Fibromiyalji hastalarında göz bulgularının değerlendirilmesi
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Amaç: Fibromiyalji (FM), etiyolojisi tam olarak bilinmeyen, yaygın vücut ağrısına sebep olan romatizmal bir hastalıktır. FM hastalarında, diğer romatizmal hastalıklarla birlikte veya tek başına çok çeşitli göz bulguları ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu göz bulguları romatizmal hastalıklarda tanı için klinisyeni uyaran ilk bulgular olabilir. Bizim bu çalışmadaki amacımız FM’li hastalardaki göz bulgularının klinik olarak değerlendirmesini yapmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya, Aksaray Üniversitesi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Polikliniği’ne başvurup FM tanısı almış ve daha sonrasında göz polikliniğine de muayene olmuş 18-75 yaş arası hastalar alındı. Hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak tarandı. Hastaların dosyalarından klinik tanıları, sosyo-demografik özellikleri, göz muayene bulguları, özgeçmişleri, soygeçmişleri ve yapılan tedavilerinin sonuçları not edildi. Çalışmaya özgeçmişinde göz ameliyatı geçirmiş olanlar, romatolojik hastalık, diyabetik retinopati, glokom, sistemik enfeksiyon, otoimmuün hastalık, serebrovasküler hastalık, majör depresyon, anormal laboratuvar değerleri ve malignensi öyküsü olanlar dahil edilmedi. FM tanısı 2016 yılında güncellenen Amerikan Romatizma Birliği kriterlerine göre konuldu. Bulgular: Çalışmaya, uygun kriterleri karşılayan 94 hastanın dosyası alındı. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 38,2 (18-75) idi. Hastaların 80’i (%85) kadın, 14’ü (%15) erkekti. Göz bulgularına göre 57 hastada (%57,4) göz ağrısı, %28,2’sinde kızarıklık, %26,9’unda yanma-batma, %15,1’inde bulanıklık, %6,3’ünde çapaklanma ve %3,7’sinde kaşıntı bulundu. Göz ağrısının nedenleri arasında ise %49,1’inde kuru göz, %24,6’sında refraksiyon kusuru, %12,3’ünde blefarit, %3,5’inde alerji bulunurken, %10,5’inde herhangi bir neden saptanmadı. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda FM hastalarında büyük oranda göz ağrısı tespit edilmiş olup, göz ağrısının da en önemli sebebi olarak göz kuruluğu saptanmıştır. Bu sonuç bize FM’li hastalarda kronik yaygın vücut ağrısına çeşitli göz bulgularının eşlik edebileceğini ve FM gibi kronik hastalıklara multidisipliner yaklaşımın önemli olduğunu göstermektedir.
Objective: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a rheumatic disease which exactly unknown etiology, causes widespread body pain. In FM patients, a large variety of ocular findings, especially dry eye, occur with and without other rheumatic diseases. These ocular findings may be the first findings to warn the clinician for diagnosis in rheumatic diseases. The aim of this study is to evaluate the eye findings as clinically in patients with FM. Materials and Methods: The patients of those between the ages of 18-75, who were admitted to the Aksaray University Training and Research Hospital, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Polyclinic and diagnosed with FM, and then examined in the Ophthalmology Polyclinic, were included in the study. Patients’ files were reviewed retrospectively. The clinical diagnosis, socio-demographic characteristics, ocular examination findings, history, family history and the results of the treatments were recorded. Those who had undergone eye surgery, rheumatologic disease, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, systemic infection, autoimmune disease, cerebrovascular disease, major depression, abnormal laboratory values, and history of malignancy, were not included in the study. The diagnosis of FM was determined according to the American College of Rheumatology updated in 2016. Results: The files of 94 patients who met the appropriate criteria were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 38.2 (18-75), and 80 (85%) were female and 14 (15%) were male. According to the ocular findings, 57 patients (57.4%) had eye pain, 28.2% had redness, 26.9% had burning-stinging, 15.1% had turbidity, 6.3% had burring, and 3.7% had itching. Among the causes of eye pain were 49.1% dry eye, 24.6% refractive failure, 12.3% blepharitis, and 3.5% allergy, while no cause was found in 10.5%. Conclusion: In our study; it was detected that the patients with FM have a large extent of eye pain, and the most important cause of the eye pain was dry eye. The result of study shows that patients with FM may be accompanied by various ocular findings in addition to chronic widespread body pain and multidisciplinary approach is important in chronic diseases such as FM.
Objective: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a rheumatic disease which exactly unknown etiology, causes widespread body pain. In FM patients, a large variety of ocular findings, especially dry eye, occur with and without other rheumatic diseases. These ocular findings may be the first findings to warn the clinician for diagnosis in rheumatic diseases. The aim of this study is to evaluate the eye findings as clinically in patients with FM. Materials and Methods: The patients of those between the ages of 18-75, who were admitted to the Aksaray University Training and Research Hospital, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Polyclinic and diagnosed with FM, and then examined in the Ophthalmology Polyclinic, were included in the study. Patients’ files were reviewed retrospectively. The clinical diagnosis, socio-demographic characteristics, ocular examination findings, history, family history and the results of the treatments were recorded. Those who had undergone eye surgery, rheumatologic disease, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, systemic infection, autoimmune disease, cerebrovascular disease, major depression, abnormal laboratory values, and history of malignancy, were not included in the study. The diagnosis of FM was determined according to the American College of Rheumatology updated in 2016. Results: The files of 94 patients who met the appropriate criteria were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 38.2 (18-75), and 80 (85%) were female and 14 (15%) were male. According to the ocular findings, 57 patients (57.4%) had eye pain, 28.2% had redness, 26.9% had burning-stinging, 15.1% had turbidity, 6.3% had burring, and 3.7% had itching. Among the causes of eye pain were 49.1% dry eye, 24.6% refractive failure, 12.3% blepharitis, and 3.5% allergy, while no cause was found in 10.5%. Conclusion: In our study; it was detected that the patients with FM have a large extent of eye pain, and the most important cause of the eye pain was dry eye. The result of study shows that patients with FM may be accompanied by various ocular findings in addition to chronic widespread body pain and multidisciplinary approach is important in chronic diseases such as FM.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fibromiyalji, Göz Ağrısı, Göz Kuruluğu, Romatizmal Hastalık, Fibromyalgia, Eye Pain, Dry Eye, Rheumatic Disease
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