Stratejik ittifakın ekonomi politiği: Türkiye-İsrail ekonomik ilişkileri (1948-1960)
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İsrail Devleti’nin kurulması ve kısa sürede Ortadoğu’da önemli bir aktör haline gelmesi Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu’ya yönelik politikasını derinden etkilemiştir. Türkiye, İsrail Devleti’nin kurulmasının ardından diğer Ortadoğu ülkelerinden çok daha farklı özelliklere sahip bir devlet ile karşı karşıya olduğunu görmüştür. İsrail’i Türkiye açısından farklı kılan başlıca özelliklerden biri ekonomik yapısıdır. İsrail kurulduğu ilk yıllarda, tarımsal üretim kapasitesi düşük, yeraltı zenginlikleri bakımından fakir ve sürekli göç alan bir ülkedir. İsrail ekonomisi, tarım ürünü ve hammadde bakımından dışa bağımlı yapısına rağmen, Türkiye’nin Avrupa’dan ithal ettiği pek çok ara malı üretebilme kabiliyeti vardı. Türkiye, kısa sürede İsrail’in Ortadoğu’da tarımsal ürün ve hammadde karşılığı ara mal ile teknolojik aletler alabileceği bir ülke olduğunu görmüştür. İki ülkenin ekonomik açıdan birbirini tamamlayıcı özelliğe sahip olduğu söylemi ve bunun kısmen de olsa gerçekleşmesi Türkiyeİsrail arasında ilişkilerin hızla gelişmesinde önemli rol oynamıştır. 1954 sonrası iki ülkenin ekonomik yapılarından meydan gelen değişim; İsrail’in tarımsal üretim kapasitesini arttırması, Türkiye’nin ekonomik bunalım içine girmesi, bölgesel krizler iki ülke arasındaki ekonomik ilişkileri de olumsuz etkilemiştir. 1958’den itibaren Türkiye ve İsrail arasında artan stratejik işbirliği sürecinde ise ekonomik ilişkilerin iki ülke arasındaki ilişkilerde yakınlaştırıcı rolü yeniden ön plana çıkmış, Mart 1960’ta 1950’de yapılan ticaret anlaşmasından daha kapsamlı bir anlaşma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada 1948-1960 arası dönemde Türkiye ve İsrail’i Ortadoğu’da yaşanan tüm siyasi krizlere rağmen birbirine yaklaştıran faktörlerden birinin ekonomi olduğu ileri sürülmüştür.
Turkey's Middle Eastern policies were influenced by the founding of Israel and its becoming a significant actor in the Middle East relatively quickly. Turkey realized that Israel differed significantly from its Middle Eastern counterparts in several respects, one of the most essential of which was its economic structure. At the time of its foundation, Israel was a state with poor agricultural output potential as well as underground resources, and had a constant influx of immigrants. In sharp contrast to Israel's foreign-dependent situation in terms of agricultural products and raw materials, Turkey was capable of manufacturing many kinds of intermediate goods with the raw materials it imported from Europe. Turkey shortly realized that Israel was a state from which it could obtain intermediate goods and technological devices in return for agricultural products and raw materials. The discourse that the two states would complement each other in this way -and the partial fulfilment of it- caused relationships between the two states to develop rapidly. However, Turkey-Israel relations changed for worse following the year 1954 due to a change in the economic structures of both states, Israel's increased agricultural output capacity, the economic depression in Turkey, along with regional crises. From 1958 onwards, the two states came closer once again economically thanks to increased strategic alliance between them, which led to the trade agreement in March 1960, much broader than that of 1950. This study puts forward that one of the factors that drew Turkey and Israel together in spite of all the crises in the Middle East between 1948 and 1960 was economic considerations.
Turkey's Middle Eastern policies were influenced by the founding of Israel and its becoming a significant actor in the Middle East relatively quickly. Turkey realized that Israel differed significantly from its Middle Eastern counterparts in several respects, one of the most essential of which was its economic structure. At the time of its foundation, Israel was a state with poor agricultural output potential as well as underground resources, and had a constant influx of immigrants. In sharp contrast to Israel's foreign-dependent situation in terms of agricultural products and raw materials, Turkey was capable of manufacturing many kinds of intermediate goods with the raw materials it imported from Europe. Turkey shortly realized that Israel was a state from which it could obtain intermediate goods and technological devices in return for agricultural products and raw materials. The discourse that the two states would complement each other in this way -and the partial fulfilment of it- caused relationships between the two states to develop rapidly. However, Turkey-Israel relations changed for worse following the year 1954 due to a change in the economic structures of both states, Israel's increased agricultural output capacity, the economic depression in Turkey, along with regional crises. From 1958 onwards, the two states came closer once again economically thanks to increased strategic alliance between them, which led to the trade agreement in March 1960, much broader than that of 1950. This study puts forward that one of the factors that drew Turkey and Israel together in spite of all the crises in the Middle East between 1948 and 1960 was economic considerations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiye, İsrail, Ortadoğu, Ekonomi, Turkey, Israel, Middle East, Economy
Turkish Studies - Historical Analysis
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