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  • Öğe
    Assistive technology education: Experiences of preservice special education teachers within an instructional material development project
    (Sage Publications Inc, 2023) Başer, Derya; Arı, İsmahan Arslan
    The purpose of this study was to explore preservice special education teachers' experiences within an instructional material development project for students with disabilities during a semester-long technology integration course. Data were collected from 61 preservice special education teachers through an open-ended questionnaire, instructional design reports, and instructional materials. The findings indicated that working with students with disabilities in a real-life environment helped the preservice teachers realize the importance of assistive technology in education to support these students' needs. This experience also helped the teachers to ascertain what barriers may exist to assistive technology use in education, such as insufficient technology knowledge and skills, and inadequate infrastructure of classrooms, etc. The preservice teachers emphasized that following an instructional design process facilitated the development of effective instructional materials. They also stressed that the instructional material development project contributed to their professional development in different ways, such as practical skills through real-life experiences and technology-related skills.
  • Öğe
    A scale for measuring middle school students' attitudes toward programming
    (Wiley, 2022) Gül, Demet; Çetin, İbrahim; Özden, Muhammet Yaşar
    Engineering education has been gaining a place in today's schools within the STEAM framework. Computing is an integral part of the STEAM framework. Affective variables related to computer programming might have an effect on the quality of STEAM education. The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable scale to measure middle school students' attitudes toward programming. In the first phase of the study, exploratory factor analysis was conducted with data collected from a total of 508 middle school students. Exploratory factor analysis yielded a one-dimensional attitude scale. In the second phase of the study, confirmatory factor analysis was used on data obtained from 414 middle school students to examine factor structure. Analyses provided evidence for the factorial structure of the scale. The Cronbach alpha coefficient of the scale was found to be .93. Then scale was administered to 65 middle school students who attended after-school coding clubs and who did not attend after-school coding clubs. It can be concluded that the scale is a reliable and valid scale for measuring middle school students' attitudes toward programming. Moreover, the scale was used to compare the students' scores according to their grades and gender. The findings were discussed
  • Öğe
    Training in?service teachers through individualized technology?related mentorship
    (Springer, 2021) Başer, Derya; Akkuş, Recai; Akayoğlu, Sedat; Top, Ercan; Gürer, Melih Derya
    Following the recent developments in information and communication technologies (ICT), educators cannot opt-out using technology in educational settings. Yet, research studies have indicated that teachers' lack of ICT knowledge is considered among the barriers for successful technology integration. Within this framework, this study aimed at documenting the perceptions of in-service teachers about individualized technology-related (ITR) mentoring processes based on the TPACK model. The ITR mentorship provided one-to-one mentoring sessions lasting two semesters at the schools where the teachers worked. The collaboration between the mentor and the mentee (teacher), called ITR mentorship, included not only the support for technological needs of the teachers but also preparing course materials for teaching specific content of the subject. Through mixed methodology, quantitative and qualitative data were collected from participating 31 (17 mathematics and 14 language) teachers. At the end of the study, the change in perceived TPACK levels of teachers was quantitatively examined and qualitatively supported with their views on this process. It was found that technology-related TPACK constructs significantly increased through one-to-one mentoring due to its non-threatening atmosphere, enabling flexible time and content, and addressing the needs of the teachers. In the light of these findings, the ITR mentorship can be suggested for the professional development of teachers and considered for in-service teacher trainings.
  • Öğe
    Examining technology acceptance of pre-service mathematics teachers in Turkey: A structural equation modeling approach
    (Springer, 2021) Gürer, Melih Derya
    Among teacher beliefs, technology acceptance has a crucial role in effective technology integration into teaching. There is a need to examine the factors affecting future teachers' acceptance of technology in Turkey, where great investments have been made on the dissemination of technology in schools, and great emphasis has been put on the effective use of technology. The purpose of this study was to investigate Turkey's pre-service mathematics teachers' intentions to use technology in their future teaching. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used as a framework and was expanded with different variables, including facilitating conditions, subjective norms, and technology self-efficacy. In this study, the relationships between these variables were examined. Data were collected from 530 pre-service mathematics teachers using a self-reported questionnaire, which explained their intentions to use technology. To test the model, a structural equation modeling approach was used. The results indicated that facilitating conditions, subjective norms, and attitudes toward technology were significant predictors of intention to use technology. Technology self-efficacy significantly determined the perceived ease of use. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of technology significantly influenced pre-service teachers' attitudes toward technology. Not only technical infrastructure but also technical and design support would be provided in schools to increase pre-service teachers' intention to use technology. In addition, teacher educators would provide learning environments where pre-service teachers experience more with current technology.
  • Öğe
    The influence of pedagogical beliefs on technology acceptance: A structural equation modeling study of pre-service mathematics teachers
    (Springer, 2022) Gürer, Melih Derya; Akkaya, Recai
    Pedagogical beliefs are a critical factor in terms of integrating technology into teaching, but very few technology acceptance models (TAMs) have considered them. Hence, this study aims to extend the TAM by incorporating pre-service teachers' conception of teaching and learning. The revised model examined the influence of pre-service mathematics teachers' constructivist and traditional pedagogical beliefs on their technology acceptance through perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude toward technology, and behavioral intention to use. Survey data were collected from 714 pre-service mathematics teachers in Turkey and analyzed through path analysis. The results showed that pre-service mathematics teachers' pedagogical beliefs were more constructivist-oriented than traditional-oriented, and constructivist beliefs had a significant influence on the components of the TAM. On the other hand, pre-service teachers' traditional-oriented beliefs did not influence their perceived usefulness of and attitudes toward technology but had positive effects on perceived ease of use. Implications for pre-service mathematics teacher education were discussed.
  • Öğe
    One-on-one technology mentoring for in-service teachers: The experiences of future ICT coordinators
    (International Society for Technology, Education and Science, 2021) Top, Ercan; Gürer, Melih Derya; Başer, Derya; Akayoğlu, Sedat; Akkuş, Recai
    With the increasing demands of technology integration by the institutions, educators felt the need to develop themselves professionally. In this study, as a way of professional development, we focused on one-on-one technology mentoring for in-service teachers because the experiences of mentors would shed light on professional development programs in the context of both mentors' progress and mentoring in-service teachers. Mentors for teachers were assigned to facilitate teachers' ICT usage and ICT integration skills. The mentorship implementation lasted two semesters with 42 mentors' participation. The determination of the content of the mentoring process was completely based on the needs and interests of the teachers. After the implementation, the perceptions and experiences of the mentors were asked and coded through content analysis. According to the analysis, the responses of the mentors were grouped into five main categories; (a) affordances of the technology mentoring process, (b) the contribution of the project to the teachers, (c) the contribution of the project to the mentors, (d) the challenges experienced by the mentors, and (e) the weaknesses of and the suggestions for the mentoring process. The findings of this study indicated that future ICT coordinators believed that one-on-one technology mentoring in real school settings is an effective way not only for training in-service teachers but also for creating awareness of being an ICT coordinator and developing ICT mentoring skills.
  • Öğe
    A structural equation modeling analysis of relationships among university students’ readiness for e-learning, self-regulation skills, satisfaction, and academic achievement
    (Springer Nature, 2021) Yavuzalp, Nuh; Bahçıvan, Eralp
    The aim of this study is to examine the relationships of readiness for e-learning with self-regulation skills, satisfaction, and academic achievement in university students taking campus-based courses via distance learning. In this context, a structural equation model is proposed by taking studies in the literature into consideration. The proposed model is analyzed and discussed in the light of the literature. A total of 749 university students from a state university in Turkey participated voluntarily in the study. A scale of readiness for e-learning, a self-regulated online learning scale, and a satisfaction survey were used as data collection tools in the study. The fit index values obtained from the analysis were observed to be chi(2)/df = 4.11, CFI = .90, and RMSEA = .06, which were at an acceptable level. The research results reveal that the university students' readiness for e-learning was effective on their self-regulation skills, satisfaction, and academic achievement. Implementation suggestions are made in line with the research findings and conclusions.
  • Öğe
    Secondary school teachers' preferences in the process of individual technology mentoring
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021) Top, Ercan; Başer, Derya; Akkuş, Recai; Akayoğlu, Sedat; Gürer, Melih Derya
    Technology mentoring helps to overcome various barriers to ICT integration in education and increases teachers' use of ICT for personal and professional purposes. Technology mentoring could make this improvement possible by providing a flexible environment for teachers in their educational settings. For this reason, one-to-one teacher-mentor matching was designed, and the details of the process were led by the teachers' preferences. In this study, which lasted for two semesters, 54 mentors and 48 teachers were paired based on the mentors' decision whether they preferred to work with language teachers or Mathematics teachers. As for the data of the study, the mentors' weekly logs and their responses to the question on the way of content determination were collected. Analyzing the responses of the mentors, it was seen that teachers were more dominant in the content decision process. Moreover, the analysis of the mentors' weekly logs revealed that teachers asked for help with learning software programs, designing instructional materials, workload support, and technical support, from the most frequently demanded to least one, respectively. Teachers' demands related to program learning constitute almost three-fourths of the total demands. When the teacher was given enough flexibility in their context, it was seen that a teacher-centered process of ICT integration emerged. The study concluded that teachers put forward their knowledge of ICT in solving problems if they had the opportunity to try their ideas. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers should be actively involved in the decision-making process of ICT training content.
