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  • Öğe
    A holistic sustainability assessment of a university campus using life cycle approach
    (Springer, 2023) Gülçimen, Sedat; Qadri, Sayed Zakee; Dönmez, Rasim Özgür; Uzal, Niğmet
    The sustainability performances of campuses are of importance as it could model the effective sustainable initiatives that could be then applied to campuses by decision-makers and designers. Studies have been conducted on the environmental and economic assessment of campuses in specification with the identification of their carbon footprint and cost analysis, respectively. The studies have lacked a showcase of an ideal sustainable campus along with its urban and architectural features, facilities, and services through analyzing their social aspects as well. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sustainability of the Abdullah Gul University Sumer Campus to model a sustainable campus integrating the Environmental Life Cycle Assessment(E-LCA), the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and the Social Life Cycle Assessment using life cycle sustainability assessment approaches for the use-phase analysis of the campus. E-LCA was applied to quantify the global warming potential and cumulative energy demand based on International Organization for Standardization 14,040 and 14,044 by considering the gate-to-gate approach. The environmental assessment results showed that the global warming potential of the campus was 2.92 tCO(2) eq./person, and the cumulative energy demand was found as 15.4 GJ/person. In LCC, the total cost of the campus was calculated as 200 US Dollars/person, and the energy cost is found as a major contributor with 86% of the total cost for the year of 2019. In the social performance assessment, it is found that the university has a weak social performance for the local community, the consumer, the worker, and the society.
  • Öğe
    Rebuilding peace in exile: bringing together the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and the International Refugee Protection Regime in Turkey
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Şengül, İrem; Demir, Ebru; Könıg, Bilge Şahin
    Refugee women are generally depicted as vulnerable and dependent subjects and excluded from peacebuilding efforts. This article is a response to the need for balancing the protection needs of refugee women and their participation in decision-making processes. It brings two different but complementary frameworks, namely the International Refugee Protection Regime (IRPR) and the United Nations Security Council's Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda, into conversation through a gender analysis. The article shows that bringing these two frameworks together can overcome each other's limitations regarding refugee women's agency. Through analysing legal and policy frameworks together with the existing literature on refugee women and the WPS Agenda, this article focuses on Turkey as a case study. This article argues that implementing the IRPR and the WPS Agenda together in a national action plan in Turkey would strengthen refugee women's protection and promote their agency as actors of peacebuilding in exile.
  • Öğe
    Mobile hearings in the Eastern DRC: Prosecuting international crimes and implementing complementarity at national level
    Through the complementarity principle of the InternationalCriminal Court, international criminal law enforcement istransferred from international courts to national courts. This hasled to an increase of international actors’focus on national courtsto achieve international criminal justice. The Democratic Republicof the Congo (DRC) presents a significant example to examinethe prosecution of international crimes by national courts andinternational actors’support to Congolese legal system topromote complementarity and international criminal justice.International actors provide assistance to mobile hearings toprosecute international crimes and to implementcomplementarity at the national level in the eastern DRC. Thisarticle explores mobile hearings through their role inimplementing complementarity in the DRC and international andnational influences on mobile hearings regarding the prosecutionof international crimes. The main argument is that althoughmobile hearings are significant to bring justice closer to localcommunities and increase the visibility of justice in remote andrural areas, their independence is in question as a result of theselective interest of international actors and political interferencescoming from Congolese political and military elites
  • Öğe
    Feminist dialogues on international law: Successes, tensions, and failures
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021) Şahin, Bilge
    Feminist perspectives and concepts have been increasingly integrated and institutionalized in global governance, including international criminal law, international human rights law, and collective security. This makes it important to analyze what conditions are imposed on feminist perspectives and concepts for their inclusion and institutionalization, and to highlight which feminist perspectives are incorporated in international legal developments and which feminist ideas and concepts remain on the peripheries of global governance. Gina Heathcote argues that international legal developments as they relate to gender do not engage with a broad diversity of feminist perspectives because they only recognize certain types of feminist knowledge making (Western feminist approaches) and exclude others (non-Western feminist approaches). The global order only includes feminist perspectives and ideas for the purpose of reproducing sexist, heteronormative, and racialized structures within international law. As a result, feminist perspectives and ideas are used selectively and often manipulated for the sake of global governance.
  • Öğe
    The politics of majority nationalism: Framing peace, stalemates, and crises
    (Wiley, 2018) Dönmez, Rasim Özgür
    In The Politics of Majority Nationalism, Neophytos Loizides addresses the driving force of majority nationalism during crises, stalemates, and peace mediations. The book defines majority nationalism as the ideological schema of dominant majorities in protecting their status and numerical advantage in society and devising strategies to control the state apparatus. The book is divided into two parts, theory and case studies particularly focusing on conflict management in Turkey and Greece by comparing them with their post-communist neighbors, Serbia, Georgia, and Ukraine and the post-Ottoman neighborhood. It expands the literature by revealing the approaches of societies in conflict to their ethno-political challenges and peace dilemmas; it also highlights the theoretical preconditions of peace-making. Hence, Loizides tries to create a debate on the connections among institutions, symbols, and framing processes in facilitating or confining the choice of peace by providing a measure of pre-crisis frames, displaying how the choice affects majority groups' crisis behavior, stalemates, and choice of peace.
  • Öğe
    Why is there no "an Islamic International Relations Theory"?
    (Dinbilimleri Akad Arastirma Merkezi, 2017) Timur, Kasım
    This article analyzes critically the studies on how Islam, as a religion, represents a political worldview, identity and inter-state relations form in international relations by focusing specifically on the initiatives to construct a relationship between Islamic Studies and International Relations. First of all, it should be noted that this article does not aim to examine actual practices of the international affairs of the Muslim world; rather, it will focus on the possible theoretical contributions of Islam to an alternative local IR theory building process. The provocative question "why is there no non-Western international relations theory?", asked by Amitav Acharya and Barry Buzan, encouraged scholars to revive studies regarding the Islamic context of IR. However, the history of such attempts dates back to much earlier, to the 1970s. The purpose of this study is to investigate the development stages of an Islamic IR theory, through its main resources, weaknesses, and contributions to the mainstream literature. Thus, this study evaluates the impact of a possible alternative IR theory based on the Islamic theology to offer a serious challenge to the mainstream understanding of IR, particularly in the Islamic world.
  • Öğe
    Science diplomacy and transboundary water management: the Orontes River case
    (Baltzer Science Publishers Bv, 2016) Sağsen, İlhan
    The Orontes River Basin, which extends to territories in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, has always been a critical locus for interstate relations in the Levant. With the onset of the Syrian conflict it even gained greater significance. While there are bilateral agreements on different facets of water such as quantity sharing, quality improvement, it is apparent that the absence of a basin-wide consensus on water sharing brings serious risks not only for the countries concerned, but also for the river itself. The book is aptly titled, reflecting the intersection of “science diplomacy” and “transboundary water management”. The book’s main theme revolves around key questions such as: How to limit the climate change effects on the riparian countries? How to deal with poor hydraulic resources in the region? How to improve access to sufficient quantities of good quality water for vulnerable populations? How to improve water demand? In dealing with all these, the book takes a fresh approach to the Orontes river basin with chapters devoted to ICT-based tools and decision-support systems, as well as on different riparian perspectives on hydro-diplomacy.
  • Öğe
    İnsani güvenlik kavramı bağlamında çevre güvenliği
    (Hale Sivgin, 2016) Erdem, Engin İ.
    Güvenlik çalışmaları Soğuk Savaş’ın sona ermesinden sonraki dönemde giderek genişleyen bir günde­me sahip olmuştur. Bu makalede genişleyen güvenlik gündeminde yer alan insani güvenlik kavramı bağlamında çevresel güvenlik konusu incelenecektir. Çalışma öncelikle insani güvenlik kavramının ne zaman ortaya çıktığını ve farklı insanı güvenlik tanımlarından bahsetmektedir. 1994 yılı Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Raporu insani güvenlik kavramının ortaya çıkışı açısından dönüm noktası olurken, tanımlar arasında iki tanesi ağırlık kazanmıştır. Geniş tanımlamada yoksulluk ve kalkınma temel dinamikler olarak alınırken dar insani güvenlik tanımlamasında fiziki şiddetin kullanılması baz olarak alınmıştır. Öte yandan, insani güvenlik etrafındaki tartışmaların önemli ölçüde normatif ve kuramsal boyutlara sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Bu sebeple makale başlıca uluslararası ilişkiler teorilerinin in­sani güvenlik olgusuna nasıl baktıklarına da yer vermektedir. Realist teoriler insani güvenlik kavramı ile ilgilenmezken liberal, inşacı ve eleştirel kuramların insani güvenlik olgusu ile ilgili oldukları görül­mektedir. Çalışmanın daha sonraki bölümü başta küresel ısınma olmak üzere çeşitli çevre sorunlarının insani güvenlik ve devletlerarası ilişkiler açısından nasıl tehlike oluşturduklarını analiz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda önemli bir konu çevresel güvensizlik ya da çevre felaketlerinden kaynaklanan devlet içi ve uluslararası göçlerin devletlerin istikrarını bozabilecek olması ve devletlerarası çatışmalara yol açabilme­sidir. Çevresel güvenlik sorunları Darfur ve Suriye’de olduğu gibi sıcak çatışmaların ortaya çıkmasında önemli bir etkiye sahip olabilmektedirler. Çalışmanın sonuç kısmı, insani güvenlik ve çevresel güvenlik kavramlarının güvenlik çalışmaları alanındaki potansiyeli ve sınırlılıklarına dair çeşitli öneri ve eleşti­rilere yer vermektedir.
  • Öğe
    The fundamental question underlying scientific knowledge since the age of enlightenment: Idealism versus Materialism debate and the dialectical method
    (Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi Dernegi, 2015) Altuntaş, Ekin Oyan
    It appears that where knowledge about reality originates from and how one can reach that knowledge is a topic to be discussed within philosophy. On the other hand, scientists who are doing research in social sciences are, either knowingly or unknowingly, producing knowledge within Idealism and Materialism, which are two paradigms searching for an answer to this question. The main distinction in the method used to reach knowledge, except for the ones in these two paradigms and their internal derivatives, emerges according to whether a dialectical approach is utilized, and this distinction is the main determiner of whether knowledge is scientific or not. The aim of this study is to analyze the general inclinations of the idealist-materialist distinction in social sciences and the role of the dialectical approach used in this process in line with the institutions that have stood out from the Age of Enlightenment up to this date. The study also aims to criticize the consequences of transformations in capitalist accumulation model throughout 1900s and their effects on theoretical approaches which become distant to scientific understanding and define reality just in accordance with human consciousness or post-human social network system.
  • Öğe
    Nationalism in Turkey under justice and development party rule: the logic of masculinist protection
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015) Dönmez, Rasim Özgür
    This study analyzes how the Justice and Development Party's (AKP) understanding of new nationalism, or neo-Ottomanism, incorporates the logic of masculinist protection in its discourse. This necessitates a security-oriented state that firmly connects domestic politics with foreign policy. The concept of the logic of masculinist protection, borrowed from Iris Morrison Young, refers to the reinforcement of a gender hierarchy in politics, and signifies a paternalistic state charged with protecting a society identified with femininity.
  • Öğe
    Kapitalizmin doğal bir evresi olarak totaliter-polis devletinin yükselişi ve ABD örneği
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2012) Altuntaş, Ekin Oyan
    Kapitalist sistem, 1929 büyük buhranından sonraki en büyük ve kapsamlı krizini yaşamaktadır. Yeni bir birikim modelinin ortaya konulamadığı ve mevcut modelin de herhangi bir çözüm sunamadığı bu dönemde, sistemin ayrıcalıklarından yararlanan sınıf ve ülkeler, devamlılığı sağlamak adına kurtarma paketleri-kemer sıkma programları ve jeopolitik konumlanmalar-fiziki işgaller gibi stratejileri yürürlüğe sokmaktadırlar. Sınıfsal bilinçlenme ve devrim olasılıklarının da diyalektik bir şekilde yükselişe geçtiği bu dönemde, güçlü yürütme, yetkilerini devretmiş yasama-yargı, disipline edilmiş bir toplum, baskılayıcı hukuk kuralları ve aşırı yetkilendirilmiş kolluk güçleri gibi özelliklerle karakterize olmuş totaliter-polis devleti yapılanması, kurtarma stratejilerini icra edecek başlıca yönetim seçeneği olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu yeni yapılanmanın önderliğini yapan ABD’de dönüşümü mümkün kılan en etkili düzenleme aracı ise zamanın ruhuna uygun düşen “terörizm” gerekçesidir.
  • Öğe
    The migration organization and policies in the Turkish public administration: An overview
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Altunok, Mustafa; Özkan, Türkan
    Migration has gained a global concern and is no longer a local or regional problem only. Despite its expanding global dimension, some regions have a central role or inevitably remain at the heart of the migration policy since they are much more exposed to migration waves. The Middle East and the Turkish territories have been among the major regions which have not been able to remain unaffected by the fact of migration. The countries of the region, which are amid great wars and conflicts, manifest themselves as immigrant-accepting, immigrant-sending and sometimes immigrant-transferring countries. While considering the recent conflict environment experienced in the Middle East, Turkey’s migration policy, organization and migration process operating mechanisms have aroused interest since its multifaceted position as a migration sending, accepting and transmitting country. Considering the significance underlined, the present study makes an overview regarding the migration organization and functioning in Turkey. Based on the development and current state of the General Directorate of Migration Administration as the official migration body of Turkey, the present study aims to reveal a picture of the migration policy and functioning in Turkey and provide some implications.
  • Öğe
    The justice and development party's perspective of social exclusion: betweensocietal security and morality
    (2011) Dönmez, Rasim Özgür
    The victory of the neoconservative Justice and Development Party (AKP), the Islamist background of which impacts on its political discourses and actions, heralded a new era for Turkey’s political and economic direction as the AKP has been successful in constructing a much broader coalition with both victors and losers of the neoliberal globalization process. In this sense, the AKP followed different policies by voicing the demands of socially excluded segments of society. Moreover, the party has pioneered neoliberal economic policies that simultaneously serve the interests of middle-class businessmen and industrial conglomerates.
  • Öğe
    Turkish-Saudi Arabian relations during the Arab uprisings: towards a strategic partnership?
    (2012) Ataman, Muhittin
    This article analyzes the development of Turkish-Saudi Arabian relations from the beginning of the struggle of the al-Saud family to gain power in the Arab peninsula to today. As a result of negative perceptions from both sides, bilateral relations were distant for decades. However, Turkish-Saudi relations began to improve remarkably under the AK Party and King Abdullah governments and a rapprochement started in 2005. Many agreements were signed during visits by political leaders from both sides. After the Arab uprisings began at the end of 2010, both countries took their cooperation further. As the two countries least influenced by the uprisings, Turkey and the Saudi Kingdom have been supporting the newly emerging political elites (Islamic groups) in Egypt, Libya and Syria; they have been maintaining close relations with the Western countries; and they have been trying to preserve regional stability and balance against Iran and its allies. However, there are some differences in their regional policies, such as their perceptions on the pace and scope of changes.
  • Öğe
    Labour law reform in Turkey in the 2000s: The devil is not just in the detail but also in the legal texts
    (2006) Özdemir, Ali Murat; Yücesan-Özdemir, Gamze
    This study examines how the balance of power has changed between the parties in industrial relations in the area of individual labour law in Turkey in the 2000s. It analyses the new Labour Act of Turkey with regard to changes in the notion of subordination and changing working conditions. It presents a definition of 'the new employer' - as the representative of the flexible company. © 2006 Arbetslivinstitutet.
  • Öğe
    Civilizational approach to multilateral politics: The European Union and world politics
    (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009) Ataman, Muhittin
    Civilizations, “the highest-level of analysis below that of human species,”1 are the main divisions of humanity and the largest cultural alignments including many countries.2 There are many factors that constitute civilizations. Among others, religion is the principal part determining civilizations.3 Considering civilizations as basic divisions of peoples is not new. What is new is considering cultures and civilizational identities as significant determinants of world politics and conceptualizing international relations in terms of cultural units and civilizations.4 Many recent academic and practical discussions are about inter-civilizational relations. There are various views on this relationship. While some scholars see civilizations as the main source of conflicts, some others consider them as the foundation of peace and stability. With the end of the Cold War, many intellectuals and states suggested that the world was brought at the brink of a global war among civilizations without battlefields and borders. As pointed out by Glenn E. Perry, “the third millennium A.D. has started with the specter of a clash among civilizations haunting humanity.”5 Many other intellectuals and countries asserted arguments that claim dialogue between civilizations in today’s interconnected and interdependent world.
  • Öğe
    An influential non-state armed actor in the Iraqi context: Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi and the implications of its rising influence
    (Springer International Publishing, 2017) Duman, Bilgay; Sönmez, Göktuğ
    As the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) started to pose a growing threat to both Iraq in particular and the Middle East in general, new alliances, entities, formations, and actors have begun to shape the Iraqi political and security atmosphere. It has also triggered the emergence and/or the rise of other non-state armed actors. All of them have a direct impact on the security complex of the region in at least three ways: with their challenge to the state authority on whose soil they operate (intrastate), with their fight with other non-state armed actors (intergroup), and with the regional consequences of their fight, i.e., the actors which indirectly increased their influence or suffered from a loss of it in the region (regional level/interstate level). Moreover, they have posed serious challenges to some key concepts such as statehood, sovereignty, social cohesion, and territorial integrity; this paper particularly focuses on a highly controversial non-state armed actor (NSAA), namely al-Hashd al-Shaabi, and first investigates the dynamics which has led to the emergence of al-Hashd al-Shaabi. © The Author(s) 2018.
  • Öğe
    Taiwan-Cyprus-Kosovo Cases: Differences and Similarities [Tayvan, Kıbrıs, Kosova Meseleleri: Farklılıklar ve Benzerlikler]
    (2017) Kasım, Elif Eren; Kasım, Kamer
    Uluslararası sistemde her biri farklı tarihi geçmişi ve politik gelişimi bulunun farklı devlet tipleri bulunmaktadır. Tayvan, Kıbrıs ve Kosova uluslararası ilişkilerde sorun olarak adlandırılan örneklerdir. Üç örneğin de birbirinden farklı coğrafi konumları bulunmaktadır. Tayvan, Kıbrıs ve Kosova'nın tarihleri ve yaşadıkları sorunun içerikleri de farklıdır. Bununla birlikte bu üç örnek arasında onları incelemeye değer kılan benzerlikler de mevcuttur. Bu çalışmada Tayvan, Kıbrıs ve Kosova sorunları analiz edilerek olası çözüm yolları konusuna değinilecektir. Çalışmada ayrıca her üç örnek uluslararası sistemdeki gelişmeler çerçevesinde değerlendirilerek Tayvan, Kıbrıs ve Kosova sorunlarının bölgesel ve uluslararası etkilerine ışık tutulacaktır
  • Öğe
    Almanya'daki Türkiye algısı: Saha araştırmasına dayalı bir analiz
    (2012) Dalar, Mehmet; Ayhan, Veysel; Ataman, muhittin
    Türkiye’nin AB üyeliği konusunda AB’nin önemli ülkesi olan Almanya’daki kamuoyunun algılamasını konu edinen bu çalışma, Almanya’da görüşme yapılan yazar, akademisyen, siyasi parti ve kamuoyunun oluşmasında etkili olan çeşitli sivil toplum kuruluşları yetkilileri yle yapılan görüşmeler çerçevesinde hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışma Türkiye’nin AB için ne ifade ett iğini , Türkiye’nin dış p olitikasına AB’nin yaklaşımını, Türkiye’nin AB üyeliğine nasıl bakıldığını, AB’nin kimliğinin neleri ifade ettiğini ve Almanya’da yaşayan Türklerin Türkiye’nin AB üyeliği üzerinde ne kadar etkili olduğunu araştırma ve değerlendirmelerde bulunmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Irak’ta tarihsel süreç içerisinde Türkmenlere yönelik insanlık suçları ve 2003 sonrası Türkmenlerin hukuki durumu
    (2012) Duman, Bilgay
    Bugünkü Irak topraklarında birçok devlet ve beylik kurmuş olan Türkler,Osmanlı Devleti'nin yıkılmasıyla yönetici konumunu kaybetmiş ve yenikurulan Irak devleti içerisinde neredeyse üçüncü sınıf vatandaş konumunagerilemiştir. Zira Irak Devleti kurulmadan başlayan Türkmenlere yönelikkatliamlara varan insanlık dışı uygulamalar 1920'ler itibariyle başlamıştır.Irak'ın hemen her döneminde rejimler tarafından Türkmen hakları çiğnenmiş,Türkmenlere yönelik sistemli kimlik değiştirme politikaları güdülmüştür.ABD'nin 2003'teki Irak işgalinin ardından demokratik yapıyı oluşturmakamacıyla yazılan hukuki metinlerde Arap ve Kürtlere verilen öncelikTürkmenlere tanınmamış ve Irak'ın kurucu unsurları olarak Araplar veKürtler gösterilmiştir. Irak'ın asli unsurlarından biri olan Türkmenler,azınlıklarla aynı statüde ele alınmış ve Türkmen hakları görmezdengelinmiştir. Bu makalede tarihsel dönemler itibariyle Türkmenlere yönelikkatliam olarak nitelendirilebilecek insanlık dışı uygulamalara yer verilmiştir.Burada bölümleme açısından ABD'nin 2003'teki Irak işgali tarihsel birdönüşümün başlangıcı olarak verilmiştir. 2003'ten sonra Türkmenlerin anahedef haline geldiği Kerkük üzerinde detaylıca durulmuştur. Bununla birlikte 2003 sonrası Irak'taki anayasal metinler Türkmenler açısında incelemeyetabi tutulmuştur.