Heyetler yılı (senetül-vüfûd): Tarihsel arka plan üzerine bir inceleme
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Heyetler Yılı, Arap yarım adasının çeşitli bölgelerinden kabile temsilcilerinin Medine‘ye gelerek İslâm‘ı kabul ettiklerini veya bir peygamber ve devlet adamı olarak Hz. Peygamberle antlaşma yapmak istediklerini beyan ettikleri hicri 9. (630) yıldır. Klasik kaynaklarımızda Arapların İslâm‘ı veya hâkimiyetini kabul etmelerine etki eden sebep olarak Mekke‘nin fethi ve sonrasında Kureyş‘in Müslüman olması gösterilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, klasik kaynaklardaki rivayetlere ilave olarak heyetlerin gelişine neden olan olaylar daha geniş , bütüncül ve birbiriyle bağlantılı bir bakış açısıyla ele alındığında konunun farklı yönlerinin olduğu açıkça ortaya çıkmaktadır.
The Delegations Year is the 9 th year of Hijrah calender that the delegations of Arab tribes came to Madina to declare that they have accepted Islam or wanted to make a treaty with the Messenger of Allah as a Messenger and a Statesman. In the classical sources, the reason for the Arab‘s acceptence Islam or its sov ereignty was the conquest of Mecca and then the conversion of Quraish to Islam. However, in addition to the narrations in the classical sources, when the inc idents which caused th e arrival of delegations are dealt with from viewpoint of extensive, wholeness and correlative, different aspects of the issue will clearly arise.
The Delegations Year is the 9 th year of Hijrah calender that the delegations of Arab tribes came to Madina to declare that they have accepted Islam or wanted to make a treaty with the Messenger of Allah as a Messenger and a Statesman. In the classical sources, the reason for the Arab‘s acceptence Islam or its sov ereignty was the conquest of Mecca and then the conversion of Quraish to Islam. However, in addition to the narrations in the classical sources, when the inc idents which caused th e arrival of delegations are dealt with from viewpoint of extensive, wholeness and correlative, different aspects of the issue will clearly arise.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din Bilimi, Heyetler Yılı, Kabileler, Antlaşmalar, The Delegations Year, Tribes, Treaties
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