Ortak para biriminin dış ticaret üzerindeki etkisi:Türkiye - Avrupa Birliği örneği
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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Avrupa Birlii günümüzdeki entegrasyon örnekleri içinde en gelimi olanlardan birisidir. Balangıçta gümrük birliini hedef alan Avrupa Birlii zamanla ortak politikalar gelitirmi ve uygulamıtır. Bretton Woods Sistemi'nin sona ermesiyle Avrupa ülkeleri arasında ekonomik ve parasal birliin salanması da kaçınılmaz olmutur. 1 Ocak 2002'de uzun bir süreç sonrasında Euro'nun dolanıma girmesi uluslararası para sistemi için ve dier ülkeler için önemli bir gelimedir. Birlik üyesi ülkelerin ulusal para birimleri tedavülden kalkmı ve yerlerini ortak para birimi Euro'ya bırakmılardır. Euro ile balayan deiimden en çok etkilenen ülkelerden birisi de Türkiye'dir. Çünkü; Türkiye'nin dı ticaretinde Avrupa Birlii üyesi ülkelerin önemli bir payı bulunmaktadır. 1 Ocak 1996 tarihinde Avrupa Birlii ile Gümrük Birlii Protokolünü balatan Türkiye'nin aday ülke süreci devam etmektedir. Ekonomik ve parasal birlik yolunda Maastricht Kriterleri'ne uyum önem taımaktadır. 3 Ekim 2005 tarihinde üyelik için müzakerelere balanmasıyla zaman içinde ekonomik ve parasal birlie yönelik kriterlerin de uygulanması gerekmektedir. Bu çalımada Gravity Modeli yardımıyla ekonomik ve parasal birliin Türkiye ekonomisinde özellikle dı ticaret üzerindeki olası etkisi ele alınmaktadır.
The European Union is the most developed integration among its counterparts. Focusing on the customs union at first, the European Union developed and applied common policies in time. After the expiry of the Bretton Woods System, the economic and monetary union among the European countries became inevitable. It is a great evolution for the international money system and the other countries that Euro entered into the circulation on 1 January, 2002 after a long process. The international currencies of the member nations disappeared and Euro took their place as the common currency. Turkey is one of the countries which was effected most by the change that started with Euro, because the European Union members has an important role in Turkey?s foreign trades. Turkey started the protocol of customs union with the European Union and Turkey?s candidacy process is still in progress. On the way to the economic and monetary union, the cohesion to the Maastricht Criteria is important. Since the conferences about the membership started on 3 October 2005, the criteria related to economic and monetary union needs to be applied. In this study, the effect of the economic and monetary union on Turkish economy, especially on the foreign trades, is examined by the help of the Gravity Model.
The European Union is the most developed integration among its counterparts. Focusing on the customs union at first, the European Union developed and applied common policies in time. After the expiry of the Bretton Woods System, the economic and monetary union among the European countries became inevitable. It is a great evolution for the international money system and the other countries that Euro entered into the circulation on 1 January, 2002 after a long process. The international currencies of the member nations disappeared and Euro took their place as the common currency. Turkey is one of the countries which was effected most by the change that started with Euro, because the European Union members has an important role in Turkey?s foreign trades. Turkey started the protocol of customs union with the European Union and Turkey?s candidacy process is still in progress. On the way to the economic and monetary union, the cohesion to the Maastricht Criteria is important. Since the conferences about the membership started on 3 October 2005, the criteria related to economic and monetary union needs to be applied. In this study, the effect of the economic and monetary union on Turkish economy, especially on the foreign trades, is examined by the help of the Gravity Model.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ekonometri, Econometrics ; Ekonomi