XVI. yüzyılın ilk yarısında Türk-Fransız ilişkileri, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman - I. François ittifakı
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Türk-Fransız ilişkileri iki ülkenin birbirinden uzak olması ve önceleri din ayrılığından doğan nefret yüzünden, ancak 1525 yılında kurulabilmiştir. l5l9'da Maximilien'in ölümü üzerine imparator seçilmek isteyen I.François İstanbul'u Türklerden alacağını ve Anadolu'dan tamamen kovacağını vaat etmişti. Fakat imparator seçilen Şarlken'e karşı Pavia savaşında yenildi ve esir düştü. Bu durumda kendisine yardım düşündüğünden annesi vasıtasıyla Jean Frangipani'yi Kanunî'ye elçi olarak gönderdi. Kanunî, Şarlken'e karşı Fransa'yı himaye kararı aldı. Böylece Avrupa'yı ortadan ikiye bölmek ve Türk hâkimiyetini bütün cihana göstermek imkânını elde edecekti. Nitekim I.François esaretten kurtuldu ve Türkler Orta-Avrupa'ya muhtelif askerî seferler düzenledi. 1535'te Fransa'nın ilk daimi büyükelçisi Jean de la Forest'in İstanbul'a gelmesiyle ilişkiler diplomasi temellerine oturtuldu. 1536'da bir İttifak Antlaşması imzalandı; Osmanlı idaresi Fransa'ya ilk kapitülasyonu verdi. Kanunî ve I.François zamanında oluşan ve I.François tarafından Avrupa kamuoyundan ustalıkla gizlenmeye çalışılan diplomatik temaslar ileride ortak askerî harekâta dönüştü. 1543'de OsmanlıFransız kuvvetleri Nice'i kuşattı. Toulon limanında kışlayan Osmanlı donanması daha sonra Fransa'nın yardım istemesi üzerine İspanya kıyılarına kadar seferler gerçekleştirdi. Bu dönemde Fransa'nın kadim düşmanı Habsburglar, Osmanlı-Fransız ilişkilerinin hiç şüphesiz en belirleyici ana unsuru olmaya devam etti. Kanunî'nin saltanatından itibaren Osmanlı Devleti denge unsuru olarak Avrupa iç işlerine müdahale eden önemli bir güç haline geldi. Dolayısıyla Zambak ile Hilal'in ittifakı Avrupa'nın daimî politikalarından biri olarak devam etti.
Due to the long distance and hatred arising from the religious differences between both countries, Turkish-French relations were only established in 1525. In l5l9, upon the death of Emperor Maximilian, Francis I who wanted to be elected Emperor promised to capture Istanbul from the Turks and completely expel them from Anatolia. However, in battle of Pavia he was defeated and fell captive to Charles V. Thinking the only power that could help him in this situation would be the Ottoman Empire, he sent Jean Frangipanier as ambassador to Sultan Suleiman via his mother. Sultan Suleiman decided to protect France against Charles V. He could then divide Europe into two and have the opportunity to show Turkish dominance to the world. Thus Francis I was freed from captivity and the Turks conducted various military expeditions into Middle Europe. The foundations of diplomatic relationships were in place in 1535 with the arrival of Jean de la Forest as France’s first permanent ambassador to Istanbul. An alliance agreement was signed in 1536; Ottoman rule gave France its first capitulation. Charles V was trying to conceal the diplomatic ties that began between Sultan Suleiman and Charles V from the European public, where it lead to future joint military manoeuvres. Ottoman and French forces surrounded Nice in 1543. The Ottoman forces who were wintering in the port of Toulon carried out several expeditions to the coasts of Spain upon being asked for help by France. During this period, France's ancient enemy the Habsburgs, no doubt continued to be the main determinant of the Ottoman-French relationships. From the reign of Sultan Suleiman, the Ottoman Empire became an important balancing power that can interfere in the internal affairs of Europe. Hence the alliance of Crescent and Lily continued as one of Europe's permanent policies.
Due to the long distance and hatred arising from the religious differences between both countries, Turkish-French relations were only established in 1525. In l5l9, upon the death of Emperor Maximilian, Francis I who wanted to be elected Emperor promised to capture Istanbul from the Turks and completely expel them from Anatolia. However, in battle of Pavia he was defeated and fell captive to Charles V. Thinking the only power that could help him in this situation would be the Ottoman Empire, he sent Jean Frangipanier as ambassador to Sultan Suleiman via his mother. Sultan Suleiman decided to protect France against Charles V. He could then divide Europe into two and have the opportunity to show Turkish dominance to the world. Thus Francis I was freed from captivity and the Turks conducted various military expeditions into Middle Europe. The foundations of diplomatic relationships were in place in 1535 with the arrival of Jean de la Forest as France’s first permanent ambassador to Istanbul. An alliance agreement was signed in 1536; Ottoman rule gave France its first capitulation. Charles V was trying to conceal the diplomatic ties that began between Sultan Suleiman and Charles V from the European public, where it lead to future joint military manoeuvres. Ottoman and French forces surrounded Nice in 1543. The Ottoman forces who were wintering in the port of Toulon carried out several expeditions to the coasts of Spain upon being asked for help by France. During this period, France's ancient enemy the Habsburgs, no doubt continued to be the main determinant of the Ottoman-French relationships. From the reign of Sultan Suleiman, the Ottoman Empire became an important balancing power that can interfere in the internal affairs of Europe. Hence the alliance of Crescent and Lily continued as one of Europe's permanent policies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Osmanlı Devleti, Sultan Süleyman, I. François, Şarlken, İttifak, Ottoman State, Sultan Suleiman, Francis I, Charles V, Alliance
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
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