Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Middle schoolers' book selection and reasons for discontinuing reading
    (Education Assoc South Africa, 2023) Karatay, Halit; Tezel, Kadir Vefa; Demirel, Ahmet
    In this qualitative research we employed the case study method to identify the factors that affect Turkish fifth to eight graders' selection of books to read and the reasons that cause them to stop reading the books they have selected. To identify those factors and reasons, data were collected from a total of 32 participating students who were selected using stratified purposive sampling. A group was formed for each grade. Each grade group included 8 students who borrowed books from public libraries and voluntarily participated in the study. The participants were interviewed using open-ended questions. Interviews revealed that in selecting books to read, the students considered theme, genre, and structural features such as title, cover design, author, publisher, and recommendations made by peers, teachers, and family members as criteria. The students also stated that the events and themes in the books, language features, font size, insufficient time to read, and the library's requirement to return a book in 15 days were the reasons to give up reading a selected book.
  • Öğe
    The effects of the 21st century skills curriculum on the development of students? Creative thinking skills
    (Elsevier Science Ltd, 2023) Dilekçi, Atilla; Karatay, Halit
    Changing conditions in the information age have led to changes in education. These changes are innovations. They have transformed schools and programs. They have led individuals to acquire 21st century skills which are critical thinking, problem solving, creative thinking and cooperative working skills. The acquisition of digital media and technology literacy skills are also essential. This study examines the effects of the 21st Century curriculum on the students' acquisition of creative thinking skills. The study uses the mixed method design which allowed the collection of quantitative and qualitative data. Activities that aimed to develop the students' 21st century skills were given to the experimental group for 10 weeks. The Torrance Creative Thinking Test and teacher and student interview forms were used as data collection tools. The results showed that the activities significantly improved the students' creative thinking skills. The students' learning desire, innovation skills, and technological and digital literacy skills improved.
  • Öğe
    Perceptions of gifted people on the concept of citizenship
    (Ankara University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, 2023) Özdemir, Fatih; Ercan, Yıldız Aybar; Yiğit, Emine Özlem
    Introduction: Citizenship plays a crucial role in protecting the identity of states and societies. Citizenship becomes even more important for gifted people who make important contributions to the scientific and technological development of a country. From this point of view, this study aims to explore the perceptions of gifted people trained at Science and Art Centers (SAC) in relation to the concept of citizenship. Method: The study was conducted using a phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research designs. The study group of the research consisted of 23 6th grade students, 13 boys and 10 girls, studying at SACs in Istanbul in the academic year 2020-2021. The data of the study was collected using a structured interview form developed by the researchers. Descriptive analysis was used to analyse the data. Findings: It was found that gifted students defined citizenship as a person living in a place and having some basic duties and rights to the place to which they belong. The students mostly defined themselves as good citizens and stated that a good citizen has responsibilities towards his environment and country. In the context of the view that the state is a political institution in which people live together, the understanding of a social and legal state dominates. The main responsibility of citizens is seen in being hardworking and respecting the country and society. The majority of students feel connected to their country, with the most important factor for this connection being culture and history. While the most positive aspect of being a citizen of Turkey is its historical heritage, it is noteworthy that some of the students wish to be citizens of the developed Western countries. Discussion: The students' views are largely consistent with studies in the literature on citizenship and state definitions and citizenship of other countries based on brain drain. However, unlike other studies, this one emphasized researcher personality, which is one of the distinguishing characteristics of gifted individuals, among the characteristics of citizens.
  • Öğe
    Beyond "do not touch": the experience of a three-dimensional printed artifacts museum as an alternative to traditional museums for visitors who are blind and partially sighted
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2023) Karaduman, Hıdır; Alan, Ümran; Yiğit, Emine Özlem
    Three-dimensional printing, or 3D printing, has been used toward the educational, cultural, and social participation of individuals who are blind and partially sighted (BPS) by providing sensory access by touch. This study describes an example of the use of 3D printing technology to make museums accessible to visitors who are BPS by creating a three-dimensional printed artifacts museum (3D-PAM) that exhibits 3D printed replicas of artifacts from famous museums around the world. Specifically, the aim of the study is to identify the definitions of museums and the general experiences of museum visits by people who are BPS, to have them visit a 3D-PAM, and to unravel their reactions to this experience and their future suggestions for 3D-PAM. Eleven individuals participated in this basic qualitative study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to uncover their understanding of the experience. Results show that people who are BPS have a negative perception of museums because they are often inaccessible to this group and that the 3D-PAM in our study offered a pleasant experience that contributed to accessibility. These results suggest further that 3D-PAMs, either as an alternative and separate museum type or integrated into existing museums, are highly important for people who are BPS.
  • Öğe
    Functions and teaching its spelling of-de morphology and de conjunction
    (Turkish Education Assoc, 2023) Çiçek, Seher; Karatay, Halit
    In this study, the effect of teaching activities prepared according to Functional Grammar on secondary school students' learning of the functions and spelling of morphemes and conjunction was investigated. To observe this effect, teaching was carried out following the principles of Functional Grammar to be used in teaching the functions and spelling of -de morpheme and conjunction. The study group research consists of 76 secondary school students and 4 Turkish teachers. This research was designed and conducted in a mixed method design, in which qualitative and quantitative research techniques were used together. The quantitative dimension of the study was in a single group pre-and post-test weak experimental model; the qualitative dimension was carried out with a case study. In the collection of quantitative data, the listening activity, which was prepared according to the fill-in-the-blank technique, and included the functions of de morpheme and conjunction, was used as a pre-and post-test. A structured interview form was used to collect qualitative data. As a result of the research, it has been observed that the general success in the functions and spelling of the morpheme and conjunction in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades has increased significantly. It has been observed that there is a significant and positive increase in all grade levels in learning the conjunction function and separate spelling of de, which has become a chronic problem. In addition, it was determined that secondary school students were successful in learning the locative of the morpheme in the noun task, the time functions in the adverb task, and its spelling. However, secondary school students could not make progress in the case function and spelling of the-de morpheme in the adverb task. Teachers and students, whose opinions were taken in support of these positive results, stated that the teaching activities prepared according to Functional Grammar are fun, instructive, permanent, and enable active participation in the lesson. Accordingly, the teaching of the spelling of the morpheme -de in the conjunction functions of locative, tense, and its conjunction started to be given from the 5th grade; it has been suggested that the case function of the morpheme and the teaching of spelling skills should be postponed to secondary education. Thus, a functional teaching method should be adopted gradually in teaching the functions and spelling of-de morpheme and conjunction.
  • Öğe
    History education in Turkey: Tensions between national and global views
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Önal, Gökhan; Pala, Çiğdem Baki
    This article analyses the extent to which history education (HE) in Turkey adheres to the HE principles proposed by the Council of Europe. A compulsory history textbook is analyzed in detail. The analysis finds an understanding of HE that marginalizes minorities due to nationalist and militarist content. The Ataturk's Principles and History of Reforms (APHR) course also fail to include controversial historical issues and does not adopt a multiperspective approach. Thus, a vital question has emerged: Is the APHR a course that serves to develop universal values such as respect for differences, a culture of inclusion, and support for democracy, or does it continue to be used solely as a tool for reproducing national values or more precisely, the dominant groups' values? This question reveals the significance of developing a HE curriculum in Turkey and elsewhere that reflects current realities and also supports intercultural dialogue.
  • Öğe
    The effects of the 21st century skills curriculum on the development of students? Creative thinking skills
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2023) Dilekçi, Atilla; Karatay, Halit
    Changing conditions in the information age have led to changes in education. These changes are innovations. They have transformed schools and programs. They have led individuals to acquire 21st century skills which are critical thinking, problem solving, creative thinking and cooperative working skills. The acquisition of digital media and technology literacy skills are also essential. This study examines the effects of the 21st Century curriculum on the students' acquisition of creative thinking skills. The study uses the mixed method design which allowed the collection of quantitative and qualitative data. Activities that aimed to develop the students' 21st century skills were given to the experimental group for 10 weeks. The Torrance Creative Thinking Test and teacher and student interview forms were used as data collection tools. The results showed that the activities significantly improved the students' creative thinking skills. The students' learning desire, innovation skills, and technological and digital literacy skills improved.
