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Öğe Akrokordon benzeri lezyonlarla giden Gorlin sendromu(2010) Polat, Mualla; Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Şenen, Dilek; Yıldırım, Yasemin; Yılmaz, FahriNevoid bazal hücreli korsinom sendromu, otozomal dominant kalıtımlı genetik bir hastalıktır. Klinik bulguları multipl bazal hücreli karsinom, çenede odontojenik kistler, el ve ayakta çukurlaşmış çöküklükler, iskelet anomalileri, ektopik kalsifikasyonlar ve çok sayıda anormallik ile karakterizedir. Biz çocuk hastada bazal hücreli karsinomun akrokordon görünümlü saplı papüllerle prezente olduğunu sunduk. Buna dayanarak çocuklarda gözlenen akrokordon benzeri lezyonların bazal hücreli karsinom için bir uyarıcı olabileceği ve erken tanı amacıyla akrokordonlardan biyopsi alınması gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.Öğe Assessment of lymphadenopathy in childhood: Case report(2010) Kılıç, Başak; Pamukçu, Uyan Ayten; Yoldaş, M. Arzu; Atasoy, Halil İbrahimEnlarged cervical lymph nodes are common in children and about 38-45% of normal children have palpable cervical lymph nodes. Cervical lymphadenopathy is usually defined as cervical lymph nodal tissue measuring more than 1 cm in diameter. Cervical or generalize lymphadenopathy most commonly represents a transient response to a benign local or systemic infections, but occasionally it might herald the precense of a more serious disorder such as malignancy. While assesing the child with lymphadenopathy, pediatrician should consider the history, physical examination, and laboratory findings for the right differential diagnosis. In this article we reviewed three cases presenting with cervical lympadenopathy to our clinic which took the diagnosis of tuberculosis lympadenitis, infectious mononucleosis and Hodgkin's lymphoma. Copyright © 2010 by Türkiye Klinikleri.Öğe Becker musküler distrofili geniş bir ailede moleküler ve klinik değerlendirme(2010) Tuğ, Esra; Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Aydın, Hatip; Ocak, ZeynepAmaç: Becker Müsküler Distrofi (BMD), sıklıkla distrofin geni içindeki fonksiyonel proteinin kısmen değişmesine neden olan mutasyonlar sonucu oluşur. Hipospadias nedeniyle cerrahi operasyon planlanan 9 yaşında bir erkek çocuk rutin kan testleri sırasında artmış serum kreatin kinaz (CK) aktivitesi nedeniyle değerlendirilmek üzere kliniğimize sevk edildi. Probandın 11 yaşındaki kardeşinin serumunda yüksek CK tespit edilmesi ve 2., 3. ve 5. dereceden akrabalarında yüksek CK ve kas güçsüzlüğü bulgularının olması nedeniyle probanda ve kardeşine distrofin geninin moleküler analizi yapılması planlandı. Yöntem: Probanda ve erkek kardeşine distrofin geninin 3, 4, 8, 12, 17,19, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 ve 52 ekzonları için moleküler genetik analiz yapıldı. DNA 'larının izolasyonu sonrasında multipleks PCR uygulandı ve ürünler agaroz jelde görüntülendi. Bulgular: Bu moleküler analiz ile, probandın ve erkek kardeşinin distrofin geninin 13-19 ekzonlarını içeren bir delesyon taşıyıcısı oldukları gösterildi. Yaş ortalamaları 9-25 arasında değişen ve artmış CK aktivitesi gösteren aile üyelerinin hiçbirinde klinik bulgu mevcut değildi. Probandın 40 yaşında olan dayısı orta derecede kas güçsüzlüğü, annesinin dayısı (60) ise ciddi kas güçsüzlüğü göstermekteydi. Sonuçlar: Moleküler bulgulara dayanılarak, klinik semptomların gelişimi BMD tanısı ile açıklanabilir; ayrıca, ailenin ilk dekadlarda asemptomatık olduğu söylenebilir. Bu rapor, presemptomatik BMD vakalarında, biyokimyasal belirteçler ışığında yapılan moleküler çalışmalar ve ayrıntılı ailesel sorgulanmaların erken tanısal değerini ortaya koymaktadır.Öğe Cochlear involvement in Familial Mediterranean Fever : a new feature of an old disease(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2012) Köybaşı, Serap; Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Biçer, Yusuf Özgür; Tuğ, EsraObjectives: In this study we first aimed to assess the cochlear functions in children with Familial Mediterranean Fever. The second aim was to investigate the correlation between the hearing levels and some clinical features of Familial Mediterranean Fever including the duration of the disease, age at onset, genetic analysis and colchicine use. Methods: Thirty-four children with Familial Mediterranean Fever and 27 age matched children were included in the study. Following otologic examination, all children underwent audiometric evaluation, including Pure Tone Average measurements and Distortion Product Otoaoustic Emission testing. Audiological results of the two groups were compared and correlation between the audiologic status and clinical parameters of the disease like the duration of disease, age at onset, mutations and colchicine treatment were studied. Results: Pure tone audiometry hearing levels were within normal levels in both groups. Hearing