Hermann Jansen için Ankara'da yeni bir görev: "Gazi Orman Çiftliği" planlaması
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1925 yılında kurulan Gazi Orman Çiftliği, tarım, endüstri, ticaret ve eğlence/dinlenme bileşenleri ile modern bir yerleşke olarak gelişmiştir. 1925-1926 yılları arasındaki ilk yapılaşmadan sonra Çiftliğin çağdaş bir görünüm kazanması amacı ile planlı bir gelişme göstermesine yönelik çalışmalar 1930'lu yıllarda başlamıştır. İsviçreli Mimar Ernst Egli 1934 tarihli Çiftlik planında, bulunduğu coğrafyanın tarihsel ve kültürel geçmişine duyarlı yaklaşımını Erken Cumhuriyet döneminin diğer kamusal alan çalışmaları ile de örtüşür bir tasarım anlayışı ile birleştiren bir planlama yapmıştır. Bu tasarımından hemen iki yıl sonra Çiftlikteki planlama ve yapılaşma çalışmaları daha kapsamlı ve programlı bir anlayışla sürdürülür. 1934 yılında yapılan "Ankara ve Civarı İmar Planı Sözleşmesi" uyarınca Atatürk Orman Çiftliği planlaması Alman kent plancısı Herman Jansen'e verilmiştir. 1934 tarihli Egli planlamasında Çiftliğin merkezi olarak belirlenen, tren istasyonunun güneyindeki bölüm, bundan iki yıl sonra artık ayrıntılı bir planlama konusudur. Jansen, 24.08.1936 tarihinde Atatürk Orman Çiftliği Müdürü Tahsin Coşkan'a, yaklaşık dört sayfalık rapor ile 3923, 3924 ve 3925 numaralı Bira Fabrikası ve çevresine yapılacak düzenlemeye ait çizimleri sunmaktadır. Berlin Teknik Üniversitesi Arşivi'nde ulaşılan bu çizimlerin dışında, raporda adı geçmeyen ancak Bira Fabrikası'nın doğusundaki konut alanına ait 3940 ve 3941 nolu iki çizim ile Bira Fabrikası'nın çevresindeki eğlence ve dinlenme mekânlarına ait 3836 numaralı bir perspektif çizim yer almaktadır. Jansen'in 1936 yılında hazırladığı planlamada Çiftlik merkezindeki Fabrika, memur ve işçi konutları, hamam gibi üretim ve barınma gereksinimlerini karşılayan bu alanın Bira Fabrikası'na özgü bir kompleks anlayışı ile ele alındığı görülmektedir. Çalışmada, Jansen'in Atatürk Orman Çiftliği planlaması, başta Cumhurbaşkanlığı Atatürk Arşivi ve Berlin Teknik Üniversitesi Arşivi belgeleri olmak üzere yazılı ve görsel belgeler üzerinden tanıtılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Jansen planlamasının Erken Cumhuriyet döneminde modernite projesinin bir parçası olarak nasıl bir nitelik taşıdığı, hangi idealler çerçevesinde biçimlendiği, kullanıcıları için çağdaş bir yaşama alanı oluştururken, tarım, üretim vb. işlevlerinin yanında sosyalleşme ve özgürleşme mekânı olarak nasıl kurgulandığının çözümlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Established in 1925, the Gazi Forest Farm became a modern campus comprised of areas designated for agriculture, industry, commerce, and recreation. Following the initiation activities carried out between 1925-26, the 1930s saw attempts to give the farm a modern look and to enable planned development. Swiss Architect Ernst Egli's 1934 farm plan was a design approach combining the historical and cultural heritage of the country he was working in with the style of the other public space initiatives of the Early Republican Period. Two years after this design was laid out, the planning and development activities at the farm were stepped up through a more comprehensive and programmatic approach. According to the "Convention on the Settlement Plan for Ankara and Its Vicinity" carried out in 1934, the planning of the Gazi Forest Farm was assigned to German urban planner Herman Jansen. The section to the south of the railway station, which was determined to be the center of the farm in Egli's 1934 plan, became the subject of a more detailed plan two years later. On August 24, 1936, Jansen submitted a nearly four-page long report and drawings no. 3923, 3924, and 3925 pertaining to landscaping to be made in the vicinity of the brewery the Director of the Gazi Forest Farm, Tahsin Coşkan. Apart from these drawings found in the Archives of Berlin Technical University, there are two more drawings, no. 3940 and 3941, pertaining to the residential area to the east of the brewery, and a perspective drawing no. 3836 pertaining to the recreational areas surrounding the brewery which were not referred to in the report. In Jansen's 1936 plan, it can be seen that this section at the center of the farm, which met the needs relating to production and accommodation, such as the brewery, civil servants' and workers' dwellings, baths, etc., was handled as a complex concept particular to the brewery. This study presents and reviews Jansen's plans by means of written and visual documents, including in particular those found at the Atatürk Archives belonging to the Presidency and the Archives of Berlin Technical University. It aims to analyze the role of Jansen's plan as a part of the modernity project of the Early Republican Period, the ideals around which it was shaped and how it was designed as modern living space with agricultural, industrial, and other functions as well as being a space for socializing and liberation.
Established in 1925, the Gazi Forest Farm became a modern campus comprised of areas designated for agriculture, industry, commerce, and recreation. Following the initiation activities carried out between 1925-26, the 1930s saw attempts to give the farm a modern look and to enable planned development. Swiss Architect Ernst Egli's 1934 farm plan was a design approach combining the historical and cultural heritage of the country he was working in with the style of the other public space initiatives of the Early Republican Period. Two years after this design was laid out, the planning and development activities at the farm were stepped up through a more comprehensive and programmatic approach. According to the "Convention on the Settlement Plan for Ankara and Its Vicinity" carried out in 1934, the planning of the Gazi Forest Farm was assigned to German urban planner Herman Jansen. The section to the south of the railway station, which was determined to be the center of the farm in Egli's 1934 plan, became the subject of a more detailed plan two years later. On August 24, 1936, Jansen submitted a nearly four-page long report and drawings no. 3923, 3924, and 3925 pertaining to landscaping to be made in the vicinity of the brewery the Director of the Gazi Forest Farm, Tahsin Coşkan. Apart from these drawings found in the Archives of Berlin Technical University, there are two more drawings, no. 3940 and 3941, pertaining to the residential area to the east of the brewery, and a perspective drawing no. 3836 pertaining to the recreational areas surrounding the brewery which were not referred to in the report. In Jansen's 1936 plan, it can be seen that this section at the center of the farm, which met the needs relating to production and accommodation, such as the brewery, civil servants' and workers' dwellings, baths, etc., was handled as a complex concept particular to the brewery. This study presents and reviews Jansen's plans by means of written and visual documents, including in particular those found at the Atatürk Archives belonging to the Presidency and the Archives of Berlin Technical University. It aims to analyze the role of Jansen's plan as a part of the modernity project of the Early Republican Period, the ideals around which it was shaped and how it was designed as modern living space with agricultural, industrial, and other functions as well as being a space for socializing and liberation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Atatürk Orman Çiftliği, Gazi Orman Çiftliği, Hermann Jansen, Ernst Egli, Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Mimarlığı, Ankara, Atatürk Forest Farm, Gazi Forest Farm, Early Republican Period Architecture,
Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi
Journal of Ankara Studies
Journal of Ankara Studies
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