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Öğe The effectiveness of the constant time delay procedure in teaching writing with the sound-based sentence method(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2023) Arı, Adnan; Eratay, Emine; Düzkantar, AytenIntroduction: The present study was planned since no practical study adapted for individuals with special needs (ISN) was found in teaching reading and writing with the sound-based sentence method (SBSM). There were few studies aimed at teaching reading and writing, and the skills targeted in these studies were limited. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the constant time delay procedure (CTDP) in teaching reading and writing with the sound-based sentence method to individuals with special needs. In addition to the said main purpose, the permanence of reading and writing skills and their generalizability across materials and persons were also examined. Moreover, the opinions of families and teachers of ISN were obtained to collect social validity data. Method: Three INS were included in this study. Of these, two were girls, and one was a boy, all aged seven. They attended the second grade as full-day co-teaching inclusive students and had not learned reading and writing. The study employed a multiple probe design across behaviors, one of the single-subject research designs. The study aimed to teach three behaviors and eighteen sub-behaviors, including six sub-behaviors in each behavior. Findings: The study showed that two participants acquired reading and writing skills in all the sub-behaviors (closed syllables, open syllables, three-letter monosyllables, three-letter two syllables, words, and sentences) of all three behaviors (syllables, words, and sentences consisting of e-l-a-k-i-n sounds, syllables, words, and sentences consisting of o-m-u-t-u-y sounds, syllables, words, and sentences consisting of the combination of sounds in these two groups [e-l-a-k-i-n-o-m-u-t-u-y]); that the skills they acquired were permanent; that they generalized these skills across persons and materials, while one participant acquired skills in the first three sub-behaviors (closed syllables, open syllables, three-letter monosyllables) only in the first behavior. Considering the social validity findings of the study, the participants families and primary school teachers expressed positive opinions about the study. Discussion: The findings obtained were discussed within the framework of the literature indicating the negative aspects of teaching reading and writing with the SBSM.Öğe The power card strategy: Strength-based intervention against bullying for children with autism spectrum disorder(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2023) Aydın, Hatice Ulu; Tekinarslan, İlknur Çifci; Aslan, Yeşim GüleçThe pattern of behaviors and abilities that reflect the core characteristics of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and an environment that lacks the ability to understand individuals with ASD can make these students targets of bullying. Bullying is a serious problem for students with ASD, and practices against it are important in terms of improving students' coping strategies and overall well-being. In this study, we used a multiple probe model with an interprobe phase across participants to evaluate the effectiveness of the power card strategy to teach three students with ASD to respond to bullying. At baseline, the students gave few appropriate responses based on coping strategies for bullying after listening to stories about bullying. During the application of the power cards, the students read scenarios and power cards created for their favorite heroes or special interests, which included coping strategies for three different bullying situations (exclusion, being pushed, and being tickled). Then, they watched animations prepared for these bullying situations and were asked to answer questions about strategies to deal with bullying. The findings showed that all three students learned targeted strategies for coping with bullying in the context of the sessions using power cards. The students were able to generalize to different bullying situations (teasing, damaging one's belongings, being ignored) while retaining their strategies for coping with bullying in the context of the sessions held after the teaching was completed. The social validity findings of the power card strategy showed that one out of three students exhibited coping strategies for bullying in the school environment. The findings of the present study are discussed in the context of bullying and ASD, limitations, and recommendations.Öğe Math problem solving interventions for middle school students with learning disabilities: A comprehensive literature review(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2022) Özkubat, Ufuk; Karabulut, Alpaslan; Sert, CihanIntroduction: Examining the research on math problem solving interventions for students with learning disabilities is important for identifying the interventions that will support these students. Assessing intervention studies in terms of certain quality standards provides information about the replication of applications and the reliability of the results. This study aimed to review math problem solving interventions for middle school students with learning disabilities in the last 20 years, list the characteristics of the studies descriptively, and examine them in terms of quality indicators. Method: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, nine articles were selected. They were investigated in the context of descriptive analysis and quality indicators. The studies were analysed descriptively. Their characteristics were identified. The studies were examined, and their quality levels were determined based on the quality indicators specified for the research using single-subject experimental designs. Findings: Direct instruction, concrete-semi-concrete-abstract strategy, schema-based strategy, self-regulation strategies and hint cards, STAR strategy, open expression method, LAP strategy, visual strategies, Solve It!, and the SOLVE strategy were used for teaching problem solving skills as target skills. The general findings related to quality indicators showed that all studies met the specified criteria regarding the baseline level of basic quality indicators, experimental control/internal validity and external validity. Considering other components, it was observed that the study ranging from 44% to 78% met the specified criteria. Only one study was met all quality indicator items. Discussion: The findings were discussed and suggestions were provided for teachers and researchers. Accordingly, it will be useful for experts working with students with learning disabilities to create intervention programs that include strategies to facilitate students' problem solving successfully, such as problem solving stages, schematic modifiers, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, and think-aloud protocols.Öğe Comparison of live modeling and video modeling on teaching symbolic plays to children with autism spectrum disorder in small groups(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2022) Öncül, Nuray; Tekinarslan, İlknur CifciIntroduction: It is suggested in literature there is a need for interventions in developing symbolic play behaviors of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the effectiveness of various methods are examined. The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of live modeling and video modeling on teaching symbolic plays to children with autism spectrum disorder in small groups. Method: This study employed an adaptive alternating treatments design. The independent variables were live video modeling and video modeling presented in small group instruction. Also, the dependent variables were the symbolic play behaviors of acting as a waiter and as a barber. Findings: The research findings demonstrated that both live modeling and video modeling presented in small group instruction were effective in acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of symbolic plays of children with autism spectrum disorder. Video modeling was more effective than live modeling for acquisition; live modeling was more effective than video modeling for maintenance; and there was no difference between the methods for generalization. Discussion: Although it is known that children with ASD have impairments especially in playing symbolic play, it was planned to teach two games in the research, and the program was taught to learn with a video modeling and a live modeling program to teach small group instruction. Learning how to play the symbolic play of the vehicle with the autism spectrum disorder through a search in the process in question serves the purpose of the research. This purpose has been discussed in a way to include the results, and suggestions have been made for future research.Öğe A systematic review of studies conducted in Turkey on science teaching to students with intellectual disabilities(ANKARA UNIV, FAC EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, 2022) Yıldırım, Çiğdem TürkerIntroduction: In order for the learning-teaching process of students with intellectual disabilities to be carried out effectively, different interventions should be used in line with their individual differences, developmental characteristics and educational needs. This study aimed to examine the studies conducted in Turkey on science teaching to students with intellectual disabilities. Method: In this research conducted using document analysis, Google Scholar, Higher Education Council National Thesis Centre, and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey National Academic Network and Information Centre databases were reviewed and 17 studies that met the criteria were examined. Findings: The majority of the studies employed direct instruction method and was provided through technology-supported teaching interventions. In addition, in most of the studies, it was found that as students acquired science concepts, knowledge and skills, their competence and success for the science course increased as well, and the studies carried out had a positive influence on their interests in and attitudes towards the science class. Discussion: The findings obtained from the studies included in the research show that science concepts, knowledge and skills are acquired by students with intellectual disabilities. In this direction, it is seen that students with intellectual disability, whose learning speeds are slower than their typically developing peers, perform an effective learning-teaching process with the interventions carried out in line with their individual differences, developmental characteristics and educational needs.Öğe Identifying concrete-representational-abstract instruction as an evidence-based practice in teaching mathematics to individuals with special needs(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2022) Ünlü, Özge Özlü; Arslanoğlu, Aslin; Yıkmış, AhmetIntroduction: This study aimed to evaluate whether Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) teaching practices adopted in teaching mathematical skills to individuals with special needs were evidence-based. Method: In this study, the analysis processes of the studies published in national and international sources between 1980 and 2020 were completed in line with descriptive analysis standards and standards for being evidence-based. As a result of the first search, a total of 52 studies were reached. Of these studies, 21 studies that met the inclusion criteria were included in the descriptive analysis process. Afterward, these studies were evaluated methodologically by considering the quality indicators for single-subject research designs. Seventeen studies that met all the quality indicators were included in the visual and meta-analysis process. Findings: According to the descriptive analysis results, it was observed that studies were mostly conducted between 2011 and 2019 and were often carried out on children with specific learning disabilities. Concerning methodological characteristics, it was seen that the multiple probe design across participants was frequently used as the research design, and subtraction with regrouping problem-solving skills in the field of problem-solving and multiplication skills in the field of four operations skills were included as dependent variables. The CRA strategy is observed to be often presented by the direct instruction method and supported by the RENAME strategy. Graphical analysis was used in all the studies reviewed. However, statistical analyses were not included in all studies. When the findings regarding evidence-based evaluation were examined, a positive effect was observed in 16 out of 17 studies meeting all the quality indicators. In meta-analysis studies, the results of PND and Tau-U effect size analysis are detailed under the Results heading. Discussion: These results demonstrate that CRA instruction is an evidence-based practice. The results obtained were discussed in line with the literature, and recommendations were made to researchers and intervention agents.