Rett Sendromu'nun tanısı ve izleminde çok boyutlu yaklaşımın önemi: Bir olgu sunumu
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Rett Sendromu X’e bağlı baskın geçiş gösteren nörogelişimsel bir bozukluktur. Bu yazıda Rett Sendromu tanısı konulduğundan beri pediatrik nöroloji ve pediatri uzmanları tarafından izlenen ve çocuk ve ergen ruh sağlığı ve hastalıkları polikliniğine ancak ergenlik döneminde başvuran bir olgunun tedavi ve izlem sürecinin sunulması, olgu özelliklerinin ulusal yazında şimdiye kadar bildirilen olgularla karşılaştırılması ve çok boyutlu yaklaşımın öneminin vurgulanması amaçlanmıştır.
Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is transmitted in an X-dominant fashion. In this article, it was aimed to present the treatment and follow-up process of a case being followed up by pediatric neurologists and pediatricians since she had met the diagnosis of Rett Syndrome who had applied to the child and adolescent psychiatry department only during adolescence, to compare the features of the patient with those hitherto reported in national literature and to underline the importance of multidisciplinary follow-up.
Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is transmitted in an X-dominant fashion. In this article, it was aimed to present the treatment and follow-up process of a case being followed up by pediatric neurologists and pediatricians since she had met the diagnosis of Rett Syndrome who had applied to the child and adolescent psychiatry department only during adolescence, to compare the features of the patient with those hitherto reported in national literature and to underline the importance of multidisciplinary follow-up.
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