Yenidoğan kabızlığında unutulmaması gereken bir tablo; Hirschprung hastalığı
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Hirschprung Hastalığı enterik sinir sisteminin gelişimsel bir bozukluğu olup distal kolondaki myenterik ve submukozal pleksuslarda ganglion hücrelerinin yokluğu ile karakteriz edir. Bu durum etkilenen barsak kısmında peristaltizmin yokluğuna ve fonksiyonel intestinal tıkanıklığa yol aç ar. Yaklaşık 5000 canlı doğumda bir görülmekte ve genellikle mekonyum çıkışında gecikme, karın distansiyonu, beslenme intoleransı ve safralı kusma ile karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Burada yenidoğan döneminde Hirschprung Hastalığı tanısı konulmuş erkek bebeğin kli niği ve radyolojik tetkikleriyle değerlendirilmesi sunulmuştur.
Hirschsprung disease is a developmental disorder of the enteric nervous system and is characterized by the a bsence of ganglion cells in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the distal in testine. This condition results in absence of peristalsis in the affected bowel and the d evelopment of a functional intestinal obstruction. It occurs in approximately 1 in 5000 live born infants and usually presented with delay in the meconium passage, dis tend- ed abdomen, feeding intolerance and bilious vomiting. Here in, clinical and radiological evaluation of a male infant who diagnosed with Hirschsprung's disease in the neonatal period was presented.
Hirschsprung disease is a developmental disorder of the enteric nervous system and is characterized by the a bsence of ganglion cells in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the distal in testine. This condition results in absence of peristalsis in the affected bowel and the d evelopment of a functional intestinal obstruction. It occurs in approximately 1 in 5000 live born infants and usually presented with delay in the meconium passage, dis tend- ed abdomen, feeding intolerance and bilious vomiting. Here in, clinical and radiological evaluation of a male infant who diagnosed with Hirschsprung's disease in the neonatal period was presented.
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