Öğe The evaluation of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and adolescents affected by different deficiency disorders(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2022) Uğurlu, Mahir; Eratay, EmineIntroduction: The aim of the study was to determine and evaluate the emotional and behavioral disorders of children and adolescents affected by different types of disability. Method: The general survey research model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the study. The data of the study were collected from 501 teachers of 1439 children and young people with the TRF scale for 618 Years Old Children and Adolescents and analyzed with the SPSS 23 program. Findings: A significant difference was found between the type of disability and emotional behavior disorders; those with autism spectrum disorder got the highest score on the TRF scale, and those with visual impairment got the lowest score. It was found that boys scored higher than girls and those with multiple disabilities had higher scores than those without; it was determined that the scores obtained from the TRF scale increased with the education level. Discussion: It was determined that individuals with ASD had the highest score in the subscales except for the subscale on breaking the rules. The lowest scores in all subscales were found in those with visual impairment. The findings are similar to the finding in the literature that the type of disability is effective on emotional and behavior problems. This can be explained by their communication and social interaction difficulties. It is thought that limitations in peer relations and game skills and challenges in understanding the thoughts and judgments of others are effective. It has been suggested that programs can be prepared for students, teachers, and families in order to reduce the effects of emotional and behavior disorders, the research data can be obtained from teachers as well as with parental notifications, and the research can be carried out in a way to include children aged 3-6.Öğe Determining practices of classroom teachers who have mainstreaming and special needs students in their classes(ASSOC DEVELOPMENT SCIENCE ENGINEERING & EDUCATION, 2021) Gür, Pelin; Yıkmış, AhmetThe aim of this research is to determine, interpret and provide recommendations on instructional practices and evaluation of classroom teachers working with mainstreaming students at schools in the North Cyprus. A qualitative research method was used in the research. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews as one of the qualitative data collection methods. The interview form used in the research included 10 questions related to design and teaching practices as well as evaluation of the effectiveness of the instruction. Interviews were conducted with 12 classroom teachers working at mainstreaming classes under the North Cyprus Ministry of National Education and all interviews were recorded. These data were transferred to a digital environment where they were interpreted as code titles. The results showed that classroom teachers carry out in-class practices for teaching methods and activities of their mainstreaming students, and benefit from visual materials that they prepared with an assistant teacher. However, the classroom teachers also stated that they are unable to allocate time for their mainstreaming students because of the large numbers of students in the class and therefore they send their mainstreaming students to the special education teachers in their schools. It was determined that classroom teachers make their evaluations based on the level, interest and ability of students when evaluation the effectiveness of teaching.Öğe Teaching puzzle-solving skills to students with multiple disabilities via a tablet computer(Turkish Education Association, 2021) Çetin, Müzeyyen Eldeniz; Çay, EvginThe aim of this study was to teach the puzzle-solving skills to students with multiple disabilities by using a tablet computer and enable them to demonstrate this skill fluently afterwards. The research was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, the effectiveness of direct instruction in teaching puzzle-solving skills to students with multiple disabilities by using a tablet computer was investigated. Also, generalization effect of the acquired skills on various materials and their maintenance effect after 1, 3 and 4 weeks were evaluated. In this phase of the study, multiple probe design with probe trials across subjects, one of the single-subject research designs, was used. In the second phase, it was aimed to increase the fluency of those students in puzzle-solving on a tablet computer. Similar to the first phase, a single-subject design, the changing criterion model was used in the second phase. Three participants, two male and one female, were involved in the study. All sessions were held as one-to-one instruction arrangements. The study revealed that direct instruction was effective in teaching puzzle-solving skills, the participants demonstrated the target skills at the end of weeks 1, 3 and 4. In addition, it was observed that they could generalize those skills to different materials, settings and people, and they improved their fluency.Öğe Özel eğitimde geçiş planlama ve hizmetleri(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2020) Aktaş, Burcu; Kot, Mehtap; Yıkmış, AhmetTransition is a life-long process that requires a variety of changes in individuals' lives. In this process, individuals with special needs face a number of challenges and need support. Transition services planning is carried out in order to ensure that individuals with special needs adapt to various processes that require change and to make the support services provided to individuals with special needs and their families permanent. Transitional periods include a long-term process involving early intervention programs, pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, higher education, school to business life and social life. Lack of significant legal basis for transition planning in our country causes individuals with special needs to experience various difficulties during all transition periods, there are gaps between the programs, and they cannot benefit from the special education services offered to them. For this reason, in this study, the concept of transition, the legal bases of transition in the world, the transition planning process, factors affecting transition planning, transition periods, transition, transition assessment process and the studies related to the transition in Turkey have been tried to be explained.Öğe Tablet üzerinde eş zamanlı ipucuyla sunulan nokta belirleme tekniği kullanarak rakam-nesne eşleme öğretiminde dokunarak rakamları öğrenelim yazılımının etkililiği(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2020) Öztürk, Hatice Zeynep; Yıkmış, AhmetThe purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Touch Math to teach number-object matching by using simultaneous prompting via the software entitled "Let's Learn the Numbers by Touching" prepared to use in mobile environments to children with mild intellectual disabilities. Besides, this study investigated the generalization and maintenance of the skills that were taught following the implementation and opinions of the mothers of the students. A total of three students with mild intellectual disabilities (one girl, two boys) who attended a rehabilitation center in the city of Bolu participated in this study. Multiple probe with probe trials design across participants was used in this research. The findings of the study demonstrated that children with mild intellectual disabilities acquired, maintained the number-object matching by using simultaneous prompting via the software. The findings obtained from the interviews with the mothers demonstrated that their opinions towards "Let's Learn Numbers by Touching" were positive. They thought that this procedure was effective in terms of number-object matching.Öğe Using animation as a means of enhancing learning of individuals with special needs(Assoc Information Communication Technology Education & Science, 2018) Bağlama, Başak; Yücesoy, Yücehan; Yıkmış, AhmetUse of animation in special education has gained great attention recently. Therefore, the use of animation for helping individuals with special needs has become an important research question and this study aims to examine and discuss the role of using animation as a tool to enhance learning of individuals with special needs. This is a qualitative study in which document analysis was used to collect the data. Results revealed the trends in using animation in education and the benefits of animation for enhancing learning of individuals with special needs. This study tried to provide a comprehensive review on the effectiveness of using animation in education and discussed the existing and possible benefits of using animation for individuals with special needs. Results are discussed with relevant literature and recommendations for further research and practices are presented in the study.Öğe The effectiveness of parent training a mothers of children with autism use of mand model techniques(Anadolu Univ, 2018) Aktaş, Burcu; Tekinarslan, İlknur ÇiftciThe present study examined the effectiveness of the parent training program that was designed for the mothers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in enabling them to use the mand-model procedure. The study was conducted with the participation of 3 boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their mothers. As part of the study, the mothers were taught the mand-model procedure, which is one of the milieu teaching techniques. As a research method, the present study employed the subject research models of between-subject and multiple probe design models. The findings of this study suggested that the parent training program designed with a view to teaching the mand-model procedure was effective and consequently the mand-model procedure used by the mothers was also effective in teaching new words to the children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and enabling them to maintain such words over time.Öğe Comparison of touch math and number line strategy presented with direct instruction in teaching addition problems to students with intellectual disability(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2017) Kot, Mehtap; Sönmez, Serdar; Yıkmış, AhmetThe purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of touch math and number line strategy in teaching basic addition to children with intellectual disability. Two students with moderate disability participated in the study. The dependent variable was the performance level of the subjects in adding skills. There are two independent variables in the study. The first independent variable was the touch math program and the second variable was the number line strategy. An alternating-treatments design across participants was utilized. Results indicated that the touch math strategy was more effective and efficient in teaching students' single-digit addition problems compared to the use of the number line strategy.Öğe Assessment of the preferences of individuals with special needs(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2017) Çetin, Müzeyyen EldenizEducation plays an extremely important role in reintegrating individuals with special needs to society. In order to ensure the effectiveness of education, it is necessary to decrease problem behaviors, to increase motivation and commitment and to identify reinforcers. It is necessary to identfy the needs of individuals with special needs in order for reinforcers to be successful therefore it is crucial to make observations or assess preferences in different environments. Literature states that observation method can be used to determine preferences. Observations that are done to identify preferences may involve the use of systematic preference assessments since observations are affected by the personal characteristics of observers, limited nature of stimuli during observations and time consuming nature of the activity. Preference assessments are systematic assessments that are used to determine preferences. This article discusses preference assessment, behaviors used by individuals with special needs to display preference, preference assessment types and important points in effective preferences assessment.Öğe Identification of the problems had by the special education teachers working with children that have Severe and Multiple Disabilities (SMD)(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2017) Adıgüzel, Sakine; Kizir, Mine; Eratay, EmineThis research was conducted to identify the problems encountered by special education teachers working with children that have severe and multiple disabilities. 14 special education teachers, had semi-structured interviews who are graduated from special education department and working with students that have severe and multiple disabilities. Transcripts of the interviews were prepared by transcription of the audio recordings of the interviews. The data was analyzed by descriptive analysis method. Mainly, the findings indicate that special education teachers do not have adequate knowledge and skills related with SMD, the number of specialists working in the field is insufficient, there are problems related with the training of special education teachers, team work is limited, the legal arrangements are inefficient, there are problems related with the placement of students in education institutions in-service education is inefficient and there are problems related with the curriculum. Based on the findings of the study increasing the number of courses regarding the children that have severe and multiple disabilities in special education undergraduate programs, and supporting theoretical lessons with applications, providing teachers working in the field with in-service trainings, and increasing the number of specialists in the field by starting graduate programs regarding the field of severe and multiple disabilities may be recommended.Öğe Effects of mother-delivered social stories and video modeling in teaching social skills to children with autism spectrum disorders(Sage Publications Inc, 2017) Acar, Çimen; İftar, Elif Tekin; Yıkmış, AhmetAn adapted alternating treatments design was used to compare mother-developed and delivered social stories and video modeling in teaching social skills to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Mothers' opinions about the social validity of the study were also examined. Three mother-child dyads participated in the study. Results showed that mothers could develop social stories and video images with 100% accuracy and implement them with high treatment integrity. Results also showed that both interventions were effective in teaching social skills to children with ASD, and both mothers and children could maintain and generalize their acquired skills; video modeling was more efficient for two children and social stories were more efficient for one child. Finally, mothers' opinions about the social validity of both interventions were positive. Future research is needed to support these findings.Öğe The effect of the perceived social support in the prediction of the loneliness among student with special needs and students without special needs in inclusive class effect(Pamukkale Univ, 2017) Görmez, Abdullah; Tekinarslan, İlknur ÇiftçiIn this study, the level of perceived social support and the level of loneliness among the students with special needs and without special needs in inclusive class are compared and whether perceived social support is a meaningful predictor for loneliness was investigated. Research group is composed of 128 students who are taken primary or secondary education, continuing to their 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade, in central district of Bolu. 78 of them are students without special needs and 54 of them are students with special needs. Loneliness Scale for Children and Perceived Social Support Measurement were used in research. Findings of the study reveal that students with special needs are lonelier than the students without special needs. Students without special needs perceive more social support than student with special needs. When the level of perceived social support increases, the level of loneliness decreases, thus, the perceived social support is a significant predicator for the loneliness of children for both groups.Öğe The effectiveness of simultaneous prompting teaching procedure on teaching coins to students with intellectual disabilities by a peer with intellectual disabilities(Ankara Univ, Fac Educational Sciences, 2016) Tümeğ, Sedef; Pınar, Elif SazakIn this study, effectiveness of simultaneous prompting teaching procedure on teaching coins (1 Turkish Liras and, 50 coins, 25 coins, 10coins, 5 coins) to students with intellectual disabilities by a peer with intellectual disabilities was investigated. Multiple probe models with probe condition across subjects which is one of the single subject research designs, was used for this research 3 peer tutees with intellectual disabilities who are between the ages of 12 and 13 and 1 peer tutor with mild intellectual disabilities at the age of 16 attended to this study. Dependent variable of the study is the skills which is students with intellectual disabilities telling or pointing coins when coins are shown or asked. Independent variable is an intellectual disability peer delivered simultaneous prompting method. At the end of the study (1) mild intellectual peer tutor applied peer delivered simultaneous prompting method reliably for instructing coins their tutees with intellectual disabilities (2) using peer delivered simultaneous prompting method is effective in teaching (telling or pointing) coins for students with intellectual disabilities, (3) the students have protected gained skills five days, seven days and ten days after the end of intervention (4) the students can generalize telling or pointing coins to different teachers and mothers were found. In this research social validity findings showed that all of the special education teachers gave positive feedbacks for the study.Öğe Effectiveness of the touch math technique in teaching basic addition to children with autism(Edam, 2016) Yıkmış, AhmetThis study aims to reveal whether the touch math technique is effective in teaching basic addition to children with autism. The dependent variable of this study is the children’s skills to solve addition problems correctly, whereas teaching with the touch math technique is the independent variable. Among the single-subject research models, A multiple probe design with probe conditions across subjects was used in the study. Three male students aged 8 to 10 years, diagnosed with autism, and exhibiting the prerequisite skills participated in the study. The findings revealed that the touch math technique was effective in teaching basic addition to each participant. All three participants were found to be successful at the end of the teaching session, compared to the baseline. In other words, there is a positive difference between the data obtained in the first and last teaching sessions for each child. Moreover, the generalization and maintenance findings also support the effectiveness of this technique.