Capparis L. (Kebere) cinsinin GAP (Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi) bölgesindeki işlenmesi, ihracatı ve son populasyon durumu
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Capparis ovata Desf. var. palaestina Zoh. (kebere) ve Capparis spinosa L. var. spinosa bitkileri GAP (Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi) bölgesinde doğal yayılış gösteren ve ihracatı yapılan önemli bitkilerdendir. Bu çalışmada, kebere bitkisinin kimler tarafından toplandığı, toplanma biçimi ve ülkemizdeki ihracat miktarlarının ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışma ile bitkinin doğadaki son populasyon durumu tespit edilmiş ve çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir. Bu araştırma, 2003- 2004 yılları arasında bitkinin en yoğun toplandığı GAP bölgesi sınırları içerisinde yapılmış ve bu işle uğraşan kişiler, fabrikalar ve firmalar arasında aracılık yapan birçok kişi ve kuruluşlarla görüşülerek veriler ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmalar sonucunda, başta ABD olmak üzere, İspanya ve diğer Avrupa ülkeleri, Ortadoğu ve Uzakdoğu ülkelerine yıllık ortalama 3.000 ton işlenmemiş ve 3.500 ton işlenmiş kebere bitkisinin çiçek tomurcukları ve meyvelerinin ihraç edildiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada bitkinin arazide nasıl toplandığı, fabrikada nasıl işlendiği ve tomurcuk ile meyvelerinin paketlenme basamakları da fotoğraflarla verilmiştir.
Capparis ovata Desf. var. palaestina Zoh. and Capparis spinosa L. var. spinosa are one of the important plants which are naturally widespread in GAP (Southeast Anatolia Project) region and exported. In this study, it is aimed at revealing by whom and how 'capper' plant is gathered and the amount of its exportation in our country. With this study plant's last population condition in nature is fixed and solutions are suggested. This research is carried out between the years 2003 and 2004 within the boundaries of GAP region where the plant is immensely gathered, and data is presented by discussing with the people who are engaged in gathering the plant, and with many people and organizations who mediate between factories and firms. As a result of this research, it is revealed that approximately 3000 tons raw and 3500 tons treated 'capper' flower buds and fruits are exported most of all to the USA, and to Spain and other European countries, Middle East and Far East countries. In this study, it is also given the images of how 'capper' plant is gathered, how it is processed, and the steps for packing of buds and fruit.
Capparis ovata Desf. var. palaestina Zoh. and Capparis spinosa L. var. spinosa are one of the important plants which are naturally widespread in GAP (Southeast Anatolia Project) region and exported. In this study, it is aimed at revealing by whom and how 'capper' plant is gathered and the amount of its exportation in our country. With this study plant's last population condition in nature is fixed and solutions are suggested. This research is carried out between the years 2003 and 2004 within the boundaries of GAP region where the plant is immensely gathered, and data is presented by discussing with the people who are engaged in gathering the plant, and with many people and organizations who mediate between factories and firms. As a result of this research, it is revealed that approximately 3000 tons raw and 3500 tons treated 'capper' flower buds and fruits are exported most of all to the USA, and to Spain and other European countries, Middle East and Far East countries. In this study, it is also given the images of how 'capper' plant is gathered, how it is processed, and the steps for packing of buds and fruit.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Capparis, Kebere, GAP, Türkiye, Capparis, Capper, GAP, Turkey
Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri