Agonistik demokrasinin Suriye için olasılıkları
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Bu çalışmada Suriye krizinin çözülmesi ve Suriye’nin geleceğiyle ilgili önerilen yönetim modellerinden agonistik demokrasi anlayışı üzerinde durulmuştur. Suriye’nin toplumsal yapısını ve yönetim durumu ele alan bu çalışma, özellikle farklı dinsel, mezhepsel ve etnik gruplardan oluşan ülkelerde ortak yaşam biçimi olarak önerilen agonistik demokrasi modelinin Suriye bağlamında mümkün olup olmayacağını analiz etmektedir. Dış güçler tarafından bir devlete müdahale aracı olarak kullanılan ve bilinen demokrasinin tanımı dışında agonistik demokrasi ile hegemonya ilişkisine değinen bu çalışma, üniter Suriye bağlamında agonsitik demokrasinin zayıf ve güçlü yönlerini incelemektedir.
Dealing with the resolution of the Syrian crisis, thisstudy examinesthe concept of agonistic democracy which is proposed for Syrian governance and Syrian future. Taking into account the Syrian social structure and the situation of governance this study analyzes whether the model of agonistic democracy is possible in the context of Syria, as agonistic democracy is proposed for countries including different and decomposed ethnic, religious and sectarian groups. Analyzing the relation between hegemony and agonistic democracy apart from familiar definition of democracy which is used by external powers as means of intervention into States, this study examines the weak and strong aspects of agonistic democracy in the context of a unitary Syria
Dealing with the resolution of the Syrian crisis, thisstudy examinesthe concept of agonistic democracy which is proposed for Syrian governance and Syrian future. Taking into account the Syrian social structure and the situation of governance this study analyzes whether the model of agonistic democracy is possible in the context of Syria, as agonistic democracy is proposed for countries including different and decomposed ethnic, religious and sectarian groups. Analyzing the relation between hegemony and agonistic democracy apart from familiar definition of democracy which is used by external powers as means of intervention into States, this study examines the weak and strong aspects of agonistic democracy in the context of a unitary Syria
Anahtar Kelimeler
Agonizma, Antagonizma, Demokrasi, Farklılıklar, Hegemonya, Agonism, Antagonism, Democracy, Differences, Hegemony
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