İleri yaşta görülen penil lenfanjioma sirkumskriptum: Nadir bir olgu
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Lenfanjiyoma sirkumskriptum, erken yaşlarda gözlenen, vücudun tüm organlarını tutmakla birlikte en sık deriyi ve altındaki yağ dokusunu tutan ve kaslara kadar yayılabilen lenfatik bir malformasyondur. Altmışyedi yaşındaki erkek hasta, 6 aydır tekrarlayan, glans peniste vezikülo-eritematöz ve penis şaftında da ödematöz cilt lezyonu şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastanın alerji, travma, ilaç kullanımı ve böcek ısırması öyküsü yoktu. Penis cildinden eksizyonel biyopsi alındı ve patolojisi lenfanjiyoma sirkumskriptum olarak yorumlandı. Hastaya, lezyona yönelik tedavi önerildi ancak hasta operasyonu ve diğer tedavi alternetiflerini kabul etmedi. Lenfanjiyoma sirkumskriptum her ne kadar erken yaşlarda gözlense de ileri yaşlarda da karşımıza çıkabilmekte ve penisin diğer lezyonları ile karışabilmektedir. Bu yazıda, bu nadir duruma dikkati çekmek ve gereksiz tedavileri önlemek için ileri yaşta gözlenen bir penil lenfanjiyoma sirkumskriptum olgusu sundu
Lymphangioma circumscriptum is a lymphatic malformation that is observed at early ages. It affects mostly the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but may affect all of the body organs and extend to the muscles. A 67-year-old male was referred to our department complaining of vesicular and erythematous lesions on the glans penis and an edematous skin lesion on the penile shaft that had recurred over the last 6 months. The patient had no history of allergy, trauma, drug use, or insect bites. An excisional biopsy taken from the penile skin was diagnosed as lymphangioma circumscriptum. The patient refused surgical excision or other treatment options for the penile lesion. Lymphangioma circumscriptum is predominantly observed at early ages, but it may arise at advanced ages and be confused with other penile lesions. Here, we report a case of penile lymphangioma circumscriptum that was observed at an advanced age to alert physicians to this rare condition and to prevent unnecessary therapy.
Lymphangioma circumscriptum is a lymphatic malformation that is observed at early ages. It affects mostly the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but may affect all of the body organs and extend to the muscles. A 67-year-old male was referred to our department complaining of vesicular and erythematous lesions on the glans penis and an edematous skin lesion on the penile shaft that had recurred over the last 6 months. The patient had no history of allergy, trauma, drug use, or insect bites. An excisional biopsy taken from the penile skin was diagnosed as lymphangioma circumscriptum. The patient refused surgical excision or other treatment options for the penile lesion. Lymphangioma circumscriptum is predominantly observed at early ages, but it may arise at advanced ages and be confused with other penile lesions. Here, we report a case of penile lymphangioma circumscriptum that was observed at an advanced age to alert physicians to this rare condition and to prevent unnecessary therapy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemanjiyom, Lenfanjiyom, Penis, Hemangioma, Lymphangioma, Penis
Türk Üroloji Dergisi
Turkish Journal of Urology
Turkish Journal of Urology
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