  • Öğe
    The effect of the conceptual metaphor theory on the teaching of orientation idioms in teaching Turkish as a foreign language
    (WILEY, 2022) Karatay, Halit; Kartallıoğlu, Nurettin; Zorpuzan, Sena Sapmaz; Tezel, Kadir Vefa
    In this study, the effects of the conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) on the teaching of orientation idioms was investigated. The study was designed as an action research project and was conducted with 45 B2 level students from 21 countries who were native speakers of 10 different languages. The students were learning Turkish to pursue the undergraduate degrees in Turkish universities. The students were learning and using Turkish for their daily interactions with Turkish people but continued to use their native languages in their closely knit communities. Thus, they formed good examples of true bilingual individuals. At the planning stage of the study, the orientation idioms in the Turkish as a foreign language course books were identified to be used in the teaching activities during the study and a list of orientation idioms was prepared. The students were asked to write the meanings of those idioms and use each one in a sentence to determine whether they had already learned those idioms. The orientation idioms in the B2 level course books were taught through activities based on CMT. At the end of the study, the students were asked to write the meanings of the idioms and use each one in a sentence once again. Pre- and poststudy mean scores of the students' performances were compared. It was determined that the implementation based on CMT developed the students' ability to learn metaphors and use them contextually appropriately. Furthermore, it was observed that the teaching activities based on the theory made it easier for the students to learn the idioms and increased their retention in the students' minds. It was also observed that the students had developed the skills of guessing the meanings of new orientation idioms from the contexts they were used in and using them more easily.
  • Öğe
    Okuduğunu anlama sürecinde çıkarım becerisine ilişkin belirlemeler
    (DERGIPARK AKAD, 2021) Algül, Özlem; Bozkurt, Başat Ümit
    Çıkarım becerileri gelişmiş çocukların okuduğunu anlama sürecinde başarılı olduğu araştırmalarda bildirilmektedir. Çıkarım becerisinin hangi değişkenlerden etkilendiği temelinde, bu araştırmanın amacı, ortaokul öğrencilerinin çıkarım becerisi düzeylerini belirlemek ve katılımcı özelliklerine bağlı değişimini incelemektir. 5. ve 7. sınıf öğrencileri (n=670) ile yürütülen bu nedensel karşılaştırma çalışmasında, katılımcılara çıkarım becerisi testleri uygulanmış; çözümlemede Mann Whitney-U ve Kruscal Wallis testleri kullanılmış; sürekli ve süreksiz değişkenler arasındaki ilişki ise Pearson korelasyon katsayısı ile hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular; öğrencilerin en çok yanlış yanıtı temel düzey çıkarım becerisinde, en az doğru yanıtı üst düzey çıkarım becerisinde verdiklerini; kitap okumanın, yaşın, gidilen okulun ve anne-babanın eğitim düzeyinin çıkarım becerisini etkilediğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca evinde kitaplık ile çocuğa göre kitap bulunan, annesi kitap okuyan, anne-babası “kitap alan” çocukların çıkarım becerisi düzeyleri daha yüksektir. Öte yandan anne-babası işçi olan çocukların çıkarım becerisi düzeyi, diğer mesleklerde çalışanlara göre daha düşüktür. Bu sonuçlar, dezavantajlı çocukların okuduğunu anlama becerisi gelişiminde desteklenmeleri gerekliliğini öne çıkarmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Maarif vekili Mustafa Necati Bey’in yeni Türk alfabesinin öğretilmesi için yürüttüğü faaliyetler
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2021) Kılıç, Fahri
    Mustafa Necati Bey (1892-1929), Millî Mücadele döneminde çeşitli dergi ve gazetelerde yazdığı yazılarla Batı Anadolu Kuvâ-yı Milliye hareketinin örgütlenmesinde aktif olarak yer almıştır. TBMM’de Saruhan ve İzmir milletvekilliklerinin yanı sıra İstiklâl Mahkemeleri Başkanlığı ardından Mübadele İmar ve İskân Vekilliği, Adliye Vekilliği ve Maarif Vekilliği yapmıştır. Özellikle Maarif Vekilliği döneminde millî eğitimin teşkilatlanması, yeni Türk alfabesinin hazırlanması, Millet Mektepleri’nin kurulması için yaptığı kapsamlı çalışmaları ile tanınmıştır.Bu araştırma, Maarif Vekili Mustafa Necati Bey tarafından yeni Türk alfabesinin halka öğretilmesi için yürütülen faaliyetleri içermektedir. Araştırma, döneme ilişkin arşiv kaynakları, süreli yayınlar, tetkik eserler, makaleler, tezler ve anılara dayanmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Yeni Türk alfabesinin kabulünde dil heyetinin yürüttüğü çalışmalar
    (Hacettepe Univ, 2020) Kılıç, Fahri
    Türkler, tarihleri boyunca yaşadıkları coğrafyaların ve kültürlerin etkisiyle pek çok farklı alfabeler kullanmışlardır. X. yüzyılda kabul edilen Arap alfabesinin uzun süre kullanılmasından sonra Osmanlı Devleti’nde Tanzimat Döneminde artan bürokratik ihtiyaçlar ve eğitimin yaygınlaştırılmaması sorunu üzerine dönemin aydınları arasında bir reform yapılmasına dair tartışmalar başlamıştır. Meşrutiyet Döneminde de alfabe ile ilgili tartışmalar büyük bir ilgiyle devam etmiş, bu konuda ileri sürülen bir kısım çözüm önerileri kısmen uygulanmaya başlamış fakat olumlu bir sonuç alınamamıştır. Cumhuriyet dönemindeyse alfabe tartışmaları, sadece aydınların ele aldığı bir konu olmaktan çıkmış, devletin bir eğitim sorunu olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Eğitimin yaygınlaştırılması için bir an önce Latin alfabesine geçilmesi gerektiğine karar verilmiştir. Bu amaçla Latin alfabesine geçiş konusunda incelemeler yapmak üzere Maarif Vekâletinin bünyesinde bir Dil Heyeti kurulmuştur. Dil konusunda uzmanlardan oluşturulan heyet Ankara ve İstanbul’da sürdürdüğü yoğun çalışmaların sonunda Türkçe’nin gramer yapısına uygun Latin alfabesi esasına dayanan bugünkü kullandığımız alfabeyi belirlemiştir. Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın önerileri doğrultusunda 8 ünlü 21 ünsüz toplam 29 harften oluşan Latin Alfabesi’ne dayalı yeni Türk Alfabesi’nde çift harf tercih edilmemiş, seslerin uluslararası değeri değiştirilmemiş, işaretli harflere mümkün olduğunca az yer verilmiştir. İsmet Paşa tarafından isimlendirilen “Türk Alfabesi” için bir uygulama planı hazırlanmış, kısa sürede kamuoyuna tanıtımı yapılmış, yasası çıkartılmış, Türk tarihinin en önemli kültürel devrimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman inceleme tekniği kullanılacaktır. İncelemede alan yazınının dışında, arşiv kaynakları, süreli yayınlar, tetkik eserler ve anılara başvurulacaktır. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında Cumhuriyet Döneminin en önemli kültür devrimlerinden birini oluşturan yeni Türk alfabesinin belirlenmesi aşamasında Dil Heyeti’nin yürüttüğü çalışmalar ele alınacaktır.
  • Öğe
    The influence of Akhmet Baitursynov's literary publicistic heritage on the spiritual development of kazakh people at the beginning of the XXth century
    (Karabuk Univ, 2020) Dossanova, Nazira; Abdimanuly, Omirkhan; Kapağan, Enver
    The article examines multifaceted activities of an outstanding Kazakh poet and publicist of the early twentieth century, Akhmet Baitursynov, and his transformative role in the development of literature, as well as national press and the history of the liberation movement. Authors especially emphasize that the poet and enlightener A. Baitursynov, as a creative person, has completely devoted himself to serving the people and their struggle for independence. In the process of analyzing the poet's work, it was shown that his bright poetry and social activities, as in a mirror, reflected the history of his native people at a turning point in the social changes of the twentieth century. Rich historical, literary and artistic material reveals the influence of Russian classical literature on the work of the Kazakh poet. The degree of artistic perception and adaptation techniques used by A. Baitursynov on I. A. Krylov's fables are revealed. The peculiar method and artistic skill of A. Baitursynov as a translator are considered in the given article. As an original fabulist, he uses words, expressions, proverbs and sayings that are close to and understandable to Kazakh people. He focuses on their critical and satirical orientation, which is aimed not to entertain, but to correct morals, teaching, and appeal to education. A. Baitursynov's special place in the history of the national press was identified as a talented publicist and bold editor of the Kazakh newspaper, which had a pronounced anti-colonial and enlightening orientation. His journalistic legacy was deeply investigated and systematically analyzed. The authors proved that it was in the field of the Kazakh press that the poet's powerful talent was most fully revealed, his role as the leader and inspirer of the liberation struggle of the Kazakh people was investigated.
