Bolu'da Suriyeli ve Iraklı sığınmacılar: Vatandaşlık ve kaynak dağılımı temelinde öteki algısı
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Bu makalenin temel amacı Bolu'da yaşayan yerleşik halkın, Iraklı ve Suriyeli sığınmacıların kaynaklara erişimi konusunda ne düşündüklerini vatandaşlık ve ötekileştirme kavramları temelinde analiz etmektir. Bu çerçevede görüşmecile-rin, sığınmacıların kaynaklara erişimi ile ilgili görüşlerinin şekillenmesinde, ulus-devlet-vatandaşlık anlayışı ve ulus-ötesi üyelik anlayışının nasıl bir rol oynadığı irdelenmiştir. Veriler 2014-2015 akademik yılının Sonbahar döne-minde yüz yüze görüşülerek gerçekleştirilen 44 derinlemesine mülakattan sağ-lanmıştır. Analiz sonucunda ulaşılan temel bulgular üç farklı konu (finansal destek, sağlık hizmeti ve çocukların eğitimi) bağlamında başlıca iki yönde eği-lim göstermektedir: Bunlardan birincisi, sığınmacıların sosyal finansal destek-ten yararlanmaları konusunda görüşmeciler negatif bir eğilim sergilemekte ve sığınmacıları ötekileştirici bir söylem kullanmaktadırlar. Vatandaş olan ve va-tandaş olmayan ayrımı temel alınarak ötekileştirilen sığınmacılar, devletten maddi yardım alma konusunda dışlanmış, fakat dezavantajlı konumda olan Türk vatandaşlarının da bu haktan eşit bir şekilde yararlanabilmesi koşuluyla sığınmacılara devletin maddi destek sağlamasına olumlu bakmışlardır. Üçüncü konu olarak, sığınmacıların sağlık hizmetlerinden yararlanmaları konusundaki görüşlerde ise her ne kadar sınırlayıcı ifadeler bulunsa da genel eğilimin olum-lu olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Üçüncü konu olarak sığınmacı çocukların eğitim hakkından yararlanması noktasında güçlü bir olumlama eğilimi görülmüştür. Dolayısıyla, sosyal hak olarak sağlık ve eğitim olanaklarından yararlanmaları konusunda sığınmacılara karşı daha kapsayıcı (içeren) bir tutum sergilenmiştir. Bu olumlu bakış ulus-ötesi vatandaşlık anlayışının birçok nüvesini yansıtmaktadır. Sağlık ve eğitim konusunda ulus-ötesi vatandaşlık anlayışı benimsenmesine rağmen, görüşmecilerin devletin maddi yardım yapmaya yö-nelik fikirlerinin şekillenmesinde ulus-devletvatandaşlık unsurunun etkin ol-duğu tespit edilmiştir.
The main purpose of this article is to analyze the attitudes of the local residents of Bolu toward Iraqi and Syrian refugees' access to resources. In doing this, we will draw on the concepts of the 'Other' as well as on inclusion and exclusion based on citizenship. Within this framework, we scrutinize how approaches of the nation-state citizenship and the post-national membership shape the atti-tudes of interviewees concerning refugees' access to the resources. The empiri-cal data was obtained from 44 face-to-face in-depth interviews in the autumn of 2014-2015 academic year. Within the context of three different subjects (finan-cial support, health service and children's education), our main findings display two central tendencies: first, the respondents presented a negative approach toward financial support allegedly offered to the refugees by the state. This contributes to the Othering discourse of the refugees. By dichotomizing be-tween citizens and non-citizens, refugees are defined as the 'Other'. This is used as a justification for the exclusion of the refugees from accessing re-sources. Yet the interviewees presented a positive standpoint about the state's financial support for refugees on the condition that the disadvantageous Turk-ish citizens have an equal access to social benefits. Regarding the second topic, we discovered that the common tendency concerning refugees' access to health services was positive even though several restrictive statements were observed. Regarding to the third subject, we observed a strong approval of refugees' children's access to formal education. Thus, the interviewees expressed inclu-sionary attitudes about refugees' access to health services and education as social rights. This inclusionary approach reflects many nuances of post-national citizenship. Even though interviewees adopted post-national citizen-ship outlook about health and education, we revealed the importance of nation-state citizenship point of view in shaping their opinions regarding access to the material resources provided by the state.
The main purpose of this article is to analyze the attitudes of the local residents of Bolu toward Iraqi and Syrian refugees' access to resources. In doing this, we will draw on the concepts of the 'Other' as well as on inclusion and exclusion based on citizenship. Within this framework, we scrutinize how approaches of the nation-state citizenship and the post-national membership shape the atti-tudes of interviewees concerning refugees' access to the resources. The empiri-cal data was obtained from 44 face-to-face in-depth interviews in the autumn of 2014-2015 academic year. Within the context of three different subjects (finan-cial support, health service and children's education), our main findings display two central tendencies: first, the respondents presented a negative approach toward financial support allegedly offered to the refugees by the state. This contributes to the Othering discourse of the refugees. By dichotomizing be-tween citizens and non-citizens, refugees are defined as the 'Other'. This is used as a justification for the exclusion of the refugees from accessing re-sources. Yet the interviewees presented a positive standpoint about the state's financial support for refugees on the condition that the disadvantageous Turk-ish citizens have an equal access to social benefits. Regarding the second topic, we discovered that the common tendency concerning refugees' access to health services was positive even though several restrictive statements were observed. Regarding to the third subject, we observed a strong approval of refugees' children's access to formal education. Thus, the interviewees expressed inclu-sionary attitudes about refugees' access to health services and education as social rights. This inclusionary approach reflects many nuances of post-national citizenship. Even though interviewees adopted post-national citizen-ship outlook about health and education, we revealed the importance of nation-state citizenship point of view in shaping their opinions regarding access to the material resources provided by the state.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sığınmacı, Vatandaşlık, Öteki, Sosyal Kaynaklar, Dışlama, İçerme, Refugees, Citizenship, Other, Social Resources, Exclusion, Inclusion
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