thresholds of Familial Mediterranean Fever patients were found to be increased at frequencies 8000, 10,000, 12,500 and 16,000 (p<0.05). In otoacoustic emission evaluation, distortion products and signal-noise ratio of FMF children were lower in the tested frequencies, from 1400 Hz to 4000 Hz (p<0.05). Interaction of the disease duration and age of disease onset was found to predict hearing levels, distortion products and signal-noise ratios of children with Familial Mediterranean Fever (F value = 2.034; p = 0.033). Conclusions: To our knowledge this is the first study demonstrating cochlear involvement in children with Familial Mediterranean Fever which showed increased hearing thresholds at higher frequencies in audiometry together with decreased distortion products and signal-noise ratios demonstrated by distortion product otoacoustic emission testing. Similar studies must be carried out on adult patients to see if a clinical hearing impairment develops. The possible mechanisms that cause cochlear involvement and the effect of colchicine treatment on cochlear functions must be enlightened. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe A digital movement in the world of inactive children: Favourable outcomes of playing active video games in a pilot randomized trial(Springer, 2019) Çoknaz, Dilşad; Mirzeoğlu, Ayşe Dilşad; Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Alkoy, Seval; Çoknaz, Hakkı; Göral, KemalThis parallel randomized controlled trial was aimed to evaluate whether parameters as physical fitness, reaction times, self-perception and enjoyment levels, as well as parental and children perspectives, were affected by active video games in inactive and technologically preoccupied children. Data were collected in a laboratory setting from four randomly selected urban public schools. All 1300 children in grades 3-6 were surveyed for the study. Among the 918 responders, 106 children were determined to be inactive and preoccupied with technology. Children in 3 schools (n = 53) allocated to active video game and in one school (n = 53) allocated to control group were compared by univariate covariance analyses for primary outcomes such as weight, body mass index and fat ratios at the end of 12 weeks. Active video game group significantly showed favourable responses for weight, body mass index and corresponding z scores as well as reaction times and self-perception controlling for age and baseline scores. In addition, enjoyment of the children in the game group by qualitative analysis was high indicating a motivational aspect for the continuation of the games. Diverse contributions of games to physical, social, intellectual and personal development were revealed. Conclusion: Active video games by promoting enjoyment levels and physical activity, as well as contributing to agility, alertness, socializing, and striving, led to a reduction in weight gain. They may be used as beneficial tools diverting children from inactivity and subsequent obesity. Trial registration: This study called AVGAME is registered with the number NCT03720938 in . The trial protocol can also be retrieved from the archives of Abant Izzet Baysal University.What is Known:center dot Nowadays, children prefer sedentary video games that are known to induce weight gain and obesity-related comorbidities.center dot Active video games were shown to decrease weight in overweight and obese children.What is New:center dot Active video games decrease weight increment and reaction times, thus could be used to prevent obesity in inactive non-obese children.center dot Active video games raise self-esteem, induce enjoyment, improve the personal and intellectual development of children in addition to socializing and is a safe alternative to indoor sedentary video games.Öğe Endotracheal N-acetylcysteine for atelectasis in neonatal pneumonia(Galenos Yayincilik, 2019) Dilek, Mustafa; Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Açar, SeherAlthough there is no gold standard therapy in the treatment of atelectasis in newborns, surfactant therapy, inhaled mucolytic agents, recombinant human deoxyribonuclease, positive pressure mechanical ventilation, postural changes and drainage can be used. However, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), via endo-bronchoscopy, is rarely used to break the disulfide bonds in the mucus. It is a cheap and readily available treatment to apply. Here, we present a newborn with neonatal pneumonia to whom we instilled NAC thorough an endotracheal tube to resolve right lung total atetectasis. The atetectasis responded to instillation quickly and successfully. We are presenting this case in order to suggest a novel effective treatment modality for already intubated newborns with atelectasis. This case also represents the first successful treatment case in the newborn period.