Türk ve Alman İdare Hukuku öğretilerinde belirsiz hukuki kavramlar
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İdari işlemlerin sebepleri kanunlarda çeşitli biçimlerde ortaya konur. Bazen kesin ifadeler kullanılırken bazen de belirsiz kavramlar kullanılarak ifade edildiği görülür. İşlemin sebebi, kamu düzeni, genel ahlak, kamu güveni, lüzum, gereklilik, yetersizlik gibi belirsiz kavramlarla açıklandıysa, idare için yapılması gereken ilk şey kavramın neyi ifade ettiğini bulmak ve sonra da somut olayın söz konusu kavramı karşılayıp karşılayamayacağını çözmektir. Bu aşamalarda idarenin serbestisinin sınırını çizmek ise en temel ve tartışmalı meselelerden biridir. Türk İdare Hukuku Doktrini, Alman İdare Hukuku Doktrininden farklı olarak, belirsiz hukuki kavramlar olgusunu çoğunlukla idarenin takdir yetkisi kavramından farklı ele alınması gereken bir konu olarak görmez. Ancak Alman İdare Hukukçuları takdir yetkisi ve belirsiz hukuki kavramları birbirinden titizlikle ayırır ve her ikisini de detaylı şekilde analiz eder. Buradan yola çıkarak da yargının denetim alanını ortaya koymaya çalışır. Alman Hukukçuların konuya yaklaşımı gitgide daha fazla hukuk sistemini etkisi altına alan bir yaklaşımdır ve tarihsel süreçteki travmatik deneyimlerinden beslenerek ortaya çıkmıştır.
Reasons of administrative acts are presented through various ways in laws; sometimes through strict statements, sometimes through indefinite terms. Although the reason of act has been explained by terms such as public order, public morality, public security, necessity, public morality, inefficacy etc., the first thing to carry out administration is to find out what the term means and then to solve whether the concrete case corresponds to the term or not. At this stage, drawing the lines of liberty of the administration is one of the most basic and contradictory issues. Turkish administrative doctrine generally does not perceive the notion of indefinite legal concepts as an issue which should be discussed in a more different way than the term of a discretionary act of the administration. However, German Administrative Jurists studiously distinguish the discretionary act and indefinite legal concepts from each other, and analyse each of them in a detailed way. Starting from this point of view, they attempt to reveal judicial control field. The approach of German Jurists has been increasingly influencing more judicial systems and it has emerged through learning from traumatic experiences during the historical process.
Reasons of administrative acts are presented through various ways in laws; sometimes through strict statements, sometimes through indefinite terms. Although the reason of act has been explained by terms such as public order, public morality, public security, necessity, public morality, inefficacy etc., the first thing to carry out administration is to find out what the term means and then to solve whether the concrete case corresponds to the term or not. At this stage, drawing the lines of liberty of the administration is one of the most basic and contradictory issues. Turkish administrative doctrine generally does not perceive the notion of indefinite legal concepts as an issue which should be discussed in a more different way than the term of a discretionary act of the administration. However, German Administrative Jurists studiously distinguish the discretionary act and indefinite legal concepts from each other, and analyse each of them in a detailed way. Starting from this point of view, they attempt to reveal judicial control field. The approach of German Jurists has been increasingly influencing more judicial systems and it has emerged through learning from traumatic experiences during the historical process.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Belirsiz Hukuki Kavramlar, Takdir Yetkisi, Değerlendirme Marjı, Tek Çözüm, Indefinite Legal Concepts, Administrative Discretion, Margin of Appreciation, Single Fair Solution
İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
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