Auguste Comte’da aydınlanma ve metafizik tasavvuru
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Ünlü Fransız düşünür ve sosyolog Auguste Comte’un (1798-1857) geliştirdiği sosyolojik pozitivizm, genellikle aydınlanma düşüncesi ve onun ilerleme tasavvuru ile ilişkilendirilmesine rağmen, Comte’un pozitivizm tasavvurunda aydınlanma karşıtı bir damar da mevcuttur. Biz bu çalışmamızda genellikle ihmal edildiğine ya da doğru anlaşılamadığına inandığımız bu damar üzerinde duracak, Comte’un ünlü üç hal kanununda yer alan metafizik aşama ile de ilişkilendirerek konuyu irdeleyeceğiz. Comte’a göre metafizik aşama, insan zihninin doğrudan teolojik düşünceden pozitif düşünceye geçmesinin mümkün olmamasından kaynaklanan bir geçiş evresidir. Bu evrede insan zihni adım adım pozitif düşünceye hazırlanmaktadır. Comte’un evrimci ilerleme anlayışı, akıl ve bilime olan sarsılmaz güveni ve sosyal bilimlerde doğa bilimlerinin yönteminin kullanılması gerektiği fikri hiç kuşkusuz aydınlanmanın mirasıdır. Ancak onun düzen tutkusu, aydınlanmacı düşünürleri metafizikçiler olarak yaftalamasına sebep olmuştur. Çünkü ona göre, aydınlanma düşüncesi, bireye önem veriyor, bireysel özgürlük, eşitlik, halkın egemenliği gibi anarşik ilkeleri bayraklaştırıyordu. Bu ilkelerle pozitif-organik bir toplumun inşası mümkün değildi. O, düzen ve konsensüsü savundukları için gelenekselci düşünürleri alkışlıyor, ancak onların düzenin yeniden inşası için, artık geçmişte kalmış feodal-katolik sisteme geri dönülmesi gerektiği düşüncesini, imkânsız ve komik buluyordu. Çünkü tarihin geriye doğru akması mümkün değildi. Bu yüzden o, aydınlanmacı ilerleme nosyonu ile gelenekçi düzen nosyonunu bir potada eritmeye çalıştı. Bunun için pozitif bilimlerin, yeni kurduğu “sosyoloji” bilimi ile tamamlanması gerekiyordu. Pozitif bir bilim olan sosyoloji, batı insanına düzenden taviz vermeden ilerlemenin yolunu gösterecekti.
Although the sociological positivism developed by the famous French philosopher and sociologist Auguste Comte (1798-1857), is often associated with the idea of enlightenment and its progress conception, there is also an anti-enlightenment vnessel in Comte's conception of positivism. We will discourse on this vessel we generally believe to be neglected or not understood correctly, and we will examine the subject by associating it with the metaphysical stage in the famous three-state law of Comte. According to Comte, the metaphysical phase is a transitional phase that arises from the inability of the human mind to pass directly from theological to positive thinking. At this stage, the human mind is prepared for positive thinking step by step. The idea of Comte's evolutionist progression, his unshakable confidence in reason and science, and his need to use the method of natural sciences in social sciences is undoubtedly the heritage of enlightenment. His passion for order, however, led the enlightened thinkers to rank as metaphysicians. According to him, the idea of enlightenment, the individual emphasizes, flourishes anarchic principles such as individual freedom, equality, and sovereignty of the people. It was not possible to construct a positive-organic society with this principle. He applauded the traditional thinkers for defending order and consensus, but for the reconstruction of the order, he considered the idea that it was necessary to go back to the feudal-Catholic system of the past, was impossible and funny. Because history was not able to flow backwards. That is why he tried to dissolve the notion of enlightened progress and the notion of traditionalist order in a pot. For this purpose, the positive sciences had to be completed with the science of sociology which he had recently established. Sociology, a positive science, would show the way to progress to the western people without compromising order.
Although the sociological positivism developed by the famous French philosopher and sociologist Auguste Comte (1798-1857), is often associated with the idea of enlightenment and its progress conception, there is also an anti-enlightenment vnessel in Comte's conception of positivism. We will discourse on this vessel we generally believe to be neglected or not understood correctly, and we will examine the subject by associating it with the metaphysical stage in the famous three-state law of Comte. According to Comte, the metaphysical phase is a transitional phase that arises from the inability of the human mind to pass directly from theological to positive thinking. At this stage, the human mind is prepared for positive thinking step by step. The idea of Comte's evolutionist progression, his unshakable confidence in reason and science, and his need to use the method of natural sciences in social sciences is undoubtedly the heritage of enlightenment. His passion for order, however, led the enlightened thinkers to rank as metaphysicians. According to him, the idea of enlightenment, the individual emphasizes, flourishes anarchic principles such as individual freedom, equality, and sovereignty of the people. It was not possible to construct a positive-organic society with this principle. He applauded the traditional thinkers for defending order and consensus, but for the reconstruction of the order, he considered the idea that it was necessary to go back to the feudal-Catholic system of the past, was impossible and funny. Because history was not able to flow backwards. That is why he tried to dissolve the notion of enlightened progress and the notion of traditionalist order in a pot. For this purpose, the positive sciences had to be completed with the science of sociology which he had recently established. Sociology, a positive science, would show the way to progress to the western people without compromising order.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Aydınlanma, Pozitivizm, Metafizik, Düzen, İlerleme, Enlightenment, Positivism, Metaphysics, Order, Progress
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
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