Bolu ağır ceza ve asliye ceza mahkemeleri'nde karara bağlanan 65 yaş ve üzeri bireylerin mağduru veya faili bulunduğu suçların analizi
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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç:Tıbbi gelişmeler ve hızla artan teknoloji, yaşam süresini olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Uzayan yaşam süresi yaşlı nüfusun artmasına neden olmaktadır. Yaşlı sayısının artmasına bağlı olarak yaşlı mağdurların ve faillerin sayısının artması da beklenmektedir. Çalışmada, Bolu Ağır Ceza ve Asliye Ceza Mahkemeleri'nde karara bağlanan, 65 yaş ve üzeri bireylerin mağduru veya faili bulunduğu suçlar analiz edilerek; yaşlı sanık ve mağdurların profillerinin, karıştıkları suçların niteliklerinin incelenmesi, bu suretle yeni vakaların ve mağduriyetlerin önlenmesine katkı sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Materyal ve Metod: Çalışmamızda 01/01/2010- 31/12/2016 tarihleri arasında Bolu Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi ve Bolu Asliye Ceza Mahkemeleri'nde karara bağlanan dosyalar retrospektif olarak incelenmiş, 65 yaş ve üzeri kişilerin mağduru veya faili bulunduğu dava dosyaları çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Mağdurların ve faillerin sosyo-demografik özellikleri, genel profilleri, işlemiş ya da maruz kalmış oldukları suçların niteliği, haklarında düzenlenen adli raporlar ve laboratuar tetkik sonuçları, yargılama sonucunda verilen kararlar incelenmiş, yaşlı nüfusun suça maruziyeti veya suç işlemesi konusundaki risk faktörleri ortaya konmuştur. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 2010-2016 yılları arasında dava süreci tamamlanarak karara bağlanmış 65 yaş ve üzeri 401 sanık ve 323 mağdur olmak üzere toplam 724 olgu alınmıştır. Sanıkların ortalama yaşı 77,43±5,95 (min:67, max:95) bulundu. Sanıkların 346'sının (%86,3) erkek, 55'inin (%13,7) kadın cinsiyette olduğu belirlendi. Mağdurların ortalama yaşı 72,4±5,87 (min:65, max;90) bulundu. Mağdurların 219'unun (%67,8) erkek, 104'ünün (%32,2) kadın cinsiyette olduğu tespit edildi. Sanıkların en sık köy tüzel kişiliğine ait veya köylünün ortak yararlanmasındaki taşınmazlara tecavüz suçunu işlediği (n:112, %27,9), ikinci sırada yaralama (n:79, %19,7) suçunun yer aldığı, mağdurların en sık yaralama suçuna maruz kaldıkları (n:76, %23,5), bunu hırsızlık (n:38, %11,8) suçunun takip ettiği görüldü. 65 yaş ve üstü 401 sanıktan sadece üç (%0,7) olguya ceza ehliyeti muayenesi yapıldığı, 323 mağdurdan da sadece bir (%0,3) olguya ruhsal muayene uygulandığı tespit edildi. Sonuç:65 yaş ve üstü bireylerde bilişsel bozukluğun görülme oranı oldukça yüksektir. Bu yaş grubundaki sanıklarda daha fazla ceza ehliyeti muayenesi yapılarak bilişsel aktivitesi bozulmuş yaşlıların ceza almasının engellenebileceği, mağduriyetlerinin giderilebileceği düşüncesindeyiz. Dahası, yaşlı bireyler diğer yaş gruplarına göre hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik olarak daha kırılgan bir yapıya sahiptir. Bu nedenle 65 yaş ve üstü mağdurların tümünün ruhsal muayenelerinin ve sonrasında takiplerinin düzenli yaptırılmasının sağlanması halinde bu mağdurların sosyal yaşama daha kolay adapte olabileceğini düşünüyoruz. Yapılacak yeni çalışmalar ile hızla artan yaşlı nüfusun korunmasına ve faili olduğu suçların engellemesine yardımcı olunacağı kanaatindeyiz. Anahtar Kelimeler:Suç; Yaşlı sorunları; 65 yaş üstü sanıklar; 65 yaş üstü mağdurlar; Suçla mücadele.
Aim: Medical developments and rapidly increasing technology influence the life time positively. Prolonging lifetime causes the increase of the old age population. The number of the elderly victims and offenders is expected to increase depending on the increase in the number of elderly. In this study, it is intended to analyse the profiles of elderly defendants and victims, the qualifications of crimes in which they involved, by this means, to contribute to the prevention of new cases and unjust treatments by analysing the crimes concluded in Bolu Heavy Penalty and Basis Penalty Court in which 65 years and older individuals are found victim or offender. Material and Method: In our study the files concluded in Bolu Heavy Penalty Court and Bolu Basis Penalty Courts between the dates of 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2016 are analysed retrospectively and the case files in which 65 years and older people are found victim or offender are included. The socio-demographic features of victims and offenders, their general profiles, the qualification of crimes which they committed or were exposed, the judicial reports and laboratory survey results about them and the judgments as a result of trial are analysed and risk factors in the matter of exposure to crime or perpetration are revealed. Findings: A total of 724 cases at the age of 65 and older, 401 defendants and 323 victims, whose lawsuit process were completed and concluded between 2010-2016 are taken into the study. The average age of the defendants is found 77,43±5,95 (min:67, max:95). 346 of the defendants (%86,3) are male and 55 of the defendants (%13,7) are female. The average age of the victims is found 72,4±5,87 (min:65, max;90). 219 of the victims (%67,8) are male and 104 of the victims (%32,2) are female. It is determined that defendants commit the crime of trespass to the immovable properties which belong to the village legal entity or in joint utilization of peasants the most (n: 112, %27,9), and the crime of injury takes the second place (n:79, %19,7), the victims are exposed to the crime of injury the most (n: 76, %23,5) and this is followed by the crime of robbery (n: 38, %11,8). It is determined that the criminal capacity examination is implemented to the only three cases of 401 defendants at the age of 65 and older and the mental examination is implemented to the only one case of 323 victims (%0,3) Result: The rate of cognitive inefficiency in 65 years and older individuals is rather high. We believe that the punishment of elders whose cognitive activity is damaged can be prevented and the unjust treatments can be averted by implementing much more criminal capacity examination to the defendants at this age group. Furthermore elder individuals have much more fragile disposition both physically and psychologically in comparison with the other age groups. Therefore we believe that these victims can adapt to social life more easily provided that being made all of the 65 years and older victims to do mental examinations and then regular pursuit of them. We consider that new studies will help the protection of rapidly increasing elderly population and the inhibition of the offenses in which they involved. Key Words: Crime, the problems of elderly, 65 years and older defendants, 65 years and older victims, fight against the crime
Aim: Medical developments and rapidly increasing technology influence the life time positively. Prolonging lifetime causes the increase of the old age population. The number of the elderly victims and offenders is expected to increase depending on the increase in the number of elderly. In this study, it is intended to analyse the profiles of elderly defendants and victims, the qualifications of crimes in which they involved, by this means, to contribute to the prevention of new cases and unjust treatments by analysing the crimes concluded in Bolu Heavy Penalty and Basis Penalty Court in which 65 years and older individuals are found victim or offender. Material and Method: In our study the files concluded in Bolu Heavy Penalty Court and Bolu Basis Penalty Courts between the dates of 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2016 are analysed retrospectively and the case files in which 65 years and older people are found victim or offender are included. The socio-demographic features of victims and offenders, their general profiles, the qualification of crimes which they committed or were exposed, the judicial reports and laboratory survey results about them and the judgments as a result of trial are analysed and risk factors in the matter of exposure to crime or perpetration are revealed. Findings: A total of 724 cases at the age of 65 and older, 401 defendants and 323 victims, whose lawsuit process were completed and concluded between 2010-2016 are taken into the study. The average age of the defendants is found 77,43±5,95 (min:67, max:95). 346 of the defendants (%86,3) are male and 55 of the defendants (%13,7) are female. The average age of the victims is found 72,4±5,87 (min:65, max;90). 219 of the victims (%67,8) are male and 104 of the victims (%32,2) are female. It is determined that defendants commit the crime of trespass to the immovable properties which belong to the village legal entity or in joint utilization of peasants the most (n: 112, %27,9), and the crime of injury takes the second place (n:79, %19,7), the victims are exposed to the crime of injury the most (n: 76, %23,5) and this is followed by the crime of robbery (n: 38, %11,8). It is determined that the criminal capacity examination is implemented to the only three cases of 401 defendants at the age of 65 and older and the mental examination is implemented to the only one case of 323 victims (%0,3) Result: The rate of cognitive inefficiency in 65 years and older individuals is rather high. We believe that the punishment of elders whose cognitive activity is damaged can be prevented and the unjust treatments can be averted by implementing much more criminal capacity examination to the defendants at this age group. Furthermore elder individuals have much more fragile disposition both physically and psychologically in comparison with the other age groups. Therefore we believe that these victims can adapt to social life more easily provided that being made all of the 65 years and older victims to do mental examinations and then regular pursuit of them. We consider that new studies will help the protection of rapidly increasing elderly population and the inhibition of the offenses in which they involved. Key Words: Crime, the problems of elderly, 65 years and older defendants, 65 years and older victims, fight against the crime
Tıp Fakültesi, Adli Tıp Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Adli Tıp, Forensic Medicine