Ziya Gökalp’in çağdaşlık ve laikliği temellendirme çabası ve İslam
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İkinci meşrutiyet ve Cumhuriyetin kuruluş döneminin önemli fikir adamı Ziya Gökalp (1876-1924) ve onun din anlayışı hakkında çok sayıda araştırma yapılmıştır. Biz bu çalışmamızda, Gökalp’in laik devlet anlayışı bağlamında, İslam ve çağdaş medeniyet arasındaki ilişkileri tasvir eden çalışmalarının zaman ve zemine bağlı olarak hangi aşamalardan geçmiş olduğunu tespit etmeye çalışacağız. Gökalp’in batılılaşma ve laikliği temellendirme tarzında, iki farklı yaklaşım tespit ediyoruz. Bunlar, İslami referanslara dayalı temellendirme çabası ve Durkheim sosyolojisinden ilham alan pozitivistevrimci-aydınlanmacı referanslara dayalı temellendirme çabasıdır. Gökalp’in yazılarından, onun temel davasının çağdaş batı medeniyetine bağlı bir Türk milli devletinin inşası olduğunu anlıyoruz. O içinde bulunduğu konjonktürü en iyi şekilde kullanarak, daima bu hedefi gerçekleştirmeye çalışmıştır. Dolayısıyla gerek ikinci meşrutiyet gerekse milli mücadele ve erken Cumhuriyet dönemindeki yazıları arasında, bize göre nispeten, bir bütünlük ve tutarlılık mevcuttur. O, Türk milletinin ne dininden ne de çağdaşlaşma ülküsünden vazgeçemeyeceğinin bilincindedir. Dolayısıyla ne İslam kültürünü tamamen reddetmek mümkündür, ne de batılılaşmayı. Buradan, İslam ile çağdaşlığın uzlaştırılması ameliyesinin, onun için her zaman önemli olduğu sonucunu çıkarabiliriz. Cumhuriyete giden süreçte, yazılarındaki İslam vurgusunun azaldığı doğrudur. Ama bu, ne onun, İslami referansların belirleyici olduğu bir toplumda çağdaşlaşmayı meşrulaştırmak için, dini yalnızca bir araç olarak kullandığı anlamına gelir; ne de zamanla dinle arasına mesafe koyduğu! Çünkü onun eserlerindeki dini meşruiyet arayışı zamanla, nispeten azalmış gibi görünse de hiçbir zaman tamamen ortadan kalkmamıştır.
Much research has been done on Ziya Gökalp (1876-1924), as the important intellectual of the second constitutional monarchy and the founding period of the Republic, and his understanding of religion. In this study, in the context of Gökalp’s understanding of the secular state, we will try to determine the stages of the work that depicts the relations between Islam and contemporary civilization, depending on the time and the ground. In Gökalp, about grounding the westernization and secularism, we determine two different approaches. It is an attempt to base on the Islamic references and on the positivist-evolutionist-enlightened references inspired by Durkheim's sociology. From Gökalp's writings, we understand that his main cause was the construction of a Turkish national state connected to contemporary western civilization. He has always tried to achieve this goal by using the current conjuncture in the best way. Therefore, there is a relative integrity and coherence between his writings in the second constitutional monarchy, the national struggle and the early Republican period. He is aware that the Turkish nation cannot give up neither its religion nor its ideal of modernization. Therefore it is not possible to completely reject Islamic culture, nor to Westernization. From this, we can conclude that the process of reconciling Islam and modernity is always important to him In the process leading to the Republic, it is true that the emphasis on Islam in his writings diminishes. But this does not mean that he uses religion as a mere means to justify modernization in a society where Islamic references are decisive, and does not mean that he is distant from religion. Because, in his works, the quest for religious legitimacy seems to be relatively diminished in time, but it has never completely disappeared.
Much research has been done on Ziya Gökalp (1876-1924), as the important intellectual of the second constitutional monarchy and the founding period of the Republic, and his understanding of religion. In this study, in the context of Gökalp’s understanding of the secular state, we will try to determine the stages of the work that depicts the relations between Islam and contemporary civilization, depending on the time and the ground. In Gökalp, about grounding the westernization and secularism, we determine two different approaches. It is an attempt to base on the Islamic references and on the positivist-evolutionist-enlightened references inspired by Durkheim's sociology. From Gökalp's writings, we understand that his main cause was the construction of a Turkish national state connected to contemporary western civilization. He has always tried to achieve this goal by using the current conjuncture in the best way. Therefore, there is a relative integrity and coherence between his writings in the second constitutional monarchy, the national struggle and the early Republican period. He is aware that the Turkish nation cannot give up neither its religion nor its ideal of modernization. Therefore it is not possible to completely reject Islamic culture, nor to Westernization. From this, we can conclude that the process of reconciling Islam and modernity is always important to him In the process leading to the Republic, it is true that the emphasis on Islam in his writings diminishes. But this does not mean that he uses religion as a mere means to justify modernization in a society where Islamic references are decisive, and does not mean that he is distant from religion. Because, in his works, the quest for religious legitimacy seems to be relatively diminished in time, but it has never completely disappeared.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İslam, Çağdaşlık, Laiklik, Batılılaşma, Hukuk, Islam, Modernity, Secularity, Westernization, Law
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
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