Nezaketsiz davranışın özelliğinin, kaynağının ve hedefinin affetme davranışı üzerindeki etkisi: Duygular ve bilişlerin aracı rolü
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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
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Sosyal ilişkilerin sürdürülmesinde önemli mekanizmalardan biri olan affetmenin, nezaketsiz bir davranış karşısında nasıl gerçekleştiğininin bilinmesi başta sosyal ilişkiler olmak üzere tüm sosyal süreçler için oldukça önemlidir. Literatürde özellikle başkasını affetmeyle ilgili çalışmalar sınırlı olmakla birlikte affetmenin, Türk kültüründe hangi aracı ve düzenleyici mekanizmalarla çalıştığına dair bilgiler eksik kalmıştır. Üç çalışma şeklinde gerçekleştirilen araştırmada, nezaketsiz davranışın özelliğinin, hedefinin ve kaynağının affetmeye etkisi ve bu etkide bilişlerin (kasıt - hata algısı) ve duyguların olası aracı rolleri incelenmiştir. Bu araştırma çevrimiçi şeklinde tasarlanmış olup nezaketsiz davranış, varsayımsal senaryolarla manipüle edilerek, affetme eğilimi, tek bir soruyla ölçülmüştür. Çalışma 1'de nezaketsiz davranışın hangi özelliklerinin affetmeyi etkilediği kasıt ve özür değişkenleriyle incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, kasıt ve özürün temel etkileri anlamlı bulunmuş olup bilişlerin aracı, ahlaki uzaklaşmanın ise düzenleyici rolleri ortaya konmuştur. Çalışma 2' de ise kasıt değişkeninin yanına nezaketsiz davranışın hedefi (aile, mahalleden tanıdık) eklenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, kasıt ve davranışın hedefi değişkenlerinin temel etkisi anlamlı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca bilişlerin yanında duyguların da aracı rolü bulunmuştur. Kasıt değişkeninin yanına nezaketsiz davranışın kaynağının eklendiği Çalışma 3' de ise yordayıcı değişkenlerin temel etkileri anlamlı bulunmuştur. Diğer çalışmalarla tutarlı olarak kasıt ve affetme arasındaki ilişkide bilişlerin ve duyguların aracı, ahlaki uzaklaşmanın ise düzenleyici rolü bulunmuştur. Bu araştırma, affetme ve nezaketsiz davranış ilişkisinin duygularla ve bilişlerle nasıl şekillendiğini ortaya koymuştur. Bu doğrultuda, "Nezaketsiz Davranış - Affetmenin Bilişsel Duygusal Modeli"nin oluşturulması araştırmanın literatüre özgün bir katkısıdır. Ayrıca araştırma, affetmenin ölçümlenmesinde manipülasyon yöntemi olarak varsayımsal senaryonun kullanıldığı az sayıdaki araştırmadan biridir. Son olarak, gelecekteki çalışmalar için uygulamaya yönelik bazı doğurgular taşımaktadır.
Knowing how forgiveness, which is one of the important mechanisms in maintaining social relations, occurs in the face of an impolite behavior is very important for all social processes, especially social relations. Although the studies on forgiveness of others are limited in the literature, there is a lack of information on which mediator and regulatory mechanisms forgiveness works in Turkish culture. In the study, which was carried out in three studies, the effect of the characteristic, target and source of incivility on forgiveness and the possible mediator roles of cognitions (intention - perception of error) and emotions in this effect were examined. This research was designed in an online format, and incivility behavior was manipulated with hypothetical scenarios, and the tendency to forgive was measured with a single question. In Study 1, which features of incivility affect forgiveness were examined with the variables of intent and apology. As a result of the study, the main effects of intent and apology were found to be significant, and the mediating roles of cognitions and the regulatory roles of moral distancing were also evident. In Study 2, the target of incivility (family, acquaintance from the neighborhood) was included next to the intention variable. As a result, the main effect of intention and target of behavior variables was significant. In addition to cognitions, emotions were also been found to have a mediating role. In Study 3, where the source of incivility was included next to the intention variable, the main effects of the predictor variables were found to be significant. Consistent with other studies, cognitions and emotions mediated the relationship between intention and forgiveness, and moral distancing had a moderating role. This research revealed how the relationship between forgiveness and incivility is shaped by emotions and cognitions. In this direction, the creation of the "Incivil Behavior - Cognitive Emotional Model of Forgiveness" is a unique contribution of the research to the literature. In addition, the research is one of the few studies in which the hypothetical scenario is used as a manipulation method in measuring forgiveness. Finally, these findings may have some practical implications for future work.
Knowing how forgiveness, which is one of the important mechanisms in maintaining social relations, occurs in the face of an impolite behavior is very important for all social processes, especially social relations. Although the studies on forgiveness of others are limited in the literature, there is a lack of information on which mediator and regulatory mechanisms forgiveness works in Turkish culture. In the study, which was carried out in three studies, the effect of the characteristic, target and source of incivility on forgiveness and the possible mediator roles of cognitions (intention - perception of error) and emotions in this effect were examined. This research was designed in an online format, and incivility behavior was manipulated with hypothetical scenarios, and the tendency to forgive was measured with a single question. In Study 1, which features of incivility affect forgiveness were examined with the variables of intent and apology. As a result of the study, the main effects of intent and apology were found to be significant, and the mediating roles of cognitions and the regulatory roles of moral distancing were also evident. In Study 2, the target of incivility (family, acquaintance from the neighborhood) was included next to the intention variable. As a result, the main effect of intention and target of behavior variables was significant. In addition to cognitions, emotions were also been found to have a mediating role. In Study 3, where the source of incivility was included next to the intention variable, the main effects of the predictor variables were found to be significant. Consistent with other studies, cognitions and emotions mediated the relationship between intention and forgiveness, and moral distancing had a moderating role. This research revealed how the relationship between forgiveness and incivility is shaped by emotions and cognitions. In this direction, the creation of the "Incivil Behavior - Cognitive Emotional Model of Forgiveness" is a unique contribution of the research to the literature. In addition, the research is one of the few studies in which the hypothetical scenario is used as a manipulation method in measuring forgiveness. Finally, these findings may have some practical implications for future work.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Psikoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikoloji, Psychology