Lymphedema after breast cancer and its treatment
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Lenfödem (LÖ), yetersiz lenfatik drenaj sebebiyle proteinden zengin sıvı- nın interstisyel aralıkta anormal birikimi sonucu oluşan kronik ve ilerleyici bir durumdur. Meme kanseri tedavisinin en önemli komplikasyonlarından biri de; kol, el ve gövdede gelişebilecek LÖ’dür. Meme kanseri ile ilişkili LÖ görülme insidansının %6-30 arasında olduğu belirtilmektedir. LÖ’nün en önemli risk faktörleri; aksiller cerrahinin tipi ve cerrahi sonrası hastanın aldığı kemoterapi ve/veya radyoterapi miktarıdır. Son yapılan çalışmalar meme kanseri tedavisinde; aksiller lenf nodu diseksiyonunun yerini, senti- nel lenf nodu biopsisinin aldığını ortaya koymuştur. LÖ tanısı konulurken ödemin tek taraflı veya asimetrik olması, cilt renginin normal olması, Stem- mer işaretinin pozitif olması, ödemin yoğunluğunun artmış olması ve eks- tremitenin ağrısız olması gibi klinik özelliklere dikkat edilir. LÖ tanısı ko- nulduktan sonra hastanın değerlendirilmesi öykü, fiziksel testler, metastaz ve derin ven trombozu riskinin sorgulanmasını kapsar. Hastalığın tedavisi ise medikal tedavi, cerrahi tedavi ve fizyoterapi başlıkları altında toplana- bilir. Kompleks Dekonjestif Terapi (KDT) LÖ tedavisi için altın standart olarak kabul edilmektedir. KDT konsepti dört temel bileşen (manuel lenf drenajı, cilt bakımı, kompresyon tedavisi ve terapatik egzersiz) ve iki fazdan oluşmaktadır. Sonuçta unutulmaması ve öğretilmesi gereken LÖ’nün hayat boyu bakım gerektiren kronik bir rahatsızlık olduğudur. Bu derlemede LÖ gelişimi için; insidans, risk faktörleri, bu faktörlerin önlenmesine yönelik yaklaşımlar, değerlendirme yöntemleri ve tedavi seçenekleri tartışılmaktadır.
Lymphedema (LE) is a chronic and progressive condition which is an ab- normal retention of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial space because of inadequate lymphatic drainage. One of the most important complications of breast surgery is LE that can occur in the arm, hand and trunk. The inci- dence of breast cancer associated LE is reported 6-30%. The most important risk factors of LE are the type of axillary surgery and amount of chemother- apy and/or radiotherapy exposure after surgery. Recent studies showed that sentinel lymph node biopsy replaces axillary lymph node dissection in breast cancer treatment. For diagnosis of LE; clinical properties such as the unilat- eral or asymmetric character of edema, normal skin color, positive Stemmer sign, increased density of edema and extremity pain should be considered. After diagnosis, assessment of the patient includes obtaining information about anamnesis, physical tests, metastasis and risk of deep vein thrombosis. Treatment of the condition can be summarized under the topic of medi- cal treatment, surgery and physiotherapy. Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is accepted as the golden standard for LE treatment. CDT concept consists of four basic components (manual lymph drainage, skin care, com- pression treatment, therapeutic exercise) and two phases. Finally it should not be forgotten and should be learned that LE is a chronic condition that needs lifelong care. In this review; incidence, risk factors, approaches for protection of this factors, assessment methods and therapy options for LE are have been discussed.
Lymphedema (LE) is a chronic and progressive condition which is an ab- normal retention of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial space because of inadequate lymphatic drainage. One of the most important complications of breast surgery is LE that can occur in the arm, hand and trunk. The inci- dence of breast cancer associated LE is reported 6-30%. The most important risk factors of LE are the type of axillary surgery and amount of chemother- apy and/or radiotherapy exposure after surgery. Recent studies showed that sentinel lymph node biopsy replaces axillary lymph node dissection in breast cancer treatment. For diagnosis of LE; clinical properties such as the unilat- eral or asymmetric character of edema, normal skin color, positive Stemmer sign, increased density of edema and extremity pain should be considered. After diagnosis, assessment of the patient includes obtaining information about anamnesis, physical tests, metastasis and risk of deep vein thrombosis. Treatment of the condition can be summarized under the topic of medi- cal treatment, surgery and physiotherapy. Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is accepted as the golden standard for LE treatment. CDT concept consists of four basic components (manual lymph drainage, skin care, com- pression treatment, therapeutic exercise) and two phases. Finally it should not be forgotten and should be learned that LE is a chronic condition that needs lifelong care. In this review; incidence, risk factors, approaches for protection of this factors, assessment methods and therapy options for LE are have been discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Lymphedema, Breast Cancer, Physiotherapy, Multimodal Treatment, Lenfödem, Meme Kanseri, Fizyoterapi, Çok Yönlü Tedavi
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