Kraft-NaBH4 yöntemiyle Uludağ göknarı (Abies bornmuelleriana Mattf.) ve kızıl çam (Pinus brutia Ten.) odunlarından kağıt hamuru üretim koşullarının belirlenmesi
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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
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Bu çalısmanın amacı, ülkemiz için önemli hammadde potansiyeli olan,göknar ve kızıl çam odunundan kraft-NaBH4 yöntemiyle kagıt hamuru üretimkosullarını arastırmaktır.@lk olarak göknar ve kızıl çam odununun kimyasal analizleri yapılarak,odunların bilesimleri belirlenmistir. Genel olarak bilesenleri % 67.19, % 70.18holoselüloz, % 51.78, % 53.68 selüloz, % 43.66, % 41.96 alfa-selüloz, % 28.14, %27.68 lignin, % 0.34, % 0.36 kül, % 1.60, % 4.86 alkol-benzen çözünürlügü, %11.43, % 9.94 % 1' lik NaOH çözünürlügü, % 2.20, % 2.89 sıcak su ve % 1.24, %1.37 soguk su çözünürlükleri sırasıyla bulunmustur.Daha sonra, kraft pisirme metoduyla optimum pisirme kosullarını belirlemekamacıyla kızılçam ve göknar odunu için pisirme süresi ve aktif alkali oranlarıdegistirilerek altısar pisirme yapılmıstır. Kappa numarası ve verim dikkate alınarakbesinci pisirmelerin optimum pisirme kosulları oldugu saptanmıstır. Bor bilesenininetkisini arastırmak amacıyla pisirme çözeltisine %1, %2 ve %3 oranında sodyum borhidrür ilave edilerek pisirme yapılmıstır.Elde edilen bulgular degerlendirildiginde en uygun pisirme kosulları her ikiodun türü içinde; %18 aktif alkali, 90 dakika pisirme süresi, %25 sülfidite, 1700Cpisirme sıcaklıgında ve %2 sodyum borhidrür ilave edilerek elde edilmistir. Bukosullarda göknar ve kızılçam odunu kullanılarak elde edilen hamurların elekverimleri %46.32, % 47.14, kappa numaraları 28.5, 27.4, viskoziteleri 1102 cm3/g,1014 cm3/g, kopma uzunlukları 5.76 km, 6,08km, patlama indisleri 3.94 kPa.m2/g,3,65 kPa.m2/g, yırtılma indisleri 8.19 mN.m2/g, 7,64 mN.m2/g ve parlaklık degeri22.36, 24,95 elerpho olarak sırasıyla belirlenmistir.Sonuç olarak sodyum bor hidrür ilaveli kraft pisirmelerinde hamur verimininarttıgı, delignifikasyonun hızlanmasıyla lignin miktarının azalması sonucu, elekartıgında önemli miktarlarda azalma oldugu saptanmıstır. Kraft pisirme sonuçlarıylakarsılastırıldıgında kraft-sodyum borhidrür hamurlarının viskozitesinde ve parlaklıkdegerlerinde artıs oldugu buna karsın direnç özelliklerinde çok az azalmalargörüldügü belirlenmistir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Alkali hamurlar, delignifikasyon, kappa numarası, kraftpisirmesi, fiziksel özellikler, kızıl çam, Uludag göknarı,sodyum borhidrür, verim
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of NaBH4 on pulp and paperproperties on conventional kraft pulping. The chemical composition of the Butia pineand Uludag fir woods were determined and these wood species were utilized as rawmaterials in pulping experiments.Two sets of pulping experiments were conducted in this study. In the first set,six conventional kraft cooks were made to determine the optimum conventional kraftcooking conditions by altering the cooking time and active alkali taking into accountthe kappa number and pulping yield. The obtained results indicated that the optimumkraft cooking condition was accomplished when kraft cook was made using 18%active alkali for a cooking period of 90min. at 170MC for both wood species.Cooking at that condition gave 46.3% and 47.1% screened yield, 28.5, and 27.4kappa number, and 1102cm3/g and 1014cm3/g viscosity for brutia pine and Uludagfir respectively. A second set of cooks were made taking into account theoptimum kraft cooking condition, and 1, 2, and 3% NaBH4 was added to the cookingdigester based on oven dry wood.The results showed a significant decrease in pulping rejects and increase inpulping yield when NaBH4 was added to the cooking digester. This finding indicatedhigher pulping selectivity of NaBH4 added kraft method. In addition, higher pulpviscosity and brightness was observed in NaBH4 added kraft method. On the otherhand, the strength properties obtained in Kraft-NaBH4 were a little lower comparedto the conventional kraft method.Keywords: Alkaline pulping, delignification, kappa number, kraft pulping,mechanical properties, brutia pine, uludag fire, sodium borohidrate,yield.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of NaBH4 on pulp and paperproperties on conventional kraft pulping. The chemical composition of the Butia pineand Uludag fir woods were determined and these wood species were utilized as rawmaterials in pulping experiments.Two sets of pulping experiments were conducted in this study. In the first set,six conventional kraft cooks were made to determine the optimum conventional kraftcooking conditions by altering the cooking time and active alkali taking into accountthe kappa number and pulping yield. The obtained results indicated that the optimumkraft cooking condition was accomplished when kraft cook was made using 18%active alkali for a cooking period of 90min. at 170MC for both wood species.Cooking at that condition gave 46.3% and 47.1% screened yield, 28.5, and 27.4kappa number, and 1102cm3/g and 1014cm3/g viscosity for brutia pine and Uludagfir respectively. A second set of cooks were made taking into account theoptimum kraft cooking condition, and 1, 2, and 3% NaBH4 was added to the cookingdigester based on oven dry wood.The results showed a significant decrease in pulping rejects and increase inpulping yield when NaBH4 was added to the cooking digester. This finding indicatedhigher pulping selectivity of NaBH4 added kraft method. In addition, higher pulpviscosity and brightness was observed in NaBH4 added kraft method. On the otherhand, the strength properties obtained in Kraft-NaBH4 were a little lower comparedto the conventional kraft method.Keywords: Alkaline pulping, delignification, kappa number, kraft pulping,mechanical properties, brutia pine, uludag fire, sodium borohidrate,yield.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering ; Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği