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Öğe Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuarına başvuran hastalarda bağırsak parazitlerinin dağılımı(2014) Taş, Tekin; Ayaz, Erol; Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Bucak, Özlem; Karabörk, ŞeydaAmaç: Eğitim düzeyi, sosyo -ekonomik durum ve çevresel faktörler, parasitik infeksiyonların dağılımını etkilemektedir. Bu yüzden henüz gelişmekte olan ülkemizde bağırsak parazitleri hala halk sağlığı sorunu olarak önemini korumaktadır. İlimizin parazitolojik çalışma verilerine katkı sağlamayı amaçladığımız bu ilk çalışmada, Ocak 2009 - Nisan 2011 tarihleri arasında Üniversitemiz Tıp Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji La boratuarına çeşitli gastrointestinal yakınmalarla başvuran 1451( % 55.92)’ i kadın ve 1144 (% 44.08)’ü erkek olmak üzere toplam 2595 olguya ait verilerin retrospektif değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Yöntem : Tüm olgularda dışkı örnekleri nativ -lugol ve şüpheli vakalar E.histolytica Adezin antijen testi yönteml eri ile incelenmiştir. Bulgular: İnceleme yapılan olguların 242 ( % 9.33)’sinin bağırsak parazitleri ile enfekte olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Enfeksiyonun cinsiyete göre dağılımı yapıldığında kadın l arın 107 (% 4.12)’sinin, erkeklerin ise 135 (% 5.20)’inin parazitli olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu oranlarının bağırsak parazitlerine göre dağılımı sırasıyla şöyledir: Entamoeba coli 27 ( % 1.04), Giardia intestinalis 11(% 0.42), Entamo eba histolytica/dispar 201 (% 7.75) kişide tespit edilmiştir. Birer vakada ise Fasciola sp ve Ascaris lumbricoides yumurtası gözlenmiştir. Selofan bant yöntemi az sayıda olguda uygulanabilmesi nedeniyle Enterobius vermicularis sadece bir kişide tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç : İlimizde bağırsak parazitlerinin protozoon ağırlıklı görülmesi helmint oranının az olması dikkat çekicidir. Bu çalışma sonuçlarının Bolu’da bağırsak parazit enfeksiyo nlarının yayılışıyla ilgili ilk veri olması nedeniyle yayınlanm ası uygun görülmüştür.Öğe Ameliyathane ve servis çalışanlarında hepatit B, hepatit C ve HIV seroprevlalansının karşılaştırılması(2012) Tekelioğlu, Ümit Yaşar; Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Akkaya, Akcan; Demirhan, Abdullah; Hakyemez, İsmail Necati; Taş, Tekin; Bayır, HakanAmaç: Ameliyathane ve servislerde çalışan hekimler, yardımcı sağlık personelleri (anestezi teknisyenleri ve hemşireler) ve temizlik personelleri sıklıkla kan ve vücut sıvıları ile temas edebilmektedir. Bu sıvılar ve kontamine aletler Hepatit B, Hepatit C veya HIV virüs enfeksiyonu bulaşmasına neden olabilecek önemli sebeplerdendir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Abant ‹zzet Baysal Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ameliyathane’sinde ve dahili servislerinde çalışan personelin Hepatit B virüsü (HBV), Hepatit C virüsü (HCV) ve Kazanılmış ‹mmün Yetmezlik virus (HIV) seroprevalansını ve immünizasyon durumunu saptamaktır. Ayrıca aşılanma ve alınabilecek tedbirlerin güncel literatür eşliğinde tartışılması hedeşenmiştir. Yöntem: Ameliyathane ve servis ortamında çalışmaya katılan toplam 122 kişinin bilgilendirilmiş onam formları alındıktan sonra, kan örnekleri toplandı. Katılımcılar sunulan anket formunu doldurarak, demografik bilgilerini, klinikte çalışma sürelerini, hepatit enfeksiyon hikâyesini ve immünizasyon durumlarını bildirdiler. Hepatit B yüzey antijeni, yüzey antikoru (anti-HBs), çekirdek antikoru (anti-HBc), anti-HCV ve anti-HIV durumu "enzyme linked immunosorbent assay" metodu kullanılarak araştırıldı. Verilerin istatistiksel incelemesinde "Ki- kare testi" ve "Ki- kare kökenli Phi-Cromer’s V, Contingency Coefficient, Goodman and Kruskal tau ve Uncertainly Coefficient testi" kullanıldı. p< 0,05 istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 43 kadın %35,2 ve 79 erkek %64,8 toplam 122 gönüllü katıldı. Gönüllülerin 62’ si ameliyathane çalışanı, 60’ ı servis çalışanı idi. 30’ u doktor (%24,6), 60’ ı yardımcı sağlık personeli (hemşire ve anestezi teknisyeni) (%49,2) ve 32’ si yardımcı personel (%26,2) idi. 108 katılımcı (%88,5) 5 yıldan az, 12 katılımcı (%9.8) 10 yıldan az, 2 katılımcı da (%1,6) 10 yıldan fazla çalışmıştı. Servis ve ameliyathane çalışanlarında, hepatit belirteçlerinde istatistiksel açıdan fark olmadığı görüldü. Hepatit hikayesi olmayan ameliyathane çalışanlarından, 6’sında (%5), servis çalışanlarından ise 2’sinde (%1,6) anti-HBc’ nin (+) olduğu saptandı. Ameliyathane çalışanlarının 52’sinde (%42,6), servis çalışanlarının ise 50’sinde (%40,9) anti-HBs (+) bulundu. Katılımcıların tümünde anti-HCV ve anti-HIV negatifti. Sonuç: Bu çalışma rutin aralıklarla yapılan labaratuvar tetkiklerin ve hastane ortamında alınan standart önlem ve tedbirlerin, risk altında bulunan sağlık çalışanlarında önemini bir kez daha ortaya koymuştur.Öğe Anjiyografi yapılan hastalarda hepatit B, hepatit C ve HIV seroprevalansı(2013) Taş, Tekin; Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Erdem, Alim; Erdem, Kemalettin; Bucak, ÖzlemAmaç: Sağlık çalışanları kan ve vücut sıvılarıyla bulaşan hep atit B (HBV), hepatit C (HCV) ve insan immun yetmezlik virü slerinin (HIV) neden olduğu infeksiyonlar açısından risk altı ndadırlar. Bu çalışmada kardiyoloji kliniğine başvuran ve anjiyografi uygulanan hastalarda HBsAg, anti -HCV ve anti - HIV seroprevalansının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Kardiyoloji kliniğinde Mayıs 2008 -2011 tarihleri arasında anjiyografi yapılan hastaların HBsAg, anti -HCV ve anti-HIV test sonuçları ile demografik verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. HBsAg, anti -HCV ve anti -HIV testleri makro - ELISA yöntemiyle (Axsym -Abbott; Architect i2000 -Abbott, ABD) çalışıldı. İstatistiksel değerlendirme Ki -kare testi ile yapılmıştır Bulgular : Toplam 415 hastanın 177 (%42.6)’si bayan, 238(%57.3)’i erkek idi. Tüm hastaların yaş ortalaması 61.5±5.4 dir. Hastaların dokuzunda (%2.2) HBsAg pozitif olup sekizi (%2.0) erkek, biri (%0.2) bayandı. Anti -HCV pozitifliği sadece bir (%0.2) bayan hastada rastlandı. Anti -HIV pozitifl iğine rastlanmadı. HBsAg ve anti -HCV pozitiflik oranları ile cinsiyet arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunamadı. Sonuç : Çalışmamızda HBsAg, anti -HCV ve anti -HIV seropr ev a lansının toplumdakinden yüksek olmadığı görülmektedir. Anjiyografi gibi girişimsel işlemler ve cerrahi müdahaleler sırasında tüm sağlık personelinin hastaların serolojik tetki klerine bakılmaksızın virüs bulaşabilme ihtimalini düşünerek güvenlik önlemlerini alması bu etkenlerin bulaşmasını azaltacaktır.Öğe Antibacterial effects of curcumin: an in vitro minimum inhibitory concentration study(Sage Publications Inc, 2016) Güneş, Hayati; Gülen, Dumrul; Mutlu, Reyhan; Gümüş, Abdullah; Taş, TekinAim: To evaluate the antibacterial effect of curcumin with the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method in standard bacterial strains. Methods: The in vitro antibacterial activity of curcumin was evaluated against methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) (ATCC 29213), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (ATCC 43300), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212), Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 700603) using the macrodilution broth susceptibility test method. After incubation in tubes, the antibacterial activity of curcumin was detected by a lack of turbidity, which indicated the inhibition of bacterial growth. The concentration in the tube with the highest dilution showing no turbidity was defined as the MIC. Results: The curcumin MIC values were 175 mg/ml, 129 mg/ml, 219 mg/ml, 217 mg/ml, 163 mg/ml, 293 mg/ml and 216 mg/ml against P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis, MSSA, MRSA, E. coli, E. faecalis and K. Pneumonia, respectively. Conclusion: This study revealed antibacterial effects of curcumin against standard bacterial strains in high concentrations. Animal experiments have demonstrated that curcumin applied at high doses has strong antibacterial activity. There is a need for further in vivo studies to shed light on antibacterial effects of curcumin with high concentrations.Öğe Bolu İlinde Farklı Yaş Gruplarında Hepatit A Seroprevalansı(2015) Bölükbaş, Barış; Mengeloğlu, Zafer; Taş, TekinAmaç: Hepatit A virüs (HAV) infeksiyonları ülkemizde ve dünyada yaygın olarak görülen önemli bir halk sağlığı problemidir. Yaş ilerledikçe enfeksiyonun belirgin hale geçtiği ve komplikasyonların arttığı kabul edilir. Bu çalışmada Bolu ilinde farklı yaş gruplarında Hepatit A seroprevalansının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Hastanemize 2013 yılında farklı yakınmalar nedeni ile başvuran ve elektrokemiluminesans yöntemi ile (Cobas e411 Analyzer, Roche Diagnostics, Almanya) Anti- HAV IgG testi çalışılan hastalar, hepatit A seroprevalansının belirlenmesi amacıyla çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Bulgular: Bir yıllık sürede, Anti-HAV IgG testi çalışılan toplam 1021 hastanın 778'inde (%77.2) seropozitiflik saptanmıştır. Olgular 0-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51- 60, 61-70 ve70 yaş üzeri olarak yaşlarına göre gruplandırılmıştır. Bu gruplara ait Anti-HAV IgG pozitiflik oranları sırasıyla; %48.8, %38.3, %62, %85.3, %97.2, %98.8, %97.1 ve %100 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile Bolu ilinde HAV seroprevalansı ilk kez araştırılmıştır. İlimizdeki Anti-HAV IgG seropozitiflik oranının bölgemizdeki illere yakın olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışmamız yaş ilerledikçe hepatit A virüs enfeksiyonu ile karşılaşma olasılığının arttığını ve yetişkin yaş gruplarında aşılamanın önemini göstermektedir.Öğe Comparison of classical methods versus BACTEC blood culture system for culture of normally sterile body fluids(Science & Innovation, Ltd, 2015) Mengeloğlu, Zafer; Taş, Tekin; Bucak, Özlem; Koçoğlu, Esra; Küçükbayrak, AbdulkadirBackground - Presence of microorganisms in sterile body sites leads to life-threatening infections. For early and accurate diagnosis of those infections, cultures of the sterile fluids have to be done. These cultures can not always detect the causative agents due to insufficent number or fastidious growing of the probable microorganisms in the material. Objectives - In this study, it was aimed to compare sterile body fluid cultures which had been processed with both conventional culture methods and BACTEC automatized blood culture system retrospectively. Material and Methods - A total of 138 body fluid cultures were compared retrospectively from the laboratory records. Results - Amongst the specimens, 122 cultures were negative. Nine of the rest 16 specimens were positive with both culture methods and seven cultures were positive with BACTEC only. None of the specimens which were negative in BACTEC system revealed positive with the conventional method. BACTEC detected significantly higher number of positivity (P<0.001). No significant difference was found between the methods due to contamination (P=0.183). Conclusion - In conclusion, our study shows that inoculation of the sterile body fluid specimens into blood culture bottles and incubation of them in BACTEC system as well as culturing with conventional methods increase the detection rate of probable causative agents.Öğe Comparison of contamination in simultaneous blood cultures with clinical findings(Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, 2013) Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Taş, Tekin; Demircan, FatihBlood culture, the basic method used in the diagnosis of bacteremia or sepsis, is decisive for patient's treatment. It is emerging whether the isolated microorganism is a causative agent of the infection or a contaminant. The aim of this study was to determine whether Gram-positive microorganisms, which were isolated from blood cultures simultaneously collected from two distinct veins both revealed the same species and same susceptibility proiles as they were causative agents of the bloodstream infection. Among the strains isolated from a total of 67 cultures, which revealed the same species, 52.2% (35/67) were considered to be clinical causative agents and 47.8% (32/67) were considered as skin contaminants. Inoculation of the simultaneous blood cultures collected from two distinct veins should be performed.Öğe The comparison of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV seroprevalence in operating room and clinical staff(2012) Tekelio?lu, Ümit Yaşar; Koço?lu, Esra; Akkaya, Akcan; Demirhan, Abdullah; Hakyemez, Ismail; Taş, Tekin; Bayir, HakanObjective: Physicians, allied health staff (anaesthesia technicians and nurses) and medical ward staff in operating rooms and in the clinics may often contact with blood or body fluids. These fluids and contaminated instruments are important causes of infection transmission including hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HIV. The objective of this study was to determine the immunization status and seroprevelance of Abant Izzet Baysal University Medical School Hospital operation room personnel and medical ward staff for Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In addition to this, we aimed to discuss vaccination and measures that can be taken with the aid of current literature. Method: After obtaining informed consent from 122 operating room personnel and service staff, blood samples were collected. A self-assessment questionnaire was used to obtain the informations including demographic information, duration of clinical practice, previously diagnosed hepatitis infection and the immunization status. Serum samples were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen, surface antibody (anti-HBs), core antibody, anti-HCV, and anti-HIV using the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay method. For statistical analysis, Chi-square tests and Phi- Cramer's V, Contingency Coefficient, Goodman and Kruskal tau and Uncertainly Coefficient tests were used. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: 43 women (35.2%) and 79 men (64.8%) participated in a total of 122 volunteers in this study. Sixty-two volunteers were operating room personnel and sixty participants were medical ward staff. A total of 30 (24.6%) physicians, 60 (49.2%) allied health staff (anaesthesia technicians and nurses) and 32 (26.2%) medical ward staff were included in the study. One hundred and eight participants have been working less than 5 years (88.5%), 12 participants have been working less than 10 years (9.8%) and 2 participants have been working more than 10 years (1.6%). Hepatitis markers of operating room personnel and medical ward staff were not statistically different. Eight of 120 participants without a history of hepatitis, had positive anti-HBc (6.6%). All were negative for anti-HCV and anti-HIV. Conclusion: This study shows once again that the importance of laboratory examinations made by routine intervals and standard precautions taken in the hospital for health care workers at risk.Öğe Comparison of toxin genes in staphylococcus aureus isolates obtained from patients and carriers(Carbone Editore, 2013) Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Çiçek, Ayşegül Çopur; Koçoğlu, Esra; Taş, Tekin; Bucak, Özlem; Güçkan, RıdvanIt is important to have information about virulence characteristics of S. aureus isolates obtained from the nasal cultures of carriers in terms of the capability to cause severe infections. In the present study, S. aureus isolates obtained from carriers and isolates obtained from clinical specimens, and which were determined as causative agents of infection, were compared in terms of the genes of staphylococcal enterotoxiiz A and 8 (sea and seb), TSST-I (tst), and PVL (pv1). A total of 44 S. aureus strains isolated from clinical specimens and 44 carrier isolates were tested for the genes with polyinerase chain reaction method. As the results, the most common gene was sea with a rate of 45.5% (40188). This gene was found in 34.1% (15144) of the carrier isolates and in 56.8% (25144) of the clinical group. Furthermore, the presence of the sea gene was found to be significantly higher in the clinical isolates than in the carriers' (P=0.032). The tst, seb, and pvl genes were positive at rates of 18.2% (16188). 4.5% (4188), and 5.7% (5188), respectively. No significant differences were found between the groups according to positivity rates of the tst, seb, and pvl genes (p>0.05 for each gene) To our knowledge, differences between carrier isolates and clinical isolates in terms of toxin genes have not been investigated before the present study. The presence of sea at a significantly higher rate in clinical isolates shows the need for advanced molecular analysis on this topic.Öğe Delftia acidovorans’ın neden olduğu nozokomiyal pnömoni ve arteriyel kateter ilişkili bakteriyemi(2012) Taş, Tekin; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Özsoy, Şeyda; Bucak, Özlem; Tekelioğlu, Ümit Yaşar; Hakyemez, İsmail NecatiDelftia acidovorans, önceden Comamonas acidovorans olarak isimlendirilen non-ermentatif, gram negatif bakteridir. Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı tanısıyla yoğun bakım ünitesine yatırılan 79 yaşında erkek hastanın her iki akciğerinde solunum sesleri azalmış ve kaba ronküsleri mevcuttu. Sulbaktam/ampisilin başlanan hastadan yatışının yedinci gününde beyaz küre artışı ve sol akciğerde infiltrasyon olması üzerine kan kültürleri ve derin trakeal aspirat kültürü gönderildi. Hastanın sulbaktam-ampisilin tedavisi kesilerek seftriakson başlandı. Hastanın tüm kültürlerinde D. acidovorans üredi. Yatışın 11. günü D. acidovorans’a bağlı septisemi tanısıyla meropenem başlandı. Hasta takibinin 17. gününde kaybedildi.Öğe The detection of HBV DNA with polymerase chain reaction in blood donors with isolated hepatitis B core antibody(Medical Assoc Zenicadoboj Canton, 2012) Taş, Tekin; Kaya, Selçuk; Önal, Süleyman; Küçükbayrak, AbdulkadirAim To analyze the presence of HBV DNA in blood donors admitted to blood banks with HBsAg negativity and isolated anti-HBc positivity. Methods Sera samples of 2500 HBsAg negative donors were included in the study. HBsAg tests were assayed with VITROS analyzer. Anti-HBc total, anti-FIBs, HBeAg, anti-HBc and anti-HBc IgM tests were manually studied with DIA PRO kit by employing ELISA method. HBV DNA test was evaluated with iQ5 Real Time PCR Detection System with real-time PCR method. Results A total number of 401 (16.4%) HBsAg negative blood donors had anti-HBc positivity. Forty-five of 401 (1.8%) anti-HBc positive samples were anti-FIBs negative. These 45 persons were evaluated for anti-HBc positivity. Thirty-six of 45 anti-HBc positive persons had only anti-HBc positivity, and other nine patients had Anti-HBe antibody. HBV DNA was detected in three (6.6 %) of 45 isolated Anti-HBc positive persons as in one of nine persons and two of 36 persons. Conclusion The persons who have only FIBs Ag negativity may not be appropriate to become blood donors. Anti-HBc test should be done for HBsAg negative persons. They should not be accepted as blood donors if Anti-HBc is found positive.Öğe Determination of anti-nuclear antibody pattern distribution and clinical relationship(Professional Medical Publications, 2014) Mengeloğlu, Zafer; Taş, Tekin; Koçoğlu, Esra; Aktaş, Gülali; Karabörk, ŞeydaBackground and Objectives: Autoantibodies are innmunglobulins occurred directly against autoantigens that are known as endogen antigens. Autoinnmune disease is an occasion that the body begins a fight against its own cells and tissues. The antibodies that are created by the body against its own cell nuclei are called as anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), and one of the methods used for detection and pattern of ANA is indirect immunofluorescence test (IIF). In the present study, it was aimed to determine the rate of ANA positivity and patterns of the positive specimens, and to investigate the relationship between ANA positivity and diseases in patients. Methods: ANA test results of a total of 3127 patients admitted during March 2010 to December 2012 were evaluated retrospectively. ANA test (HEp 20-10, EUROIMMUN, Germany) was used in dilution of 1:100 in IIF test. Results: A total of 494 (15.8%) resulted as ANA positive. ANA positivity rate was significantly higher in female patients than the male ones (p < 0.001). The most frequent ANA patterns were coarse speckled pattern (154 patients, 31.2%), nucleolar pattern (89 patients, 18.0%), fine speckled pattern (57 patients, 11.5%), and speckled pattern (48 patients, 9.7%). ANA positivity was most commonly determined in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (42 patients, 8.5%), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (29 patients, 5.9%), and rheumatoid vasculitis (RV) (28 patients, 5.7%). The most frequent symptoms or findings were joint pain (127 patients, 26.0%) and anemia (28 patients, 5.7%). ANA positivity rates were found to be significantly higher in patients with RA (p < 0.001), with SLE (p < 0.001), and with Raynaud phenomenon (p=0.001) in comparison to the controls. Amongst the most frequent diseases evaluated, no significant differences were found between the control groups and the groups of RV (p=0.089), multiple sclerosis (p=0.374), and Sjogren syndrome (p=0.311) in terms of ANA positivity rates. Conclusions: The present study is the first study reporting the positivity rate and distribution of ANA in Bolu located in northwestern Turkey. Information about the pattern types and the distribution of the patterns according to the diseases and symptoms contribute in diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. It is observed that clinical diagnosis has been supported significantly by ANA test according to data of our study.Öğe Determining immunoassay cutoff value using Western blot results to predict hepatitis C infection in blood donors with low-titer anti-HCV reactivity(Springer, 2013) Küçükbayrak, Abdulkadir; Çakmak, Saadet; Hakyemez, Ismail Necati; Taş, Tekin; Akdeniz, HayrettinSince the 1990s, blood donors have been scanned for anti-hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) antibodies, which can be defined by enzyme immunoassay as a screening test. In this population, false-reactive ratios have been high. Recently, some authors have aimed to find a cutoff value for anti-HCV different from those established by test manufacturers to predict HCV infection. In this study, 321 patients, after two repeating tests, had reactive results in s/co < 10 titers on anti-HCV test. The patients were 29.6 % (n=95) in women and 70.4 % (n=226) in men. The patients were classified into three groups by Western blot (WB) results (PS, positive; NG, negative; and ID, indeterminate). The average anti-HCV titer of the whole group was 2.61 +/- 1.96. Anti-HCV titers of subgroups were 2.43 +/- 1.95 in NG, 4.93 +/- 2.53 in PS, and 2.50 +/- 1.65 in ID (p< 0.001). There was a significant difference between NG and PS and between PS and ID subgroups (p< 0.001). There was a positive correlation between WB and anti-HCV titers in all patients (r=0.298, p< 0.001), in women (r=0.282, p< 0.001), and in men (r=0.337, p=0.002). According to receiver operator characteristic curve analysis, the cutoff value of anti-HCV titer to predict hepatitis C infection was > 2.61 s/co, with 74.1 % sensitivity and 71.6 % specificity (area under the curve, 0.820; 95 % confidence interval, 0.753 to 0.887). We suggest that an effective cutoff value for anti-HCV other than that established by the manufacturer cannot be assigned to predict hepatitis C infection for blood donors in low-prevalence areas.Öğe Efficacy of daptomycin on experimental methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus keratitis in rabbits(Mary Ann Liebert, Inc, 2013) Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Küçükbayrak, Abdulkadir; Bucak, Yasin Yucel; Erdurmuş, Mesut; Taş, Tekin; Özyalvaçlı, Gülzade; Bayram, Recep; Bucak , Özlem; Akdeniz, HayrettinPurpose: We aimed to compare the efficacy of topical daptomycin (DAP) with that of vancomycin (VA) in the treatment of keratitis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Methods: One hundred colony-forming unit MRSA bacteria were injected intrastromally into both corneas of 28 rabbits. Sixteen hours after injection, the rabbits' eyes were treated with 1 drop of topical DAP (10 or 50mg/mL), VA (50mg/mL), or isotonic saline for 19 doses. Their eyes were examined for clinical severity before and after treatment. Results: The minimum inhibitory concentration values of VA and DAP against the bacterial strain were found to be 2 and 0.5g/mL, respectively. The mean pre- and post-treatment clinical scores of the eyes did not differ significantly among the groups. However, the mean difference between the post- and pretreatment clinical scores was significantly lower in the 50mg/mL DAP group than in the other groups (P=0.042). A marked decrease in bacterial load was detected in all treatment groups compared to the control group (P=0.002). Although there were no significant differences in bacterial load among the treatment groups, the 50mg/mL DAP group showed the greatest decrease. The mean % epithelial erosion rate tended to be higher in the 50mg/mL VA group than in the other groups (P=0.31). Conclusions: Topical DAP significantly reduced the bacterial load and showed activity against MRSA comparable to that of fortified VA in this experimental model.Öğe Erythrocytes parameters in the course of brucellosis(2013) Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Taş, Tekin; Tosun, Mehmet; Aktaş, Gülali; Hakyemez, İsmail Necati; Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Akdeniz, HayrettinAmaç: Bruselloz hastalarında tüm eritrosit parametrelerini değerlendirmek ve bu parametreler ile inflamatuar belirte çler arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak. Yöntem: Çalışmaya brusella tüp aglütinasyon pozitif toplam 55 hasta alındı. Hastaların yaş ve cinsiyetleri, brusella tüp aglütinasyon testi sonuçları, eritrosit sedimantasyon hızları, C-reaktif protein ve eritrosit parametreleri ile ilgili veriler laboratuvar kayıtlarından incelendi. Bulgular: Hastalarda ortalama yaş 45,4 ± 18,1 ve kadın/erkek oranı 25/30’du. Tedavi sonrası hemoglobin, hematokrit, ortalama eritrosit hacmi, ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin ve ortalama eritrosit hemoglobini konsantrasyon değerleri tedavi öncesi değerlere gore anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu. Sonuç: Eritrosit parametrelerinin değerlendirilmesi aneminin ve brusellozla ilişkili doğasının anlaşılmasında fayda sağlaya- bileceği düşünülmüştür.Öğe Evaluation of 4 methods for the serological diagnosis of Epstein Barr virus infection using an immunofluorescence assay as the reference method(2014) Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Taş, Tekin; Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Özsoy, Şeyda; Bucak, ÖzlemBackground/aim: Tests specific for VCA IgM, VCA IgG, and EBNA IgG are used to diagnose Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infections and interpret disease status. The immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is accepted as the gold standard test. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of 4 methods in comparison with IFA. Materials and methods: In total, 101 serum samples were obtained from clinically suspected cases of EBV infection between May 2010 and May 2012 and evaluated by IFA. All serum samples were analyzed by an immunoblot assay, enzyme-linked fluorescent assay (ELFA), enzyme immunoassay (EIA), and immunochromatographic assay (ICA). Results: ELFA and ICA results were in good agreement with IFA for the detection of VCA IgM, VCA IgG, and EBNA IgG. The results of the immunoblot assay agreed less well with IFA for EBNA IgG, while EIA results were not in agreement with IFA for EBNA IgG or VCA IgM. Conclusion: Among the tests studied, ELFA and ICA appear to be suitable methods for the diagnosis and staging of EBV when considering cost-effectiveness, turnaround times, need for a specialist, and IFA concordance.Öğe Evaluation of 4 methods for the serological diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus infection using an immunofluorescence assay as the reference method(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2014) Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Taş, Tekin; Mengeloğlu, Fırat Zafer; Özsoy, Şeyda; Bucak, ÖzlemBackground/aim: Tests specific for VCA IgM, VCA IgG, and EBNA IgG are used to diagnose Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infections and interpret disease status. The immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is accepted as the "gold standard" test. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of 4 methods in comparison with IFA. Materials and methods: In total, 101 serum samples were obtained from clinically suspected cases of EBV infection between May 2010 and May 2012 and evaluated by IFA. All serum samples were analyzed by an immunoblot assay, enzyme-linked fluorescent assay (ELFA), enzyme immunoassay (EIA), and immunochromatographic assay (ICA). Results: ELFA and ICA results were in good agreement with IFA for the detection of VCA IgM, VCA IgG, and EBNA IgG. The results of the immunoblot assay agreed less well with IFA for EBNA IgG, while EIA results were not in agreement with IFA for EBNA IgG or VCA IgM. Conclusion: Among the tests studied, ELFA and ICA appear to be suitable methods for the diagnosis and staging of EBV when considering cost-effectiveness, turnaround times, need for a specialist, and IFA concordance.Öğe Evaluation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato seroprevalence in the province of Bolu, Turkey(2016) Bucak, Özlem; Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Taş, Tekin; Mengeloğlu, Fırat ZaferBackground/aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in the city center and the province of Bolu, Turkey. Materials and methods: A stratified sampling method was used to determine the study population. A total of 196 blood samples were collected. A questionnaire was completed by each participant in the study. ELISA was performed and positive serologic results were confirmed using western blotting. Data were analyzed statistically using the chi-square test. Results: Seropositivity rates of B. burgdorferi IgM and IgG were determined as 14.8% (29/196) and 13.7% (27/196) respectively by ELISA. A total of nine serum samples (4.6%) were found positive for IgG, and seven samples (3.8%) were positive for IgM according to western blotting. Seropositivity rates were found to be higher in people living in rural areas (11.1%), in women (8.3%), in people who were illiterate (10.0%), in people engaged in agriculture (10.8%), and in the age group of 40–60 years (10.0%). No statistically significant difference was found between seropositivity rates and survey data. Conclusion: The seroprevalence of Lyme disease was determined in our region. Detection of endemic regions of Lyme disease with determination of seropositivity rates will increase the awareness among clinicians about this disease.Öğe Evaluation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato seroprevalencein the province of Bolu, Turkey(2016) Bucak, Özlem; Koçoğlu, Mücahide Esra; Taş, Tekin; Mengeloğlu, Fırat ZaferBackground/aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in the city center and the province of Bolu, Turkey. Materials and methods: A stratified sampling method was used to determine the study population. A total of 196 blood samples were collected. A questionnaire was completed by each participant in the study. ELISA was performed and positive serologic results were confirmed using western blotting. Data were analyzed statistically using the chi-square test. Results: Seropositivity rates of B. burgdorferi IgM and IgG were determined as 14.8% (29/196) and 13.7% (27/196) respectively by ELISA. A total of nine serum samples (4.6%) were found positive for IgG, and seven samples (3.8%) were positive for IgM according to western blotting. Seropositivity rates were found to be higher in people living in rural areas (11.1%), in women (8.3%), in people who were illiterate (10.0%), in people engaged in agriculture (10.8%), and in the age group of 40 60 years (10.0%). No statistically significant difference was found between seropositivity rates and survey data. Conclusion: The seroprevalence of Lyme disease was determined in our region. Detection of endemic regions of Lyme disease with determination of seropositivity rates will increase the awareness among clinicians about this disease.Öğe Evaluation of patients with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Bolu, Turkey(Makerere Univ, Fac Med, 2013) Duran, Arif; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Ocak, Tarık; Hakyemez, Necati İsmail; Taş, Tekin; Karadağ, Mustafa; Mengeloğlu, Zafer FıratBackground: Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), which is associated with a high mortality rate in the Black Sea region of Turkey, has received increasing attention. Objective: In this study, the epidemiological features, clinical and laboratory findings, treatments, and outcomes of patients diagnosed with CCHF between 2006 and 2012 based on data obtained from the Bolu Provincial Directorate of Health (BPDH) were evaluated. Methods: BPDH data were reviewed for the period between 1 January 2006 and 31 July 2012. The locations where the tick had attached to the patient, the site of the tick bite on the patient's body, the dates of tick bite and removal, and the demographic characteristics of each patient were recorded. BPDH data on the total number of tick bites, patients with confirmed CCHF, and deaths due to CCHF in Bolu Province during the study period were also evaluated. Results: A total of 46 patients with CCHF and 38 patients without CCHF but who had been bitten by ticks were admitted to the BPDH. Of the patients with CCHF, 54.3% were female. The mean age of the patients was 46.88 +/- 2.05 years (range, 1-79 years). The mortality rate was 8.82%. Patients were predominantly observed in June and July. When the patients were distributed according to their occupations, the majority was houswife (48.6%), followed by animal husbandry worker (27.0%), farmer (10.8%), health worker (5.4%), and other (8.1%). The symptoms of the patients with CCHF included fatigue (60.9%), fever (60.9%), and myalgia (60.9%). Of those patients with CCHF, 41.3% were determined to have a high fever. Conclusions: The probability of developing CCHF decreased as the duration of tick attachment increased. Moreover, although the clinical presentation is important, it is not diagnostic. Physical examination and laboratory findings become more specific in later stages.
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