Osmanlı Devleti’nde ayrılıkçı faaliyetlere bir örnek: Rum casuslar (1914-1918)
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Savaşlar; başkaldırı, isyan, casusluk gibi ayrılıkçı faaliyet ve ihanetleri içinde barındıran önemli süreç ve ortamlardır. Özellikle savaş dönemlerinde artan bu ayrılıkçı faaliyet ya da ihanetlerin ortaya çıkışında, genelde düşman güçlerin kışkırtma ve yönlendirmeleri etkilidir. Fakat bu olaylarda kimi zaman dost bir devletin ya da tebaa içindeki bazı unsurların da aktif rol aldıkları görülebilir. Çok uluslu bir yapıya sahip olan Osmanlı Devleti söz konusu ihanet ve casusluk örnekleri ile fazlasıyla karşılaşmıştır. Fransız İhtilali'nin tüm dünyada yarattığı etki Osmanlı Devleti için de kaçınılmaz olmuş, Balkan coğrafyası başta olmak üzere Arap ve Anadolu coğrafyası lokal milliyetçilik isyanları ile kaynamaya başlamıştır. Bu dönemde gayrimüslimler içinde en fazla yekûnu oluşturan ve gerek sosyo-ekonomik gerekse siyasî hayatta ciddi bir nüfuz potansiyeline sahip olan Rum unsurların bazıları, bir taraftan Yunanistan diğer yandan emperyalist güçlerin tahrik, destek ve yardımlarıyla dinî ve millî duygularını, daha önce hiç olmadığı kadar, bağımsızlık kazanmak için kullanmaya başlamışlardır. Megali İdea ve Pontus hedefleri etrafında örgütlenen ayrılıkçı Rumlar için I. Dünya Savaşı yılları, casusluk ve ihanetlerinin had safhaya ulaştığı bir dönem olmuştur. I. Dünya Savaşı'nı kendileri için önemli bir fırsat olarak değerlendiren ayrılıkçı Rumlar, nüfus potansiyellerine paralel olarak sahip oldukları parselasyonda yoğun casusluk faaliyetlerine girişmişlerdir. Bu faaliyetler, Anadolu'nun kıyı kesimleri başta olmak üzere Osmanlı coğrafyasının muhtelif kısımlarında kimi zaman münferit kimi zaman da teşkilatlı ve koordineli bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Rum casusluk faaliyetlerinin savaş boyunca geniş bir coğrafyada etkili olması, bir müddet sonra Osmanlı Devleti için ciddi bir problem haline gelmiştir. Dolayısıyla devlet erkânı, savaş sırasında Ermenilere uyguladığı 27 Mayıs 1915 tarihli Sevk ve İskân Kanunu'nun bir benzerini, muhtelif kesimlerdeki ayrılıkçı Rumlara uygulamak zorunda kalmıştır. Ancak birçok kez uygulanan bu sevk ve iskân politikası, daha küçük çapta ve lokal özellik taşımaktadır.
The wars are important processes and atmospheres that contain separatist activities and treason such as revolt, rebellion and spying. In the emergence of these separatist activities or treason, which increase especially during the war times, the provocations and involvements of the enemy powers play usually an important role. But in these events, it can occur that sometimes a friendly state or some groups within the nationality take an active part. The Ottoman State which had a multinational structure faced such instances of treason and spying more than enough. The impact of the French Revolution throughout the World was also inevitable for the Ottoman State. Especially in the Balkans, Arab regions and Anatolia raged local nationalist riots. Some of the Greeks that constitute the greatest proportion of non-Muslims in this period and had a large population in both socio-economic and political life began to use their religious and the national feelings to gain independence as never before, with the incitement, support and assistance of the Greece and the imperialist states. The years of the First Wrold war were a time period for the separatist Greeks, organized around the aims of Pontus and Megali İdea, in which the espionage and the national treason reached their climax. The separatist Greeks who considered the First World War as an important opportunity for themselves, started intensive espionage activities in their parcel they owned in parallel with their population potential. These activities have sometimes been carried out individually and sometimes in an organized and coordinated manner in various part of the Ottoman soil, especially in the coastal areas of Anatolia. The fact that Greek espionage activities were active in a wide area throughout the war became after a while a serious problem for the Ottoman State. Therefore, the state officials had to apply a law, similar to the Relocation and Settlement Law of 27 May 1915, which had been applied to the Armeniens during the war, to the separatist Greeks in various communities. However this policy of Relocation and Settlement carried out many times is of a smaller scale and has local character.
The wars are important processes and atmospheres that contain separatist activities and treason such as revolt, rebellion and spying. In the emergence of these separatist activities or treason, which increase especially during the war times, the provocations and involvements of the enemy powers play usually an important role. But in these events, it can occur that sometimes a friendly state or some groups within the nationality take an active part. The Ottoman State which had a multinational structure faced such instances of treason and spying more than enough. The impact of the French Revolution throughout the World was also inevitable for the Ottoman State. Especially in the Balkans, Arab regions and Anatolia raged local nationalist riots. Some of the Greeks that constitute the greatest proportion of non-Muslims in this period and had a large population in both socio-economic and political life began to use their religious and the national feelings to gain independence as never before, with the incitement, support and assistance of the Greece and the imperialist states. The years of the First Wrold war were a time period for the separatist Greeks, organized around the aims of Pontus and Megali İdea, in which the espionage and the national treason reached their climax. The separatist Greeks who considered the First World War as an important opportunity for themselves, started intensive espionage activities in their parcel they owned in parallel with their population potential. These activities have sometimes been carried out individually and sometimes in an organized and coordinated manner in various part of the Ottoman soil, especially in the coastal areas of Anatolia. The fact that Greek espionage activities were active in a wide area throughout the war became after a while a serious problem for the Ottoman State. Therefore, the state officials had to apply a law, similar to the Relocation and Settlement Law of 27 May 1915, which had been applied to the Armeniens during the war, to the separatist Greeks in various communities. However this policy of Relocation and Settlement carried out many times is of a smaller scale and has local character.
Anahtar Kelimeler
I. Dünya Savaşı, Osmanlı Devleti, Rumlar, Casusluk, The First World War, The Ottoman State, The Greeks, Spying
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