  • Öğe
    The effects of individual voice training on pre-service Turkish language teachers' speaking performance
    (Edam, 2018) Bozkurt, Başak Ümit; Erim, Ali; Demiray, Pınar Çelik
    This research investigates the effect of individual voice training on pre-service Turkish language teachers' speaking skills. The main claim in this research is that teachers' most significant teaching instrument is their voice and it needs to be trained. The research was based on the convergent parallel mixed method. The quantitative part was carried out according to the changing criterion model, which is a single subject design. In the qualitative part, the data were obtained from semi-structured interviews conducted before and after the intervention phase and the diaries kept throughout the process. Three pre-service Turkish language teachers, voluntarily participated in the study. First, the baseline level of the participants was determined, then the intervention phase was implemented accordingly (a five-week individual voice training). Each participant received one-hour individual voice training weekly, and three case evaluation sessions were conducted at intervals after each training session. At the end of five weeks, more than 90% improvement was recorded in all participants. Data analysis also revealed that their perceptions of self-efficacy increased and anxiety levels decreased in terms of public speaking. Finally, it is suggested that voice training need to be integrated into Turkish language teacher education program.
  • Öğe
    Perceptions of students in Turkish education department about folk culture course
    (Kamla-Raj Enterprises, 2015) Kurudayıoğlu, Mehmet; Şahin, Çavuş
    This study aims to analyze the perceptions of students in Turkish Education Department about folk culture classes. The study was conducted among 24 fourth grade students from the Turkish Education Department of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University during the first educational term of 2013-2014. Semi-structured and non-leading interview forms are used as data gathering tools. Data are analyzed using the content analysis technique, and the findings section is constructed under the themes found. At the end of the study, it is revealed that students of Turkish Education Department choose this folk culture subject which is obligatory and given by academicians who are the experts of this field, and contains the elements of this culture (clothes, games, traditions, foods, etc.), as they want to learn about the culture in which they live and also don't want to be alienated from it.
  • Öğe
    The trajectory of elementary and Middle School Students' perceptions of the concept of history
    (Edam, 2014) Altun, Adnan
    The current study aims to reveal the trajectory (change) of the perception of the concepts of history during elementary and middle school years through students' responses to the question, "What is history in your opinion?" The cross-sectional research design was the preferred method to provide stronger opportunity for the current study to reach its broad target by allowing the simultaneous study of various age groups. The study group consisted of 712 students of various socio-economic statuses from six schools. The data collection tool used for the elementary level first- and second-grade students was an interview, whereas for all higher grades, it was an interview form. Data obtained were analysed through content analysis, resulting in the conclusion that students had three different perceptions of history. Perceptions of history as time exhibited a decline from the beginning of elementary school to the end of middle school, whereas the perception of history as a current activity showed an increasing ascent. Perceptions of history as past remained important all along the trajectory and also showed gradual increases. One of the important results obtained from the current study was that students, from the third grade and above, gradually began to own the history. Their characterization of the past activities transformed to our past activities over time. In conclusion, we contend that the centre of gravity for elementary and middle school students' perceptions of history reside in the past rather than the present.
  • Öğe
    Social studies pre-service teachers' views about technology literacy
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Yiğit, Emine Özlem; Öztürk, Cemil
    In this study, views of the social studies pre-service teachers about technology and technology literacy are presented focusing on the role of technology in 21st century and in our lives and importance of the social studies pre-service teachers in training technologically literate citizens. This study was conducted in a state university in Turkey. Ten senior students were selected. The data were collected from February 2009 through March 2010. The primary source of the data included semi-structured interviews. By using the content analysis, the discourse was systematically observed based on various coding categories.
  • Öğe
    Examination of technology in Turkish social studies curricula
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Özturk, Cemil; Yiğit, Emine Özlem; Karaduman, Hıdır
    This study is designed in descriptive model because it aims to analyze 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade social studies curricula in a technology focused view. In this context, document analysis technique was used which is a qualitative research method. Learning areas, acquisitions and skills in social studies curricula are considered in evaluation process. In conclusion, it was seen that in social studies curricula, Science, Technology and Society learning is directly technology oriented and this learning area has strict connections with others. Technology oriented activities are also implemented as needed in other learning areas. Besides, it was determined that there are 23 technology oriented acquisitions in 4 th, 5 th, 6 th and 7 th grade social studies curricula in Turkey. Six of them are in the 4th grade, six of them are in the 5th grade, five of them are in the 6th grade and six of them in the 7th grade. In this context, technology oriented acquisitions formed 13,2% of whole acquisitions in curricula (total 174). In skill dimension "using information technologies" skill is technology oriented and it is towards the effective usage of technology. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of The Association Science Education and Technology
  • Öğe
    Image of social studies at Google
    (Turkish Online Journal Educational Tech-Tojet, 2012) Öztürk, Cemil; Yiğit, Emine Özlem; Karaduman, Hıdır
    Social Studies Course is a lecture that ensures the students to recognize their society and the world, to involve into the social life actively towards the solution of the problems they have faced with in this respect. However, the researches indicate that this course is one of the least favorite courses by the students. Although there are various reasons for the fact that the status of social studies is low among the students, it is also important how the content of the course is reflected to them. It is a common knowledge that in 21st century, the students spend most of their time on computer and internet. As well as they explore the facts those are challenging and within their field of interest, the students also do their homework, which is asked from them, through internet. Therefore, the image of social studies, that is introduced them via internet, comes into prominence. When the permanence and effect of the images on the human memory is regarded, the said images gain more value. Also, the images of social studies over the internet are important with respect to reflect the point of view towards this course. In this respect, within the scope of document analysis in this research, by making restriction from the detailed search option of the Google search motor, 300 visual images those are involved under the headlines of "social studies" in United States of America and "social studies" in Turkey, have been subjected to analysis. As the result of the research, it has been recognized that mostly geographical aspects of the social studies are brought into prominence over the images, and subjects and interdisciplinary structures those are included in social studies have not been reflected so much.
  • Öğe
    Transfer of values in the Turkish and western children's literary works: character education in Turkey
    (2011) Karatay, Halit
    In this paper, the occurrence frequency of the values 'justice, family union, independence, peace, scientificality, diligence, cooperation, sensitivity, honesty, aesthetics, tolerance, hospitality, freedom, wellness, respect, affection, responsibility, cleanliness, patriotism, benevolence' which the Ministry of Education requires that children acquire in the Civics Course, have been analyzed in the narrative works from Turkish and Western children's literature that are within children's sphere of interest and are also recommended by the ministry. The document analyzing technique from qualitative research has been used to obtain data. A total of 20 values have been examined in the works, sticking to the definitions given in the syllabus according to their frequency of occurrence in a word, sentence or context, and coded into the relevant value themes in the rating lists. Content analysis, percentage and frequency techniques have been utilized in the analysis of the data obtained. In the Turkish children's literary works (TCLW) as well as Western children's literary works (WCLW), it has been observed that the religion is more foregrounded than others and that there is neither equality nor a priority ranking among the frequencies of occurrence of the other values. 71% of the values studied in the works occur in the TCLW whereas 29% exist in the WCLW.
  • Öğe
    Science, technology and social change course's effects on technological literacy levels of social studies pre-service teachers
    (2013) Yiğit, Emine Özlem
    Social studies curricula are required to prepared as educate children who continue to learn after their formal training and it is vital that teachers receive an education properly. In Social Studies Education Departments of Education Faculties Science, Technology and Social Change course is convenient to this aim and it contributes to technological literacies of pre-service teachers which needed in twenty-first century. In this study, it is tried to determine the effect of Science, Technology and Social Change course on pre-service social studies teachers technological literacy levels. Technological Literacy Scale which was developed by Yi?it (2011) was used in determining technological literacy levels of pre-service social studies teachers in this decriptive research. This scale is based on ITEA's teachnological literacy standards and it consists five sub-dimensions and thirty-three items and its' internal consistency is.86. In three state universities this scale was applied to pre-service social studies teachers who (100) took Science-Teachnology and Social Change Course and who (100) didn't take yet. Besides, opinions of pre-service social studies teachers (50) are picked to support quantitative data. Quantitative data were analized with SPSS 17.0 program for development level of technological literacy. T-test and ANOVA were used in analyse process. Content analyse technique was also used to analyse quantitative data depending on characteristics of research and data. In conclusion, it was found that Science, Teachnology and Social Change Course affected pre-service social studies teachers' technological literacies positively. However this result was differed dependent on the lecturer. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.