Komünist Manifesto’daki ‘the idiocy of rural life’ ifadesinin anlamı üzerine: Kır hayatının ‘aptallığı’ mı ‘yalıtılmışlığı’ mı?
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Marx ve Engels’in kaleme aldıkları Komünist Manifesto adlı eser, yazıldığı dönemden günümüze kadar güncelliğini korumuştur. Tüm bu zaman boyunca da birçok yanlış anlamanın ve yanlış yorumun konusu olmuştur. Bunun arkasında yatan nedenlerden biri, hatalı çeviridir. Bu çalışmada, Komünist Manifesto’nun farklı çevirilerinde en sık rastlanan hatalardan birine konu olan ‘the idiocy of rural life’ ifadesinde yer alan ‘idiocy’ sözcüğü, hem etimolojik bağlamda hem de Komünist Manifesto’nun kapitalist kentleşme sürecine ilişkin analizini kendi tutarlılığı içinde doğru anlamak amacıyla ele alınmıştır. Eski Yunanca ‘idios’ sözcüğünden türetilmiş olan ‘idiocy’nin anlamı, Hal Draper’ın gösterdiği üzere, zaman içinde değişerek ‘yalıtılmışlık’tan ‘aptallık’a doğru kaymış ve sözcüğün eski anlamı tamamen ortadan kalkmıştır. İngilizce çevirilerde sık rastlanan bu hatalı çeviri sorunu, bu konuda önemli bir istisna olan Nail Satlıgan çevirileri dışında, Komünist Manifesto’nun Türkçe çevirilerinde de görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla Türkçe yazın, gerek konuyu ele almamaları gerekse de yanlış çeviriye dayalı hatayı sürdürmeleri nedeniyle yetersiz kalmaktadır. ‘Idiocy’ sözcüğünün doğru anlamını yeniden gün yüzüne çıkarmanın iki önemli katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. İlk olarak, 19. yüzyılda kapitalizmin aldığı biçim üzerinde belirleyici bir unsur olan kır-kent çelişkisini ve bu çelişkiye burjuvazinin müdahalesini daha doğru bir biçimde anlamak mümkün olabilecektir. İkinci olarak da ‘idiocy’ sözcüğünün Komünist Manifesto’da karşılığının ‘aptallık’ olarak çevrilmesi ile Marx ve Engels birlikte; Louis Bonaparte’ın 18 Brumaire’i adlı eserinde ‘bir çuval patates’ benzetmesi nedeniyle de Marx tek başına; köylülere karşı aşağılayıcı ya da küçümseyici bir yaklaşım sergiledikleri yönündeki olumsuz eleştirilerin hedefi olmaktadırlar. Dolayısıyla ‘the idiocy of rural life’ söz öbeğinin doğru çevrilmesi ve ‘bir çuval patates’ metaforunun bağlamından koparılmadan okunmasıyla bu iki ifadenin, olumsuz eleştirilerin dayanak noktası olmalarının önüne geçilebilecektir. Marx ve Engels’in kırsal yaşama atfettiği niteliğin ‘aptallık’ hali olmaktan kurtarılması için doğru bir okumanın yapılması; kır-kent ayrımı bağlamında kırsal emeğin, kentin entelektüel yaşamından ‘yalıtılmışlığı’ üzerinden değerlendirilmesi ve kapitalist kentleşme bağlamında kırsallığın burjuvazi ile doğru biçimde ilişkilendirilmesi gerekmektedir.
The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels, still keeps its actuality since its publishing era. Along this time, it has been subject to lots of misunderstandings and inaccurate interpretations. In this article, the word ‘idiocy’ has been discussed etymologically for reaching an accurate analysis of The Communist Manifesto on capitalist urbanization process. The expression ‘the idiocy of rural life’ is subjected to one of the most frequent mistakes in different translations of The Communist Manifesto. As Hal Draper’s emphasizes, the meaning of ‘idiocy’, which had been derived from old Greek ‘idios’ was forgotten and has changed over time. While meaning of the word has shifted from ‘isolation’ to ‘stupidity’, its original meaning has completely disappeared. The mistake made during translation is not only peculiar to English versions, but also can be observed in Turkish versions except for Nail Satlıgan’s translation. Since inaccurate translation has led to wrong interpretations and a failure to discuss this subject in Turkish literature, our study, by re-emphasizing the accurate translation of the word ‘idiocy’, aims to make two contributions. Firstly, it may be possible to understand the rural-urban contradiction and the intervention of the bourgeoisie to this contradiction, which are determining factors on the form of nineteenth century capitalism. Secondly, by translating ‘idiocy’ as ‘stupidity’, in The Communist Manifesto both Marx and Engels and in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by using the metaphor ‘a sack of potatoes’ Marx on his own, are targeted by unfavourable critics for intending contemptuous and sarcastic attitudes against peasants. Hence, by accurate translation of ‘the idiocy of the rural life’ and reading the metaphor of ‘a sack of potatoes’ in its context, it will be possible to prevent these two expressions being rationale of unfavorable critics. In order to release the meaning that Marx and Engels attribute to the characteristic of rural life from its meaning as ‘stupidity’ it is necessary to be read accurately; the rural labour in context of the rural-urban distinction has to be evaluated in terms of ‘isolation’ from urban intellectual life and rurality in context of the capitalist urbanization has to be associated properly with the bourgeoisie.
The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels, still keeps its actuality since its publishing era. Along this time, it has been subject to lots of misunderstandings and inaccurate interpretations. In this article, the word ‘idiocy’ has been discussed etymologically for reaching an accurate analysis of The Communist Manifesto on capitalist urbanization process. The expression ‘the idiocy of rural life’ is subjected to one of the most frequent mistakes in different translations of The Communist Manifesto. As Hal Draper’s emphasizes, the meaning of ‘idiocy’, which had been derived from old Greek ‘idios’ was forgotten and has changed over time. While meaning of the word has shifted from ‘isolation’ to ‘stupidity’, its original meaning has completely disappeared. The mistake made during translation is not only peculiar to English versions, but also can be observed in Turkish versions except for Nail Satlıgan’s translation. Since inaccurate translation has led to wrong interpretations and a failure to discuss this subject in Turkish literature, our study, by re-emphasizing the accurate translation of the word ‘idiocy’, aims to make two contributions. Firstly, it may be possible to understand the rural-urban contradiction and the intervention of the bourgeoisie to this contradiction, which are determining factors on the form of nineteenth century capitalism. Secondly, by translating ‘idiocy’ as ‘stupidity’, in The Communist Manifesto both Marx and Engels and in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by using the metaphor ‘a sack of potatoes’ Marx on his own, are targeted by unfavourable critics for intending contemptuous and sarcastic attitudes against peasants. Hence, by accurate translation of ‘the idiocy of the rural life’ and reading the metaphor of ‘a sack of potatoes’ in its context, it will be possible to prevent these two expressions being rationale of unfavorable critics. In order to release the meaning that Marx and Engels attribute to the characteristic of rural life from its meaning as ‘stupidity’ it is necessary to be read accurately; the rural labour in context of the rural-urban distinction has to be evaluated in terms of ‘isolation’ from urban intellectual life and rurality in context of the capitalist urbanization has to be associated properly with the bourgeoisie.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Komünist Manifesto, The İdiocy of Rural Life, Aptallık, Yalıtılmışlık, Kırkent Çelişkisi, The Communist Manifesto, The Idiocy of Rural Life, Stupidity, Isolation, The Rural-Urban Contradiction
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