Yahyâ b. Zeyd isyanı ve Horasan’daki etkileri
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Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Theology
Erişim Hakkı
Emevîler dönemi önemli iç gelişmelerden biri Ehl-i beyt mensupları tarafından gerçekleştirilen isyanlardır. Kerbelâ’dan sonra 122/740 yılında Zeyd b. Ali tarafından Kûfe’de gerçekleştirilen isyan başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmıştır. Babasının isyanı sonrası Yahyâ Kûfe’de Irak valisi Yusuf b. Ömer’in yoğun takibatına uğramış, bundan dolayı kendini daha güvende hissedeceği ve taraftarlarının da bulunduğu Horasan bölgesine geçmiştir. Yahyâ’nın Horasan’ı tercih etmesinin en önemli sebepleri arasında bölgede Ehl-i beyt taraftarlığının taban kazanmış olmasıdır. Nitekim Horasan’da Keysâniyye, Abbâsoğulları ve Zeyd b. Ali’nin taraftarları faaliyete bulunmaktaydı. Yahyâ bu şartlar altında Irak’tan ayrılarak doğuya doğru Nînevâ, Medâin, Rey, Nîşâbûr yolunu takip ederek Serahs’a gelmiş ve burada yaklaşık altı kadar ikamet etmiştir. Yahyâ sonrasında doğuya yoluna devam ederek Belh şehrine gelmiş ve burada halife Hişâm b. Abdülmelik’in vefatına kadar kalmıştır. Yahyâ’nın Irak’tan Belh’e uzanan yolculuğunun genel olarak amacı muhtemelen Irak valisi Yusuf b. Ömer’in takibatından kurtulmak, Horasan’daki Ehl-i Beyt taraftarlarıyla iletişime geçerek isyan için uygun siyasî havayı oluşturabilmekti. Irak valisi Yusuf b. Ömer Belh’teki ikameti esnasında, Yahyâ’nın yerini tespit etmiş ve kendine bağlı Horasan valisi Nasr b. Seyyâr’a emrederek Yahyâ’nın Merv’de hapsedilmesini sağlamıştır. Yahyâ’nın Merv’de hapsedilmesi halife Velîd b. Yezîd’e bildirilince, onun salıverilmesini emretmiştir. Vali Nasr, Yahyâ’ya doğrudan halifenin yanına gitmesini ve fitneye sebep olabilecek durumlardan kaçınmasını tavsiye etmiştir. Yahyâ bu durumda Merv’den yola çıkarak ilk olarak Serahs’a gelmiş, sonrasında Tûs üzerinden Nîşâbur’a ulaşmıştır. Bu esnada Horasan valisi Nasr b. Seyyâr güzergâh üzerindeki valilere mektup yazarak Yahyâ’nın hareketlerini takip etmelerini ve şehirlerde uzun süreli kalmasına izin vermeyerek diğer bir şehre gidinceye kadar takip etmelerini emretmiştir.Yahyâ Beyhak şehrinden daha fazla batıya ilerlememiştir. Horasan’ın batıdaki sınır şehri olan Beyhak’tan ileri gitmemesinin nedeni Yahyâ’nın Irak valisi tarafından yolda bir hile sonucu öldürülebileceğinden çekinmesidir. Bundan dolayı Beyhak’tan geriye dönerek Nîşâbur’a gelmiştir. Burada yolda rastladığı bir kervanın binek hayvanlarına yanındaki yetmiş kişi ile birlikte el koymuşlar fakat ücretini de ödemişlerdir. Bu olaydan dolayı Nîşâbur valisi Yahyâ ve beraberindekiler üzerine asker sevkinde bulunmuş fakat çıkan çatışmada Yahyâ’nın taraftarları kendilerinden sayıca fazla valinin askerlerine karşı başarılı olmuşlardır. Yahyâ ve yanındakiler bundan sonra doğudaki Belh’e doğru hareketlerine devam etmişlerdir. Yahyâ’nın Belh’e hareketinin sebebini kaynaklar tam olarak ifade etmeseler de muhtemelen coğrafî uzaklık ve bölgedeki muhtemel Şiî potansiyel kendisini yönlendirmiş olabilir. Ancak Yahyâ bu sefer Belh’e Merv üzerinden değil de güneydoğu istikametinde yol alarak Herat ve Cûzcân üzerinden ulaşmayı hedeflemiştir. Yahyâ’nın Cûzcân’a ulaştığı haberi üzerine Nasr b. Seyyâr üzerine sekiz bin kişilik bir ordu göndermiştir. Yahyâ yetmiş veya yüz yirmi kişiden oluşan az sayıdaki yanındaki taraftarlarıyla Emevî ordusuna karşı çatışmaya girmek zorunda kalmıştır. Sonuçta kendisi ve taraftarları öldürülmüştür. Yahyâ’nın başı vücudundan kesilerek halifeye gönderilmiş, cesedi de Cûzcân şehrinin giriş kapısı üzerine asılmıştır. Yahyâ’nın Horasan bölgesinde başlatmak istediği isyan başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmıştır. Tespitlerimize göre bunun bazı sebepleri bulunmaktadır. İlk olarak olarak Yahyâ’nın kalkışacağı isyan hareketi için önceden takip edeceği bir yol haritası hazırlamadığı, geniş bir halk kitlesiyle iletişim sağlayamadığı ve hedefini belirlemediği anlaşılmaktadır. İkinci olarak, Yahyâ’nın isyanında Emevî ordularına karşı koyabilecek yeterli sayıda desteğinin olmadığı görülmektedir. Buna sebep olarak da Yahyâ’nın Horasan’da geçirdiği üç yıllık dönemde takibat altında olduğundan gizlendiği ve bu sebeple açıktan faaliyette bulunamadığı sonucuna varabiliriz. Ayrıca kendisinin bölgedeki Keysânî, Abbâsî ve diğer Şiî toplulukların desteğini sağlayamamış olduğu görülmektedir. Özellikle Abbâsîler taraftarlarına Yahyâ’nın isyanına katılmamaları yönünde uyarıda bulundukları bilinmektedir. Yahyâ’nın isyanı başarısız olsa da ilerleyen süreçte bölgedeki halklar üzerinde bazı etkilerde bulunmuştur. Özellikle Yahyâ’nın Horasan’da öldürülmesinin en önemli sonucu Abbâsî ihtilali için uygun bir zeminin oluşmasına yardımcı olmasıdır. Bu şekilde ilk olarak Zeyd’in akabinde Yahyâ’nın öldürülmeleri farklı topluluklara ayrışmış tüm Şiî grupların Abbâsîler’in “Âl-i Muhammed” daveti altında toplanmalarını sağlamıştır. Sonuç olarak Yahyâ’nın isyanının başarısızlıkla sonuçlanması, Abbâsîler’in bölgedeki propaganda faaliyetlerini güçlendirmiş ve muhtemelen Emevî hakimiyetinin yıkılış sürecine katkıda bulunmuştur.
