Kronik sigara içicisi 20-40 yaş arası sağlıklı populasyonda sigaranın toplam beyin kan akım hacmine etkisinin Doppler ultrasonografi ile değerlendirilmesi
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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
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Kronik sigara içicisi 20-40 yaş arası sağlıklı populasyonda sigaranın toplam beyin kan akım hacmine etkisinin Doppler ultrasonografi ile değerlendirilmesiBu çalışmanın amacı genç ve sağlıklı bireylerde 5 yıldan uzun süre sigara kullanımının toplam beyin kan akım hacmine etkisinin olup olmadığının Doppler ultrasonografi ile değerlendirilmesidir.Çalışmaya 20-40 yaş arası 5-20 paket/yıl sigara kullanan 50 kişi ile kontrol grubu olarak sigara kullanmayan 50 kişi olmak üzere, toplam 100 olgu (45'i erkek 55'i kadın) dahil edildi. Olguların hepsinde pik sistolik hız, diyastol sonu hız, ortalama kan akım hızı, pulsatilite indeksi, resistivite indeksi, her iki internal karotid arter ve vertebral arterlerde kan akım hacimleri ve toplam beyin kan akım hacmi hesaplandı. İstatistiksel değerlendirmeler ortalama, standart sapma, lineer regresyon analizi, ?Student's t testi?, ?Mann-Whitney U? testi ve ?Pearson korelasyon testi? kullanılarak yapıldı. p değerinin 0.05'ten küçük olması anlamlı kabul edildi.Her iki grup arasında pik sistolik hız değerlerinde anlamlı farklılık yoktu (p > 0.05). Sigara kullanan grupta diastol sonu hız ve ortalama kan akım hızı değerleri daha düşük; pulsatilite ve rezistivite indeks değerleri daha yüksek bulundu (p < 0.001). Toplam beyin kan akım hacmi her iki grupta da fizyolojik sınırlarda olmakla birlikte, sigara kullananlarda (661,1 ± 21,2 ml/dk), kullanmayan olgulardan (728,1 ± 26,8 ml/dk) ortalama %9.2 oranında daha düşüktü (p < 0.001). Regresyon analizinde paket/yıl sayısında artmanın toplam beyin kan akım hacmini anlamlı derecede azalttığı saptandı (p < 0.001), güven aralığı ([-7,698] ? [-5,607]).Kronik sigara kullanımı toplam beyin kan akım hacminde azalmaya neden olmaktadır.
Evaluation of the Effect of Chronic Cigarette Smoking on Total Cerebral Blood Flow Volume by Doppler Ultrasonography in 20-40 years old Healty VolunteersThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of chronic cigarette smoking on total cerebral blood flow by Doppler ultrasonography.A total of 100 healthy volunteers (n=45 men and n=55 women) consisting of five to twenty pack-years smokers (n=50) and non-smokers (n=50) were included in this study. Angle corrected peak systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity, time-averaged mean blood flow velocity values, and the resistivity and pulsatility indexes of both carotid and vertebral arteries were measured. The blood flow volume in the extracranial internal carotid artery, vertebral artery and total cerebral blood flow volume were calculated with `spectral Doppler imaging? method. Statistical analysis was performed with ?Student?s t?, ?Mann-Whitney U? and ?Pearson? correlation tests. ?p?? value of < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.There was no difference between smoker and non-smokers in peak systolic velocity (p > 0.05). In the smoker group, end diastolic velocity and time-averaged mean blood velocity values were significantly lower, while resistivity and pulsatility indexes were significantly higher than the non-smokers (p < 0.001). Although total cerebral blood flow volume was within normal limits in both group, it was approximately 9,2% lower in smokers (661.1 ± 21.2 ml/min) compared to non-smokers (728.1 ± 26.8 ml/min) ( p < 0.001 ). Increase in the number of pack-year smoking was shown to decrease the total cerebral blood flow [(p < 0.001), confidence interval (-7,698) ? (-5,607)].In conclusion, chronic cigarette smoking decreases total cerebral blood flow volume.
Evaluation of the Effect of Chronic Cigarette Smoking on Total Cerebral Blood Flow Volume by Doppler Ultrasonography in 20-40 years old Healty VolunteersThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of chronic cigarette smoking on total cerebral blood flow by Doppler ultrasonography.A total of 100 healthy volunteers (n=45 men and n=55 women) consisting of five to twenty pack-years smokers (n=50) and non-smokers (n=50) were included in this study. Angle corrected peak systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity, time-averaged mean blood flow velocity values, and the resistivity and pulsatility indexes of both carotid and vertebral arteries were measured. The blood flow volume in the extracranial internal carotid artery, vertebral artery and total cerebral blood flow volume were calculated with `spectral Doppler imaging? method. Statistical analysis was performed with ?Student?s t?, ?Mann-Whitney U? and ?Pearson? correlation tests. ?p?? value of < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.There was no difference between smoker and non-smokers in peak systolic velocity (p > 0.05). In the smoker group, end diastolic velocity and time-averaged mean blood velocity values were significantly lower, while resistivity and pulsatility indexes were significantly higher than the non-smokers (p < 0.001). Although total cerebral blood flow volume was within normal limits in both group, it was approximately 9,2% lower in smokers (661.1 ± 21.2 ml/min) compared to non-smokers (728.1 ± 26.8 ml/min) ( p < 0.001 ). Increase in the number of pack-year smoking was shown to decrease the total cerebral blood flow [(p < 0.001), confidence interval (-7,698) ? (-5,607)].In conclusion, chronic cigarette smoking decreases total cerebral blood flow volume.
Tıp Fakültesi, Radyodiagnostik Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine