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  • Öğe
    Is Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Series Stationary in EU Countries? Evidence from the RALS-CIPS Test
    (Economics Bulletin, 2021) Konat, Gokhan; Zeren, Fatma
    The purpose of this study is to propose a new residual-based unit root test and then apply it to examine the stationarity of gross domestic product (GDP) for EU membership countries. For this purpose, the CIPS test proposed by Pesaran (2007) has been extended to a structure that takes into account the knowledge of the non-normally distributed residuals. For this, the residual augmented least squares (RALS) estimators proposed by Im and Schmidt (2008) were included in the CIPS test. The second and third moments of the error terms are added to the cross-sectionally augmented ADF (CADF) regression that constitutes the CIPS test process. When calibrated under the behavior of the residues non-normally distributed residuals during the data generation process, it is seen that the panel unit root test specific to the series in which the residuals are not normally distributed has higher power and more appropriate size than CIPS test. According to the results of empirical analysis, it was concluded that the CIPS test was stationary only at the 10% level, while according to the RALS-CIPS test it was concluded that it was stationary at the 1% significance level. It can be interpreted that the RALS-CIPS test is stronger because it used additional information consisting of residual moments. The test offers a simple way to have good size and power properties for non-normal errors.
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    Laboratory findings in acute bacterial meningitis and acute viral encephalitis
    (New Zealand Medical Assoc, 2024) Gozdas, Hasan Tahsin; Dogan, Ahmet
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    A Sample Lesson Study with Pre-School Teachers: Dialogic Story Reading Bags
    (Alberta Journal Educ Research, 2020) Cengiz, Guluzar Sule Tepetas
    The Lesson Study is a professional development model that places teachers at the center of practice and is used in the professional development of teachers who are currently in teacher training or currently in service. In Turkey, the professional development of teachers from various branches is also supported by using this model. However, no previous studies have been found on the use of this model with pre-school teachers. This study was carried out to support and improve the quality of teachers' picture story reading activities by means of lesson study and therefore support the language and early literacy skills of children. Mixed method design was used in the study by utilizing convergent parallel mixed method design. The study group consisted of 14 teachers employed at two independent kindergartens in Bolu city center and 223 children attending these schools during the 2017-2018 academic year. After obtaining all qualitative and quantitative data, statistical analyses were conducted on the quantitative data and content analysis was performed on the qualitative data. As a result of the study, we determined that dialogic reading bags that are developed through the Lesson Study model support children's language development and early literacy skills. In addition, we determined that the Lesson Study model had a positive impact on pre-school teachers' professional development.
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    Relation of neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio with the presence and extent of coronary artery ectasia
    (Turkish Soc Cardiology, 2013) Ayhan, Selim; Ozturk, Serkan; Erdem, Alim; Ozlu, Mehmet Fatih; Ozyasar, Mehmet; Erdem, Kemalettin; Yazici, Mehmet
    Objectives: It has been shown that the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (N/L ratio) is associated with cardiovascular events and mortality. In this study, we investigated the N/L ratio in patients with coronary artery ectasia (CAE). Study design: Fifty patients (29 men, 21 women; mean age, 51.1+/-7.1 years) diagnosed as CAE using coronary angiography were included in the study. The control group consisted of 28 patients (16 men, 12 women; mean age, 49.5+/-9.4 years) who had normal coronary arteries as determined by coronary angiography. Baseline characteristics were recorded. The number of ectatic segments was noted. Hematologic parameters were measured and the N/L ratio was calculated. Results: The N/L ratio was significantly higher in the CAE group compared with the control group (median [25-75% percentile] 2.2 [1.6-3.0] vs. 1.8 [1.4-2.0], p=0.014, respectively). The Spearman correlation analysis demonstrated that the N/L ratio positively
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    Coronary Slow Flow COMMENT
    (Aves, 2022) Izgi, Ibrahim Akin
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    (Natl Speleological Soc, 2023) Kulkoyluoglu, Okan; Tuncer, Alaettin
    A total of 27 ostracod taxa were collected from 1995 to 2017 from 61 aquatic bodies in the karstic region of Texas (USA) and 1 in Mexico, including from caves, springs, spring-fed pools, and springs/drips in karstic rock-shelters. Among these taxa, Dolerocypris reyesi sp. nov. is a new species collected from a shallow pool connected to the springs above a rock-shelter. Three species (Penthesilenula aotearoa, P. incae, and Vestalenula marmonieri) are reported for the first time from North America. In addition, Typhlocypris cf. prespica and 4 taxa (Microdarwinula zimmeri, Cypridopsis cf. herpestica, Pseudocandona cf. parallela, P. cf. pratensis) are new records of ostracod fauna of the US and Texas, respectively. The phylogenetic results based on 31 taxa and 30 morphological characters revealed 4 subgroups belonging to 6 main clustering groups within the family Darwinulidae. Including the new species reported here, the total number of non-marine ostracods in Texas is increased to 115 species. The results indicate that the total number of species is far below the true diversity and richness of the state.
