Putperest Arapların dinlerini temellendirmede Hz. İbrahim tasavvurunun etkisi
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Mekke döneminde açıktan tebliğin başlamasıyla birlikte putperestler İslam'a karşı çetin bir muhalefete başlamışlardır. Bu muhalefetlerinin ana nedeni ise Kur'ân'ın putperestlerin taptığı putların değersiz olduğunu ve bu putlara tapan atalarının ebediyen cehennemde olduklarını beyan etmesidir. Putperestler ise Allah'tan başka put ve heykellere tapmayı bizzat Allah'a nispet etmekteler, Allah'ın bu putlara tapılmasından razı olduğu için kendilerinin taptıklarını ifade etmekteydiler. Dolayısıyla putperestler putlara tapma konusunda samimi bir inanca, Allah'ın murat ve rızasının da atalarının gösterdiği şekilde olduğuna inanmaktaydılar. Dolayısıyla Hz. Peygamber'in getirdiği yeni din kendileri için farklı ve atalarının yolundan dolayısıyla kendilerince Allah'ın gösterdiği ve gelenek halinde ulaşandan ayrı olmaktadır. Putperestler ise tüm inanç ve geleneklerini kendilerinin de atası saydıkları ve Allah'ın peygamberi olarak kabul ettikleri Hz. İbrahim'e dayandırmaktadırlar. Bu konudaki Hz. İbrahim'le ilgili doğrudan ve dolaylı Kur'an ayetleri putperestlerin zihnindeki İbrahim tasavvuru hakkında bizlere bazı emareler sunmaktadır. İlaveten, Kâbe içindeki Hz. İbrahim ve Hz. İsmail'in temsili tasviri bu konudaki düşüncemizi desteklemektedir. Bu konuda ayrıca Kur'ân'ın muvahhit anlamında sık sık vurgu yaptığı hanif kavramının yine bu dönemde putperestlerin kendileri için kullandığı sonucuna vardık. Putperestler Hz. İbrahim'in sünnetlerini yerine getirdikleri için kendilerini Hz. İbrahim'in dinine mensup saymaktaydılar. Bu yüzden de atalarından tevarüs edegeldikleri tüm inanç ve geleneklerini kutsayarak bir nevi mensubu oldukları İbrahimî geleneğin bir parçası kabul etmekteydiler. Buna karşın Kur'ân bir nevi hanif kavramına sahip çıkarak putperestlerin putlara tapma konusundaki inançlarının yanlışlığını Hz. İbrahim örneği üzerinden ortaya koymaya çalışmıştır.
Idolaters began an opposition act against Islam in conjuction with the beginning of the divine message publicly. The main reason of their opposition was that the Quran addressed their idols they worshipped were worthless in front of Allah and their idolater ancestors would be in hell forever. Idolaters predicated upon Allah as the reason for worshipping idols apart from Allah, and according to them, Allah had consent to be worshipped idols that is why they were worshipping idols. Therefore, the new religion Muhammed the Messenger has brought was different from their ancestors' path which had been guided by Allah himself and reached by the tradition for centuries. Idolaters predicated upon Abraham the Messenger who they recognized him their ancestor and the messenger of Allah their whole faith and religious traditions they had. In this regard, some verses in the Quran are to submit directly and indirectly some knowledge to us about concept of Abraham the Messenger on the idolater Arabs` mind. In addition, the drawn image of Abraham and Ismael the messengers on the Kaba wall inside is to support our thoughts in this matter as well. Finally, what we has concluded is that idolaters used to use concept of hanif for themselves although the Quran emphasizes particularly this one in the meaning of monotheist. Idolaters regarded themselves as true followers of Abraham the Messenger because they were fulfilling the Abrahamic traditions. Conversely, the Quran has adopted the hanif concept in terms of monotheistic aspect, and it has tried to set forth the false faith of idolaters about worshipping idols through making Abraham the Messenger as a representative role model.
Idolaters began an opposition act against Islam in conjuction with the beginning of the divine message publicly. The main reason of their opposition was that the Quran addressed their idols they worshipped were worthless in front of Allah and their idolater ancestors would be in hell forever. Idolaters predicated upon Allah as the reason for worshipping idols apart from Allah, and according to them, Allah had consent to be worshipped idols that is why they were worshipping idols. Therefore, the new religion Muhammed the Messenger has brought was different from their ancestors' path which had been guided by Allah himself and reached by the tradition for centuries. Idolaters predicated upon Abraham the Messenger who they recognized him their ancestor and the messenger of Allah their whole faith and religious traditions they had. In this regard, some verses in the Quran are to submit directly and indirectly some knowledge to us about concept of Abraham the Messenger on the idolater Arabs` mind. In addition, the drawn image of Abraham and Ismael the messengers on the Kaba wall inside is to support our thoughts in this matter as well. Finally, what we has concluded is that idolaters used to use concept of hanif for themselves although the Quran emphasizes particularly this one in the meaning of monotheist. Idolaters regarded themselves as true followers of Abraham the Messenger because they were fulfilling the Abrahamic traditions. Conversely, the Quran has adopted the hanif concept in terms of monotheistic aspect, and it has tried to set forth the false faith of idolaters about worshipping idols through making Abraham the Messenger as a representative role model.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Putperestler, Putperestlik, Hz. İbrahim, Kureyş, Hanif, Idolaters, Idolatry, Abraham the Messenger, The Quraish, Hanif
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri