Investigation of cooling effect on bisrcacuo superconductor by using scanning electron microscopy
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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
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Farklı soğutma oranlarının BSCCO süperiletkenleri üzerindeki etkisi araştırıldı. Bunun için numuneler tavlama işlemlerinden sonra farklı hızlarda oda sıcaklığına soğutuldu. Bu soğutma oranlarına göre sıcaklık düşüş hızları 273°C/dk , 136°C/dk ,55°C/dk, 25°C/dk, 18°C/dk, olarak hesaplandı. Bunların yanında fırın soğutma (5°C/dk) ve hızlı soğutma işlemleri de yapıldı.10 mA lik akım altında 70 K- 160 K sıcaklıkları arasında özdirenç ölçümleri yapıldı. Sıvı nitrojen içinde kritik akımları ölçülerek kritik akım yoğunlukları hesaplandı. Yüzey yapılarını araştırmak için SEM görüntüleri alındı. BSCCO örneklerinin Bi-2212 ve Bi-2223 karakteristik pikleri X-Ray ölçümleri ile görüntülendi ve Bi-2212 ve Bi-2223 oranları hesaplandı.136°C/dk soğutma oranı ile hazırlanan numunede SEM görüntülerinde flake yapının daha fazla olduğu ve bunun da kritik sıcaklık değerinin yüksekliği ile uyumlu olduğu gözlendi. Bi-2223 yapıları için 273°C/dk, 136°C/dk soğutma oranlarının en uygun olduğu saptandı. Kritik akım yoğunluğunun en yüksek olduğu 5°C/dk ile en yavaş soğuma oranına sahip numune olduğu bulundu ve soğuma hızları düştükçe kritik akım yoğunluğunun arttığı gözlendi.Anahtar Kelimeler : Süperiletkenlik, BSCCO Sistemi, Soğutma Oranları, SEM, Kritik Sıcaklık, Kritik Akım Yoğunluğu .
In this thesis the effect of different cooling rate effects on BSCCO superconductors was investigated. For this sample after annealing at different speeds were cooled to room temperature. According to this cooling rate of temperature drop speed of 273 ° C / min, 136°C/ min, 55°C/ min, 25°C/min, 18°C/ min, respectively. Besides furnace cooling (5 ° C / min) and fast cooling process was also done.Temperature resistivity measurements were made with 10 mA current , between 70 K-160 K temperature . In liquid nitrogen, the critical current density was calculated by measuring the critical current. SEM images were obtained to investigate the surface structure. BSCCO samples, the characteristic peaks of Bi-2212 and Bi-2223 was shown by X-ray measurements and Bi-2212 and Bi-2223 ratio was calculated.136 ° C / min cooling rate and structure of specimens in the SEM image of the flake to be seen more, and this is more compatible of the critical temperature was observed. For Bi-2223 structure 273 ° C / min, 136 ° C / min cooling rate was found to be most suitable. Critical current density is highest at 5 ° C / min which is the slow rate of cooling and the critical current density of samples was found to be increased while the cooling speed is decreased .Key Words: Superconductivity, BSCCO System, Cooling Rate, SEM, Critical Temperature, Critical Current Density
In this thesis the effect of different cooling rate effects on BSCCO superconductors was investigated. For this sample after annealing at different speeds were cooled to room temperature. According to this cooling rate of temperature drop speed of 273 ° C / min, 136°C/ min, 55°C/ min, 25°C/min, 18°C/ min, respectively. Besides furnace cooling (5 ° C / min) and fast cooling process was also done.Temperature resistivity measurements were made with 10 mA current , between 70 K-160 K temperature . In liquid nitrogen, the critical current density was calculated by measuring the critical current. SEM images were obtained to investigate the surface structure. BSCCO samples, the characteristic peaks of Bi-2212 and Bi-2223 was shown by X-ray measurements and Bi-2212 and Bi-2223 ratio was calculated.136 ° C / min cooling rate and structure of specimens in the SEM image of the flake to be seen more, and this is more compatible of the critical temperature was observed. For Bi-2223 structure 273 ° C / min, 136 ° C / min cooling rate was found to be most suitable. Critical current density is highest at 5 ° C / min which is the slow rate of cooling and the critical current density of samples was found to be increased while the cooling speed is decreased .Key Words: Superconductivity, BSCCO System, Cooling Rate, SEM, Critical Temperature, Critical Current Density
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizik Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering