Nöroleptik malign sendrom: Olgu sunumu
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Nöroleptik Malign Sendrom (NMS), genelde antipsikotik kullananlarda görülen bir sendromdur ve yüksek mortaliteye sahiptir. Hayati tehlike oluşturan bir bozukluk olup, dopamin blokajı yapan antipsikotik ilaç kullanımı ile birliktedir. Semptomlar yüksek ateş, terleme, düzensiz kan basıncı, bilinç bozukluğu, kaslarda rijidite ve otonomik disfonksiyonu içerir. Şizofreni nedeniyle 10 yıldır klozapin kullanım öyküsü olan kırk altı yaşındaki erkek hasta, bilinç ve konuşma bozukluğu, ateş yakınması ile acil servise başvurdu. Son dönemlerde düzensiz ilaç kullanım hikaye- si mevcut olan hastaya, semptomlarının artması üzerine tekrar klozapin başlandı. Nörolojik muayenede bilinç bozukluğu ve kas rijiditesi vardı. Laboratuvar incelemelerinde lökosit 13,800/mm3, AST: 2,067 U/L, ALT: 295 U/L, LDH: 5,709 U/L, CK-MB: 1,189 U/L, CK: 123,889 U/L idi. Hasta NMS olarak kabul edildi. Bu olgu sunumu ile NMS’ye yaklaşımı ve tedaviyi literatür eşliğinde tartışmayı amaçladık.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) is usually seen in patients who use antipsychotic drugs and has a high mortality rate. It is a life-threatening con- dition associated with dopaminergic blockage. Symptoms include high fever, diaphoresis, unstable blood pressure, unconsciousness, muscular rigidity, and autonomic dysfunction. The 46-year-old male patient who had a history of 10 years of klozapin use due to schizophrenia applied to the emergency ser- vice with unconscionsness, speech disorder and high fever. Having a history of irregular use of medicine in the recent past, the patient was restarted with klozapin as his symptoms increased. During the neurological examination, he had impaired consciousness and muscular rigidity. The laboratory analysis revealed the leukocyte 13.800/mm3, AST: 2.067 U/L, ALT: 295 U/L, LDH: 5.709 U/L, CK-MB: 1.189 U/L, CK: 123.889 U/L. He was diagnosed as NMS. By presenting this case, we aim to discuss the approaches to NMS and treatment modalities of NMS in light of the literature.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) is usually seen in patients who use antipsychotic drugs and has a high mortality rate. It is a life-threatening con- dition associated with dopaminergic blockage. Symptoms include high fever, diaphoresis, unstable blood pressure, unconsciousness, muscular rigidity, and autonomic dysfunction. The 46-year-old male patient who had a history of 10 years of klozapin use due to schizophrenia applied to the emergency ser- vice with unconscionsness, speech disorder and high fever. Having a history of irregular use of medicine in the recent past, the patient was restarted with klozapin as his symptoms increased. During the neurological examination, he had impaired consciousness and muscular rigidity. The laboratory analysis revealed the leukocyte 13.800/mm3, AST: 2.067 U/L, ALT: 295 U/L, LDH: 5.709 U/L, CK-MB: 1.189 U/L, CK: 123.889 U/L. He was diagnosed as NMS. By presenting this case, we aim to discuss the approaches to NMS and treatment modalities of NMS in light of the literature.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nöroleptik Malign Sendrom, Antipsikotik, Yoğun Bakım, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Antipsychotic, Intensive Care
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