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Öğe Determination of “tribological performance working fields” for pure PEEK and PEEK composites under dry sliding conditions(Elsevier Ltd, 2024) Maslavi, Ahmet; Ünal, Hüseyin; Olabi, Muhammed NadirPoly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and PEEK composites are widely used polymers in many engineering applications where dry sliding is required. In this study, the influence of sliding velocity and applied load values on the friction and wear behavior of pure PEEK, 30 wt% glass fiber reinforced PEEK (PEEK-30GF), 30 wt% carbon fiber reinforced PEEK (PEEK-30CF) and 10 wt% carbon fiber+10 wt%graphite +10 wt%poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE) filled PEEK (ie. High (H) pressure (P) and velocity (V) resistant PEEK (PEEK-HPV)) composites rubbing against AISI 304 stainless steel disc was investigated. The experiments were carried out at room temperature under dry sliding conditions in a pin-on-disc wear rig. The applied loads ranged from 30 to 250 N, while the sliding velocities ranged from 1.0 to 4.0 m/s. At these load and velocity ranges, the friction coefficient-wear rate relationship of pure PEEK and composites was established and evaluated. In addition, the operating load-velocity limits of each material were determined and stated. The lowest coefficient of friction and wear rate were obtained in PEEK-HPV, PEEK-30CF, PEEK-30GF composites and pure PEEK polymer, respectively. In addition, it was observed that the coefficient of friction (CoF) decreased and the specific wear rate (SWR) increased with the increase in sliding velocity and applied load in all PEEK materials. The wear rate values of PEEK-HPV and PEEK-30%CF composites are in the range of 10?7 - 10?6 (mm3/Nm), while the wear rate values of pure PEEK and PEEK-30%GF are in the range of 10?6 - 10?5 (mm3/Nm). It was determined that carbon fiber, graphite and PTFE additives added to PEEK polymer as hybrid were very effective in reducing the wear rate of PEEK composite (PEEK-HPV). An adhesive wear mechanism was observed in PEEK-HPV and PEEK-30CF composites both at low load and velocity values and at high load and velocity values. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.Öğe The Tunceli Iron Age and Hellenistic survey, 2021(Peeters Publishers, 2022) Erdoğan, Serkan; Çakırca, Düzgün; Özcan, Gizem NurCarried out in the province of Tunceli since 2016, the ‘Tunceli Iron Age and Hellenistic Survey’ project is aimed at the discovery of new sites and acquisition of new data of mostly known archaeological remains that have not yet been researched thoroughly. During the final observation and documentation of the survey project’s 2021 season, two new archaeological sites were identified in the Tunceli region. The new archaeological sites in question are Masumu-Pak Fortress, which has traces of the Iron Age and the Middle Ages, and the Uzunçayır Necropolis, which should be dated to the Late Iron Age-Early Hellenistic Period. In addition, certain previously undescribed characteristics of the Gelin Odaları Necropolis, Aşağı Doluca, Rabat and Sağman Fortress settlements will be discussed in this paper. The article also includes an observation of medieval spolia artifacts used in traditional house building in the village of Til near Pertek. © 2022 Peeters Publishers. All rights reserved.Öğe Energy characterization through OpenSees nonlinear simulation of shear walls without confined boundary zones(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023) Olabi, Muhammed Nadir; Çağlar, Naci; AlShawa, Omar; Mollaioli, FabrizioUnderstanding the behavior of nonconforming RC shear walls is crucial in the energy-based seismic assessment and response prediction of existing buildings constructed without following modern seismic standards. Macroscopic numerical modeling approach is very effective and practical in simulating the behavior of reinforced concrete elements in general and shear walls in particular. Using the available materials and elements in the OpenSees domain it is feasible to construct numerical models that can predicate the hysteretic response and energy dissipation of shear walls without confined boundary zones found in old and existing buildings. A simple and practical macro model based on the fiber beam-column element is developed to reproduce the behavior of shear walls without confined boundary zones. The developed OpenSees model performance is benchmarked against experimentally tested shear walls from the literature. Furthermore, utilizing two of the most important energy-based dissipation parameters the dissipated energy characteristics are investigated and compared between the numerical model and the experimental test. As a result, the developed OpenSees based numerical model can simulate the behavior of old and existing shear walls without seismic detailing, and can be used in the evaluation procedures in terms of effective stiffness, maximum lateral capacity, ductility, and dissipated energy characteristics. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Öğe The role of the senses in children's perception of space(Konya Technical Univ, Fac Architecture & Design, 2022) Turgay, Zeynep Tarçın; Sarıberberoğlu, Mine TunçokWhile we humans exist in space through our bodies, we experience it via all our senses and build up an integrated knowledge of the world in our memories. However, children's conception of the world differs from adults due to their developmental stages. This study aims to examine human-space interaction with a new approach to reveal the effects of sensory stimuli on children's perception and memory of space. The case study was conducted in a theme park that offers various sensory stimuli with particularly designed spaces and activities. For the behavioral data, the spatial preferences of the participants (33 children, age 10) were recorded during the tour, and for the memory data participants were asked to draw pictures (cognitive maps) afterwards. The data sets were redefined by the main sensory stimuli offered by the spatial units (spatial data), and the number of stimulus experiences and the number of stimulus recalls were analyzed comparatively. Contrary to popular belief, the results show that (1) all of the senses take part in perception depending on the existing stimuli in the space, vision does not have any precedence; (2) the functioning of the senses during an experience changes depending on how much stimulus they are exposed to and how much the body participates in the perception process; (3) kinesthetic stimuli come to the fore as the best stored stimuli in memory, whereas the taste stimuli remain in the background as the least remembered ones. The case study group was limited, the subjective aspects of perception, and the age and gender differences that may exist are ignored. With the inclusion of age and gender factors precisely, this methodology could reveal promising alternatives for design methods and guide the production of all types of architectural spaces, including the children's spaces. This study proposes an original perspective that regards both the physical and social components of the space as the source of perception; and it attempts to make up for a deficiency by regarding the children who are mostly neglected in other studies, yet are active users of the space.Öğe Fire safety in health care facilities in Turkey and a proposal for fire safety policy(Gazi University, Faculty Engineering Architecture, 2021) Altındaş, SedatPurpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the fire safety measures in healthcare facilities in Turkey Theory and Methods: The roles, responsibility and authorities of fire safety in healthcare facilities were determined by examining the legal legislation. Fire precautions are set out in complies with legislation, national and international standards, codes. Results: Legislation should be developed for hospital fire safety. Fire safety control forms should be established in hospitals. Safety training and certifications for hospital managers must be mandatory. In Turkey, legislation for fire safety in hospitals is inadequate and needs to be improved. Fire safety control forms should be established in hospitals. Safety training and certifications for hospital managers must be mandatory. Conclusion: This study and its results are proposed as the fire safety policy for healthcare facilities in TurkeyÖğe From the perspective of manifestos: is Antonio Sant'Elia a futurist?(Yildiz Technical Univ, Fac Architecture, 2015) Civelek, YusufDoubts linger regarding Antonio Sant'Elia's authorship of the "Manifesto of Futurist Architecture," which was published in 1914 with the signature of this best-known adherent of Futurism in architecture and had certain influence over avant-garde movements in Europe before World War I. These doubts concentrate on supposed discrepancies between the architect's perspective drawings showing the city of the future and the manifesto's message, fostering the conviction that Sant'Elia should not be regarded as a Futurist. Statements later added to the manifesto proposing the use of oblique and elliptic architectural lines are used as evidence to support the incongruity of the drawings with Futurism's search for