  • Öğe
    The online learning self-efficacy scale: its adaptation into Turkish and interpretation according to various variables
    (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2020) Yavuzalp, Nuh; Bahçıvan, Eralp
    The aim of this study was to adapt the Online Learning Self-Efficacy Scale (OLSES), developed by Zimmerman and Kulikowich (2016) to determine university students' self-efficacy perceptions in online learning environments, into Turkish, and to analyse the validity and reliability of the results of the scale. The original form of the scale, which is in English, consists of three factors (learning in the online environment, time management and technology use) and of 22 items. In this process, first of all the Turkish language equivalence of the scale was ensured, and then, in the light of the recommendations of experts in the field, the content validity of the scale was established. Next, to ascertain its construct validity, the scale was applied to 2,087 university students who were taking at least one of the campus-based common compulsory courses via distance learning. According to the results of the analysis performed in adherence with the exploratory factor analysis used in the original scale, one item was removed from the scale since it had a factor loading below 0.40, and a single-dimension scale consisting of 21 items was obtained. The factor loadings of the items in the scale were observed to range between 0.85 and 0.92. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of internal consistency calculated for reliability of the scale was determined as 0.987. Consequently, it is considered that inferences and interpretations to be made based on the Online Learning Self-Efficacy Scale consisting of 21 items and a single dimension will be valid and reliable. In the interpretations made of the research data, the variables of gender and school type were examined. No statistically significant difference was found between groups regarding either gender or type of school.
  • Öğe
    Sense of community, peer feedback and course engagement as predictors of learning in blog environments
    (Anadolu Univ, 2020) Gürer, Melih Derya
    Blogs have the potential to improve in-depth thinking, reflection, interaction and sense of community in higher education settings. Although the effectiveness of blogging on performance and thinking skills, student interaction and collaboration have been investigated by many educators, the number of studies on what influences learning in blog-based learning environments is limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sense of community, perception of peer feedback, course engagement and learning in a blog-based learning environment. A relational study was adopted, and 170 university students participated in this study. The data of the study were collected through an online questionnaire that measures students' sense of community, peer feedback, course engagement, and perceived learning. In order to analyze the data, correlation and multiple regression tests were applied, as well as mean and standard deviation. At the end of the study, it was found that students' perceived learning, sense of community, peer feedback perceptions and course engagement were at a high level. In addition, the results of this study showed that in blog environments, students' sense of community, peer feedback perception and course engagement were significant predictors of their learning. The study findings have implications for both teachers and students and can be used as a framework to help the successful use of educational blogs.
  • Öğe
    Teaching loops concept through visualization construction
    (Vilnius Univ, Inst Mathematics & Informatics, 2020) Çetin, İbrahim
    Loops concept is one of the basic programming concepts. Students have difficulties in learning loops concept. Helping learners understand loops is an important task. Visualization is one of the ways to help students improve their understanding. The aim of the study was to construct and evaluate a visualization based instruction related to loops. A mixed method study was conducted. In the experimental phase of the study, the effect of visualization based instruction on pre-service teachers' achievement, perceived learning and programming attitude was examined. In the qualitative phase of the study, the main purpose was to get more in depth data related to experimental phase. Visualization based instruction helped pre-service teachers improve their understanding of loops concept.
  • Öğe
    From face-to-face teaching to online tutoring: Challenges, solutions and perspectives
    (Springer International Publishing Ag, 2019) Sekret, Iryna; Durmuş, Soner; Gürer, Melih Derya; Curaoğlu, Orhan
    The chapter reports on the results of the case study related to the implementation of online tutoring in one of the state universities in Turkey. The research is a qualitative study based on the free interview of the focus group of online tutors and ICT experts on their experiences and problems they faced during their first year of online tutoring to the university students. The problems identified were grouped in four clusters (a) technical, (b) managerial, (c) instructional and (d) psychological. Based on the findings, a complex of solutions have been suggested and being implemented into practice in order to enhance the quality of online tutoring in the framework of the formal university education. The main purpose of the enhancements is to raise the online tutors’ competences in ICT tools for online tutoring purposes and to reformat their teaching experience from the face-to-face mode of teaching to the specifics of online tutoring and communication mediated by appropriate ICT tools. Considering the results of the study, we developed an outline of skills and competences required for an online tutor and formulated principles of effective online tutoring. The results of the case study imply that the online tutor’s competences should include the areas of the pedagogy and methodology of online tutoring, strategies of online instruction and managing appropriate ICT tools.
  • Öğe
    Investigating the relations among pre-service teachers' teaching/learning beliefs and educational technology ıntegration competencies: A structural equation modeling study
    (Springer, 2019) Bahçıvan, Eralp; Gürer, Melih Derya; Yavuzalp, Nuh; Akayoğlu, Sedat
    With the rapid developments in technology, training of pre-service teachers in terms of technology integration has become a crucial issue for all stakeholders of education. However, it is important to investigate the relationships among pre-service teachers' teaching beliefs, skills, and educational technology integration competencies before training pre-service teachers of all fields. Within the scope of this objective, a model was proposed to investigate the relations among pre-service teachers' epistemological beliefs, conceptions of teaching and learning (COTL), and educational technology integration competencies. As for the participants, 1499 pre-service teachers enrolled at the School of Education at Northwestern region of Turkey participated in the study. An Educational Technology Integration Competencies Scale, Epistemological Beliefs Scale, and COTL Scale, which were developed by the researchers, were utilized to collect the data. At the end of the study, it was found that there were significant relations between pre-service teachers' beliefs (epistemological beliefs and COTL) and their educational technology integration competencies, which is parallel with the findings of the studies in the literature.
  • Öğe
    Factors affecting students' attitudes toward computer programming
    (Vilnius Univ, Inst Mathematics & Informatics, 2019) Gürer, Melih Derya; Çetin, İbrahim; Top, Ercan
    The aim of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the pre-service computer science teachers' attitudes towards computer programming (ATCP). The sample consists of 119 preservice teachers at a public state university. The influences of students' demographic characteristics (gender, grade level, and high school type), their achievement in computer programming courses, perceived learning, and computer programming self-efficacy on their ATCP were tested using multiple linear regression. Descriptive, correlation and regression analyses revealed three findings: (1) students had moderately high ATCP, (2) their ATCP had significant correlations with their achievement in computer programming courses, computer programming self-efficacy, and perceived learning, and (3) three variables (achievement in computer programming courses, computer programming self-efficacy, and perceived learning) were significant predictors of their ATCP.
  • Öğe
    Collaborative project-based learning: an integrative science and technological education project
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Başer, Derya; Özden, Muhammet Yaşar; Karaarslan, Hasan
    Background: Blending collaborative learning and project-based learning (PBL) based on Wolff (2003) design categories, students interacted in a learning environment where they developed their technology integration practices as well as their technological and collaborative skills.Purpose: The study aims to understand how seventh grade students perceive a collaborative web-based science project in light of Wolff's design categories. The goal of the project is to develop their technological and collaborative skills, to educate them about technology integration practices, and to provide an optimum collaborative, PBL experience.Sample: Seventh grade students aged 12-14 (n=15) were selected from a rural K-12 school in Turkey through purposeful sampling.Design and methods: The current study applied proactive action research since it focused on utilizing a new way to enhance students' technological and collaborative skills and to demonstrate technology integration into science coursework. Data were collected qualitatively through interviews, observation forms, forum archives, and website evaluation rubrics.Results: The results found virtual spaces such as online tutorials, forums, and collaborative and communicative tools to be beneficial for collaborative PBL. The study supported Wolff's design features for a collaborative PBL environment, applying features appropriate for a rural K-12 school setting and creating a digitally-enriched environment. As the forum could not be used as effectively as expected because of school limitations, more flexible spaces independent of time and space were needed.Conclusions: This study's interdisciplinary, collaborative PBL was efficient in enhancing students' advanced technological and collaborative skills, as well as exposing them to practices for integrating technology into science. The study applied design features for a collaborative PBL environment with certain revisions.
  • Öğe
    Developing a technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) assessment for preservice teachers learning to teach English as a foreign language
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016) Başer, Derya; Kopcha, Theodore John; Özden, Muhammet Yaşar
    This paper reports the development and validation process of a self-assessment survey that examines technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) among preservice teachers learning to teach English as a foreign language (EFL). The survey, called TPACK-EFL, aims to provide an assessment tool for preservice foreign language teachers that addresses subject-specific pedagogies and technologies. Using mixed methods approach, survey items were generated first using qualitative methods (e.g. expert interviews and document analysis). The content validity of the items was established through expert and preservice teacher reviews. The survey was then validated through two rounds of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the first with 174 preservice EFL teachers and the second with 204 preservice EFL teachers. The results of the first round indicated a five-factor structure: technological knowledge (TK), content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and a fifth factor that combined TCK, TPK, and TPACK items. After revising the survey, the second round of EFA results showed a seven-factor structure that was consistent with the TPACK framework. The final TPACK-EFL survey included a total of 39 items: 9 TK, 5 CK, 6 PK, 5 PCK, 3 TCK, 7 TPK, and 4 TPACK. The results offer survey developers and teacher educators insight into establishing clear boundaries between the TPACK constructs. In particular, subject-specific strategies were used to generate clear and distinct items within the TCK and TPK constructs. Implications for developing other subject-specific TPACK surveys and using the TPACK-EFL survey in other countries are discussed.
  • Öğe
    Students' understanding of loops and nested loops in computer programming : an APOS theory perspective
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015) Çetin, İbrahim
    The purpose of this study is to explore students' understanding of loops and nested loops concepts. Sixty-three mechanical engineering students attending an introductory programming course participated in the study. APOS (Action, Process, Object, Schema) is a constructivist theory developed originally for mathematics education. This study is the first attempt to use the APOS framework in the context of programming education. Results showed that APOS theory is a useful framework for examining engineering students' understanding related to loops and nested loops. The results of this study have specific implications for researchers and practitioners when designing programming instruction.
  • Öğe
    Assessing the impact of meta-cognitive training on students' understanding of introductory programming concepts
    (Baywood Publ Co Inc, 2014) Çetin, İbrahim; Şendurur, Emine; Şendurur, Polat
    Students' difficulties in learning computer programming are well documented in the literature and have been studied from different perspectives by the researchers. However, studies that have been conducted from the meta-cognition perspective are rare in the context of programming education. The current study aimed to (i) investigate the effects of a specific metacognitive training on students' programming achievement, retention of programming knowledge, and meta-cognitive awareness; and (ii) explore students' experiences and opinions related to the meta-cognitive training. There were 51 participants (28 male and 23 female) who are 2nd-year students from a public university. In the current study, a mixed methods design, specifically embedded experimental model, was utilized. The experimental group was instructed using the meta-cognitive training, and the control group was taught using traditional instruction. An achievement test, a meta-cognitive awareness inventory, and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The results of the study indicated that the intervention based on meta-cognition caused significantly better acquisition of introductory programming concepts. Although there was no significant difference between experimental and control groups in terms of meta-cognitive awareness, qualitative data implied some differences related to students' problem-solving ways and meta-cognitive strategies. Results of retention and post tests revealed that scores of students in experimental and control groups declined at close rates. Moreover, most of the students in the experimental group reported positive feelings toward meta-cognitive instruction. Thus, it might be said that meta-cognitive training was an effective tool to improve students' understanding of introductory programming topics as indicated by post-test scores.
  • Öğe
    Delving into alumni perceptions about the impact and effectiveness of two certificate programs: meeting their mission?
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Johnson, Tristan E.; Yükseltürk, Erman; Top, Ercan
    The purpose of the study was to analyze two certificate programs in regard to the impacts on alumni professional career and strengths and weaknesses of certificate programs in the views of their alumni. The sample consisted of 58 participants who completed one of the certificate programs. The results showed that alumni rated self-improvement as the biggest benefit, career advancement benefit as average, and career change benefit as low from the certificate programs. Also, alumni thought that all program components were of strong quality, but the majority of alumni still wanted to see an increased emphasis on teaching, interaction with other students, support, and assessment feedback focus of the program.
  • Öğe
    Metallization of magnesium polyhydrides under pressure
    (Amer Physical Soc, 2013) Lonie, David C.; Hooper, James; Altıntaş, Bahadır; Zurek, Eva
    Evolutionary structure searches are used to predict stable phases with unique stoichiometries in the hydrogen-rich region of the magnesium/hydrogen phase diagram under pressure. MgH4, MgH12, and MgH16 are found to be thermodynamically stable with respect to decomposition into MgH2 and H-2 near 100 GPa, and all lie on the convex hull by 200 GPa. MgH4 contains two H- anions and one H-2 molecule per Mg2+ cation, whereas the hydrogenic sublattices of MgH12 and MgH16 are composed solely of Hd(2)(delta-) molecules. The high-hydrogen content stoichiometries have a large density of states at the Fermi level, and the T-c of MgH12 at 140 GPa is calculated to be nearly three times greater than that of the classic hydride, MgH2, at 180 GPa. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.054107