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    An Unusual Intrathoracic Mass: Lipoma
    (Derman Medical Publ, 2013) Karapolat, Sami; Dost, Burhan; Kilicgun, Ali
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    Mosaic ring chromosome 6 and clinical significance in resistant epilepsy
    (Turkish Pediatrics Assoc, 2012) Ocak, Zeynep; Goksugur, Sevil Bilir; Kocaman, Ertugrul Mevlut
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    Should we administer postexposure rabies prophylaxis to a rabid human?
    (Inst Nacional Salud Publica, 2024) Tahsin-Gozdas, Hasan
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    (Amer Assoc Clinical Endocrinologists, 2012) Isik, Serhat; Akbaba, Gulhan; Berker, Dilek; Tutuncu, Yasemin Ates; Ozuguz, Ufuk; Aydin, Yusuf; Peksoy, Irfan
    Objective: To evaluate the effect that thyroid-related factors have on the preoperative localization of parathyroid adenomas. Methods: This retrospective study included adult patients who were referred for further evaluation of primary hyperparathyroidism between December 2005 and October 2009 at a teaching and research hospital in Turkey. High-frequency ultrasonography and sestamibi scintigraphy (MIBI) were performed in all patients. Surgical procedure involved focal or bilateral exploration on the basis of concordant or discordant imaging studies. Selection of patients for minimally invasive parathyroidectomy was made based on the presence or absence of a single parathyroid adenoma detected by both ultrasonography and MIBI scan. Patients with negative or discordant imaging studies and a concomitant thyroid nodule underwent bilateral neck exploration. Results: Two hundred and forty-eight patients with primary hyperparathyroidism who underwent parathyroidectomy were included in the study. Parathyroid gland abnormalities were successfully detected preoperatively by ultrasonography in 231 patients and by MIBI scan in 152 patients. When used together, ultrasonography and MIBI scan were unsuccessful in detecting an abnormality in 11 cases. MIBI scan visualized a lesion in 6 cases that remained undiagnosed by ultrasonography. Fifty-six of 85 patients with lesions detected by ultrasonography, but not by MIBI scan, had thyroid nodules. The frequency of thyroid nodules was higher in the 96 patients in whom a MIBI scan could visualize a parathyroid lesion than in the 152 patients in whom MIBI scan was successful (P = .004). No difference was observed regarding ipsilateral thyroid lobe involvement or nodule volume. Parathyroid adenomas were significantly smaller in patients with negative MIBI scans (P<.001). Conclusion: Our results suggest that ultrasonography is more sensitive than MIBI scan in the detection of parathyroid adenomas, particularly in the presence of small parathyroid adenomas or other thyroid related-factors. (Endocr Pract. 2012;18:26-33)
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    Entoptic Phenomenon Following Pars Plana Vitrectomy Caused by Retained Preretinal Gel
    (Slack Inc, 2009) Yavuz, Guelderen Aktan; Uenver, Yaprak Banu; Sinclair, Stephen H.
    A patient who underwent pars plana vitrectomy for vitreous floaters is described. At the time of surgery, the posterior hyalold was avulsed and stripped from the posterior retinal surface. Postoperatively, the patient described filamentous and sea-fan entoptic phenomena scattered throughout the periaxial vision that were in focus, attached, and waving with movement that was counter to the direction of gaze pursuit and demonstrated after movement. The authors believe these structures represent vitreous gel retained at the retinal surface, even though the structures could not be demonstrated by optical coherence tomography or indocyanine green staining at later vitrectomy surgery. This case should raise caution when considering vitrectomy surgery that requires posterior hyalold stripping in patients with good vision. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2009;40:188-191.]
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    Determination of the Most Convenient Polyester Thread Supplier in Upholstery Velvet Production by Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods: A Case from Turkey
    (Soc Fiber Science Technology, 2022) Arslan, Hakan Murat; Ata, Serhat; Mutlu, Hakan Tahiri
    Upholstery velvet manufacturers choose polyester thread types to get optimum profit by using scientific methods. The matter of determining the most convenient polyester thread supplier might be considered as a decision problem. In this study, the issue of determining the most suitable polyester thread supplier of upholstery velvet manufacturer was analyzed by MACBETH-PROMETHEE Hybrid method. Authorities of relevant businesses were chosen as decision makers. Criteria and alternatives were determined by reviewing literature regarding decision makers. The weights of criteria were evaluated by MACBETH method, however, the priority order of alternatives were evaluated separately both MACBETH and PROMETHEE methods. The fit of analyses practiced by two separate multi criteria decision making methods was tested by Spearman Rank Correlation Analysis. As a result of analyses conducted hybrid method, types of brands and threads were determined. The most basic raw material requirement of enterprises that are upholstery velvet producers is polyester thread. If thread is procured using the model of the study, polyester thread will be purchased at both the most affordable price and the desired quality. Findings were shared with authorities of relevant business.
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    A Proposal to Develop a New Classification for Pulp Chamber Anatomy
    (Kare Publ, 2024) Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Keles, Ali; Wolf, Thomas Gerhard; Rossi-Fedele, Giampiero; Dummer, Paul Michael Howell
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    The Justice and Development Party Between Islam and Modernity
    (Wiley, 2010) Donmez, Rasim Ozgur
    This study evaluates the political identity of the AKP and its ideological mindset. The first section elaborates on the AKP's definition of its 'conservative democracy' ideology, which can be summarised as reconciling modernity with societal values. To understand the party's identity the second section analyses the extent to which this ideology is practiced, by evaluating the party's policies in some political and sociological spheres, including its approach to democracy, secularism and co-operation with international players.
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    Reply to Letter: HbA1c/C-Peptide Ratio is a Potential Biomarker Used to Predict No-Reflow Phenomenon in Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
    (Sage Publications Inc, 2024) Toprak, Kenan; Kaplangoray, Mustafa; Inanir, Mehmet; Dursun, Ayten; Tascanov, Mustafa Begenc; Altiparmak, Ibrahim Halil; Bicer, Asuman
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    Towards a muon collider (vol 83, 864, 2023)
    (Springer, 2024) Accettura, Carlotta; Adams, Dean; Agarwal, Rohit; Ahdida, Claudia; Aime, Chiara; Amapane, Nicola; Amorim, David
  • Öğe
    Towards a muon collider
    (Springer, 2023) Accettura, Carlotta; Adams, Dean; Agarwal, Rohit; Ahdida, Claudia; Aime, Chiara; Amapane, Nicola; Amorim, David
    A muon collider would enable the big jump ahead in energy reach that is needed for a fruitful exploration of fundamental interactions. The challenges of producing muon collisions at high luminosity and 10 TeV centre of mass energy are being investigated by the recently-formed International Muon Collider Collaboration. This Review summarises the status and the recent advances on muon colliders design, physics and detector studies. The aim is to provide a global perspective of the field and to outline directions for future work.
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    The way back home: The invisible burden of the emergency healthcare services
    (Public Library Science, 2024) Demirel, Mustafa Enes; Ozcelik, Aysenur; Bogan, Mustafa; Katipoglu, Burak
    Ambulance services around the world vary according to regional, cultural and socioeconomic conditions. Many countries apply different health policies locally. In Turkey, transportation from hospital to home has started to form an important part of ambulance services in recent years. The increase in the number of patients whose treatment has been completed and waiting to be referred may hinder the work of the emergency services. The aim of this study was to examine the costs, indications, and impact on workload of patients sent home by ambulance. Patients were divided into two groups according to the reasons for referral. The distance to home, transport time and cost were calculated according to the reasons for transport. Patients who were transferred to other clinics or hospitals by ambulance were excluded from the study. The findings showed that the hospital-to-home transfer rate during the study period was 11.4%. Although 9.7% of all cases transferred from our hospital to home were due to social indications, these cases accounted for 16.26% of the total costs. These results suggest that providing home transport services to selected patient groups for medical reasons should be seen as part of the treatment. However, the indications for home transport should not be exceeded and an additional burden should not be placed on the fragile health service.