dynamism. Because Marinetti and Boccioni placed the human body, particularly the male body, at the center of their search for artistic expression based on psycho-physical effects of the material environment and refused to acknowledge the effects of the unconscious, perspective is a very important element of Futurism, as it can engage the subject in the object and vice versa. Therefore, axonometric projection, which generally serves objective approaches, is not appropriate for Futurism, as it deprives the subject of the sensation of physical engagement with dynamism. However, in Sant'Elia's perspective drawings, which are usually set at an oblique angle and seen from a low level, the foreshortening of the horizontal lines and almost constant use of erect vertical lines create a sensation of both horizontal and perpendicular dynamic movement. In these architectural creations, dynamism stems from psycho-physical effects of phenomenal movement, which imitate subjective visual perception as much as, if not more than, the "real" oblique or elliptic lines of the buildings depicted.Öğe The Marmara Chalet : Modern farmhouse for Ataturk(Middle East Technical Univ, 2012) Alpagut, LeylaEstablished in 1925, the Gazi Pap Farm has shown a planned development during the 1930s with its complementary functions of agriculture, industry, accommodation, entertainment, and leisure. The Marmara Chalet built as resident for Ataturk is one of the primary structures of the Farm premises, which defines the qualification of the 'modernity project' at its own scale. This early-dated structure realized by the Swiss architect Ernst Arnold Egli between the years 1928-1929, one year after he came to Turkey, reveals how the era perceived 'the modern' as much as tendencies of the architecture of Egli, and how it reflected these modes of presence to design/construction processes, and decision mechanisms. On the other hand, it is the messenger of the effective position of Egli at the Gazi Forest Farm that persisted during the 1930s with respect to planning and construction. Marmara Chalet is a part of the public park where the Marmara Pool, one of the primary entertainment/leisure places of the farm, is located. The structure designed as a modern farmhouse is an important example of the Early Republican period residences, its location characteristics complying with contemporary lifestyle, and its components satisfying functions such as meeting, gathering in balls, along with residing; showing modern design understanding, use of new materials and techniques, and many other minor details. Besides the appearance of the Farm developed as a manufacturing center with the Beer Factory and auxiliary buildings that would later be built by Egli, the park with the pool and the chalet is one of the focuses which contributed and still contributes to divergence of the premises from the image of a traditional manufacturing site of manufacture to that of a cultural space. This design performed by Egli immediately after he arrived Turkey, is the product of the environment he has newly came to as a Western architect, and his quests in regard to creation of architecture complying with the expectations of the employer. The arched porch pattern on the structure that is not seen in other designs by Egli, suggests the dilemmas of the transformation process in the culture of architecture experienced in late 1920s in Turkey. While the structure carries characteristics of modern residences with its steep sloped roof specific to the geography where Egli came from, wooden shutter windows, symmetrical and plain facades, its porched ground floor, and the interior pattern complying with the new life aspiration of the era, it does not completely represent the cubic definition that answers the architectural form and language of the time. The manufacturing and trade spaces which became distinct in the Gazi Forest Farm experience, and the life circles and details offered therewith provide detailed and substantial information as to ideational and formal base of modernization. It is evident that the transforming function of the Gazi Forest Farm with its specific qualities, such as the concept of occupant/designer in modern housing as a fairly new experience, the Western design understanding perceiving the interior and exterior of the building as a whole, cannot be ignored. It is a must to understand, evaluate and preserve the Marmara Chalet as part of early Republican period architecture heritage, like several structures with different functions on the Ataturk Forest Farm. Thus it will contribute to understand the Farm as a multilayered information package with its environment and its buildings The study aims to evaluate Marmara Chalet in the light of the original visual and written documentation accessed primarily at the Ataturk Archive of the Presidential Residence, the Archive of the Ataturk Forest Farm, and sources of other relevant institutions, and personal archives.Öğe Compressive behavior of large-scale square reinforced concrete columns confined with carbon fiber reinforced polymer jackets(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2010) Turgay, Tahsin; Polat, Z.; Köksal, Hasan Orhun; Doran, Bilge; Karakoç, C.Several experimental and analytical studies on the confinement effect and failure mechanisms of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) wrapped columns have been conducted over recent years. Although typical axial members are large-scale square/rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) columns in practice, the majority of such studies have concentrated on the behavior of small-scale circular concrete specimens. The data available for square/rectangular columns are still limited. This paper reports the results of an experimental research program on the performance of large-scale square RC columns wrapped with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Attention is focused on the investigation of the total effect of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement and FRP jackets on the behavior of concentrically loaded columns. A total of 20 large-scale RC columns were fabricated and tested to failure under axial loading in the structural laboratory. Three types of columns were primarily considered: unwrapped; fully wrapped; and partially wrapped. Based on the test results of RC columns, existing experimental data and procedures in the literature are also evaluated. Furthermore, stress-strain curves of the columns are successfully predicted by the analytical approach previously proposed for FRP-confined concrete. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe A practical approach for modeling FRP wrapped concrete columns(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009) Köksal, Hasan Orhun; Doran, Bilge; Turğay, TahsinFiber reinforced polymers (FRP) have gained rapid popularity in recent years as one of the strengthening techniques of structural concrete elements. Particularly, increase in the use of FRP composite materials for strengthening and retrofitting of reinforced concrete columns has urged the development of several approaches to determine their compressive strength. Although substantial experimental and analytical researches have been conducted to model and simulate the response of concrete confined with FRP jackets under concentric loading. there is still an apparent need for the detail analyses and efficient numerical models to further understand the stress-strain behavior and failure mechanisms of the confined concrete. In order to predict the compressive behavior of concrete even under high confinement pressures, this paper introduces new relations for calculation of the cohesion parameter of Drucker-Prager criterion in terms of cylindrical compressive strength only. These relations are developed from a parametric study of a large number of nonlinear finite element analyses (NLFFEA) of FRP wrapped concrete columns to account for the axial load level and the shape of the stress-strain curve. Incorporating a realistic one-parameter failure criterion of concrete, the failure cone of Drucker-Prager model is enforced to approximate and coincide with the whole compressive meridian of the criterion up to the analytically predicted point of the ultimate hydrostatic pressure in the analyses. Based on this failure cone, mainly seven different relations corresponding to the various levels of lateral pressure are proposed for the compressive meridian and the cohesion while keeping the internal friction angle as a constant value of 33 degrees. The proposed approach is shown to fit quite well the experimental results of 42 specimens tested by eight different researchers, for various square and rectangular cross-sections under concentric loading. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Stress-strain model for concrete confined with CFRP jackets(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009) Turgay, Tahsin; Köksal, Hasan Orhun; Polat, Z.; Karakoç, C.Enhancement of strength and ductility is the main reason for the extensive use of FRP jackets to provide external confinement to reinforced concrete columns especially in seismic areas. Therefore, numerous researches have been carried out in order to provide a better description of the behavior of FRP-confined concrete for practical design purposes. Most of the existing models are based on the improved or modified forms of the well known empirical formula of Richart et al. derived from the tests on concrete cylinders. Compressive strength of concrete is predicted without a failure criterion for this modeling approach. There exist only a few models that employ the simplified or modified forms of five-parameter failure criterion proposed by William-Warnke. This paper primarily concentrates on the modeling of FRP-confined concrete using a practical failure surface based on only unconfined compressive strength of concrete. A large comparative analysis is accomplished for the existing test data of 127 cylindrical concrete specimens confined with CFRP jackets. The performance of five existing analytical models for the prediction of the compressive strength of FRP-confined concrete is evaluated leading to the detection of the proposed approach as the most accurate one through this comparative study. Moreover, the complete stress-strain curves of eight concrete cylinders obtained from four different experimental studies are plotted adopting both the stress-strain relation of Saenz and the predictions for compressive strength of the approach. Comparisons between the experimental and analytical results point out that the proposed approach provides satisfactory predictions for both the compressive strength and the stress-strain plots of CFRP-confined concrete. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Nonlinear finite element modeling of rectangular/square concrete columns confined with FRP(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009) Doran, Bilge; Köksal, Hasan Orhun; Turgay, TahsinNumerous confinement models which can be categorized as design or analysis oriented have been proposed for predicting the behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-confined concrete columns. Analysis-oriented models generally use an incremental procedure for plotting the entire stress-strain response while design-oriented models predict the load-carrying and deformation capacities of the column with closed form expressions. As a comprehensive approach, this paper primarily deals with the nonlinear finite element modeling of rectangular/square concrete columns wrapped with FRP in order to simulate the compressive behavior under concentric loading. Adopting cohesion and internal friction values of Drucker-Prager criterion from a previous study of the authors, emphasis is placed on both the determination of confining stress and the lateral-to-axial strain relation. Thirty three small and large scale specimens. including slender columns, tested by four different researchers are numerically analyzed for this crucial relation between the behavior of concrete and composite jacket. The distribution of confining stresses at the mid-height plane of the columns is evaluated on the basis of analysis. Confining stresses obtained from nonlinear finite element analyses (NLFEA) are also compared with both uniform confining pressure for cylindrical specimens and effective stresses calculated by using a shape factor recommended by ACI 440.2R-02. Comparisons show that the confining pressure values obtained from the assumption of uniform stress distribution over the surface of concrete core are consistent with the maximum lateral pressure at the corners while effective lateral pressure can be considered as minimum confining stresses on flat sides. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Modeling aspects concerning the axial behavior of RC columns(2011) Köksal, Hasan Orhun; Turgay, Tahsin; Karakoç, Cengiz; Ayçenk, S.This paper is concerned with the axial behavior of the RC columns. Stress-strain relationships of experimentally tested RC columns under concentric loading are compared with the predictions of the Koksal model. Moment-curvature analyses of RC sections are also performed employing the same model in a self-developed moment-curvature program for confined concrete. Results are compared with the output of EXTRACT which uses the Mander concrete model. © 2011 WIT Press.Öğe Environmental master plans for preserving natural and cultural environment: The Zonguldak, Bartın and Karabük planning region(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2012) Tunçer, Mehmet; Yalçuk, ArdaThis study discusses the scenario, strategies and policies to be developed for the preservation of the natural and the cultural/historical environments which are of significance in the 1/100000 scale Environmental Master Plans prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in recent years through the case of Zonguldak, Bartın, Karabük Planning Region for which the plan was completed in 2007Öğe Polar method to design foldable plate structures(Int. Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 2015) Beatini, ValentinaThe paper considers non-developable foldable plate structures. It presents a design method to approximate any surface made by the translation of a generic curve along a straight line or connected segments. The method achieves a continuous, foldable 3D grid which approximates the target surface along two perpendicular directions. The parameters defining the target surface and the sharpness of the folded plates can be freely set. © 2015 IASS.Öğe Translational method for designing folded plate structures(Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd, 2015) Beatini, ValentinaThis paper concerns non-developable folded plate structures. It presents the translational method; a design technique that creates three dimensional non-developable systems that can approximate any surface made by translating a generic curve along another generic curve. The continuous folding process is guaranteed by keeping the value of dihedral angles throughout the structure constant at each phase. Once solved the kinematic constraints, the lengths of sides are opportunely varied to approximate any translational surface. The translational method allows for free setting of the target curvature, the approximation span, and the sharpness of the plates.Öğe Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nde Ernst Egli’nin izleri: planlama, bira fabrikası, konutlar ve “geleneksel” bir hamam(2010) Alpagut, Leyla"Gazi Forest Farm" established on 5 May 1925 was designed and developed as a modern site with concern for leisure activities along with agricultural, industrial, and commercial components. Following the first construction between 1925 and 1926, development in 1930s was conducted so as to show a planned environment with modern concerns in mind. The initial plan for the Farm dated 1934 was maintained by the Swiss architect Ernst Arnold Egli, who attempted to innovate an approach to connect the historical and the cultural past of the new nation with the geography of the site, and the very public space requirements of the new-born Republic of Turkey. Although the plan was not applied in its entirety, the design makes one to consider the Atatürk Forest Farm to constitute a small model of the national modernity project, with the social, cultural and historic implications it has. Only two years after the initial design, planning and architectural implementations in the Farm were conducted in a more comprehensive and programmed manner. Following the plan prepared by Hermann Jansen in 1936 and with the Jansen-Egli cooperation, projects for the Beer and Malt Factory, housing, hamam (Turkish Bath) and restaurant, the main structures of the site were rapidly prepared and realized by Egli in 1937. The Beer and Malt Factory was one of the main buildings which transformed/changed the Farm in a considerable manner with its central position; accommodation facilities provided the employees with houses close to workplace; managerial units and the Railway Station completed the scene for the suburban leisure space to be within easy reach with the new Capital city Ankara. The Factory's machine-like and rational form corresponding to its function with technologic facilities was complemented with the modern forms of official buildings and housing for employees, as well as with the hamam. While housing units provided a modern atmosphere for the users of the quarter, they were designed to cope with the living habits of the emerging working class. For the design of the Beer Factory Hamam, one of the most interesting buildings of the site, Egli was adhered to the characteristic scheme of the Ottoman Hamam, and complied with the modern approach of 1930s while using the material and technique: he utilized current technological implementations for its water and heating system, contrary to the traditional hamams, which might be called an innovation. With the hamam and the housing, the Beer and Malt Factory, as one of the main buildings of the site provided the Farm to have a more modern and holistic appearance as an industrial production area. Natural landscaping, parks and gardens of the Farm take the workplace away from the usual factory image. Carefully embellished gardens next to the factory where few species of plants were cultivated; the restaurants, parks, pools and other areas for entertainment, detach the industrial and agricultural production locations considered as collective spaces in integrity, in an order not disturbing each other. Factory and employee housing of the industrial period and their environments for living created in connection therewith, are still a rich source of information. However nowadays it is evident that this initial environment created for a modern way of living and production is under a great pressure of change, which ends up in ill-management, under maintenance and simply ignorance. As an architectural heritage from the Early Republican Era, it is required to appreciate the value of and to preserve the buildings of the Atatürk Forest Farm, as one primary sample of a modern, contemporary, secular environmental contruction. The paper aims to document the planning and construction development of the campus and its buildings in the light of the textual and visual documents acquired from the ETH Zürich Archive, the Presidency Atatürk Archive, Prime Ministry Archive for the Republic, the Architektsmuseum TU Berlin, the TTA General Directorate Archive, and the Atatürk forest Farm Archive.Öğe Üretken bir mimar ve Ankara’da modern bir bina: Bruno Taut ve Atatürk Lisesi(2018) Alpagut, LeylaErken Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde (1923-1950) bilimsel bir yaklaşım ile üretilen yeni müfredatlara uygun eğitim yapıları, çağdaş mimari kimlikleri ve kent içindeki konumları ile devleti temsil eden yapılar arasındadır. Başkent Ankara’da bu dönemde inşa edilen çok sayıdaki okul binası, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Mimarlık Bürosu’nda Almanca konuşulan ülkelerden gelen mimarlar eliyle üretilmiştir. Bunlar arasında Alman mimar Bruno Taut, okul tasarımları ile bu dönem mimarlığının başlıca aktörlerinden birisi olmuş, tasarımlarında, modern mimarlığın biçimci yanını dışlayarak, üslup tartışmalarından çok yapının bulunduğu iklim, malzeme vb. koşullara uygunluk konusuna önem vermiş, işlevsel bir yapı üretme yoluna gitmiştir. Anıtsal tasarımı olan Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi binasında Osmanlı mimarlığına yaptığı kimi göndermelerin dışında ortaokul ve lise binalarında, çevre ile uyumlu farklı yüksekliklerde parçalı kütle anlayışı ile daha sade ve mütevazı ancak oldukça etkileyici çözümler üretmiştir. Atatürk Lisesi binası, eğitimin gerektirdiği işlevselci ve akılcı çözümlerinin yanında, bulunduğu kültüre özgü detayları ile Taut’un “modern mimarlık” konusundaki düşüncelerinin bir gösteri alanına dönüşür. Çalışmada Atatürk Lisesi binasının Bruno Taut mimarlığını olduğu kadar, Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi mimarlık ortamının eğilimlerini ortaya koyan mimari kimliğinin tanıtılması ve değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yapının işlevi, kent ile kurduğu ilişki, mimari kimliği ve nitelikleri, Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi mimarlığı içindeki yeri, bu çalışmanın başlıca tartışmasıdır.Öğe Asfalt çimentolarında bekleme süresi ve ortam sıcaklığının duktuliteye etkisi(2005) Özgan, Ercan; Kap, TuncayKarayollarında, esnek üst yapı tabakalarından olan binder ve aşınma tabakaları trafik etkisi ile dış koşulların etkisine maruz kalmaktadır. Bu nedenle yol yüzeyinde oluşan kayma, çekme ve basma gerilmelerini de karşılamaktadır. Binder ve aşınma tabakalarının bu etkileri karşılayabilmesi için bağlayıcı olarak asfalt çimentosu kullanılmaktadır. Asfalt çimentosunun duktulite değerleri yukarıda belirtilen özelliklerin sağlanabilmesi açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, asfalt çimentosunun duktulite değerleri bekleme süresi ve ortam sıcaklığı değişkenlerine göre incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, farklı bekleme süreleri ve farklı sıcaklıklarda elde edilen duktulite değerleri ile referans duktulite değerleri karşılaştırılarak aralarındaki ilişki belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.Öğe Mescid ve Mimarî(2014) Civelek, YusufMimarın ve mimarînin var olma sebebi olan mabet, 20. yüzyıla kadar mimarlığın özü olarak kalacak “üslup”un da yaratıcısıdır. Millî, etnik ve kültürel kimliğin önemli bir tanımlayıcısı olarak 19. yüzyılda Batı’da ve Batı’nın doğrudan etkili olduğu merkezlerde karmaşık bir soruna dönüşmüş olan mimarî üslup, 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında uluslararası bir estetiğe evrilmiş, ikinci yarısında ise ferdî üsluplar ve küresel “trend”ler içinde yok olmuştur. 1950’lerden sonra kilise mimarîsi, gelip geçici “trend”lerden uzak durmak şartıyla, sanatçı-mimarın ferdî yaklaşımının belirlediği modern mimarlığa açılmıştır. Batı’daki mimarî gelişmeleri yaklaşık 150 yıldır yakından takip eden Türkiye’de bir tek cami mimarîsi –o da ana akım mimarlık pratiğinin dışında kalması dolayısıyla– “klasik” kabul edilen bir üslubu sürdürmekte ve modernleşme baskılarına direnmektedir. 16. yüzyılın, özellikle de Mimar Sinan’ın camilerinin iyi kötü taklit edilmesi üzerine bina edilen ve aslında “neo-klasik” olarak adlandırılması gereken bu yaygın cami tipolojisi, 1950’lerden beri tarihselci (historiciste) yaklaşımların dışlandığı okullarda yetişen mimarların çoğunluğu tarafından, çağdaş yaratıcılığa kapalı oldukları için kıyasıya eleştirilmektedir. Gerçekte mimarlarla cami cemaatleri arasında, özellikle metinlerle desteklenen ortak bir zeminin olmaması, anakronik üslup tartışmasının sürmesine ve Türk şehirlerindeki mescidlerin gerçek sorunlarının gizlenmesine neden olmaktadır. Modern ve (neo) klasik cami arasında bölünmüş mescidin kavramsallaştırılmasındaki sorun her iki kutup için de aynıdır: mescid, “cami” adı verilen, “ibadet alanı” olarak ayrılmış bir parseli olan, kendi içinde başlayıp biten abidevi tekil kütlesiyle sembolik bir ifade taşıması gereken “sıradışı” bir yapıdır. Bu durumda uzlaşmazlık, apartman, işyeri ve yolların belirlediği sıradan şehir mekânı içinde, caminin sıradışılığını gösterecek biçimlerin tercihinden kaynaklanır. Hâlbuki mescidi ilgilendiren asıl sorun, onu toplumsal hayatın merkezinden uzaklaştıran ve şehir içinde mekânını “öteki”leştiren sosyal ve kültürel gelişmelerdir. Bu durumda mescidin gerçek konumunu biçimsel özellikleriyle değil, mekânının toplumla kurduğu işlevsel ilişkide görmek gerekir. Cemaatlerin sadece camiyle sınırlı kalması, mescid tasarımında yeni yaklaşımların içinde düşünülmesi gereken sorunlar arasındadır. Çağdaş mescid mimarîsinde önemli bir eksiklik, fertleri ibadetin dışında, günlük hayatın diğer kolektif birlikteliklerinde buluşturacak olan işlevlerin eksikliğidir. Modern bir cemaatin ihtiyaç duyduğu, günlük hayatın ferdî ihtiraslarını kolektif bir iyiliğe yönlendirebilecek yeni işlevsel programlara camiyle birlikte anlamlı bir mekân ve biçim vermek, bu çağda ancak ehil mimarlar tarafından yapılabilir. Kısacası, mimarlar için çok önemli bir hâle gelmiş olan ferdî yaratıcılık, tarihî, felsefi ve sosyolojik hususların hakkı iyi verilerek kullanılırsa, mescid mimarîsinin önünü açabilir. Ancak, sanatçı-mimarların ve cemaatleri oluşturan insanların mabetlere kaybolan güzellikleri ve işlevleri yeniden kazandırabilmelerinin yolu, belki de Nurettin Topçu’nun çeşitli yazılarında tarif ettiği, o çokluk içinde birliği arayan fert olmaktan geçecektir.Öğe 1930’larda bir mimar: İzzet Baysal(2009) Alpagut, Leylaİzzet Baysal, Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde (1923-1950) yetişmiş az sayıdaki Türk mimardan birisidir. Mimarlık mesleğini 1931-1943 yılları arasında sürdürmüş, daha sonra ticaret yaşamına atılmıştır. Kısa süren mimarlık yaşamında azımsanamayacak sayıda yapı tasarlamış ve gerçekleştirmiştir. Çoğu konut olan bu yapıların hiçbiri günümüzde ne yazık ki ayakta değildir. Ancak, yapıların izi sürüldüğünde ulaşılan belgeler, bu yapıların Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde etkili olan Uluslararası Mimarlık Üslubunun başkent Ankara dışındaki önemli örnekleri olduklarını göstermektedir. Baysal’ın kamu ve konut yapıları, bu üsluba uygun olarak, işlevine göre biçimlenmiş, bezemeden arındırılmış, yalın ve sade bir anlatıma sahiptir. Konut tasarımları, geleneksel Türk aile yaşamında Tanzimat ile başlayan ve Cumhuriyet ile birlikte yeni bir anlam kazanan dönüşümlerin açıkça okunabildiği, ancak oldukça mütevazi taşra örnekleridir. Makalemizde, İzzet Baysal’ın 1930’lu yıllarda tasarımını ve yapımını gerçekleştirdiği, belgelerine ulaşılabilen sekiz bina tanıtılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Mimarın 1930’lardaki bu projelerine ilişkin yazılı ve görsel belgeler, dönemin tek mimarlık dergisi olan Arkitekt’ten elde edilebilmiştir. Bunlar, Eskişehir Hava Mektebi (1936), Eskişehir Halkevi (1936), Bolu’da konut (1933), Eskişehir’de iki konut (1935), Ayrıca Eskişehir’de Bayan Feride Evi ve Bay Salahattin Evi olarak adlandırılmış iki konut (1935) ve Ankara Karanfil Sokak’taki konuttur (1938). Makalede önce, Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Mimarlık ortamında İzzet Baysal’ın da uygulayıcısı olduğu Uluslararası Mimarlık Üslubu ve Türk mimarların bu üslup karşısındaki tutumları kısaca ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra İzzet Baysal’ın mimarlık yaşamı ve sözkonusu sekiz yapısı, eldeki görsel ve yazılı belgelere dayanarak tanıtılmıştır. Son bölümde ise bu yapılar ve İzzet Baysal mimarlığı Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Mimarlığı bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir.