Katolik kilisesi ve İmamiyye Şiası’nın yanılmazlık/masumiyet anlayışlarının mukayesesi
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Kendisini doğru yolun ve sahih itikadın temsilcisi, diğerlerini ise doğru yoldan sapan ya da dalâlet içinde addeden ortodoksi-heresi polemiği, dinlerin her daim kaynayan aktif yönüne işaret eder. Bu durum aynı zamanda tanrısal menşe, meşruiyet ve iradeyi yansıtacak şekilde kimin/neyin otorite olduğu tartışmasını beraberinde getirmiştir. Roma Katolik Kilisesi, ileri sürdüğü Petrus doktrini ile kendisini geleneğin meşru temsilcisi görmüş ve bütün inananları bağlayıcı nitelikte inanç ve ibadete müteallik konularda son sözü söyleme hak ve yetkisinin kendisinde bulunduğunu iddia etmiştir. Hz. Peygamberden sonra İslam ümmetinin başına meşru devlet başkanı olarak Hz. Ali ve onun soyundan gelenlerin geçmesi gerektiği inancı üzerine temellenen Şia da, Sünni hilafet nazariyesi karşısına imamet doktriniyle çıkmıştır. İnananlara rehberlik edecek meşru (ilahi) ardılın tespitinden sonra onun vasıfları üzerine tartışmalar başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda, Tanrının yeryüzündeki temsilcisinin (diğer vasıfları yanında) kayıtlı, kısıtlı veya sınırsız (mutlak) bir yanılmazlık vasfına sahip olduğu anlayışı Roma Katolik Kilisesi ve İmamiyye Şia'sı'nın karakteristiğini oluşturmuştur. Roma Katolik Kilisesi Petrus'un halefleri papalara, İmamiyye Şia'sı da Hz. Ali soyundan imamlara kutsal metinlerden hareketle ilahi bir menşe ve meşruiyet atfetmişler ve onların yanılmazlık hak ve yetkisini haiz olduğunu ileri sürmüşlerdir. yanılmazlık/masumiyet (ismet) telakkisi mevzu bahis olduğunda akla gelen farklı iki dinin iki mezhebinin yanılmazlık anlayışlarının dayandığı (dini-siyasi vb.) teorik temeller ile bu anlayışların benzerlik ve farklılıkları ele alınacaktır
All the religions have asserted their divinity, originality and authenticity throughout the history. Thus, the polemic of orthodoxy heresy, on which each side has considered themselves representative of the true belief and others was out of it, had appeared every period of history. This matter, at the same time, has revealed the religious authority in the context of origin and legitimacy. The Roman Catholic Church, from the very first, has alleged the supremacy and primacy beside other churches on the basis of Petrus doctrine. Finally, the First Vatican Council formulated and accepted the papal infallibility as a Catholic dogma in 1870. As for the Twelver Shiism, which was founded in the basis of leadership of Hz. Ali and his descendants as a legitimate leaders of the Muslims, propounded the imamate doctrine versus sunni caliphate concept. After then, the Shiite authors tried to determine the features of the imams who idealised as a divine chosen persons. Beside the other feautures, the infallibility (ismah) of imams has been the main theological doctrine. In this regard, the infallibility of the legitimate leaders of the Catholic Church and Twelver Shia is a characteristic feature of these two religious sects. In this article, the theoretical origins, similarities and differences of the infallibility understandings of Catholic Church and Twelver Shiism has been studied.
All the religions have asserted their divinity, originality and authenticity throughout the history. Thus, the polemic of orthodoxy heresy, on which each side has considered themselves representative of the true belief and others was out of it, had appeared every period of history. This matter, at the same time, has revealed the religious authority in the context of origin and legitimacy. The Roman Catholic Church, from the very first, has alleged the supremacy and primacy beside other churches on the basis of Petrus doctrine. Finally, the First Vatican Council formulated and accepted the papal infallibility as a Catholic dogma in 1870. As for the Twelver Shiism, which was founded in the basis of leadership of Hz. Ali and his descendants as a legitimate leaders of the Muslims, propounded the imamate doctrine versus sunni caliphate concept. After then, the Shiite authors tried to determine the features of the imams who idealised as a divine chosen persons. Beside the other feautures, the infallibility (ismah) of imams has been the main theological doctrine. In this regard, the infallibility of the legitimate leaders of the Catholic Church and Twelver Shia is a characteristic feature of these two religious sects. In this article, the theoretical origins, similarities and differences of the infallibility understandings of Catholic Church and Twelver Shiism has been studied.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Roma Katolik Kilisesi, Yanılmazlık, İmamiyye Şia’sı, İsmet, Dini Otorite, Roman Catholic Church, Infallibility, Twelver Shi’ism, Ismah, Religious Authority
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
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