Öğe Hemifasiyal atrofinin eşlik ettiği Harlequin Sendromu(2012) Polat, Mualla; Tuğ, Esra; Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Parlak, Ali HaydarHarlequin sendromu, yüzün bir yarısına sınırlı sıcaklık, emosyonel nedenler ve egzersiz ile flashing ve terlemenin olduğu otonomik bir sendromdur. Fasiyal flashing ve terleme “Harlequin işareti” olarak adlandırılır. Bu nadir özellik, “Harlequin işareti”, yüzün flashing gerçekleşmeyen tarafında pre ya da postgangliyonik düzeyde lokalize bir servikal sempatik defisit nedeniyle lokal bir otonomik disfonksiyon gerçekleşmesidir. Konjenital Horner sendromuna neden olan bir lezyonun (pregangliyonik ya da postgangliyonik) muhtemel anatomik bölgesi belirlenmeye çalışıldığında görülebilir. Harlequin sendromu birkaç diğer sendromla da örtüşmektedir. Parry-Romberg sendromu etyolojisi bilinmeyen nadir klinik bir durumdur. Progresif hemifasiyal atrofi olarak da tanımlanır. Asimetrik fasiyal flashing ve terlemesi, ve yüzünün sağ yanında hemifasiyal atrofisi bulunan 9 yaşında erkek çocukta, fasiyal flashing ve terleme egzersiz, ısı artışı, ve emosyonel nedenler ile artmaktaydı.Öğe Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013) Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Günal, Mehmet Yalçın; Atasoy, Pınar; Elgün, Serenay; Buğdaycı, GülerObjective: To investigate effects on rat testes of radiofrequency radiation emitted from indoor Wi-Fi Internet access devices using 802.11.g wireless standards. Methods: Ten Wistar albino male rats were divided into experimental and control groups, with five rats per group. Standard wireless gateways communicating at 2.437 GHz were used as radiofrequency wave sources. The experimental group was exposed to radiofrequency energy for 24 h a day for 20 weeks. The rats were sacrificed at the end of the study. Intracardiac blood was sampled for serum 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine levels. Testes were removed and examined histologically and immunohistochemically. Testis tissues were analyzed for malondialdehyde levels and prooxidanteantioxidant enzyme activities. Results: We observed significant increases in serum 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine levels and 8-hydroxyguanosine staining in the testes of the experimental group indicating DNA damage due to exposure (p < 0.05). We also found decreased levels of catalase and glutathione peroxidase activity in the experimental group, which may have been due to radiofrequency effects on enzyme activity (p < 0.05). Conclusions: These findings raise questions about the safety of radiofrequency exposure from Wi-Fi Internet access devices for growing organisms of reproductive age, with a potential effect on both fertility and the integrity of germ cells. (C) 2012 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Importance of availability of molecular genetic testing in familial mediterranean fever(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2009) Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Pamukçu-Uyan, Ayten; Basman, Eray; Düzenli, Selma[No Abstract Available]Öğe Pegylated interferon therapy during early pregnancy for hepatitis B infection: does it prevent vertical transmission?(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Sırmatel, Pınar; Sırmatel, FatmaIn general, interferon (IFN) is avoided during pregnancy due to the possibility of fetal side effects. We, herein, reported two child-bearing women with chronic hepatitis B (HB) infection who used pegylated interferon alfa 2b (PEG IFN alpha 2b) in first trimester unintentionally. We compared HB contracting rates of gestations in which IFN was used and not used. The cases are unique in that they could highlight the importance of IFN use in early gestation for preventing vertical transmission particularly if combined with antiviral therapy for the rest of pregnancy.Öğe The relationship between zinc deficiency and children's oral health(Amer Acad Pediatric Dentistry, 2012) Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Ulusoy, Özgür İlke AtasoyPurpose: The effect of systemic zinc deficiency on the oral health of children remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to. compare the dental caries prevalence and gingival health status of zinc-deficient children with healthy subjects. Methods: Sixty children (30 zinc-deficient, 30 zinc-sufficient), whose serum zinc levels were quantified by spectrophotometry, were recruited to participate in the study. A serum zinc level of 70 mu g/dL or below was determined as a cutoff value for zinc deficiency Oral examination was performed by a single experienced dentist. Decayed, missing, or filled primary (dmft) and permanent teeth (DMFT), gingival (Cl), and plaque index (PI) scores of zinc-deficient (case group) and zinc-sufficient children (control group) were assessed. Data were analyzed by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: The mean dmft, DMFT, GI, and PI scores of the case and control groups were 4.03 vs 2.33 (p=0.010), 1.87 vs 1.03 (P<.07), 2.40 vs 133 (P=.00), and 1.63 vs 0.43 (P=.00), respectively Although DMTF indices were higher in zinc-deficient children, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Children with systemic zinc deficiency have a higher caries prevalence and poorer gingival health compared to their zinc-sufficient counterparts.Öğe Screening of family members of children with Familial Mediterranean Fever: True - autosomal and pseudo - autosomal inheritance [Rastreio dos membros da família de crianças com Febre Mediterrânica Familiar: Transmissão autossómica verdadeira e pseudo-autossómica](Publisaude-Edicoes Medicas Lda, 2008) Çağlar, Musa Kazım; Altugan, Fatma Şemsa; Özyurt, Hüseyin; Atasoy, Halil İbrahimObjectives: Screening of family members of children with Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) has been carried out to detect new potential patients and to analyze the type of inheritance other than autosomal recessive. Methods: Marenostrin encoding fever gene mutational analysis has been performed in 83 subjects - including 19 newly diagnosed children with FMF and their family members. Results: Fourteen additional patients with FMF were diagnosed by screening family members. Pseudo-dominant and true dominant inheritances were detected in two families respectively, while the rest of the patients exhibited autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Conclusion: Screening the family members of newly diagnosed FMF patients provides the opportunity to reveal undiagnosed new cases and to understand the mode of inheritance.Öğe Submandibular gland pleomorphic adenoma in a seven-year-old child: A case report(2010) Köybaşı, Serap; Süslü, Ahmet Emre; Tezcan, Erkan; Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Biçer, Yusuf Özgür; Boran, ÇetinTükürük bezi neoplazmları pediatrik yaş grubunda nadir görülür. Submandibüler bezde pleomorfik adenom ise çok daha nadirdir. Bu yazıda, sağ submandibüler bölgede yavaş büyüyen kitlesi olan yedi yaşında kız olgu sunuldu. Sert, hareketli ve ağrısız kitle yaklaşık 2x3 cm boyutundaydı ve iki elle yapılan muayenede submandibüler bezden ayırt edilemiyordu. Kontrastlı manyetik rezonans görüntüleme ile submandibüler bez içerisinde sınırları belirgin, heterojen ve minimal lobulasyon gösteren kitle tespit edildi. İnce iğne aspirasyon biyopsisiyle pleomorfik adenom tanısı konuldu ve genel anestezi altında sağ submandibüler gland eksizyonu yapıldı. Kitlenin histopatolojik tanısı pleomorfik adenom idi ve görülen seyrek mitotik aktivite malign transformasyon potansiyeline sahip olduğunu düşündürüyordu. Bir yıldır komplikasyonsuz bir şekilde takibimizde olan bu hasta, bilgilerimize göre İngilizce literatürde bildirilmiş en genç olgudur.Öğe A unique case of right-sided Poland syndrome with true dextrocardia and total situs inversus(Springer, 2013) Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Yavuz, Taner; Altunrende, Sevil; Güven, Melih; Kılıçgün, Ali; Polat, Ömer; Yeşiller, Erkan; Düzenli, SelmaPoland syndrome has been reported to be associated with true dextrocardia, but not with true situs inversus. In this report, we describe the first patient with total situs inversus in medical literature and try to highlight the syndrome's probable etiology and pathogenetic mechanisms in utero.Öğe Zinc deficiency and its predictive capacity for anemia: Unique model in school children(Wiley, 2018) Atasoy, Halil İbrahim; Buğdaycı, GülerBackgroundZinc deficiency is thought to be common in children, but its predictive capacity for anemia is unclear. Thus, this study identified zinc deficiency in school children, and investigated the association between zinc status and hemoglobin, together with other estimates of anemia. MethodsFor this case-control study, 349 of 483 children between 6.5 and 14.8years old were included from primary schools in Bolu, Turkey. We measured weight, length, body mass index, and complete blood count with serum zinc, ferritin, vitamin B12 and folate. We investigated the differences between the groups and the effects of independent predictors such as age, gender, ferritin, zinc, vitamin B12 and folate on hemoglobin, on hierarchical multiple regression analysis. ResultsThirty-eight (10.9%) of 349 children had low serum zinc concentration, and 21 (6.0%) were anemic. There were 12 anemic children in the zinc-deficient group and nine in the zinc-sufficient control group (31.5% vs 2.9%) with similar ferritin levels. On regression analysis, zinc had the strongest association with hemoglobin. On receiver operating characteristic analysis, the cut-off for serum zinc for prediction of anemia was 71.5g/dL. ConclusionsThe strongest association of zinc with hemoglobin suggests that low zinc contributed the most to the observed anemia in children.