Kapitalizmin doğal bir evresi olarak totaliter-polis devletinin yükselişi ve ABD örneği
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Erişim Hakkı
Kapitalist sistem, 1929 büyük buhranından sonraki en büyük ve kapsamlı krizini yaşamaktadır. Yeni bir birikim modelinin ortaya konulamadığı ve mevcut modelin de herhangi bir çözüm sunamadığı bu dönemde, sistemin ayrıcalıklarından yararlanan sınıf ve ülkeler, devamlılığı sağlamak adına kurtarma paketleri-kemer sıkma programları ve jeopolitik konumlanmalar-fiziki işgaller gibi stratejileri yürürlüğe sokmaktadırlar. Sınıfsal bilinçlenme ve devrim olasılıklarının da diyalektik bir şekilde yükselişe geçtiği bu dönemde, güçlü yürütme, yetkilerini devretmiş yasama-yargı, disipline edilmiş bir toplum, baskılayıcı hukuk kuralları ve aşırı yetkilendirilmiş kolluk güçleri gibi özelliklerle karakterize olmuş totaliter-polis devleti yapılanması, kurtarma stratejilerini icra edecek başlıca yönetim seçeneği olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu yeni yapılanmanın önderliğini yapan ABD’de dönüşümü mümkün kılan en etkili düzenleme aracı ise zamanın ruhuna uygun düşen “terörizm” gerekçesidir.
Capitalist system is experiencing its most massive and extensive crisis since the 1929 Great Depression. By virtue of the nonexistence of a new accumulation model and the failure of the current model in providing solutions, strategies like, bailout packages-retrenchment programs and geopolitical positioning-physical occupations have put into force by the countries and classes who are decided to continue in benefitting from the privileges of the present system. As the class consciousness and the possibility of revolutions have risen up concomitantly and dialectically, a totalitarian-police state characterized with, extraordinarily powerful executive organ, declined authority of legislative and judicial bodies, disciplined society, repressive legal rules and ultra-authorized law enforcement forces, came to fore as the most beneficial administrative design for the execution of these strategies. The most effective instrument that makes the transformation possible in U.S. is the pretext of "terrorism" which perfectly matches with zeitgeist.
Capitalist system is experiencing its most massive and extensive crisis since the 1929 Great Depression. By virtue of the nonexistence of a new accumulation model and the failure of the current model in providing solutions, strategies like, bailout packages-retrenchment programs and geopolitical positioning-physical occupations have put into force by the countries and classes who are decided to continue in benefitting from the privileges of the present system. As the class consciousness and the possibility of revolutions have risen up concomitantly and dialectically, a totalitarian-police state characterized with, extraordinarily powerful executive organ, declined authority of legislative and judicial bodies, disciplined society, repressive legal rules and ultra-authorized law enforcement forces, came to fore as the most beneficial administrative design for the execution of these strategies. The most effective instrument that makes the transformation possible in U.S. is the pretext of "terrorism" which perfectly matches with zeitgeist.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Capitalism, Crisis, The US, Totalitarian-Police State, Terrorism, Kapitalizm, Kriz, ABD, Totaliter-Polis Devleti, Terörizm
Uluslararası İlişkiler -International Relations
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