Effects of different vermicompost and magnetic field applications on the growth parameters, alkaloid content (galanthamine and lycorine), and antioxidant activities of the summer snowflake (Leucojum aestivum L.)
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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
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Leucojum aestivum L. (Göl soğanı), Amaryllidaceae familyasının soğanlı bir bitkisidir. Farmasötik olarak önemli iki alkaloid olan galantamin ve likorin içermektedir. Bu araştırmada birbirinden bağımsız iki farklı uygulama [(ver-mikompost VK (solucan gübresi) ve manyetik alan (MA)] gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, farklı vermikompost seviyelerinin ve manyetik alan (MA) uygulamalarının L. aestivum bitkisinin galantamin ve likorin seviyelerini, büyüme parametrelerini, klorofil içeriğini (sadece VK uygulamaları için), enzi-matik olmayan antioksidan aktiviteleri (serbest radikal süpürme aktivitesi-DPPH ve toplam fenol-flavonoid) ve enzimatik antioksidan aktivitelerini (SOD ve CAT) nasıl etkilediğini belirlemektir. Bitkiler 2.5 ay boyunca 2 farklı deney yürütülerek büyütülmüştür: 5 farklı VK seviyesi (0%, %5, %10, %25 ve %50) ve 3 farklı maruz süresi (1, 3 ve 7 gün) uygulanan 4 farklı MA şiddeti (0, 50, 100 ve 150 mT). Ulaşılan sonuçlara göre, %5 VK, yumru ve yaprak çaplarını artırırken, %10 VK, yaprak uzunluğunu ve taze ağırlığı önemli ölçüde artırmıştır. Klorofil içeriği tüm VK uygulamalarında azalmıştır. En yüksek galantamin miktarı yum-rularda %10 VK ve yapraklarda %50 VK uygulamasında bulunmuştur. En yüksek likorin içeriği %25 VK ile yumru ve yapraklarda gözlemlenmiştir. Tüm MA şiddeti 3 günlük uygulamaları yaprak çapını önemli ölçüde artırmıştır. Yumru ve yaprak yaş ağırlığı 50 ve 150 mT 3 günlük MA uygulaması ile art-mıştır. Yumruların galantamin seviyeleri 150 mT 7-gün ve 50 mT 1-gün uygu-lamalarıyla artarken, likorin miktarları sırasıyla 100 mT 1-gün ve 3-gün uygu-lamalarıyla artmıştır. MA ve VK uygulamaları orta düzeyde antioksidan aktivite göstermiştir. Toplam fenol-flavonoid içeriği ve SOD-CAT aktivitesi, MA ve VK uygulamaları ile yükselmiştir.
Leucojum aestivum L. (summer snowflake) is a bulbous plant of the Ama-ryllidaceae family. It includes galanthamine and lycorine, which are two phar-maceutically important alkaloids. In this research, two different treatments [vermicompost VC (vermicompost) and magnetic field (MF)] were carried out independently of each other. The purpose of this investigation was to determine how different VC levels and MF treatments affected galanthamine and lycorine levels, growth parameters, chlorophyll content (for VC treatments only), non-enzymatic antioxidant activities (total phenol-flavonoid and DPPH radical scav-enging activity), and enzymatic antioxidant activities (SOD and CAT) in L. aes-tivum. Plants were grown for 2.5 months conducting 2 different experiments: 5 different concentrations of VC (0, 5, 10, 25, and 50%) and 4 different MF inten-sities (0, 50, 100, and 150 mT) with 3 exposure times (1, 3, and 7 days). Accord-ing to the results obtained, while 5% VC increased the bulb and leaf diameters, 10% VC significantly increased the leaf length and fresh weight. The chlorophyll content decreased with all VC treatments. The highest amount of galanthamine was found in 10% VC in the bulbs and 50% VC in the leaves. The highest ly-corine content was observed with 25% VC in the bulbs and leaves. All MF treatments within 3-days significantly increased the leaf diameter. Bulb and leaf fresh weight increased with 50 and 150 mT 3-days MF. Although galanthamine levels of bulbs and leaves were enhanced with 150 mT 7-days and 50 mT 1-day, lycorine amounts were augmented with 100 mT 1-day and 3-days treatments, respectively. The MF and VC treatments showed moderate antioxidant activity. Total phenol-flavonoid content and SOD-CAT activity were elevated with MF and VC treatments.
Leucojum aestivum L. (summer snowflake) is a bulbous plant of the Ama-ryllidaceae family. It includes galanthamine and lycorine, which are two phar-maceutically important alkaloids. In this research, two different treatments [vermicompost VC (vermicompost) and magnetic field (MF)] were carried out independently of each other. The purpose of this investigation was to determine how different VC levels and MF treatments affected galanthamine and lycorine levels, growth parameters, chlorophyll content (for VC treatments only), non-enzymatic antioxidant activities (total phenol-flavonoid and DPPH radical scav-enging activity), and enzymatic antioxidant activities (SOD and CAT) in L. aes-tivum. Plants were grown for 2.5 months conducting 2 different experiments: 5 different concentrations of VC (0, 5, 10, 25, and 50%) and 4 different MF inten-sities (0, 50, 100, and 150 mT) with 3 exposure times (1, 3, and 7 days). Accord-ing to the results obtained, while 5% VC increased the bulb and leaf diameters, 10% VC significantly increased the leaf length and fresh weight. The chlorophyll content decreased with all VC treatments. The highest amount of galanthamine was found in 10% VC in the bulbs and 50% VC in the leaves. The highest ly-corine content was observed with 25% VC in the bulbs and leaves. All MF treatments within 3-days significantly increased the leaf diameter. Bulb and leaf fresh weight increased with 50 and 150 mT 3-days MF. Although galanthamine levels of bulbs and leaves were enhanced with 150 mT 7-days and 50 mT 1-day, lycorine amounts were augmented with 100 mT 1-day and 3-days treatments, respectively. The MF and VC treatments showed moderate antioxidant activity. Total phenol-flavonoid content and SOD-CAT activity were elevated with MF and VC treatments.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology