İçme suyu şebeke otomasyonunun tasarımı ve gerçekleştirilmesi
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Günümüzde içme suyu şebekeleri hemen hemen her yerleşim bölgesinde mevcuttur ve içme suyu şebekesi yönetimi kaçınılmaz bir sorundur. Özellikle bu şebekeler çoğu yerlerde, kişilerin inisiyatifine bağlı olarak kontrolsüz bir şekilde yönetilmektedir. Bu sebeple enerji tüketimi, su sarfiyatı ve insan gücü kaybı oldukça fazladır. İçme suyu şebekelerinde temelde yüksek noktalarda su depoları bulunmakta, alçak noktalarda ise pompa istasyonu ile depolara su gönderilmektedir. Otomasyonsuz sistemlerde pompa istasyonundaki motor depolara görevli kişinin pompayı çalıştırması ile su göndermektedir. Eğer depo ile pompa istasyonu arasında haberleşme yoksa, kontrolsüz olarak zamanlamalı çalıştırılan pompa ile depo taşmaktadır. Bu sebeple su sarfiyatı, pompanın elektrik sarfiyatı ve sistemi çalıştırıp kontrolü sağlayan insan gücü kaybı ile motorun mekanik ömrünün azalması en önemli kayıplardır. Bu çalışmada Ankara ili Kızılcahamam ilçesinin içme suyu şebekesinin, bilgisayar kontrollü otomasyon sistemine çevrilmesi sağlanmıştır. İlçede içme suyu için 7 su deposu ve 8 pompa istasyonu bulunmaktadır. Çalışmanın tamamlanması ile su depolarının taşması veya depoların boş kalması engellenmiştir. Ayrıca pompa arızaları, elektrik sarfiyatı ve sistem kontrolünü sağlayan çalışan sayısı minimuma indirgenmiştir. Uygulanan sistem 2011 yılından günümüzde aktif olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Today, water supply networks are available in almost residential area and water supply network management is an inevitable question. In particular, this network is managed in the villages and districts in an uncontrolled manner due to the initiative of the people. For this reason, energy consumption, water consumption and loss of human power are considerable. In the water supply networks basically there are water reservoirs at high points and in the low points water is being pumped with pump station. In automation-free systems, the engine in the pump station is flooded with water. If there is no communication between the tank and the pumping station, the tank is run with uncontrolled timed pump. For this reason, water consumption, pump power consumption and loss of man power that enables the system to operate and control and the decrease of the engine mechanical life are the most important losses. In order to eliminate these problems, automation works of water supply networks are being developed more and more day by day. In this study, the water supply network of Kızılcahamam district of Ankara was converted into a computer controlled automation system. There are 7 water tanks and 8 pumping stations for drinking water in the district. With the completion of the work, the flood of water tanks or the storage of the tanks is prevented. In addition, the number of employees providing pump failures, electricity consumption and system control has been reduced to a minimum. The applied system has been actively used from 2011 to today.
Today, water supply networks are available in almost residential area and water supply network management is an inevitable question. In particular, this network is managed in the villages and districts in an uncontrolled manner due to the initiative of the people. For this reason, energy consumption, water consumption and loss of human power are considerable. In the water supply networks basically there are water reservoirs at high points and in the low points water is being pumped with pump station. In automation-free systems, the engine in the pump station is flooded with water. If there is no communication between the tank and the pumping station, the tank is run with uncontrolled timed pump. For this reason, water consumption, pump power consumption and loss of man power that enables the system to operate and control and the decrease of the engine mechanical life are the most important losses. In order to eliminate these problems, automation works of water supply networks are being developed more and more day by day. In this study, the water supply network of Kızılcahamam district of Ankara was converted into a computer controlled automation system. There are 7 water tanks and 8 pumping stations for drinking water in the district. With the completion of the work, the flood of water tanks or the storage of the tanks is prevented. In addition, the number of employees providing pump failures, electricity consumption and system control has been reduced to a minimum. The applied system has been actively used from 2011 to today.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sulama, Sulama Şebekesi, Şebeke Otomasyon, Kablosuz İletişim, Uzaktan Kontrol, Enerji Tasarrufu, Irrigation, Irrigation Network, Network Automation, Wireless Communication, Remote Control, Energy Saving
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