Gerilim tipi baş ağrılı hastalarda vücut farkındalığı terapisi ve aerobik egzersizlerin ağrı, beden imajı ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi
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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, gerilim tipi baş ağrısı (GTBA) olan hastalarda, vücut farkındalık terapisi (VFT) ve aerobik egzersizlerinin, ağrı, beden imajı ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisini araştırmaktı. Çalışmaya Nöroloji doktoru tarafından GTBA tanısı konulmuş, yaş ortalamaları 39,26±9,23 yıl olan 60 birey dahil edildi. Bireyler randomize olarak VFT (n=20), aerobik egzersiz (n=20) ve kontrol grubu (n=20) olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrıldı. Çalışmanın başlangıcında, bireylerin sosyodemografik bilgileri, GTBA'yla ilişkili bilgileri, değerlendirme formuyla sorgulandı. Bireylerin yaşam kalitesi; Yaşam Kalitesi Anketi (SF-36), beden imajı; Beden İmajı Anketi (BIQ), ağrı şiddeti; Visüel Anolog Skala (VAS) ve ağrı günlüğü, ağrıyla ilgili yetersizlik; Ağrı Yetersizlik İndeksi (PDI) ve Baş Ağrısı Etki Testleriyle (HIT) değerlendirildi. I. gruptaki bireyler VFT, II. gruptaki bireylerde aerobik egzersiz programına alındı. Çalışmanın sonunda gruplar karşılaştırıldığında, I. ve II. gruplardaki bireylerde VAS, PDI ve HIT değerlerinde belirgin azalma görülürken, BIQ değerleri açısından sadece grup II'de azalma bulundu (p<0,05). Grup III'teki bireylerde ise, VAS, PDI, HIT ve BIQ değerlerinde fark bulunmadı (p>0,05). Grup I'deki bireylerde yaşam kalitesinin vücut algısı, genel sağlık ve sosyal fonksiyon parametreleri hariç bütün parametrelerinde anlamlı artış olduğu, grup II'de fiziksel, sosyal fonksiyon, vücut algısı, canlılık ve ruh sağlığı parametrelerinde artış olduğu, grup III'te ise sadece ruh sağlığı parametresinde anlamlı bir artış olduğu görüldü (p<0,05). Çalışmamızın sonunda, GTBA tanılı hastalarda uygulanan VFT ve aerobik egzersiz programlarının, bireylerin ağrılarının ve ağrıyla ilgili günlük yaşamdaki kısıtlılıkların azaltılması, beden imajı ve yaşam kalitesinin arttırılmasında önemli olduğu, GTBA'lı bireylerde medikal tedavinin yanında, VFT ve aerobik egzersizler yapılmasının gerekli olduğu sonucuna varıldı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Aerobik egzersiz, Gerilim tipi baş ağrısı, Gevşeme terapisi, Vücut farkındalığı terapisi, Yaşam kalitesi
This study aimed to investigate the effect of body awareness therapy (BAT) and aerobic exercises on pain, body image and quality of life in the patients with tension-type headache (TTH). 60 individuals diagnosed with TTH by a neurologist and whose mean age was 39.26±9.23 were included in the study. The participants were randomly separated into there groups as BAT (n=20), aerobic exercises (n=20) and control group (n=20). At the beginning of the study, socio-demographic information, the information with regard to TTH were asked through assessment form. Quality of life of the individuals was assessed with Quality of Life Survey (SF-36), body image was assessed with Body Image Questionnaire (BIQ), pain severity was assessed with Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and daily pain diary and the disability associated with pain were assessed with Pain Disability Index (PDI) and Headache Impact Tests (HIT). The group I were taken to BAT, the group II were taken to aerobic exercise. When the results were compared, while a substantial decrease is observed in the group I and group II with regard to VAS, PDI and HIT values, a decrease was observed only in the group II with respect to BIQ values (p<0,05). No difference was found in Group III with regard to VAS, PDI, HIT and BIQ values. It was seen that a significant increase was observed in all parameters except for self-perceived the quality of life, general heath and social function parameters in Group I individuals and an increase was observed with regard to physical, social function, body image, liveliness and mental health parameters in group II, a significant difference was only observed in mental health parameter in group III (p<0,05). At the end of our study, it was inferred that the BAT and aerobic exercise programs applied on the patients diagnosed with TTH are of significance in reducing the pain suffered by the patients and disabilities associated with the pain in daily life and increasing the body image and quality of life and it is necessary to perform BAT and make aerobic exercises for the individuals with TTH along with the medical treatment. Key Words: Aerobic exercise, Body awareness therapy, Relaxation therapy, Quality of life, Tension type headache
This study aimed to investigate the effect of body awareness therapy (BAT) and aerobic exercises on pain, body image and quality of life in the patients with tension-type headache (TTH). 60 individuals diagnosed with TTH by a neurologist and whose mean age was 39.26±9.23 were included in the study. The participants were randomly separated into there groups as BAT (n=20), aerobic exercises (n=20) and control group (n=20). At the beginning of the study, socio-demographic information, the information with regard to TTH were asked through assessment form. Quality of life of the individuals was assessed with Quality of Life Survey (SF-36), body image was assessed with Body Image Questionnaire (BIQ), pain severity was assessed with Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and daily pain diary and the disability associated with pain were assessed with Pain Disability Index (PDI) and Headache Impact Tests (HIT). The group I were taken to BAT, the group II were taken to aerobic exercise. When the results were compared, while a substantial decrease is observed in the group I and group II with regard to VAS, PDI and HIT values, a decrease was observed only in the group II with respect to BIQ values (p<0,05). No difference was found in Group III with regard to VAS, PDI, HIT and BIQ values. It was seen that a significant increase was observed in all parameters except for self-perceived the quality of life, general heath and social function parameters in Group I individuals and an increase was observed with regard to physical, social function, body image, liveliness and mental health parameters in group II, a significant difference was only observed in mental health parameter in group III (p<0,05). At the end of our study, it was inferred that the BAT and aerobic exercise programs applied on the patients diagnosed with TTH are of significance in reducing the pain suffered by the patients and disabilities associated with the pain in daily life and increasing the body image and quality of life and it is necessary to perform BAT and make aerobic exercises for the individuals with TTH along with the medical treatment. Key Words: Aerobic exercise, Body awareness therapy, Relaxation therapy, Quality of life, Tension type headache
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation