accommodation units. In the socio-cultural sense, unity was achieved in the village thanks to the rituals held in the night. In addition, as a result of the analysis of the social function belonging to the Bocuk ritual, it is revealed that the Bocuk ritual contributed to the economic development, socio-cultural structure, group awareness and the development of tourism in the region.
Culture is a concept that has been blended and developed over the years. Due to its features, it is very comprehensive and cultural research has become extremely important. Throughout history, many civilizations lived in Thrace and Anatolia. Therefore, beliefs, rituals, celebrations and traditions have occurred as a result of cultural diversity. It is very important to keep cultural heritage elements alive and pass them on to future generations. Examples of these elements are architectural structures, monuments, traditions, ceremonies, culinary cultures, crafts, festivals, rituals, beliefs, lifestyles. It is possible that oral cultural values, which are passed down from generation to generation, turn into cultural heritage rituals over time. One of the cultural heritage riches of Thrace and Balkan culture is the Bocuk culture-Bocuk night. Bocuk night has become a ritual performed in different ways in almost all societies. "Bocuk" is interpreted as a feared being, a woman emerging on the coldest night of the year, a creature wandering in whites. The aim of this study is determined as the examination of the content, meaning and rituals of this night, which was identified with the Thrace region and became one of the cultural dynamics of social life. In the study aiming to make sense of individual perceptions about Bocuk phenomenon, phenomenology pattern has been preferred among qualitative research patterns. In order to reach the essence of experiences and access the participants' life patterns, in-depth interviews were made with the people living in the Thrace region and the data obtained were subjected to descriptive analysis. According to the findings, the cultural content of Bocuk night belief was gathered under two basic themes as "interpreting traditional origin" and "defining modern meaning". In line with the answers given, the contents of the rituals performed on the Bocuk night are also divided into the dimensions of "adopted habits and sanctified behaviors". It is seen that the origin of the Bocuk night ritual dates back to the times when Greeks and Turks lived together. Today, Bocuk's night is called "the harsh night of the winter months, the winter festival, the local Halloween, the night that is forbidden to go out, the night where the cows and children are harmed", this night is also called "the abundance-calling the abundance and protection against evil in the new year" passed down from generation to generation. Bocuk's night has brought many benefits to the local people. According to the results of the interview; with this ritual, the people and tradesmen of the region have started to generate significant economic income both by producing local products and turning their homes into accommodation units. In the socio-cultural sense, unity was achieved in the village thanks to the rituals held in the night. In addition, as a result of the analysis of the social function belonging to the Bocuk ritual, it is revealed that the Bocuk ritual contributed to the economic development, socio-cultural structure, group awareness and the development of tourism in the region.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Culture, Cultural Heritage, Bocuk Night, Bocuk Night Belief, Bocuk Night Ritual, Kültür, Kültürel Miras, Bocuk Gecesi, Bocuk Gecesi İnanışı, Bocuk Gecesi Ritüeli
Milli Folklor
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