One of the important domestic developments during the Umayyad period is the rebellions carried out by members of the Ahl al-bayt. After the rebellion of Zayd b. 'Ali in Kufa, his father, Yahya was intensely prosecuted by the governor of Iraq Yusuf b. 'Umar, so he moved to Khurasan, where he would feel more secure and his supporters were located. In fact, 'Abbasids, Kaysani and Zayd b. 'Ali's supporters were active in Khurasan. Under these circumtances, Yahya left Iraq and followed the road Nineveh, Madd'in, Ray, Nishapur towards the east and came to Sarakhs and resided here about six months. Here, a group from the Kharijites came and made a revolt proposal, but this proposal was rejected by those with Yahya. After this, Yahya continued on his way to the east and came to Balkh and he stayed until the death of the caliph Hisham b. 'Abd al-Malik. The general purpose of Yahya's journey from Iraq to Balkh is probably to get rid of the prosecution of Iraqi governor Yusuf , and to establish the appropriate political atmosphere for the rebellion by contacting the Ahl al-bayt supporters in Khurasan. The governor of Iraq Yusuf b. 'Umar determined the location of Yahya in Balhk, and he ordered the governor of Khurasan Nasr b. Sayyar that he ensured Yahya was imprisoned in Marw. However, as his imprisonment was reported to the caliph al-Walid b. Yazid, he ordered him to be released. Governor Nasr advised Yahya to go directly to the caliph and avoid situations that could cause sedition. In this case, Yahya first came to Sarakhs, and then reached Nishapur via Tus. Meanwhile, the Khurasan governor Nasr wrote a letter to the governors on the route and ordered them to follow the movements of Yahya and to not allow him to stay in the cities for a long time. Yahya did not advance further west from the city of Bayhaq because he was afraid he might be killed by the Iraqi governor. Therefore, he returned from Bayhaq and came to Nishapur. Here, they confiscated the mounts of a caravan they encountered on the way along with seventy other people, but they also paid their fees. Due to this incident, the governor of Nishapur sent soldiers to Yahya and his entourage, but in the clash that broke out, the supporters of Yahya were successful against the soldiers, who were more than them. Yahya and his followers continued their movements towards Balkh in the east after that. Even though the sources do not fully state the reason for Yahya's movement to Balkh, the geographical distance and the possible Shil potential in the region may have guided him. However, this time Yahya aimed to reach Balkh via Herat and juzjan by traveling in the southeast direction, not via Marw. Upon the news that Yahya reached juzjan, the governor Nasr sent an army of eight thousand men on him. Yahya had to fight against the Umayyad army with his small number of supporters, consisting of seventy or one hundred and twenty people. As a result, he and his supporters were killed. Yahya's head was cut off from his body and sent to the caliph, and his body was hung over the entrance gate of the city of juzjan. There are some reasons why the revolt of Yahya failed. First of all, Yahya did not prepare a road map to follow in advance for the rebellion movement, and he could not communicate with a large mass of people and did not set his goal. Secondly, Yahya did not have enough support to resist the Umayyad armies in the rebellion. As a result, we can conclude that Yahya was hidden during the three-year period he spent in Khurasan because he was under prosecution and therefore could not operate openly. In addition, he could not get enough support from the Shil communities in the region. Although Yahya's rebellion was unsuccessful, it had some effects on the peoples of the region in the following process. Especially the murder of Yahya in Khurasan helped to create a suitable ground for the 'Abbasid revolution. In addition, it ensured that all Shil groups were gathered under the invitation of the 'Abbasid "Al-i Muhammad".
One of the important domestic developments during the Umayyad period is the rebellions carried out by members of the Ahl al-bayt. After the rebellion of Zayd b. 'Ali in Kufa, his father, Yahya was intensely prosecuted by the governor of Iraq Yusuf b. 'Umar, so he moved to Khurasan, where he would feel more secure and his supporters were located. In fact, 'Abbasids, Kaysani and Zayd b. 'Ali's supporters were active in Khurasan. Under these circumtances, Yahya left Iraq and followed the road Nineveh, Madd'in, Ray, Nishapur towards the east and came to Sarakhs and resided here about six months. Here, a group from the Kharijites came and made a revolt proposal, but this proposal was rejected by those with Yahya. After this, Yahya continued on his way to the east and came to Balkh and he stayed until the death of the caliph Hisham b. 'Abd al-Malik. The general purpose of Yahya's journey from Iraq to Balkh is probably to get rid of the prosecution of Iraqi governor Yusuf , and to establish the appropriate political atmosphere for the rebellion by contacting the Ahl al-bayt supporters in Khurasan. The governor of Iraq Yusuf b. 'Umar determined the location of Yahya in Balhk, and he ordered the governor of Khurasan Nasr b. Sayyar that he ensured Yahya was imprisoned in Marw. However, as his imprisonment was reported to the caliph al-Walid b. Yazid, he ordered him to be released. Governor Nasr advised Yahya to go directly to the caliph and avoid situations that could cause sedition. In this case, Yahya first came to Sarakhs, and then reached Nishapur via Tus. Meanwhile, the Khurasan governor Nasr wrote a letter to the governors on the route and ordered them to follow the movements of Yahya and to not allow him to stay in the cities for a long time. Yahya did not advance further west from the city of Bayhaq because he was afraid he might be killed by the Iraqi governor. Therefore, he returned from Bayhaq and came to Nishapur. Here, they confiscated the mounts of a caravan they encountered on the way along with seventy other people, but they also paid their fees. Due to this incident, the governor of Nishapur sent soldiers to Yahya and his entourage, but in the clash that broke out, the supporters of Yahya were successful against the soldiers, who were more than them. Yahya and his followers continued their movements towards Balkh in the east after that. Even though the sources do not fully state the reason for Yahya's movement to Balkh, the geographical distance and the possible Shil potential in the region may have guided him. However, this time Yahya aimed to reach Balkh via Herat and juzjan by traveling in the southeast direction, not via Marw. Upon the news that Yahya reached juzjan, the governor Nasr sent an army of eight thousand men on him. Yahya had to fight against the Umayyad army with his small number of supporters, consisting of seventy or one hundred and twenty people. As a result, he and his supporters were killed. Yahya's head was cut off from his body and sent to the caliph, and his body was hung over the entrance gate of the city of juzjan. There are some reasons why the revolt of Yahya failed. First of all, Yahya did not prepare a road map to follow in advance for the rebellion movement, and he could not communicate with a large mass of people and did not set his goal. Secondly, Yahya did not have enough support to resist the Umayyad armies in the rebellion. As a result, we can conclude that Yahya was hidden during the three-year period he spent in Khurasan because he was under prosecution and therefore could not operate openly. In addition, he could not get enough support from the Shil communities in the region. Although Yahya's rebellion was unsuccessful, it had some effects on the peoples of the region in the following process. Especially the murder of Yahya in Khurasan helped to create a suitable ground for the 'Abbasid revolution. In addition, it ensured that all Shil groups were gathered under the invitation of the 'Abbasid "Al-i Muhammad".
Anahtar Kelimeler
Islamic History, Shi'a, Yahyd b. Zayd, Khurasan, Rebellion, İslam Tarihi, Şîa, Yahyâ b. Zeyd, Horasan, İsyan
Cumhuriyet Ilahiyat Dergisi-Cumhuriyet Theology Journal
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