Vergi hukukunda maktu vergi ve tutarların “Yeniden Değerleme Oranına” endekslenerek güncellenmesinin “Vergilerin Kanuniliği İlkesi” açısından değerlendirilmesi
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Vergilerin kanuniliği ilkesi gereği vergilendir- me yetkisi aslen yasama organının uhdesindedir. Ancak yasama organının konuyu bütün ayrıntıları ile düzenlemesi mümkün değildir. Özellikle enf- lasyonist dönemlerde maktu vergilerin günün ekonomik koşullarına göre güncellenmesi gerek- tiğinden bu yetki belirli şartlar ve kısıtlamalarla Bakanlar Kuruluna verilmiştir.Ancak zamanla Ba- kanlar Kurulu da bu yetkisini kullanma konusun- da yetersiz kalmıştır.Bu nedenle maktu vergilerin güncellenmesi amacıyla, Vergi Usul Kanunu’nda yer alan yeniden değerleme oranı baz alınarak yıl- lık otomatik bir endeksleme sistemine geçilmiştir. Ancak sistemin vergilerin kanuniliği ilkesi karşısın- daki durumu konusunda zaman zaman tereddüt- ler ortaya çıkmıştır. Anayasa Mahkemesi konunun anayasal itirazlar çerçevesinde makul bir temele oturmasında önemli bir görev üstlenmiştir. Bu nedenle çalışmada önce konunun te- orik ve yasal çerçevesi çizilmiştir. Yeri geldikçe doktrinde yer alan tartışmalara yer verilmiştir. Akabinde Anayasa Mahkemesinin örnek bazı ka- rarları ışığında sisteme bakışı ele alınmıştır. Ana- yasa Mahkemesi, vergilerin yeniden değerleme oranına endekslenerek güncellenmesini, anayasal ilkelere aykırı görmemektedir. Ancak doktrinde özellikle para cezaları ile ilgili tartışma halen sür- mektedir. Bu nedenle, vergilerin güncellenmesi sisteminde daha dikkatli olunarak belirli detaylarla ilgili bazı düzenlemelerin yapılması gerektiği so- nucuna varılmıştır.
As required the principle of statutory taxes, taxing power is under legislature’s responsibility. However, it is not possible for legislative body to issue regulations in details. Especially in the inf- lationary periods, this power can be given to the Council of Ministers with specific conditions and restrictions; because of the fixed taxes require to be updated according to the prevailing economic conditions. However, the Council of Ministers has also sometimes been insufficient to use the po- wer. Therefore, an automatic annually indexing system was introduced by using the revaluation rate which located in the Tax Procedure Law for updating the fixed taxes. However, sometimes some doubts have arisen about the system, re- lated with the principle of statutory taxes. The Constitutional Court has undertaken an important role in putting a reasonable framework related to the issue in the frame of constitutional oppositions. Therefore, in the study, after the analyzing theoretical issues and legal framework, if it is necessary, the discussions in the doctrine were given. Then, it is discussed how the Constitutio- nal Court is looking at the system in the light of some examples of judgments. The Constitutional Court approved to update the taxes by indexing to the revaluation rate according to the prevai- ling economic conditions. However, the doctrine is still on the discussion especially about the fines. Therefore, as a result, it can be said, tax updating system needs some regulations on the specific details more carefully.
As required the principle of statutory taxes, taxing power is under legislature’s responsibility. However, it is not possible for legislative body to issue regulations in details. Especially in the inf- lationary periods, this power can be given to the Council of Ministers with specific conditions and restrictions; because of the fixed taxes require to be updated according to the prevailing economic conditions. However, the Council of Ministers has also sometimes been insufficient to use the po- wer. Therefore, an automatic annually indexing system was introduced by using the revaluation rate which located in the Tax Procedure Law for updating the fixed taxes. However, sometimes some doubts have arisen about the system, re- lated with the principle of statutory taxes. The Constitutional Court has undertaken an important role in putting a reasonable framework related to the issue in the frame of constitutional oppositions. Therefore, in the study, after the analyzing theoretical issues and legal framework, if it is necessary, the discussions in the doctrine were given. Then, it is discussed how the Constitutio- nal Court is looking at the system in the light of some examples of judgments. The Constitutional Court approved to update the taxes by indexing to the revaluation rate according to the prevai- ling economic conditions. However, the doctrine is still on the discussion especially about the fines. Therefore, as a result, it can be said, tax updating system needs some regulations on the specific details more carefully.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Vergilerin Kanuniliği İlkesi, Yeniden Değerleme Oranı, Vergilerin Güncellenmesinde Endeksleme, The Principle of Statutory Taxes, The Revaluation Rate, Indexingin Tax Updating
Vergi Sorunları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri