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  • Öğe
    Problem areas of determining the sample size in qualitative research: A model proposal
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2024) Tutar, Hasan; Şahin, Mehmet; Sarkhanov, Teymur
    PurposeThe lack of a definite standard for determining the sample size in qualitative research leaves the research process to the initiative of the researcher, and this situation overshadows the scientificity of the research. The primary purpose of this research is to propose a model by questioning the problem of determining the sample size, which is one of the essential issues in qualitative research. The fuzzy logic model is proposed to determine the sample size in qualitative research.Design/methodology/approachConsidering the structure of the problem in the present study, the proposed fuzzy logic model will benefit and contribute to the literature and practical applications. In this context, ten variables, namely scope of research, data quality, participant genuineness, duration of the interview, number of interviews, homogeneity, information strength, drilling ability, triangulation and research design, are used as inputs. A total of 20 different scenarios were created to demonstrate the applicability of the model proposed in the research and how the model works.FindingsThe authors reflected the results of each scenario in the table and showed the values for the sample size in qualitative studies in Table 4. The research results show that the proposed model's results are of a quality that will support the literature. The research findings show that it is possible to develop a model using the laws of fuzzy logic to determine the sample size in qualitative research.Originality/valueThe model developed in this research can contribute to the literature, and in any case, it can be argued that determining the sample volume is a much more effective and functional model than leaving it to the initiative of the researcher.
  • Öğe
    Tracing management fashions in selected indices: A descriptive statistical study
    (Sciendo, 2022) Tutar, Hasan; Sarkhanov, Teymur
    Background and purpose: Although management fashions have been discussed for nearly 30 years, a certain amount of time had to pass before the discussions were based on factual data. This research mainly aims to trace management approaches in some selected international indices over nearly half a century. In this study, the basic question of how the historical course of management fashions has developed has been answered by following the development course. Methods: The Descriptive Statistical method was preferred in the study because of its suitability to the subject's essence, the purpose of the research, and the research question's answer. The research was carried out based on the data collected about management trends by scanning the Web of Science and Scopus databases covering 1975-2020. Results: Management fashions follow rapid adoption, implementation, disappointment, and abandonment. Research results; show that the lack of knowledge and awareness of management fashions poses a significant waste of time and intellectual capital. This determination is crucial, especially for young researchers and new generation managers. Conclusion: In conclusion, it can be said that while new approaches that have tangible counterparts and can be grounded continue, approaches that do not have concrete counterparts disappear, causing a waste of time and mental effort.
  • Öğe
    Dîvân-ı Hikmet’te “Yetim” imgesinin göstergebilimsel açıdan incelenmesi
    (İlahiyat Bilimleri Araştırma Vakfı, 2022) Tutar, Hasan
    Türk kültürünün taşıyıcı sütunlarından olan Yesevî’nin Dîvan-ı Hikmet adlı eserinin yol göstericiliğinde, yetimleri başkasına muhtaç etmemek için Türkler kurdukları devletlerde yetimlerle ilgili birçok kurum ihdas etmiş ve bunları aile ocağı gibi korumuştur. Bu ocakların kurulmasında Hoca Ahmed Yesevî’nin Dîvân-ı Hikmet adlı eserinin ve onun icraatlerinin büyük bir payı vardır. Yesevî ve eserinin önemi, Türkistan’ın bozkırlarından insanlığa yön veren evrensel bir hüviyete sahip olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Türklerin dinî-tasavvufî hayatlarını derinden etkileyen Yesevî, tasavvuf gibi deruni boyutu olan bir anlayışı inşa ederken, dünyada olup-bitenlere bigâne kalmamıştır. Dîvân-ı Hikmet’te Yesevî, yetim veya öksüz kalmış birinin fiziksel ve psikolojik/manevi ihtiyaçlara ilişkin sorumluluğun toplum fertlerine düşen önemli bir sorumluluk olarak görür. Yesevî yetim imgesini ele alırken üzerinde durduğu temel husus, yetimin anneyi ve babayı kaybetmesinden kaynaklanan sorunlara ilişkin değil, aksine yetime karşı toplumun sorumluluk bilincinin inşa edilmesidir. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, Ahmed Yesevî’nin Dîvân-ı Hikmet adlı eserinde onun sosyal sorumluluk ve insani duyarlılığının bir göstergesi olan “yetim” imgesini göstergebilimsel açıdan incelemektir. Araştırmada Dîvân-ı Hikmet’te “yetim” imgesi bağlamı ile birlikte göstergebilimsel açıdan çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, Ahmed Yesevî’nin yetim olgusuna özel bir önem atfettiği, aslında yetimler ve garipler üzerinden anlattığı olgunun, toplumsal dayanışma yoluyla ortadan kaldırılabileceği yönündedir. Bir vizyon ve misyon insanı olan Yesevî’nin yetim imgesine ilişkin beyan ve imaları, korunmaya muhtaç olanlara yardım etmeyen bir toplumun büyük bir medeniyet inşa edemeyeceğine ilişkin uyarılar içerir.
  • Öğe
    Development of sustainable human resources in the period 2000-2021: A bibliometric review
    (World Scientific Publishing House, 2023) Tutar, Hasan; Nam, Selçuk; Güler, Sevilay
    The main purpose of this research is to make suggestions for future studies by making bibliometric analyses of publications, researchers, institutions, countries and their connections in sustainable human resources management between 2000-2021. It is bibliometric research in terms of research method, and the research data were obtained from the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus database. We reviewed 505 articles published in 210 journals between 2000-2021 to collect data according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. We conducted performance and scientific field mapping analyses to reveal the field's overall view of the research. Analysis findings show that the interest in sustainable human resources management is increasing daily, and there is an increasing trend towards areas such as green human resources management and corporate social responsibility. In addition, we determined that ten core journals on the sustainability of human resources dominate the field.
  • Öğe
    Impact of COVID-19 anxiety on work stress in seafarers: The mediating role of COVID-19 burnout and intention to quit
    (Via Medica, 2022) Erdem, Ahmet Tuncay; Tutar, Hasan
    Background: The frequent encounters of seafarers with people from different countries compared to other occupations increase their risk of contracting different variants of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This risk may cause additional anxiety for them. The main purpose of this research is to determine the mediating role of COVID-19 burnout and intention to quit in the impact of seafarers' anxiety about contracting COVID-19 on work stress.Materials and methods: The research is a quantitative correlational research design cross-sectional study. We determined the research data according to the random sampling technique. Participants consist of 390 maritime business employees operating in Istanbul and Izmir. We determined the participants based on voluntary participation. We collected the data with the help of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale, COVID-19Results: The study found that seafarers' anxiety about contracting the novel coronavirus positively influences their perception of job stress and that COVID-19 burnout and intention to quit strongly mediate this interaction. We also determined that seafarers had a high level of COVID-19 anxiety, leading to a higher perception of COVID-19 burnout.Conclusions: These findings mean that although personal factors are important, negative psychological perceptions feed off each other and cause another psychological perception. The research results need to be strengthened by psychological factors such as job satisfaction, organizational trust and organizational support, and their psychological resilience should be increased so that seafarers do not show COVID-19 anxiety due to job stress and intention to quit.
  • Öğe
    A phenomenological study on the antecedents and consequences of organizational ostracism
    (Anı Publishing, 2021) Tutar, Hasan; Başpınar, Nuran Öztürk; Güler, Sevilay
    Organizational environments are environments where conflicts of interest are intense due to business and human interactions. Various problems are experienced in these environments due to both business and human interaction and interpersonal relations. These problems cause various psychological and physical health problems in the employees and organizational health problems such as reduced job satisfaction and damage to work peace in organizations. This study examined the problem of "organizational ostracism," an example of negative behavior in organizations. The study discussed the causes of ostracism and its effects on the ostracized person. The study was designed according to the descriptive phenomenological pattern, one of the qualitative research designs. The sample of the study was determined according to the purposeful sampling technique. The study data were collected through in-depth interviews from 19 faculty members with different titles and positions working in various departments of public universities. The research results were presented and interpreted as "code," "sub-theme," and "main theme." At the end of the examination, organizational exclusion; It was understood that it was caused by jealousy, ethnic, political and trade union discrimination. The impact of organizational ostracism on the individual excluded; intention to quit, feeling of burnout, and psychosomatic disorders were grouped under the main themes. Findings showed that organizational ostracism harms organizational and individual performance. The research results show that ostracism is an important organizational behavior problem that disrupts organizational and individual health and job satisfaction.
  • Öğe
    The mediating role of organizational cynicism in the relationship between workplace incivility and organizational silence
    (UIKTEN - ASSOC INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION & SCIENCE, 2021) Tutar, Hasan; Tuzcuoğlu, Ferruh; Sarkhanov, Teymur
    In this study, the mediating role of organizational cynicism in the relationship between rudeness in the workplace and organizational silence was examined. The research is a quantitative research cross-sectional study. Research data were collected using a simple random sampling technique. Data analysis shows a significant and positive relationship between the participants' perceptions of rudeness in the workplace and organizational silence. It is understood that the perception of organizational cynicism also mediates this relationship. It was understood that the high perception of the workplace laziness of the participants caused the perception of organizational silence to be high.
  • Öğe
    Moderator role of old and new Y generation differences in the effect of perceptions of self-efficiency on decision-making strategies
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2022) Tutar, Hasan; Erdem, Ahmet Tuncay; Karademir, Ömer
    Purpose There has been a rapid generational change in the business world in Turkey recently, and X generation managers are rapidly leaving their place to Y generation managers. In countries with relatively young populations such as Turkey, management in family businesses passes into the hands of Generation Y. This study aims to examine the moderator role of the difference between old and new generation Y in the effect of self-efficacy perceptions on decision-making strategies. Design/methodology/approach This research, which was designed according to the quantitative research method, was designed according to the cross-sectional survey model, one of the general survey models. The research data were collected from a sample of 441 family business managers determined according to the simple random sampling technique. The data were analyzed and interpreted with various statistical techniques. Data analysis was done with AMOS. 20 and International Business Machines statistical package for the social sciences 22 data analysis programs. Findings According to the analysis findings, there is a significant relationship between the participants' self-efficacy perceptions and decision-making strategies. Research findings old and new generation Y managers have different decision strategies. The research results showed that the dominant self-efficacy perceptions of the Y generation affect their decision-making strategies. Research limitations/implications This research only examines whether the old and new generation Y perceptions have a moderator function in the relationship between the participants' self-efficacy perceptions and decision-making strategies. The research is quantitative research limited to family businesses. The results can be compared by repeating the research with other variables and in different samples, for example, by researching in public institutions. In addition, the way of reflecting the differences in perception to the management can be subjected to deeper analysis with mixed studies. Practical implications One of the important reasons for the difference in people's approaches to events is their personality structure. Generational differences, which have been discussed primarily in recent years, make themselves felt in working life. The new working models arising from the different perspectives of the Y generation differ from the traditional business models. Today, in traditional business models, the manager profile is usually the X generation. However, the process is moving toward gaining essential positions in the management levels of the new Y generation. They put traditional managers in a difficult situation with their impatient behavior and desire to climb the career ladder quickly. Social implications In the studies conducted on the Y generation, it is understood that they do not favor the classical management approach based on the command-command relationship. The sense of loyalty of the Y generation is low compared to other generations and their organizational commitment levels are weak. There are determinations that they attach importance to flexible working style and want to do business using digital technologies. They are highly motivated in setting vision and participating in strategic decisions in organizations. These features differ significantly from the X-generation managers who adopt the traditional management approach. Originality/value Both emotional and cognitive characteristics influence decision-making behavior. The generation gap which shows common personality structures in a certain period is an important predictor of decision-making strategy. Research results and related studies significantly affect the decision strategies of the generation gap. No research has been found comparing the old and new Y generations. In this respect, it is thought that the research will contribute to theory, practice and method.
  • Öğe
    An analysis of PhD students' views on the competencies of their supervisors
    (Deomed Publ, Istanbul, 2021) Tutar, Hasan; Altınöz, Mehmet; Güler, Sevilay
    This study aims to examine the opinions of PhD students who are in their dissertation-writing stage, on their supervisors' core competency, technical competency and managerial competency. Designed as a case study, it employs a qualitative research methodology. The sample of the study consists of 15 PhD students determined by using the criterion sampling method, which is one of the purposive sampling methods. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview form. The obtained data were analyzed through content analysis. The findings revealed that some of the PhD students found their supervisors inadequate in terms of technical, managerial and core competencies while some of them had positive opinions on the competencies of their supervisors. PhD students learn about how supervising processes work and compare themselves to their peers by communicating with each other directly and through social media. The study is original and important since it makes a significant contribution to revealing the effectiveness of PhD supervision.
  • Öğe
    2019 yerel seçiminde sosyal medyadaki siyasal katılım üzerinde, siyasal tutumlar, siyasal etkinlik ve sosyal medya kullanım örüntülerinin rolü: Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi öğrencileri araştırması
    (Istanbul Univ, Fac Communication, 2020) Balcı, Şükrü; Akar, Hüsamettin
    Political participation is a concept that can be evaluated in many ways, from voting at the ballot box to supporting or influencing the actions and choices of government officials, or the interest of the citizen in politics. With the development of communication technologies, significant changes have started to occur in people's political participation. In this research, the political participation styles of university students on social media during the 2019 Turkish local elections were determined. The research examines the relationship between political participation and political attitudes, as well as between political activity and social media usage. Field research was the principal form of data collection: 283 participants took part in face-to-face surveys. As a result of the research, it was determined that the participants saw internet, social media, and television more effective in the political decision process during local elections. As the level of interest of university students in the country's problems increases, there is an increase in the participation in politics and understanding the important political problems faced by the country. There is a not so significant relationship between party loyalty and government and internal political efficacy. It is noteworthy that internal political efficacy, party loyalty, interest in country's problems, interest in political campaigns, and social media effectiveness in political decisions positively predict the political participation score in social media.
  • Öğe
    Kutadgu Bilig'de "Bey" figürünün otantik liderlik yaklaşımı açısından analizi
    (Geleneksel Yayıncılık Ltd Şti., 2020) Çoban, Duygu Terzi; Tutar, Hasan
    Son zamanlarda yönetim ve organizasyon literatürüne özellikle Batılı zihin kalımlarını yansıtan bizim kültür ve zihin dünyamızda herhangi bir karşılığı olmayan birçok kavram girmektedir. Bu kavramlardan birçoğunun olgusal dünyada bir karşılığı olmadığı gibi, bizim zihin dünyamızda ve evren tasavvurumuzda da herhangi bir karşılığı bulunmamaktadır. Söz konusu içeriksiz ve sadece anlamsız bir retorikten ibaret olan bu kavramlarla üretildiği düşünülen bilimsel çalışmalar aslında bilimsel süreçlere bir katkı sağlamadığı gibi, emek, zaman ve zihin israfına neden olmaktan başka bir anlam ifade etmemektedir. Boş bir entelektüel çabadan ve hevesten ibaret kalan bu tür kavramlara ve çalışmalara dikkat çekmek bu çalışmanın temel amacını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Kutadgu Bilig’deki bey figürünün otantik liderlik ile karşılaştırılarak analiz edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın diğer amacı, kendi kültürel köklerimizden ve kadim geleneğimizden kaynaklanan “bey” kavramının anlam içeriği ile batılı düşünce biçimlerinin ürettiği lider kavramı arasında karşılaştırma yapmak suretiyle, farklı kültür havzalarında aklın bir noktada buluşmasını ve bilimsel süreçlerde kendi kültür köklerimize dayalı düşünmenin önemini ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada Otantik liderlik yaklaşımının Kutadgu Bilig’deki bey figürünü açıklama potansiyeli nedir sorusu cevaplandırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada doküman analizi ve betimsel analiz tekniklerinden yararlanılmıştır. Örneklem seçiminde araştırma sorularının cevaplandırılabilmesi ve belli ölçütleri sağlayan durumların seçilebilmesi için amaçsal örnekleme tekniklerinden ölçüt örnekleme stratejisine başvurulmuştur. Araştırmanın örneklemi Kutadgu Bilig metnindeki beyin özelliklerini ifade eden ve bey adının geçtiği dizelerdir. Bu dizelerden doğrudan alıntılar yapılarak, bey imgesinin otantik liderliğin bileşenlerini açıklama yeteneğine bakılmıştır. Otantik liderliğin Kutadgu Bilig’de bey imgesi ile karşılaştırmalı analizi yapılırken, özellikle Batının kendi özgün koşullarından kaynaklanan düşünme biçimlerini kendi kültürümüzden herhangi bir kavramla meşrulaştırma yoluna gitmemeye özel bir önem verilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Batıda üretilen bir kavrama bizden bir karşılık bulmak yerine, bizdeki kavramsal zenginliğin çağdaş olarak nitelendirilen kavramları fazlasıyla karşıladığı, dolayısıyla kendi toplumumuzun kültürel ve zihinsel kodlarıyla düşünmenin daha doğru bir yaklaşım olacağı varsayımından hareket edilmiştir. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre beyin vasıfları otantik liderliğin bileşenlerinden daha fazlasını içermektedir. Bu durum, Türk yönetim geleneğinde bey imgesinin bugün liderlik yaklaşımlarında ifade edilenlerden daha fazla vasıf, nitelik ve beceri ile donatıldığını göstermektedir.
  • Öğe
    Does servant leadership moderate the link between strategic human resource management on rule breaking and job satisfaction?
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2020) Adıgüzel, Zafer; Özçınar, Mehmet Faruk; Karadal, Himmet
    In today's competitive environment and global world, where the boundaries have disappeared as a result of the continuous development in communication and technology, the attitudes and behaviours of the employees in their organisations are becoming more important in terms of employees' performance, strategic human resources management (SHRM), leadership roles of senior managers. In this study, the effects of (SHRM) and servant leadership on 'rule breaking' behaviours and 'job satisfaction' of the employees in their organisation have been examined. Our findings and analyses show that private organisations are afraid of losing customers in competitive environments and therefore their employees go beyond the determined procedures to sustain the interests of their organisation. Future studies should focus on the attitudes and behaviors of individuals in order to develop new theoretical concepts and better studies related to human resources and leadership styles. The sample population of our study consists of 385 white-collar employees working in the public and private sectors in the Central Anatolia region. 228 were employed in the private sector and 157 in the public sector. Findings were subjected to factor and reliability analyses using SPSS AMOS 22 program, hypotheses were tested by regression analysis and the results were analysed and evaluated. (C) 2020 AEDEM. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.
  • Öğe
    Examining the effect of personality traits on workplace spirituality
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2020) Tutar, Hasan; Oruc, Emre
    Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between five-factor personality traits and workplace spirituality. Design/methodology/approach The research design of the study is prediction design, one of the quantitative research designs. The participants included 408 people working in a public university in Turkey as an academic or administrative staff. Five-factor personality traits and workplace spirituality scales were used to collect data. Findings Extraversion and conscientiousness have a positive effect on workplace spirituality. Openness, agreeableness and neuroticism have no significant effect on workplace spirituality. Research limitations/implications This study is limited to the relationship between "five-factor personality traits" and "workplace spirituality". As the participants of the study were chosen among those who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study, the generalizability of the results is limited. The results are limited to explaining the questions such as "what", "how much" and "who". Practical implications The conclusions of the study are important in terms of showing the managers that everyone cannot be motivated and satisfied by the same motivators and therefore her or his perception of workplace spirituality will not be the same. Managers can improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness by raising employees' workplace spirituality. It shows that employees attach importance to workplace spirituality, especially since Turkish culture has a conservative structure. In this way, motivation and job satisfaction of employees will increase and negative behaviors in the organization will decrease. Originality/value It can be argued that this study makes a significant theoretical contribution to research on the effect of workplace spirituality on the employee.
  • Öğe
    Big five personality traits and workplace spirituality: A mixed method study
    (Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2020) Tutar, Hasan; Oruç, Emre; Erdem, Ahmet Tuncay; Serpil, Harun
    This mixed method study aims to examine the relationship between big-five personality traits and workplace spirituality from a managerial perspective by analyzing its potential effects on management. In the quantitative step, the cross-sectional survey was employed as the data collection, and the data were obtained from a sampling group through the simple random sampling. Further, the qualitative part of the study was designed as a purposive sampling technique. The quantitative research data were obtained from 238 participants working in a public university in Turkey. The qualitative data were obtained by interviewing a group of 14 people from the same sample of participants working as administrators at the same university. The qualitative data of the study were analyzed by content analysis. The findings indicate that the harmony between the perception of personality structures and workplace spirituality has an important function in the adoption of workplace values by the employees.
  • Öğe
    Immigrant entrepreneurship: the case of Turkish ntrepreneurs in The United States
    (Springer, 2020) Karadal, Himmet; Shneikat, Belal Hamed Taher; Abubakar, A. Mohammad; Bhatti, Omar Khalid
    The ever-changing structural and relational facets of immigrant entrepreneurial activities have created missing dominos in the literature and policy development in the USA. This article explores entrepreneurial activities among immigrant entrepreneurs with Turkish roots in the US ceramic and marble industry. R package for qualitative data analysis (RQDA) was used to analyze interview data obtained through a snowball sampling technique. Results reveal that (1) Turkish entrepreneurs migrated to the USA for several reasons; (2) factors such as entrepreneurial capital, intellectual capital, social capital, family capital, and financial capital emerge as key motivators for entrepreneurial activities; and (3) characteristics (i.e., personal attributes, psychological traits, and capital) and challenges faced by Turkish immigrant entrepreneurs are unveiled. In sum, this paper provides an integrative insight on important resources for Turkish immigrant entrepreneurs.
  • Öğe
    Internet of things skills and needs satisfaction: do generational cohorts' variations matter?
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2021) Karadal, Himmet; Abubakar, A. Mohammed
    Purpose - The authors' understanding of the Internet of things (IoT) skills and needs satisfaction for IoT devices and generational cohorts' variations remains limited as commentaries are often oversimplified and generalized. This research fills a gap in the literature by highlighting the dynamics between the IoT skills and needs satisfaction for IoT devices and seeks to expound on the variations among generational cohorts using the self-determination theory. Design/methodology/approach - Survey data were obtained from 1,245 residents and IoT device users in Aksaray, Turkey. The obtained data were analyzed with variance-based structural equation modeling and the analysis of variance technique. Findings - The results demonstrate that IoT skills determine the needs satisfaction for IoT devices. Generation Xers, Generation Yers and Generation Zers are distinct cohorts with respect to the IoT skills and needs satisfaction for IoT devices. Originality/value - Collectively, this study provides empirical evidence that informs the debate about the contributions of IoT skills and generational cohorts on needs satisfaction for IoT devices. The implications and several avenues for future theory-building research are discussed.
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    Turkish and Slovenian health ministries' use of Twitter: a comparative analysis
    (Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 2020) Okay, Aydemir; Ašanin Gole, Pedja; Okay, Ayla
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore how the health ministries of Turkey and Slovenia use Twitter as government agencies obliged to communicate with the public. Design/methodology/approach: This study employed a content analysis methodology to examine how Turkish (TR) and Slovenian (SLO) health ministries use Twitter for informing and encouraging behavior change in the public. A total of 662 “tweets” were analyzed. Drawing on prior studies, a coding scheme was developed and employed, and ?2 and t-tests were conducted for data analysis. Additionally, this study aimed at effecting a content analysis according to the “four models” method of Grunig and Hunt regarding efforts made to build communication with the public. Findings: This study uncovered that the TR and SLO health ministries did not utilize two-way communication principles for Twitter communication, and their frequency of Twitter use is inadequate. Research limitations/implications: The sampled tweets were selected by using a scientific sampling method. However, this might not have been substantial enough to represent the entirety of tweets in the study timeframe. Analyzing tweets across a longer timeframe would be helpful in confirming this study's findings. This study was also limited to two countries and to publicly available tweets; the messages of health ministries' followers to the ministries themselves were not examined. The findings of this study may not be generalizable to other countries. Other potential studies, with a particular focus on this topic, may be able to measure individual perceptions of the credibility and usefulness of messages from health ministries and their willingness to engage in two-way communication. Originality/value: This study is one of the first to evaluate how the health ministries of Turkey and Slovenia communicate on Twitter and to apply the four models of Grunig and Hunt with regard to Twitter. This study also identified that noncompeting government agencies were not minded to communicate with their publics.
