Time related admissions and outcomes of trauma patient at an emergency department
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Acil servise (AS) hastaların başvuru zamanı değişiklik gösterebilmektedir. Belirli zamanlarda hasta yoğunluğu artışı, hastaların morbiditesi ve mortalitesi üzerine olumsuz etki yapabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hastaların travma özelliklerinin ve çıkışlarının zamanla ilişkili olarak dağılımının araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu retrospektif, kesitsel bir çalışmadır. Ocak 2006 – Aralık 2007 arasındaki dönemde, Türkiye’nin doğusundaki bir AS’e başvuran tüm travma hastalarını kapsamaktadır. Bulgular: Tüm hastaların dağılımı, doktor başına günlük 230 hasta idi. İncelenen travma hasta sayısı 6185 idi. Aylık hasta sayısı ve vücut bölgelerine göre yaralanma oranları yaz aylarına doğru artış gösterdi. En çok Ağustos ayında %31.9 ile baş boyun yaralanması görüldü. Günlük dağılım açısından darp ve trafik kazası sırayla Perşembe (%68) ve Cuma (%25.5) günleri en sık idi. Yaralanma bölgesi olarak sadece torakodorsal yaralanmalar pazar gününde (%9.2) belirgin yüksek idi. AS çıkışlarının günlük dağılımı farklı değildi. AS’e başvuru sayısı, saat 05:00-07:59 arasında (?1.3%) düşüktü ve 08:00’dan itibaren artarak saat 17:00’da pik yaptı (8.6%) ve günün ilerleyen saatlerinde tekrar azaldı. Travma mekanizmalarının günlük dağılımı da benzer eğriye sahipti. Yatışı yapılan ve sevk edilen hastaların oranları, saat 00:00-06:59 arasında belirgin düşüktü. Ölümlerin dağılımı gün içinde dengeli olmakla birlikte %42.6’sı saat 13:00- 18:59 arasında gerçekleşti. Sonuç: AS’te hasta yükü fazladır. Bu durum yaz mevsiminde ve akşama doğru en yüksekteydi. Ayrıca bu zamanlarda yatış ve sevk sayısı da yüksekti. AS’in özellikle yoğun olduğu zamanlarda her çeşit personel ve teknik donanımla desteklenmesi gerekli gözükmektedir.
Admission time of patients to emergency department (ED) vary. In certain times patient density increases and may have negative effect on morbidity and mortality of the patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of trauma characteristics and outcomes of the patients admitted to the ED with respect to elements of time. Material and Methods: This is a retrospective, cross-sectional study, which includes all the trauma patients admitted to an ED at eastern Turkey between January 2006 and December 2007. Results: The daily average of the total patients per physician was about 230. There were 6185 trauma patients analyzed. The number of patients and the percents of injured body regions per month increased towards summer. The highest percent was 31.9 for head-neck injury in August. The daily distribution of strike (68%) and motor vehicle injury (25.5%) were high in Thursday and Friday respectively. Only thoracodorsal injury (9.2%) in Sunday was significantly high. Frequencies of outcomes did not show difference in days. Number of admissions were low between 5:00-7:59 (≤1.3%) and increased from 08:00 onwards, peaked at 17 (8.6%), and decreased again at later hours of the day. The distribution of trauma mechanisms followed a similar trend. The percents of hospitalized and transferred patients were found to be significantly low between 00:00-06:59. However, distribution of mortality was regular. However 42.6% of the mortalities occurred between 13:00-18:59. Conclusion: There is high patient load in the ED. It is highest in summer and also in the afternoon and evening. Furthermore the transfers and the hospitalizations are remarkably high in these times. The ED needs to be supported with all types of personnel and technical equipment at the times indicated above.
Admission time of patients to emergency department (ED) vary. In certain times patient density increases and may have negative effect on morbidity and mortality of the patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of trauma characteristics and outcomes of the patients admitted to the ED with respect to elements of time. Material and Methods: This is a retrospective, cross-sectional study, which includes all the trauma patients admitted to an ED at eastern Turkey between January 2006 and December 2007. Results: The daily average of the total patients per physician was about 230. There were 6185 trauma patients analyzed. The number of patients and the percents of injured body regions per month increased towards summer. The highest percent was 31.9 for head-neck injury in August. The daily distribution of strike (68%) and motor vehicle injury (25.5%) were high in Thursday and Friday respectively. Only thoracodorsal injury (9.2%) in Sunday was significantly high. Frequencies of outcomes did not show difference in days. Number of admissions were low between 5:00-7:59 (≤1.3%) and increased from 08:00 onwards, peaked at 17 (8.6%), and decreased again at later hours of the day. The distribution of trauma mechanisms followed a similar trend. The percents of hospitalized and transferred patients were found to be significantly low between 00:00-06:59. However, distribution of mortality was regular. However 42.6% of the mortalities occurred between 13:00-18:59. Conclusion: There is high patient load in the ED. It is highest in summer and also in the afternoon and evening. Furthermore the transfers and the hospitalizations are remarkably high in these times. The ED needs to be supported with all types of personnel and technical equipment at the times indicated above.
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