Erken dönemde kitaplarını imhâ eden hadisçiler ve bunun hadis ilmine etkileri
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Sakarya Univ
Erişim Hakkı
İslam tarihinde erken dönemden itibaren ilim adamları tarafından bilgilerin kitaba kaydedilmesine
önem atfedilmiş ve bu durum yöneticiler tarafından da teşvik edilmiştir. İlim erbabı için kitap ve
yazılı kaynaklar candan ve maldan daha kıymetli olmuş, kitapların elde edilmesi ve korunması
için büyük emekler sarf edilmiştir. Bu uğurda çeşitli yolculuklar yapılıp büyük servetler harcanmıştır. Fakat buna rağmen tarîh ve tabakât türü eserlerde hadisçilerin kendi kitaplarını imhâ ettiklerine dair birtakım bilgiler bulunmaktadır. Ömürleri boyunca büyük emeklerle topladıkları hadis kitaplarını özellikle hayatlarının sonlarında gömerek, yakarak, suya atarak, suyla yıkayarak,
silerek, makasla keserek veya yırtarak imhâ etmeleri ya da başkalarına kitaplarını imhâ etmelerini
vasiyet etmeleri oldukça dikkat çekicidir. Üstelik bunu yapan hadisçilerin azımsanmayacak sayıda
olduğu ve aralarında ileri gelen tanınmış hadisçilerin de bulunduğu görülmektedir. Bu noktada
hangi hadisçilerin kitaplarını imhâ ettikleri, bunun sebepleri ve hadis ilimleri açısından sonuçlarını
araştırma ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Bu çalışmada hicrî II. ve III. yüzyıllarda yaşamış olan hadisçilerin
kendi kitaplarını imhâ etme nedenleri, nasıl imhâ ettikleri, genelde hadis ilmine özelde ise râvinin
zabtını etkilediği için cerh ta‘dile etkileri ve hadisçilerin bu duruma yaklaşımları tetkik edilecektir.
In the history of Islam, from the early period, scholars attached significant importance to recording information, which was also actively encouraged by the administrators and rulers of the time. However, for some hadith scholars, there is a few information in history and tabakat books, which state that the muhaddiths destroyed their own collections. Considering the great efforts they spent throughout their life, it is quite remarkable that some of muhaddiths destroyed theirhadith collections by burying, burning, throwing into the water, wiping, washing, tearing them apart, or willing others to destroy before their death. Interestingly, these muhaddiths are not insignificant in number, and even some of them are among the prominent muhaddiths. At this point, it is imperative to investigate which muhaddiths destroyed their books, the motivations behind this decision, and the consequences for the knowledge of hadith. In this study, we investigate the reasons and methods of muhaddiths, lived in 2nd and 3rd AH centuries, who destroyed their books. Furthermore, we examine their impacts on hadith science and thoughts of other muhaddiths on this issue. Then, we focus on its influence on jar. wa'l-ta'dil as it affects the weakness of the narrator's dhabt.
In the history of Islam, from the early period, scholars attached significant importance to recording information, which was also actively encouraged by the administrators and rulers of the time. However, for some hadith scholars, there is a few information in history and tabakat books, which state that the muhaddiths destroyed their own collections. Considering the great efforts they spent throughout their life, it is quite remarkable that some of muhaddiths destroyed theirhadith collections by burying, burning, throwing into the water, wiping, washing, tearing them apart, or willing others to destroy before their death. Interestingly, these muhaddiths are not insignificant in number, and even some of them are among the prominent muhaddiths. At this point, it is imperative to investigate which muhaddiths destroyed their books, the motivations behind this decision, and the consequences for the knowledge of hadith. In this study, we investigate the reasons and methods of muhaddiths, lived in 2nd and 3rd AH centuries, who destroyed their books. Furthermore, we examine their impacts on hadith science and thoughts of other muhaddiths on this issue. Then, we focus on its influence on jar. wa'l-ta'dil as it affects the weakness of the narrator's dhabt.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hadith, Jarh wa'l-Ta'dil, Book, Disposal, Destruction, Hadis, Cerh Ta‘dil, Kitap, İmhâ, İtlâf
Sakarya Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi-Journal Of Sakarya University Faculty Of Theology
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