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    Uyuşturucu bağımlılığının yazılı basında temsili
    (2018) Gezen, Arzu Karasaç
    Bağımlılık, bir nesneye, kişiye, bir varlığa duyulan önlenemez istek veya bir başka iradenin etkisi altına girme durumu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Uyuşturucu bağımlılığı ise, vücudun işlevlerini bozan maddelerin kullanılması, bundan dolayı zarar görülmesine rağmen bu maddelerin kullanımının bırakılamamasıdır. Uyuşturucu madde bağımlılığında, pek çok etken bir araya gelerek bağımlılığa neden olabilmektedir. Bu durum, bağımlılığa ve bağımlılıkla mücadeleye bakışımızı yeniden sorgulamamızı, bu konu üzerinde yeniden düşünmemizi gerekli kılmaktadır. Toplumda, sağlığa yönelik bilgi ihtiyacını karşılamada en çok başvurulan kaynaklardan bir tanesi de medyadır. Medya tarafından topluma sunulacak doğru ve güvenilir sağlık bilgisi karşılaşılan sorunlarla mücadelede son derece önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışma, toplumsal bir sorun olan uyuşturucu bağımlılığının medyada nasıl temsil edildiğini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada, 2014 ve 2015 yılları ekim, kasım, aralık aylarında konu ile ilgili Hürriyet, Milliyet, Sözcü, Vatan, Posta, Habertürk gazetelerinde yer alan haberler içerik çözümlemesi tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Yazılı basında en yüksek tiraja sahip ilk altı gazete örnekleme alınmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda gazetelerin uyuşturucu bağımlılığını; yol açtığı sağlık sonuçları (koma, ölüm) ve ünlülerin uyuşturucu kullanımı konuları çerçevesinde gündeme taşıdıkları; sıradan kişileri konu alan haberler ile ünlüleri konu alan haberlerde farklı çerçeveler kullandıkları, bağımlılığı toplumsal, politik, ekonomik boyutlarını göz ardı ederek sundukları görülmüştür. Ayrıca haberlerde toplumu bağımlılık hakkında bilgilendirmeye yönelik içeriklerin de yeterince yer almadığı tespit edilmiştir
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    Sağlık iletişimi, medya ve etik: Bir sağlık haberinin analizi
    (2016) Hülür, Asuman Banu
    Bu çalışma, medyanın sağlık iletişimindeki yerini ve konunun etik açıdan önemini ortaya koymayı amaçlar. Medyanın en önemli işlevlerinden biri olan bilgilendirme, sağlık iletişimi açısından merkezi öneme sahiptir. Kişilerin bilgilendirilmesinde hedef, enformasyonun doğru olarak sunulması olmalıdır. Kişilerin sağlık konularında bilinçlenmesinde önemli katkıları olan medyanın, etik dışı söylemlerle olumsuz etkileri de bulunmaktadır. Geleneksel medyada sağlıkla ilgili sunulan içeriğin daha kontrollü olduğu söylenebilirken yeni medyada daha kontrolsüz bir enformasyon akışının olduğu görülmektedir. Sağlık gibi önemli bir alanda sunulan bilginin etik ilkelere uygun olmaması, ciddi sonuçları beraberinde getirebilir. Günümüzde medyanın yaygın kullanım sahası ve güçlü etkileri göz önüne alındığında bu yolla sunulan enformasyonun içeriğinin incelenmesi önemli görülmüştür. Buradan yola çıkarak çalışmada "Felç Tarih Oluyor: Ölü Hücreler Canlanıyor " başlıklı bir internet sağlık haberi van Dijk'ın söylem analizi yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir. Bu çerçevede medyada sağlık iletişimi alanında görülen etik sorunlar dikkate alınarak örnek sağlık haberinde etik açıdan sorunlu öğelerin bulgularına ulaşılmıştır. Haberde insanlar üzerinde henüz sonuçlanmamış bir çalışmanın, sonuçlanmış gibi sunulduğu ve abartılı ve belirli bir derecede yanıltıcı bir dil kullanıldığı sonucuna varılmıştır
  • Öğe
    Asimetrik ve simetrik dünya görüşlerinin kurumların halkla ilişkiler uygulamaları üzerine etkileri
    (2019) Akar, Hüsamettin
    Halkla ilişkiler uygulamaları geçmişte daha çok hedef kitleleri yönlendirmek, manipüle etmek, ikna etmek amacıyla yapılmaktaydı. Ancak günümüzde halkla ilişkiler uygulamalarının hedef kitleleri yönlendirmek, manipüle etmek ve ikna etmekten daha çok onlarla diyaloğu geliştirmeyi hedeflediği görülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda halkla ilişkiler alanının, gelişim sürecinde anlayış değişikliği yaşadığı ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, halkla ilişkiler alanında anlayış değişikliği yaşanmasının sebeplerinden birisinin de kurumların benimsediği dünya görüşleri olduğundan hareket edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda literatür taramasına dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilen çalışma içerisinde ilk önce kurumsal dünya görüşlerinin oluşumuna etki eden en önemli unsur olan kurum kültürü konusu ele alınmış daha sonra, dünya görüşü kavramı, halkla ilişkiler alanına ilişkin dünya görüşleri ve söz konusu dünya görüşlerinin özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Son olarak kurumların halkla ilişkiler uygulamalarına asimetrik ve simetrik dünya görüşlerinin hangi noktalarda etki ettiği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.