Determination of morphological variability among cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) hybrids and their parents
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Bu çalışma, yeni deneysel beyaz baş lahana hibritleri ve onların ebeveynlerinin morfolojik özelliklerini belirlemek için yürütülmüştür. İncelenen hibritler ve ebeveynler arasındaki morfolojik varyabiliteyi belirlemek amacıyla hibritler ve ebeveynler 34 morfolojik özellik için ana bileşen analizi ve kümeleme analizi ile analiz edilmiştir. Ana bileşen analizinin sonuçları ilk üç temel bileşenin araştırılan tüm morfolojik özellikler için 28 beyaz baş lahana hibriti arasındaki toplam varyabilitenin %39.76'sını ve 22 beyaz baş lahana ebeveyni arasındaki toplam varyabilitenin %45.34'ünü açıkladığını göstermiştir. İlk temel bileşen en önemli bileşen olarak bulunmuştur ve onu oluşturan özellikler (bitki boyu, bitki eni, baş ağırlığı, baş çapı ve baş yüksekliği) aslında lahana ıslahında ıslahçılar tarafından en büyük öneme sahip özellikler olarak düşünülmektedir. Kümeleme analizinin sonucunda beyaz baş lahana hibritlerinin 11 grupta ve ebeveynlerin 9 grupta kümelendiği belirlenmiştir. Ana bileşen analizi ve kümeleme analizi beyaz baş lahana hibritleri ve onların ebeveynlerinin oldukça değişkenlik gösterdiğini, verim ve verim bileşenleri için önemli bir varyasyona sahip olduklarını doğrulamıştır.
This study carried out to determine morphological traits of new experimental hybrids of cabbage and their parents. To determine morphological variability among tested hybrids and parents, they were analyzed for 34 morphological traits using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA). Results of the PCA indicated that the first three principal components accounted for 39.76% of the total variability among the 28 cabbage hybrids and 45.34% of the total variability among 22 cabbage parents for all the traits investigated. The first principal component (PC1) were the most important component and cabbage traits that constitute the PC1 (such as plant height, plant diameter, weight of head, diameter of head and length of head) were in fact the characteristics considered by breeders to be of greatest importance in cabbage breeding. At the result of CA, the cabbage hybrids were divided into eleven clusters and the cabbage parents were divided into nine clusters. PCA and CA confirmed that the cabbage hybrids and their parents were highly variable and had principally a significant variation for yield and yield components.
This study carried out to determine morphological traits of new experimental hybrids of cabbage and their parents. To determine morphological variability among tested hybrids and parents, they were analyzed for 34 morphological traits using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA). Results of the PCA indicated that the first three principal components accounted for 39.76% of the total variability among the 28 cabbage hybrids and 45.34% of the total variability among 22 cabbage parents for all the traits investigated. The first principal component (PC1) were the most important component and cabbage traits that constitute the PC1 (such as plant height, plant diameter, weight of head, diameter of head and length of head) were in fact the characteristics considered by breeders to be of greatest importance in cabbage breeding. At the result of CA, the cabbage hybrids were divided into eleven clusters and the cabbage parents were divided into nine clusters. PCA and CA confirmed that the cabbage hybrids and their parents were highly variable and had principally a significant variation for yield and yield components.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çevre Bilimleri, Breeding, Cabbage, Cluster Analysis, Morphological Variation, Principal Component Analysis, Islah, Lahana, Kümeleme Analizi, Morfolojik Varyasyon, Ana Bileşen Analizi
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
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