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Öğe Akrokordon benzeri lezyonlarla giden Gorlin sendromu(2010) Polat, Mualla; Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Şenen, Dilek; Yıldırım, Yasemin; Yılmaz, FahriNevoid bazal hücreli korsinom sendromu, otozomal dominant kalıtımlı genetik bir hastalıktır. Klinik bulguları multipl bazal hücreli karsinom, çenede odontojenik kistler, el ve ayakta çukurlaşmış çöküklükler, iskelet anomalileri, ektopik kalsifikasyonlar ve çok sayıda anormallik ile karakterizedir. Biz çocuk hastada bazal hücreli karsinomun akrokordon görünümlü saplı papüllerle prezente olduğunu sunduk. Buna dayanarak çocuklarda gözlenen akrokordon benzeri lezyonların bazal hücreli karsinom için bir uyarıcı olabileceği ve erken tanı amacıyla akrokordonlardan biyopsi alınması gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.Öğe Asymmetrical growth of beard due to Becker's nevus on the face: a rare presentation(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Polat, Mualla; Kaya, HaticeEditor Becker’s nevus otherwise known as Becker’s pigmented hairy nevus, is a hamartoma with brown hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis.1 The lesions mostly occur in the second and third decades of life and are six times more common in males than in females. Although the lesions may have various shapes, they consistently have a geographic or block like configuration in an irregular fashion; a linear pattern has rarely been reported.1,2 The lesions are most frequently localized on the upper half of the trunk and proximal upper extremities. There have been rare case reports of Becker nevus localized on lower extremities. Becker nevus localized on the face has been reported much more rarely in the literature.2Öğe Basal cell carcinoma in a bacillus Calmette - Guerin scar(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2009) Polat, Mualla; Parlak, Ali Haydar; Hasdemir, Oğuz; Boran, ÇetinBasal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most prevalent skin cancerand accounts for 97% of the total.1 Squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) is the most common malignancy originating from scartissue. It has been reported that only 0.5% of BCCs arederived from scar tissue.Öğe Bilateral nevus comedonicus of the eyelids associated with bladder cancer and successful treatment with topical tretinoin(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Polat, Mualla; Tuman, Bengü Altunay; Şahin, Aslı; Doğan, Ümit; Boran, ÇetinDear Editor Nevus comedonicus (NC) is a rare epidermalhamartoma of unknown etiology, most com-monly located on the head and neck (1). It ischaracterized by groups of dilated follicular ori-fices resembling comedones, filled with firmhyperkeratotic plugs (1). Although most casesare located unilaterally on the head, neck, andtrunk, the lesions may have a linear or blasch-koid distribution and rarely occur bilaterally(2–8). Histopathologically, the lesions are char-acterized by closely arranged, dilated-invaginated follicular openings containinglamellar keratin and cystic formations. Half ofthe cases are congenital and half develop duringchildhood, usually before the age of 10 years(4–6). Most NC cases are isolated. When NC isassociated with anomalies in the central nervesystem, eye, or skeletal system, and adnexaltumors, it is called NC syndrome (6). We reportlate-onset NC of both eyelids due to its rarity,atypical bilateral localization, and association with bladder cancer.Öğe Bolu yöresinde pediatrik yaş grubunda görülen deri hastalıkları(2008) Polat, Mualla; Göksügür, Nadir; Parlak, Ali Haydar; Tahtacı, Yasemin; İbrahimbaş, Yaşar; Kılıç, Berna; Şereflican, BetülAMAÇ: Pediatrik dönemde deri hastalıkları sık görülmektedir. Epidemiyolojik verilere katkıda bulunmayı amaçlayarak polikliniğimize başvuran çocuk hastaları irdelemeyi, hastalık prevalansını, yaş ve cinsiyete göre hastalıkların dağılımını belirlemeyi amaçladık. GEREÇ-YÖNTEM: Çalışmada Ocak 2005- Temmuz 2007 tarihleri arasında Dermatoloji polikliniğine başvurmuş olan 16 yaş ve altındaki pediatrik hastalar yaş, cinsiyet, dermatolojik tanılar açısından retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Hastalar yaşlarına göre 5 ayrı gruba ayrılarak, her yaş grubu için en sık konulan tanılar araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar Türkiye’den ve batı toplumlarından alınan verilerle kıyaslandı. BULGULAR: Polikliniğimize bu tarihler arasında toplam 17170 hasta başvurdu. Hastaların 624’ü (% 3,63 ) pediatrik yaş grubundaydı. Bu hasta grubunun yaşları 1 ay ile 16 yaş arasında idi ve yaş ortalaması 116,70 ± 58,08 ay olarak belirlendi. Hastaların 307’si (% 49,19) erkek, 317’si (%50,80) kızdı. Kız / Erkek oranı 1,03 idi. Erkeklerin yaş ortalaması 117,10 ay, kızların yaş ortalaması ise 116,33 ay idi. En sık görülen hastalık grubunu enfeksiyöz hastalıklar (%26,92) oluşturmaktaydı. Yaş grupların göre ayrıldığında, 0- 6 ay için erkeklerde atopik dermatit, kızlarda seboreik dermatit; 6 ay- 2 yaş grubunda erkeklerde ve kızlarda atopik dermatit; 2-6 yaş grubunda erkeklerde kongenital nevus, kızlarda verruka vulgaris; 6-12 yaş grubunda erkeklerde ve kızlarda verruka vulgaris; 12-16 yaş grubunda ise erkeklerde ve kızlarda akne vulgaris ilk sırayı oluşturmaktaydı. SONUÇ: Sonuçlarımız Türkiye’de yapılan diğer çalışmaların sonuçları ile uyumlu bulundu. Batı toplumunda tespit edilen hastalık dağılımından sonuçlarımız farklılık göstermekteydi. Toplumumuzdaki epidemiyolojik verilerin oluşturulması ve batı toplumunun verileriyle kıyaslanmasında çalışmamızın yararlı olabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.Öğe Can pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A be a marker for the assessment of atherosclerosis risk in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis?(Termedia Publishing House Ltd, 2016) Polat, Mualla; Buğdaycı, Güler; Şahin, Aslı; Kaya, Hatice; Sezer, Tuna; Öztürk, SerkanIntroduction: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory dermatosis. Several studies have shown that patients with psoriasis have a much greater risk of cardiovascular diseases than the normal population. The chronic inflammation observed in psoriasis is thought to have a role in the development of atherosclerosis and vascular endothelial injury. Aim: To examine serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) levels, which has been regarded as a marker of early stage atherosclerosis in patients with psoriasis that do not have concurrent conventional cardiovascular risk markers. Material and methods: Forty-one patients diagnosed with a chronic plaque type of psoriasis and 42 equally matched healthy volunteers were included in this study. The PAPP-A levels were compared between patient and control groups and the association between PAPP-A levels and disease duration and severity were evaluated in the patient group. Results: Statistically, serum PAPP-A levels were significantly higher in the psoriasis group than in the control group (p = 0.015). Serum PAPP-A levels were found to be positively correlated with severity (p = 0.036, r = 0.329) and duration (p = 0.014, r = 0.269) of the disease. Conclusions: As a marker of early stage atherosclerosis, PAPP-A levels were elevated in the psoriasis group and were correlated with disease duration and severity. This elevation reveals the presence of atherosclerosis in patients with psoriasis. Further studies are needed to confirm the use of PAPP-A as an available and inexpensive screening test and cardiovascular risk assessment for all centers.Öğe Cardiac findings in Behcet's patients(Wiley, 2010) Heper, Gülümser; Polat, Mualla; Yetkin, Ertan; Şenen, KubilayBehcet's disease is a chronic multi-system inflammatory disorder and the severity and clinical manifestations of Behcet's patients may show geographic variation. We aimed to detect the cardiac findings in 30 Behcet's patients and compare them with the normal population (n = 29). We used color-doppler echocardiography and transesophageal echocardiography in combination. We calculated manually QT intervals and QT dispersion (QTd) from twelve-lead ECG recordings. There was no E/A inversion and coronary ischemia in all patients or control group. The E velocity difference between groups was not significant. The mean A velocity was significantly lower in Behcet's patients than normal group. The mean DT was 154.4 +/- 5.8 msec in Behcet's patients and 122.59 +/- 0.96 msec in control group (P < 0.0001). The mean IVRT was 75.66 +/- 1.36 msec in Behcet's patients and 69.1 +/- 0.55 msec in control group (P < 0.0001). There was no QTc time difference between the Behcet's patients and the control group. The mean QT dispersion (QTd) interval was 45.46 +/- 2.65 msec in Behcet's patients and 31.83 +/- 1.23 msec in control group (P < 0.0001). Atrial septal aneurysm, mitral valve prolapse and insufficiency, tricuspid valve insufficieny, and pulmonary hypertension frequencies in Behcet's patients were significantly higher than in the control group. We concluded that Behcet's cardiac involvement may effect cardiac structure and cause diastolic dysfunction, electrical instability and structural abnormalities. We also concluded that cardiac involvement in Behcet's disease may be specific for this geographic area.Öğe A case of elephantiasis nostras verrucosa treated by acitretin(Journal Of Drugs In Dermatology, 2012) Polat, Mualla; Şereflican, BetülElephantiasis nostras verrucosa is a rare disorder characterized by dermal fibrosis, hyperkeratotic, verrucous, and papillomatous lesions that result from both chronic filarial and nonfilarial lymphedema. Various treatment options have been reported for this disease. We present a 64-year-old man with erythrodermic psoriasis and elephantiasis nostras verrucosa in whom the lesions were resolved almost completely after acitretin treatment.Öğe A case of piezogenic pedal papules associated with mitral valve insufficiency(Turkish Soc Dermatology Venerology, 2012) Polat, Mualla; Kaya, Hatice; Güven, Melih; Gürel, Kamil; Parlak, Ali HaydarPiezogenic pedal papules are hemiations of subcutaneous fat into the dermis. They are soft skin-colored papules and nodules, which appear on the side of the heel when the subject is standing and disappear when weight is taken off the foot Here, we present a 40-year-old male patient with mitral valve insufficiency and piezogenic pedal papules and discuss piezogenic pedal papules in the light of literature.Öğe A case of unilateral blaschkoid lichen planus pigmentosus(Soc Brasileira Dermatologia, 2017) Polat, Mualla; Tuman, Bengü; Özyalvaçlı, GülzadeDear Editor, Lichen planus pigmentosus (LPP) is a rare variant of lichen planus. A few cases of LPP involving linear, blaschkoid, and zosteriform patterns have been reported in the literature.2-4 We herein describe a case involving a 48-year-old female patient with unilateral abdominal involvement of LPP following the lines of Blaschko. A 48-year-old female patient was admitted to our clinic with a 2-year history of a pruritic rash localized to the right half of the abdomen. The patient’s medical history revealed that she had been using levetiracetam and levothyroxine for 8 years to treat epilepsy and hypothyroidism. On dermatologic examination, livid-brown, S-shaped, and linear-patterned macules and papules were observed from the right half of her abdomen to the right lumbar area with a tendency to coalescence (Figure 1). Mucous membranes, scalp, and nails were not affected. The results of routine laboratory tests were all within normal limits. Histopathological examination of a punch biopsy specimen from the lesions revealed hyperkeratosis, epithelial atrophy, hydropic degeneration in the basal layer, civatte bodies, band-like lymphocytic infiltrates, and pigment incontinence in the papillary dermis (Figure 2). A diagnosis of unilateral blaschkoid LPP was made based on the clinical and histopathological evaluations.Öğe Case report showed Beau's lines or onychomadesis, not Muehrcke's lines(Sage Publications Ltd, 2016) Polat, Mualla; Uzun, ÖzgeTo the Editor, We wrote for the case report entitled ‘Muehrcke’s lines (Leukonychia striata) due to transretinoic acid therapy for acute promyelocytic leukemia’ presented by Dasanu et al.1 Our assessment is based on clinical photographs submitted by the researchers. It is well known that drug-induced nail abnormalities may result from toxicity to the matrix, the nail bed, or the periungual tissues. The most common symptoms include Beau’s lines, onychomadesis, melanonychia, onycholysis, periungual pyogenic granulomas, and Muehrcke’s lines. Nail changes usually affect several nails and in most cases are asymptomatic. Drugs that most frequently produce nail abnormalities include retinoids, indinavir, and cancer chemotherapeutic agents. In this case, it should be considered all differential diagnosis such as Muehrcke’s lines, Beau’s lines, or onychomadesis occurs due to drugs. In the presented case, we saw transverse white band on her nail plates after receiving 16-week transretinoic acid therapy for acute promyelocytic leukemia. But this cannot identify as a Muehrcke’s line. Because it does not appear the two horizontal white lines that run parallel to the lunula across the width of the nail which are specific for Muehrcke’s lines. Otherwise Muehrcke’s lines are nonpalpable.4 Moreover, we detected broken nail and grooves or furrows on the white nail plate. As a result, these are characteristic of Beau’s lines or onychomadesis not Muehrcke’s lines.Öğe Classifying patients with Behcet's disease for disease severity, using a discriminating analysis method(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2009) Polat, Mualla; Vahaboğlu, G.; Önde, U.; Ekşioğlu, M.Background. Interleukin (IL)-8 has been shown to correlate with the activity of Behcet's disease (BD). The aim of this study was to develop tools as reliable as IL-8 levels in defining BD severity. Methods. In total, 32 patients with BD and 16 healthy controls were included in the study. Medical history, physical examination, routine laboratory investigations and measurement of serum IL-8 levels were performed. The patients were classified as groups I and II based on the serum IL-8 levels. The patients were then reassigned to groups based on the predictions through discriminating analysis. Results. In addition to the differences between patient and control groups, the differences between groups I and II, group I and controls, and group II and controls were statistically significant. The discriminating analysis results showed that the patients had been assigned to groups I and II with 100% accuracy. Conclusion. Discriminating analysis using clinical and routine laboratory findings indicated that 100% of the patients were accurately assigned to the same groups as their IL-8 levels indicated. This suggests that the classification made according to discriminating analysis using these routine variables is a reliable method in determination of the disease severity.Öğe Clinical and demographic features of hidradenitis suppurativa: A multicentre study of 1221 patients with an analysis of risk factors associated with disease severity(Wiley, 2021) Özkur, Ezgi; Karadağ, Ayşe Serap; Üstüner, Pelin; Polat, Mualla; Aksoy, BernaBackground Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, relapsing and debilitating inflammatory disease associated with profound morbidity. Aim In this multicentre study, we investigated the demographic and clinical features of HS, and determined risk factors of disease severity. Methods In total, 1221 patients diagnosed with HS from 29 centres were enrolled, and the medical records of each patient were reviewed. Results The mean age of disease onset was 26.2 +/- 10.4 years, and almost 70% (n = 849) of patients were current or former smokers. Mean disease duration was 8.9 +/- 8.4 years with a delay in diagnosis of 5.8 +/- 3.91 years. Just over a fifth (21%; n = 256) of patients had a family history of HS. The axillary, genital and neck regions were more frequently affected in men than in women, and the inframammary region was more frequently affected in women than in men (P < 0.05 for all). Acne (40.8%), pilonidal sinus (23.6%) and diabetes mellitus (12.6%) were the most prevalent associated diseases. Of the various therapies used, antibiotics (76.4%) were most common followed by retinoids (41.7%), surgical interventions (32.0%) and biologic agents (15.4%). Logistic regression analysis revealed that the most important determinants of disease severity were male sex (OR = 2.21) and involvement of the genitals (OR = 3.39) and inguinal region (OR = 2.25). More severe disease was associated with comorbidity, longer disease duration, longer diagnosis delay and a higher number of smoking pack-years. Conclusions Our nationwide cohort study found demographic and clinical variation in HS, which may help broaden the understanding of HS and factors associated with disease severity.Öğe Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with alopecia areata seen in dermatology clinic(2010) Polat, Mualla; Parlak, Ali Haydar; Şereflican, BetülAim: Alopecia areata is characterized by nonscarring hair loss and may be determined in several clinical forms. Distinct data's have been reported in national and foreign medical literature about the epidemiology of this disease. The aim of this study was to determine the epidemiologic data's of patients localized in Bolu and compare these data's with literature. Material and Methods: The study population consisted of 144 patients with alopecia areata seen in dermatology outpatient clinic between January 2003 and July 2008. Clinical and demographic parameters such as age, gender, family history, duration, extent and localization, number of attacks, associated diseases and response to the treatment were recorded in all patients. The results were compared with other studies reported in the literature. Results: There were 50 female (35,78 %) and 94 male (65,22 %) patients. The average age of patients was 26,72 years (standard deviation 12,91 years; range 3 to 61 years). According to the classification of the patients into six age subgroups, the highest frequency was observed at the second decade (age range 11-20 years) in female patients, and third decade (age range 21-30 years) in male patients. The diagnosis was alopecia area-ta in 123 patients, alopecia universalis in seven patients, and alopecia totalis in six patients. The most commonly involved area in all patients was scalp, that was followed by beard involvement in male and eyebrow involvement in female patients. Seven patients (one male, 6 female) had tyroiditis and vitiligo as an asscoiated autoimmune disease. Conclusion: Clinical characteristic features and demographic data's of our patients were consistent with other studies reported from Turkey. However these results appeared quite different from the studies published in foreign medical literature. We conclude that our study might contribute to generate epi-demiological data's about alopecia areata in our population.Öğe Clinical characteristics, quality of life and risk factors for severity in palmoplantar pustulosis: A cross-sectional, multicentre study of 263 patients(Wiley, 2022) Polat, A. Kara; Kılıç, S.; Topal, I. Oğuz; Sarıcaoğlu, H.; Polat, Mualla; Solak, Sezgi SarıkayaSummary Background Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) is a rare, chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by sterile pustules on palmar or plantar areas. Data on PPP are scarce. Aim To investigate the clinical characteristics and risk factors for disease severity in a large cohort of Turkish patients with PPP. Methods We conducted a cross‐sectional, multicentre study of patients with PPP recruited from 21 tertiary centres across Turkey. Results In total, 263 patients (165 women, 98 men) were evaluated. Most patients (75.6%) were former or current smokers. The mean Palmoplantar Pustulosis Area and Severity Index (PPPASI) was 8.70 ± 8.06 and the mean Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) score was 6.87 ± 6.08, and these scores were significantly correlated (r = 0.52, P < 0.001). Regression analysis showed that current smoking was significantly associated with increased PPPASI (P = 0.03). Coexisting psoriasis vulgaris (PsV) was reported by 70 (26.6%) patients. Male sex prevalence, PPP onset incidence, disease duration, DLQI, and prevalence of nail involvement and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) were significantly increased among patients with PPP with PsV. Of the 263 patients, 18 (6.8%) had paradoxical PPP induced by biologic therapy, and these patients had significantly increased mean DLQI and prevalence of PsA (r = 0.03, P = 0.001). Conclusion Our data suggest that smoking is a risk factor for both PPP development and disease severity. Patients with PPP with PsV present distinct clinical features and patients with biologic therapy‐induced paradoxical PPP have reduced quality of life and are more likely to have PsA.Öğe Coexistence of lichen planus follicularis tumidus and Hashimoto's thyroiditis(Soc Brasileira Dermatologia, 2017) Özden, Hatice Kaya; Polat, Mualla; Astarcı, Hesna MüzeyyenDear Editor, Lichen planus follicularis tumidus (LPFT) is an extremely rare variant of lichen planus (LP). Clinically, it is characterized by white-to-yellow milia-like cysts and comedones, and red dish-to-violaceous plaques. Although it is usually asymptomatic, it may be slightly itchy. Its most common location is the retroauricular region, but it has also been rarely described in the bilateral retroauricular area and on the cheeks and neck. Histopathology of LPFT shows slightly hyperkeratotic or normal epidermis, which is accompanied by follicles and cysts, filled with orthokeratotic keratin, surrounded by dense lichenoid band-like lymphocytic infiltrate, wedge-shaped hypergranulosis, vacuolar degeneration of the basal zone, pigment incontinence and rare colloid bodies in the papillary dermis.4 This characteristic morphology and histopathology of LPFT clearly resembles lichen planopilaris. Here we report a rare case of LPFT concomitant with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.Öğe Correlation study between clinical classification and disability index in a holistic evaluation of acne severity and impact in Turkey(EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA, 2021) Özlü, Emin; Karadağ, Ayşe S.; Aksoy, Berna; Bilgili, Serap Güneş; Gönül, Müzeyyen; Yavuz, İbrahim H.; Şenel, Engin; Polat, MuallaBACKGROUND: This study provides a comparison between disease severity observed by inspectors and the disease burden assessed by patients is scanty in acne study. METHODS: In a multicenter prospective hospital-based study, modified Comprehensive Acne Severity Scale (mCASS) and Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI) were employed to grade disease severity and to determine the quality of life, respectively. The average of the mCASS and CADI scores, with range at 0-25, was termed as Acne Severity and Impact Grading System (ASIG). RESULTS: In 1331 evaluated patients (mean: 21,51 +/- 4,93 years), including 306 men and 1025 women, an overall significant, positive correlation was found between ASIG and mCASS (r=0.862), or CADI (r=0.686), respectively (P=0.001 each). Adult women with back acne and adolescent with decollete expressed greater concern (higher CADI) than the clinical severity (lower mCASS). The overall prevalence of acne in decollete area, including neck, was 32.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Discrepancies in the acne severity between self-perception and objective evaluation exist in certain subgroups of patients. Decollete acne deserves special attention in clinical assessment. (Cite this article as: Ozlu E, Karadag AS, Aksoy B, Gunes Bilgili S, Gonul M, Yavuz IH, et al. Correlation study between clinical classification and disability index in a holistic evaluation of acne severity and impact in Turkey.Öğe Dermatological aspects of tularaemia: a study of 168 cases(Wiley, 2018) Polat, Mualla; Karapınar, Tekden; Sırmatel, FatmaBackgroundTularaemia is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Francisella tularensis, an aerobic, uncapsulated, gram-negative coccobacillus. Several case reports have appeared on the dermatological manifestations of tularaemia, but relatively few longer-term studies are available. AimTo identify skin features of tularaemia that aid in its diagnosis. MethodsIn total, 168 patients (68 male, 100 female) diagnosed with tularaemia were retrospectively examined. All dermatological data for these patients were evaluated. ResultsOf the 168 patients, 149 (88.69%) had tularaemia of the oropharyngeal type, 12 (7.73%) had the ulceroglandular type, 5 (2.9%) had the oculoglandular type and 2 (0.59%) had the pulmonary type. Secondary skin manifestations were found in 26 patients (15.47%). Sweet syndrome (SS) was found in 11 patients (6.54%), most of whom presented with the oropharyngeal form, while erythema nodosum (EN) was found in 7 patients (4.16%), dermatitis in 2 (1.19%), urticaria in 2 (1.19%), acneiform eruptions in 1 (0.59%), vasculitis-like eruptions in 1 (0.59%) and SS + EN in 1 (0.59%). Patients with the oropharyngeal form had a statistically significant (P < 0.001) higher number of skin findings than patients with the other forms. ConclusionsIn clinical practice, tularaemia may present with various cutaneous manifestations, and dermatologists who work in endemic regions must be aware of the possibility of this disease.Öğe Dermatoloji kliniğinde görülen alopesi areatalı hastaların klinik ve epidemiyolojik özellikleri(2010) Polat, Mualla; Parlak, Ali Haydar; Şereflican, BetülAmaç: Alopesi areata; skarsız kıl kaybı alanları ile karakterize bir hastalık olup değişik klinik formlarda saptanabilir. Yerli ve yabancı literatürde hastalığın epidemiyelojisi ile ilgili farklı veriler sunulmuştur. Bu çalışmada Bolu bölgesindeki olguların epidemiyelojik verilerinin saptanması ve literatürle karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya Ocak 2003-Temmuz 2008 tarihleri arasında Dermatoloji polikliniğine başvuran alopesi areatalı 144 hasta dahil edildi. Tüm hastalarda yaş, cinsiyet, aile öyküsü, hastalık süresi, lezyonun lokalizasyonu, atak sayısı, eşlik eden hastalık ve uygulanan tedaviye alınan cevap gibi klinik ve demografik veriler kaydedildi. Sonuçlar literatürdeki diğer çalışmalarla karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların 50’si (% 34,78) kadın, 94’ü (% 65,22) ise erkekti. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 26,72 yıl (standart sapma 12,91 yıl; dağılım 3-61 yıl) idi. Hastalar yaşlarına göre 6 ayrı kategoriye ayrıldıklarında, kadın hastaların daha çok ikinci dekadta (yaş aralığı 11-20 yıl), erkeklerin ise üçüncü dekadta (yaş aralığı 21-30 yıl) toplandığı gözlendi. Tanı hastaların 123’ünde alopesi areata, yedisinde alopesi üniversalis, altısında ise alopesi totalis idi. Tüm hastalarda en sık tutulum bölgesi saçlı deri olup bunu erkeklerde sakal, kadınlarda ise kaş tutulumu izlemekteydi. Yedi hastada (bir erkek, altı kadın) eşlik eden otoimmün hastalık olarak tiroidit ve vitiligo mevcuttu. Sonuç: Hastalarımızın klinik karakteristik özellikleri ve demografik verileri Türkiye’de yapılan diğer çalışmalarla uyumlu idi. Ancak bu sonuçlar yabancı tıbbi literatürde yayınlanmış çalışmalardan oldukça farklılık göstermekteydi. Çalışmamızın toplumumuzda alopesia areata ile ilgili epidemiyolojik verilerin oluşturulmasına katkı sağlayabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.Öğe Dermatoses Developing on Scar Tissue(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2019) Polat, Mualla; Karapınar, TekdenWhile numerous diseases have been reported to emerge from scar tissues formed on the skin (most often resulting from burns, but also due to trauma, laceration, chronic venous ulcer, fistula, chickenpox and vaccination), the exact mechanism of this transformation is still unknown. The majority of these diseases are skin neoplasms, which often develop on burn scars. In this chapter, malignancies and other dermatoses that develop on scar tissue will be discussed. © 2019 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.